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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
This function pair is useful also when loading a partition from file to ensure that there are no gaps in block numbering.
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580 lines
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Copyright 2023 Equinor ASA
This file is part of the Open Porous Media Project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <config.h>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/compressPartition.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/ParallelCommunication.hpp>
#include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
#include <opm/common/utility/CSRGraphFromCoordinates.hpp>
// Note: The build system guarantees that we're only built in configurations
// that have both MPI and Zoltan. Zoltan.h redefines 'HAVE_MPI', so let it
// do so, but restore a simple definition afterwards.
#undef HAVE_MPI
#include <zoltan.h>
#undef HAVE_MPI
#define HAVE_MPI
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <numeric>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace {
/// Assign Zoltan control parameters.
/// Built-in defaults possibly overriden by user-selected values.
/// \param[in] params User-selected Zoltan control parameters.
/// \param[in,out] zz Opaque Zoltan context.
void setZoltanParameters(const Opm::ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan::ZoltanParamMap& params,
Zoltan_Struct* zz)
Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "DEBUG_LEVEL", "0");
Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_METHOD", "GRAPH");
Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_APPROACH", "PARTITION");
Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_GID_ENTRIES", "1");
Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_LID_ENTRIES", "1");
Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "RETURN_LISTS", "EXPORT"); // Self to "other"
Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "CHECK_GRAPH", "2");
Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "EDGE_WEIGHT_DIM", "0");
Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM", "0");
Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "PHG_EDGE_SIZE_THRESHOLD", "0.35"); // 0-remove all, 1-remove none
for (const auto& [ param, value ] : params) {
Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, param.c_str(), value.c_str());
/// Create consecutive numbering of reachable vertices
class EnumerateSeenVertices
/// Constructor.
/// \tparam Edge Type for representing a directed edge between a
/// pair of vertices. Must support \code std::get<>() \endcode
/// protocol. Typically a \code std::pair<> \endcode of integral
/// types.
/// \param[in] numVertices Maximum number of vertices in graph.
/// \param[in] edges Edge representation of connectivity graph.
template <typename Edge>
explicit EnumerateSeenVertices(const std::size_t numVertices,
const std::vector<Edge>& edges)
: index_(numVertices, -1)
auto seen = std::vector<bool>(numVertices, false);
for (const auto& [v1, v2] : edges) {
seen[v1] = true;
seen[v2] = true;
for (auto vertex = 0*numVertices; vertex < numVertices; ++vertex) {
if (seen[vertex]) {
this->index_[vertex] = this->numSeenVertices_++;
/// Retrieve number of reachable vertices. Less than or equal to \p
/// numVertices.
std::size_t numVertices() const
return this->numSeenVertices_;
/// Retrieve reachable index of vertex.
/// \param[in] vertex Vertex ID in original numbering
/// \return Reachable index of \p vertex. -1 if \p vertex is not
/// reachable.
int operator[](const std::size_t vertex) const
return this->index_[vertex];
/// Indices of reachable vertices.
std::vector<int> index_{};
/// Number of reachable vertices. One more than the maximum value
/// in \c index_.
int numSeenVertices_{0};
/// Unstructured graph of reachable vertices
class VertexGraph
/// Constructor.
/// \tparam Edge Type for representing a directed edge between a
/// pair of vertices. Must support \code std::get<>() \endcode
/// protocol. Typically a \code std::pair<> \endcode of integral
/// types.
/// \tparam GlobalCellID Callback type for mapping a vertex ID to a
/// globally unique ID. Typically the same as
/// \code ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan::GlobalCellID \endcode.
/// \param[in] myRank Current rank in MPI communicator. Needed by
/// Zoltan.
/// \param[in] numVertices Maximum number of vertices in graph.
/// \param[in] edges Edge representation of connectivity graph.
/// \param[in] vertexId Enumeration of reachable vertices.
/// \param[in] globalCell Callback for mapping (local) vertex IDs to
/// globally unique vertex IDs.
template <typename Edge, typename GlobalCellID>
explicit VertexGraph(const int myRank,
const std::size_t numVertices,
const std::vector<Edge>& edges,
const EnumerateSeenVertices& vertexId,
GlobalCellID&& globalCell)
: myRank_ { myRank }
// Form undirected connectivity graph.
for (const auto& [v1, v2] : edges) {
this->graph_.addConnection(vertexId[v1], vertexId[v2]);
this->graph_.addConnection(vertexId[v2], vertexId[v1]);
// Form local-to-global vertex ID mapping for reachable vertices.
for (auto vertex = 0*numVertices; vertex < numVertices; ++vertex) {
if (const auto localIx = vertexId[vertex]; localIx >= 0) {
this->globalCell_[localIx] = globalCell(vertex);
/// Retrive my rank in current MPI communicator.
/// Needed by Zoltan.
int myRank() const
return this->myRank_;
/// Retrieve number of vertices in connectivity graph.
int numVertices() const
return static_cast<int>(this->graph_.numVertices());
/// Retrieve globally unique ID of reachable vertex.
/// \param[in] localCell Index of locally reachable cell/vertex.
int globalId(const int localCell) const
return this->globalCell_[localCell];
/// Get read-only access to start pointers of graph's CSR representation.
/// \return Reference to start pointers (IA array).
decltype(auto) startPointers() const
return this->graph_.startPointers();
/// Get read-only access to column indices of graph's CSR representation.
/// \return Reference to column indices (JA array).
decltype(auto) columnIndices() const
return this->graph_.columnIndices();
// VertexID = int, TrackCompressedIdx = false
using Backend = Opm::utility::CSRGraphFromCoordinates<>;
/// My rank in current MPI communicator.
int myRank_{};
/// Globally unique vertex ID of each locally reachable vertex.
std::vector<int> globalCell_{};
/// Vertex connectivity graph.
Backend graph_{};
// Use C linkage for Zoltan interface/query functions. Ensures maximum compatibility.
extern "C" {
/// Compute number of vertices in connectivity graph.
/// Callback for Zoltan_Set_Num_Obj_Fn.
/// \param[in] graphPtr Opaque user data. Assumed to point to a
/// \c VertexGraph instance.
/// \param[out] ierr Error code for Zoltan consumption. Single \c int.
int numVertices(void* graphPtr, int* ierr)
*ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
return static_cast<VertexGraph*>(graphPtr)->numVertices();
/// Compute number of neighbours for each vertex in connectivity graph.
/// Callback for Zoltan_Set_Num_Edges_Multi_Fn.
/// \param[in] graphPtr Opaque user data. Assumed to point to a
/// \c VertexGraph instance.
/// \param[in] numCells Number of cells/vertices/objects for which to
/// compute number of neighbours.
/// \param[in] localID Local IDs of those cells/vertices/objects for
/// which to compute the respective number of neighbours.
/// \param[in,out] numEdges Number of neighbours (in/out edges) for each
/// cell/vertex/object. Size equal to \code numVertices(graphPtr)
/// \endcode. Populated by this function. Allocated by Zoltan.
/// \param[out] ierr Error code for Zoltan consumption. Single \c int.
void numEdges(void* graphPtr,
const int /* sizeGID */,
const int /* sizeLID */,
const int numCells,
ZOLTAN_ID_PTR /* globalID */,
int* numEdges,
int* ierr)
const auto& ia = static_cast<VertexGraph*>(graphPtr)->startPointers();
for (auto cell = 0*numCells; cell < numCells; ++cell) {
const auto localCell = localID[cell];
numEdges[cell] = ia[localCell + 1] - ia[localCell + 0];
*ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
/// Identify objects/vertices in connectivity graph.
/// Callback for Zoltan_Set_Obj_List_Fn.
/// \param[in] graphPtr Opaque user data. Assumed to point to a
/// \c VertexGraph instance.
/// \param[in] numElmsPerGid Number of ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE elements needed to
/// describe a single globally unique object/vertex ID. Must be one
/// (1) in this implementation.
/// \param[in] numElmsPerLid Number of ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE elements needed to
/// describe a single local object/vertex ID. Must be one (1) in this
/// implementation.
/// \param[in,out] globalIds Globally unique object/vertex IDs. Size
/// equal to \code numElmsPerGid * numVertices(graphPtr) \endcode.
/// Populated by this function. Allocated by Zoltan.
/// \param[in,out] localIds Local object/vertex IDs. Size equal to
/// \code numElmsPerLid * numVertices(graphPtr) \endcode. Populated
/// by this function. Allocated by Zoltan.
/// \param[out] ierr Error code for Zoltan consumption. Single \c int.
void vertexList(void* graphPtr,
const int numElmsPerGid,
const int numElmsPerLid,
ZOLTAN_ID_PTR globalIds,
const int /* wgtDim */,
float* /* objWgts */,
int* ierr)
if ((numElmsPerGid != numElmsPerLid) || (numElmsPerLid != 1)) {
const auto* graph = static_cast<VertexGraph*>(graphPtr);
if (graph->numVertices() == 0) {
*ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
std::iota(&localIds[0], &localIds[0] + graph->numVertices(), ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE{0});
&localIds[0] + graph->numVertices(),
[graph](const int localCell) -> ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE
return graph->globalId(localCell);
*ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
/// Identify neighbours in connectivity graph.
/// Callback for Zoltan_Set_Edge_List_Multi_Fn
/// \param[in] graphPtr Opaque user data. Assumed to point to a
/// \c VertexGraph instance.
/// \param[in] numElmsPerGid Number of ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE elements needed to
/// describe a single globally unique object/vertex ID. Must be one
/// (1) in this implementation.
/// \param[in] numElmsPerLid Number of ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE elements needed to
/// describe a single local object/vertex ID. Must be one (1) in this
/// implementation.
/// \param[in] numCells Number of cells/vertices/objects for which to
/// identify the neighbouring cells/vertices/objects.
/// \param[in] localIds Local object/vertex IDs. Size equal to \code
/// numElmsPerLid * numVertices(graphPtr) \endcode.
/// \param[in,out] neighbourGid Globally unique object ID of each
/// neighbour cell/vertex/object. Populated by this function.
/// Allocated by Zoltan.
/// \param[in,out] neighbourProc Owner of each neighbouring
/// cell/vertex/object. Populated by this function. Allocated by
/// Zoltan.
/// \param[out] ierr Error code for Zoltan consumption. Single \c int.
void edgeList(void* graphPtr,
const int numElmsPerGid,
const int numElmsPerLid,
const int numCells,
ZOLTAN_ID_PTR /* globalIds */,
int* /* numEdges */,
ZOLTAN_ID_PTR neighbourGid,
int* neighbourProc,
int /* weightDim */,
float* /* edgeWeights */,
int* ierr)
const auto* graph = static_cast<VertexGraph*>(graphPtr);
if ((numElmsPerGid != numElmsPerLid) ||
(numElmsPerLid != 1) ||
(numCells != graph->numVertices()))
if (graph->numVertices() == 0) {
*ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
const auto& ia = graph->startPointers();
const auto& ja = graph->columnIndices();
for (auto cell = 0*numCells, ix = 0; cell < numCells; ++cell) {
const auto localCell = localIds[cell];
for (auto neighIx = ia[localCell], end = ia[localCell + 1];
neighIx != end; ++neighIx, ++ix)
neighbourGid [ix] = static_cast<ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE>(graph->globalId(ja[neighIx]));
neighbourProc[ix] = graph->myRank();
} // extern "C"
/// Partition VertexGraph objects using Zoltan graph partitioning software.
class Partitioner
/// Constructor.
/// \param[in] comm MPI communicator.
/// \param[in] params Control parameters for Zoltan graph partitioning procedure.
explicit Partitioner(const Opm::Parallel::Communication comm,
const Opm::ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan::ZoltanParamMap& params);
/// Destructor.
/// Destroys Zoltan context.
/// Partition VertexGraph instance.
/// \param[in] graphPtr Graph being partitioned. Assumed to point
/// to a \c VertexGraph instance that is fully populated by caller.
/// \param[in] numCells Number of vertices in graph pointed to by \p
/// graphPtr. Used to size the resulting partition vector.
/// \return Partition vector. Non-negative block IDs for each of
/// the \p numCells cells/vertices/objects in \p graphPtr.
std::vector<int> operator()(void* graphPtr, const std::size_t numCells);
/// Helper RAII type to manage partition ("part") memory allocated
/// by Zoltan.
struct ZoltanPart
/// Globally unique cell/vertex/object IDs.
ZOLTAN_ID_PTR globalId{nullptr};
/// Local cell/vertex/object IDs.
ZOLTAN_ID_PTR localId{nullptr};
/// Owning process for each cell/vertex/object.
int* process{nullptr};
/// Block/domain to which each cell/vertex/object is assigned.
int* block{nullptr};
/// Destructor.
/// Releases partition ("part") memory acquired by Zoltan.
/// Zoltan library context.
Zoltan_Struct* zz_{nullptr};
Partitioner::Partitioner(const Opm::Parallel::Communication comm,
const Opm::ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan::ZoltanParamMap& params)
const auto argc = 0;
char* argv[] = { nullptr };
auto ver = 0.0f;
const auto rc = Zoltan_Initialize(argc, argv, &ver);
if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Unable to Initialise Zoltan");
this->zz_ = Zoltan_Create(comm);
setZoltanParameters(params, this->zz_);
Partitioner::operator()(void* graphPtr, const std::size_t numCells)
Zoltan_Set_Num_Obj_Fn (this->zz_, &numVertices, graphPtr);
Zoltan_Set_Num_Edges_Multi_Fn(this->zz_, &numEdges , graphPtr);
Zoltan_Set_Obj_List_Fn (this->zz_, &vertexList, graphPtr);
Zoltan_Set_Edge_List_Multi_Fn(this->zz_, &edgeList , graphPtr);
auto send = ZoltanPart{}; // Objects to export/send to "other" processes/parts
auto recv = ZoltanPart{}; // Objects to import/receive from "other" processes/parts
auto partitionChanged = 0;
auto numElmPerGid = 1;
auto numElmPerLid = 1;
auto numRecv = 0;
auto numSend = 0;
const auto rc = Zoltan_LB_Partition
&numElmPerGid, &numElmPerLid,
&numRecv, &recv.globalId, &recv.localId, &recv.process, &recv.block,
&numSend, &send.globalId, &send.localId, &send.process, &send.block);
if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Failed to Partition Domain Graph");
auto blocks = std::vector<int>(numCells, 0);
for (auto e = 0*numSend; e < numSend; ++e) {
blocks[send.localId[e]] = send.block[e];
return blocks;
void forceSameDomain(const std::vector<int>& cells,
std::vector<int>& parts)
if (cells.empty()) { return; }
const auto first = parts[cells.front()];
for (auto& cell : cells) {
parts[cell] = first;
} // Anonymous namespace
Opm::ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan::partitionElements(const ZoltanParamMap& params) const
const auto vertexId = EnumerateSeenVertices { this->numElements_, this->conns_ };
auto graph = VertexGraph {
this->comm_.rank(), this->numElements_,
this->conns_, vertexId, this->globalCell_
const auto partsForReachableCells = Partitioner {
this->comm_, params
}(static_cast<void*>(&graph), graph.numVertices());
// Map reachable cells back to full cell numbering.
auto parts = std::vector<int>(this->numElements_, -1);
for (auto elm = 0*this->numElements_; elm < this->numElements_; ++elm) {
if (const auto reachableElmIx = vertexId[elm]; reachableElmIx >= 0) {
parts[elm] = partsForReachableCells[reachableElmIx];
for (const auto& cells : this->sameDomain_) {
::forceSameDomain(cells, parts);
return util::compressPartitionIDs(std::move(parts));