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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
By using a separate variable for this we can easily grep for where the build system depends on its own location, and also change the policy regarding this later. Note that there is no opm-macros module; this is a "psuedo"-module which links to an additional one (currently, the one we're in)
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93 lines
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# - Write version information into the source code
# Add an unconditional target to the Makefile which checks the current
# SHA of the source directory and write to a header file if and *only*
# if this has changed (thus we avoid unnecessary rebuilds). By having
# this in the Makefile, we get updated version information even though
# we haven't done any reconfiguring.
# The time it takes to probe the VCS for this information and write it
# to the miniature file in negligable.
# If the build type is Debug, then we only write a static version
# information as it gets tiresome to rebuild the project everytime one
# makes changes to any of the unit tests.
string (TOUPPER "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" cmake_build_type_upper_)
if (cmake_build_type_upper_ MATCHES DEBUG)
file (WRITE "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/project-version.h"
"#define PROJECT_VERSION \"${${project}_LABEL} (debug)\"\n"
else ()
find_package (Git)
endif ()
# if git is *still* not found means it is not present on the
# system, so there is "no" way we can update the SHA. notice
# that this is a slightly different version of the label than
# above.
file (WRITE "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/project-version.h"
"#define PROJECT_VERSION \"${${project}_LABEL}\"\n"
else ()
add_custom_target (update-version ALL
-P ${OPM_MACROS_ROOT}/cmake/Scripts/WriteVerSHA.cmake
COMMENT "Updating version information"
# the target above gets built every time thanks to the "ALL" modifier,
# but it must also be done before the main library so it can pick up
# any changes it does.
if (${project}_TARGET)
add_dependencies (${${project}_TARGET} update-version)
endif ()
endif ()
endif ()
# safety precaution: check that we don't have version number mismatch.
# first get the name of the module (e.g. "core")
set (_module_regexp "([^-]+)-(.*)")
string (REGEX REPLACE "${_module_regexp}" "\\1" _suite_name "${project}")
string (REGEX REPLACE "${_module_regexp}" "\\2" _module_name "${project}")
# if we have a version number it must be in this file, e.g. opm/core/version.h
set (_rel_ver_h "${${project}_DIR}/${_module_name}/version.h")
set (_version_h "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_rel_ver_h}")
# not all modules have version files, so only check if they do
if (EXISTS "${_version_h}")
# uppercase versions which is used in the file
string (TOUPPER "${_suite_name}" _suite_upper)
string (TOUPPER "${_module_name}" _module_upper)
# scan the files for version define for major version
set (_major_regexp "#define[ ]+${_suite_upper}_${_module_upper}_VERSION_MAJOR[ ]+([0-9]*)")
file (STRINGS "${_version_h}" _version_h_major REGEX "${_major_regexp}")
string (REGEX REPLACE "${_major_regexp}" "\\1" _version_h_major "${_version_h_major}")
# exactly the same, but minor version (making a macro is more lines...)
set (_minor_regexp "#define[ ]+${_suite_upper}_${_module_upper}_VERSION_MINOR[ ]+([0-9]*)")
file (STRINGS "${_version_h}" _version_h_minor REGEX "${_minor_regexp}")
string (REGEX REPLACE "${_minor_regexp}" "\\1" _version_h_minor "${_version_h_minor}")
# compare what we got from the file with what we have defined here
if (NOT (("${_version_h_major}" EQUAL "${${project}_VERSION_MAJOR}")
AND ("${_version_h_minor}" EQUAL "${${project}_VERSION_MINOR}")))
set (_proj_ver "${${project}_VERSION_MAJOR}.${${project}_VERSION_MINOR}")
set (_file_ver "${_version_h_major}.${_version_h_minor}")
"Version in build system (dune.module) is \"${_proj_ver}\", "
"but version in source (${_rel_ver_h}) is \"${_file_ver}\""
endif ()
endif ()