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synced 2025-02-03 23:20:28 -06:00
the emphasis of this is on *hack*: in the long run, the opm-core equilibration code should be replaced by something cleaner and more versatile...
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262 lines
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Copyright (C) 2014 by Andreas Lauser
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* \file
* \copydoc Ewoms::EclEquilInitializer
#include <ewoms/common/propertysystem.hh>
#include <opm/material/fluidstates/CompositionalFluidState.hpp>
// the ordering of these includes matters. do not touch it if you're not prepared to deal
// with some trouble!
#include <dune/grid/cpgrid/GridHelpers.hpp>
#include <opm/core/props/BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck.hpp>
#include <opm/core/simulator/initStateEquil.hpp>
#include <opm/core/simulator/BlackoilState.hpp>
#include <vector>
namespace Ewoms {
namespace Properties {
* \ingroup EclBlackOilSimulator
* \brief Computes the initial condition based on the EQUIL keyword from ECL.
* So far, it uses the "initStateEquil()" function from opm-core. Since this method is
* very much glued into the opm-core data structures, it should be reimplemented in the
* medium to long term for some significant memory savings and less significant
* performance improvements.
template <class TypeTag>
class EclEquilInitializer
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Simulator) Simulator;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem) FluidSystem;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridView) GridView;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, MaterialLaw) MaterialLaw;
typedef Opm::CompositionalFluidState<Scalar, FluidSystem> ScalarFluidState;
enum { numPhases = FluidSystem::numPhases };
enum { oilPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx };
enum { gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx };
enum { waterPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx };
enum { numComponents = FluidSystem::numComponents };
enum { oilCompIdx = FluidSystem::oilCompIdx };
enum { gasCompIdx = FluidSystem::gasCompIdx };
enum { waterCompIdx = FluidSystem::waterCompIdx };
enum { dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld };
template <class MaterialLawManager>
EclEquilInitializer(const Simulator& simulator,
std::shared_ptr<MaterialLawManager> materialLawManager)
: simulator_(simulator)
const auto& gridManager = simulator.gridManager();
const auto deck = gridManager.deck();
const auto eclState = gridManager.eclState();
const auto& equilGrid = gridManager.equilGrid();
unsigned numElems = gridManager.grid().size(0);
unsigned numEquilElems = gridManager.equilGrid().size(0);
unsigned numCartesianElems = gridManager.cartesianSize();
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem) FluidSystem;
typedef Opm::ThreePhaseMaterialTraits<double,
/*gasPhaseIdx=*/FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx> EquilTraits;
// create a separate instance of the material law manager just because opm-core
// only supports double as the type for scalars (but ebos may use float or quad)
std::vector<int> compressedToCartesianEquilElemIdx(numEquilElems);
for (unsigned equilElemIdx = 0; equilElemIdx < numEquilElems; ++equilElemIdx)
compressedToCartesianEquilElemIdx[equilElemIdx] = gridManager.equilCartesianIndex(equilElemIdx);
auto equilMaterialLawManager =
std::make_shared<Opm::EclMaterialLawManager<EquilTraits> >();
equilMaterialLawManager->initFromDeck(deck, eclState, compressedToCartesianEquilElemIdx);
// create the data structures which are used by initStateEquil()
Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup tmpParam;
Opm::BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck opmBlackoilProps(
assert( gridManager.grid().size(/*codim=*/0) == static_cast<int>(numEquilElems) );
// initialize the boiler plate of opm-core the state structure.
Opm::BlackoilState opmBlackoilState;
/*numFaces=*/0, // we don't care here
// do the actual computation.
simulator.problem().gravity()[dimWorld - 1],
// copy the result into the array of initial fluid states
for (unsigned equilElemIdx = 0; equilElemIdx < numEquilElems; ++equilElemIdx) {
unsigned cartesianElemIdx = gridManager.equilCartesianIndex(equilElemIdx);
auto &fluidState = initialFluidStates_[cartesianElemIdx];
// get the PVT region index of the current element
unsigned regionIdx = simulator_.problem().pvtRegionIndex(equilElemIdx);
// set the phase saturations
for (unsigned phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx) {
Scalar S = opmBlackoilState.saturation()[equilElemIdx*numPhases + phaseIdx];
fluidState.setSaturation(phaseIdx, S);
// set the temperature
const auto& temperatureVector = opmBlackoilState.temperature();
Scalar T = FluidSystem::surfaceTemperature;
if (!temperatureVector.empty())
T = temperatureVector[equilElemIdx];
// set the phase pressures. the Opm::BlackoilState only provides the oil
// phase pressure, so we need to calculate the other phases' pressures
// ourselfs.
Dune::FieldVector< Scalar, numPhases > pC( 0 );
const auto& matParams = simulator.problem().materialLawParams(equilElemIdx);
MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pC, matParams, fluidState);
Scalar po = opmBlackoilState.pressure()[equilElemIdx];
for (unsigned phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx)
fluidState.setPressure(phaseIdx, po + (pC[phaseIdx] - pC[oilPhaseIdx]));
// reset the phase compositions
for (unsigned phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx)
for (unsigned compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx)
fluidState.setMoleFraction(phaseIdx, compIdx, 0.0);
// the composition of the water phase is simple: it only consists of the
// water component.
fluidState.setMoleFraction(waterPhaseIdx, waterCompIdx, 1.0);
if (gridManager.deck()->hasKeyword("DISGAS")) {
// for gas and oil we have to translate surface volumes to mole fractions
// before we can set the composition in the fluid state
Scalar Rs = opmBlackoilState.gasoilratio()[equilElemIdx];
Scalar RsSat = FluidSystem::saturatedDissolutionFactor(fluidState, oilPhaseIdx, regionIdx);
if (Rs > RsSat)
Rs = RsSat;
// convert the Rs factor to mole fraction dissolved gas in oil
Scalar XoG = FluidSystem::convertRsToXoG(Rs, regionIdx);
Scalar xoG = FluidSystem::convertXoGToxoG(XoG, regionIdx);
fluidState.setMoleFraction(oilPhaseIdx, oilCompIdx, 1 - xoG);
fluidState.setMoleFraction(oilPhaseIdx, gasCompIdx, xoG);
// retrieve the surface volume of vaporized gas
if (gridManager.deck()->hasKeyword("VAPOIL")) {
Scalar Rv = opmBlackoilState.rv()[equilElemIdx];
Scalar RvSat = FluidSystem::saturatedDissolutionFactor(fluidState, gasPhaseIdx, regionIdx);
if (Rv > RvSat)
Rv = RvSat;
// convert the Rs factor to mole fraction dissolved gas in oil
Scalar XgO = FluidSystem::convertRvToXgO(Rv, regionIdx);
Scalar xgO = FluidSystem::convertXgOToxgO(XgO, regionIdx);
fluidState.setMoleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, oilCompIdx, xgO);
fluidState.setMoleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, gasCompIdx, 1 - xgO);
// deal with the capillary pressure modification due to SWATINIT. this is
// only necessary because, the fine equilibration code from opm-core requires
// its own grid and its own material law manager...
std::vector<int> cartesianToCompressedElemIdx(numCartesianElems, -1);
for (unsigned elemIdx = 0; elemIdx < numElems; ++elemIdx) {
int cartElemIdx = gridManager.cartesianIndex(elemIdx);
cartesianToCompressedElemIdx[cartElemIdx] = elemIdx;
for (unsigned equilElemIdx = 0; equilElemIdx < numEquilElems; ++equilElemIdx) {
int cartElemIdx = gridManager.equilCartesianIndex(equilElemIdx);
assert(cartElemIdx >= 0);
int elemIdx = cartesianToCompressedElemIdx[cartElemIdx];
if (elemIdx < 0)
// the element is present in the grid for used for equilibration but
// it isn't present in the one used for the simulation. the most
// probable reason for this is that the simulation grid was load
// balanced.
auto& scalingPoints = materialLawManager->oilWaterScaledEpsPointsDrainage(equilElemIdx);
const auto& equilScalingPoints = equilMaterialLawManager->oilWaterScaledEpsPointsDrainage(equilElemIdx);
* \brief Return the initial thermodynamic state which should be used as the initial
* condition.
* This is supposed to correspond to hydrostatic conditions.
const ScalarFluidState& initialFluidState(unsigned elemIdx) const
const auto& gridManager = simulator_.gridManager();
unsigned cartesianElemIdx = gridManager.cartesianIndex(elemIdx);
return initialFluidStates_[cartesianElemIdx];
const Simulator& simulator_;
std::vector<ScalarFluidState> initialFluidStates_;
} // namespace Ewoms