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#include <opm/polymer/fullyimplicit/IncompPropsAdFromDeck.hpp>
#include <opm/polymer/fullyimplicit/AutoDiffHelpers.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/Units.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/ErrorMacros.hpp>
#include <iostream>
namespace Opm
IncompPropsAdFromDeck::IncompPropsAdFromDeck(const EclipseGridParser& deck,
const UnstructuredGrid& grid)
rock_.init(deck, grid);
satprops_.init(deck, grid, 200);
if (pvt_.numPhases() != satprops_.numPhases()) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck::BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck() - "
"Inconsistent number of phases in pvt data (" << pvt_.numPhases()
<< ") and saturation-dependent function data (" << satprops_.numPhases() << ").");
// rock interface
int IncompPropsAdFromDeck::numDimensions() const
return rock_.numDimensions();
int IncompPropsAdFromDeck::numCells() const
return rock_.numCells();
const double* IncompPropsAdFromDeck::porosity() const
return rock_.porosity();
const double* IncompPropsAdFromDeck::permeability() const
return rock_.permeability();
// fluid interface
int IncompPropsAdFromDeck::numPhases() const
return pvt_.numPhases();
const double* IncompPropsAdFromDeck::viscosity() const
return pvt_.viscosity();
const double* IncompPropsAdFromDeck::density() const
return pvt_.reservoirDensities();
const double* IncompPropsAdFromDeck::surfaceDensity() const
return pvt_.surfaceDensities();
typedef IncompPropsAdFromDeck::ADB ADB;
typedef IncompPropsAdFromDeck::V V;
typedef Eigen::Array<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> Block;
IncompPropsAdFromDeck::relperm(const V& sw,
const V& so,
const Cells& cells) const
const int n = cells.size();
const int np = numPhases();
Block s_all(n, np);
assert(sw.size() == n && so.size() == n);
s_all.col(0) = sw;
s_all.col(1) = so;
Block kr(n, np);
satprops_.relperm(n, s_all.data(), cells.data(), kr.data(), 0);
std::vector<V> relperms;
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
return relperms;
IncompPropsAdFromDeck::relperm(const ADB& sw,
const ADB& so,
const Cells& cells) const
const int n = cells.size();
const int np = numPhases();
Block s_all(n, np);
assert(sw.size() == n && so.size() == n);
s_all.col(0) = sw.value();
s_all.col(1) = so.value();
Block kr(n, np);
Block dkr(n, np*np);
satprops_.relperm(n, s_all.data(), cells.data(), kr.data(), dkr.data());
const int num_blocks = so.numBlocks();
std::vector<ADB> relperms;
typedef const ADB* ADBPtr;
ADBPtr s[2] = { &sw, &so };
for (int phase1 = 0; phase1 < np; ++phase1) {
const int phase1_pos = phase1;
std::vector<ADB::M> jacs(num_blocks);
for (int block = 0; block < num_blocks; ++block) {
jacs[block] = ADB::M(n, s[phase1]->derivative()[block].cols());
for (int phase2 = 0; phase2 < np; ++phase2) {
const int phase2_pos = phase2;
// Assemble dkr1/ds2.
const int column = phase1_pos + np*phase2_pos; // Recall: Fortran ordering from props_.relperm()
ADB::M dkr1_ds2_diag = spdiag(dkr.col(column));
for (int block = 0; block < num_blocks; ++block) {
jacs[block] += dkr1_ds2_diag * s[phase2]->derivative()[block];
relperms.emplace_back(ADB::function(kr.col(phase1_pos), jacs));
return relperms;
} //namespace Opm