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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
The opm/core directory is no longer meaningful, and it contains only components which might collectively be described as simulator utilities.
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Copyright 2021 Equinor ASA.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/simulators/wells/GasLiftCommon.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/BlackoilPhases.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
namespace Opm {
class DeferredLogger;
class GasLiftOpt;
class Group;
template<class Scalar> class GroupState;
class Schedule;
class SummaryState;
class Well;
template<class Scalar> class WellState;
template<class Scalar>
class GasLiftGroupInfo : public GasLiftCommon<Scalar>
class GroupRates;
// NOTE: In the Well2GroupMap below, in the std::vector value we store
// pairs of group names and efficiency factors. The efficiency factors
// are the product of the wells efficiency factor and all the efficiency
// factors of the child groups of the group all the way down
// to the well group.
using Well2GroupMap =
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<std::string,Scalar>>>;
using GroupRateMap =
std::map<std::string, GroupRates>;
using GroupIdxMap = std::map<std::string, int>;
using Communication = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>;
// TODO: same definition with WellInterface, and
// WellState eventually they should go to a common header file.
static const int Water = BlackoilPhases::Aqua;
static const int Oil = BlackoilPhases::Liquid;
static const int Gas = BlackoilPhases::Vapour;
enum class Rate {oil, gas, water, liquid};
using GLiftEclWells = std::map<std::string,std::pair<const Well *,int>>;
GasLiftGroupInfo(GLiftEclWells& ecl_wells,
const Schedule& schedule,
const SummaryState& summary_state,
const int report_step_idx,
const int iteration_idx,
const PhaseUsage& phase_usage,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger,
WellState<Scalar>& well_state,
const GroupState<Scalar>& group_state,
const Parallel::Communication& comm,
bool glift_debug);
getWellGroups(const std::string& well_name);
Scalar alqRate(const std::string& group_name);
Scalar gasRate(const std::string& group_name) const;
Scalar gasPotential(const std::string& group_name) const;
Scalar waterPotential(const std::string& group_name) const;
Scalar oilPotential(const std::string& group_name) const;
int getGroupIdx(const std::string& group_name);
Scalar getRate(Rate rate_type, const std::string& group_name) const;
Scalar getPotential(Rate rate_type, const std::string& group_name) const;
std::tuple<Scalar,Scalar,Scalar,Scalar> getRates(const int group_idx) const;
std::optional<Scalar> gasTarget(const std::string& group_name) const;
std::optional<Scalar> getTarget(Rate rate_type, const std::string& group_name) const;
const std::string& groupIdxToName(int group_idx) const;
bool hasAnyTarget(const std::string& group_name) const;
bool hasWell(const std::string& well_name);
void initialize();
std::optional<Scalar> liquidTarget(const std::string& group_name) const;
std::optional<Scalar> maxAlq(const std::string& group_name);
std::optional<Scalar> maxTotalGasRate(const std::string& group_name);
Scalar oilRate(const std::string& group_name) const;
std::optional<Scalar> oilTarget(const std::string& group_name) const;
static const std::string rateToString(Rate rate);
Scalar waterRate(const std::string& group_name) const;
std::optional<Scalar> waterTarget(const std::string& group_name) const;
void update(const std::string& well_name,
Scalar delta_oil,
Scalar delta_gas,
Scalar delta_water,
Scalar delta_alq);
void updateRate(int idx,
Scalar oil_rate,
Scalar gas_rate,
Scalar water_rate,
Scalar alq);
const Well2GroupMap& wellGroupMap() { return well_group_map_; }
bool checkDoGasLiftOptimization_(const std::string& well_name);
bool checkNewtonIterationIdxOk_(const std::string& well_name);
void debugDisplayWellContribution_(const std::string& gr_name,
const std::string& well_name,
Scalar eff_factor,
Scalar well_oil_rate,
Scalar well_gas_rate,
Scalar well_water_rate,
Scalar well_alq,
Scalar oil_rate,
Scalar gas_rate,
Scalar water_rate,
Scalar alq) const;
void debugDisplayUpdatedGroupRates(const std::string& name,
Scalar oil_rate,
Scalar gas_rate,
Scalar water_rate,
Scalar alq) const;
void debugEndInitializeGroup(const std::string& name) const;
void debugStartInitializeGroup(const std::string& name) const;
void displayDebugMessage_(const std::string& msg) const override;
void displayDebugMessage_(const std::string& msg, const std::string& well_name);
std::tuple<Scalar, Scalar, Scalar, Scalar, Scalar, Scalar>
getProducerWellRates_(const Well* well, const int index);
std::tuple<Scalar, Scalar, Scalar, Scalar, Scalar, Scalar, Scalar>
initializeGroupRatesRecursive_(const Group &group);
void initializeWell2GroupMapRecursive_(const Group& group,
std::vector<std::string>& group_names,
std::vector<Scalar>& group_efficiency,
Scalar cur_efficiency);
void updateGroupIdxMap_(const std::string& group_name);
class GroupRates {
GroupRates(Scalar oil_rate,
Scalar gas_rate,
Scalar water_rate,
Scalar alq,
Scalar oil_potential,
Scalar gas_potential,
Scalar water_potential,
std::optional<Scalar> oil_target,
std::optional<Scalar> gas_target,
std::optional<Scalar> water_target,
std::optional<Scalar> liquid_target,
std::optional<Scalar> total_gas,
std::optional<Scalar> max_alq)
: oil_rate_{oil_rate}
, gas_rate_{gas_rate}
, water_rate_{water_rate}
, alq_{alq}
, oil_potential_{oil_potential}
, gas_potential_{gas_potential}
, water_potential_{water_potential}
, oil_target_{oil_target}
, gas_target_{gas_target}
, water_target_{water_target}
, liquid_target_{liquid_target}
, total_gas_{total_gas}
, max_alq_{max_alq}
Scalar alq() const { return alq_; }
void assign(Scalar oil_rate,
Scalar gas_rate,
Scalar water_rate,
Scalar alq)
oil_rate_ = oil_rate;
gas_rate_ = gas_rate;
water_rate_ = water_rate;
alq_ = alq;
Scalar gasRate() const { return gas_rate_; }
Scalar waterRate() const { return water_rate_; }
std::optional<Scalar> gasTarget() const { return gas_target_; }
std::optional<Scalar> waterTarget() const { return water_target_; }
std::optional<Scalar> maxAlq() const { return max_alq_; }
std::optional<Scalar > maxTotalGasRate() const { return total_gas_; }
Scalar oilRate() const { return oil_rate_; }
std::optional<Scalar> oilTarget() const { return oil_target_; }
std::optional<Scalar> liquidTarget() const { return liquid_target_; }
Scalar oilPotential() const { return oil_potential_; }
Scalar gasPotential() const { return gas_potential_; }
Scalar waterPotential() const { return water_potential_; }
void update(Scalar delta_oil,
Scalar delta_gas,
Scalar delta_water,
Scalar delta_alq)
oil_rate_ += delta_oil;
gas_rate_ += delta_gas;
water_rate_ += delta_water;
alq_ += delta_alq;
// Note. We don't updata the potentials at this point. They
// are only needed initially.
Scalar oil_rate_;
Scalar gas_rate_;
Scalar water_rate_;
Scalar alq_;
Scalar oil_potential_;
Scalar gas_potential_;
Scalar water_potential_;
std::optional<Scalar> oil_target_;
std::optional<Scalar> gas_target_;
std::optional<Scalar> water_target_;
std::optional<Scalar> liquid_target_;
std::optional<Scalar> total_gas_;
std::optional<Scalar> max_alq_;
GLiftEclWells& ecl_wells_;
const Schedule& schedule_;
const SummaryState& summary_state_;
const int report_step_idx_;
const int iteration_idx_;
const PhaseUsage& phase_usage_;
const GasLiftOpt& glo_;
GroupRateMap group_rate_map_;
Well2GroupMap well_group_map_;
GroupIdxMap group_idx_;
int next_group_idx_ = 0;
// Optimize only wells under THP control
bool optimize_only_thp_wells_ = false;
} // namespace Opm