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synced 2024-12-18 21:43:27 -06:00
Current version executes reordered solve once for each tracer. The benefit is a simpler code and the ability to use MDU with tracers. The cost is potentially higher runtime, compared to doing a single sweep for all tracers (and tof).
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Copyright 2012 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/core/transport/reorder/ReorderSolverInterface.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <ostream>
struct UnstructuredGrid;
namespace Opm
class IncompPropertiesInterface;
template <typename T> class SparseTable;
/// Implements a first-order finite volume solver for
/// (single-phase) time-of-flight using reordering.
/// The equation solved is:
/// \f[v \cdot \nabla\tau = \phi\f]
/// in which \f$ v \f$ is the fluid velocity, \f$ \tau \f$ is time-of-flight and
/// \f$ \phi \f$ is the porosity. This is a boundary value problem, and
/// \f$ \tau \f$ is specified to be zero on all inflow boundaries.
class TofReorder : public ReorderSolverInterface
/// Construct solver.
/// \param[in] grid A 2d or 3d grid.
/// \param[in] use_multidim_upwind If true, use multidimensional tof upwinding.
TofReorder(const UnstructuredGrid& grid,
const bool use_multidim_upwind = false);
/// Solve for time-of-flight.
/// \param[in] darcyflux Array of signed face fluxes.
/// \param[in] porevolume Array of pore volumes.
/// \param[in] source Source term. Sign convention is:
/// (+) inflow flux,
/// (-) outflow flux.
/// \param[out] tof Array of time-of-flight values.
void solveTof(const double* darcyflux,
const double* porevolume,
const double* source,
std::vector<double>& tof);
/// Solve for time-of-flight and a number of tracers.
/// \param[in] darcyflux Array of signed face fluxes.
/// \param[in] porevolume Array of pore volumes.
/// \param[in] source Source term. Sign convention is:
/// (+) inflow flux,
/// (-) outflow flux.
/// \param[in] tracerheads Table containing one row per tracer, and each
/// row contains the source cells for that tracer.
/// \param[out] tof Array of time-of-flight values (1 per cell).
/// \param[out] tracer Array of tracer values. N per cell, where N is
/// equalt to tracerheads.size().
void solveTofTracer(const double* darcyflux,
const double* porevolume,
const double* source,
const SparseTable<int>& tracerheads,
std::vector<double>& tof,
std::vector<double>& tracer);
void executeSolve();
virtual void solveSingleCell(const int cell);
void solveSingleCellMultidimUpwind(const int cell);
void assembleSingleCell(const int cell,
std::vector<int>& local_column,
std::vector<double>& local_coefficient,
double& rhs);
virtual void solveMultiCell(const int num_cells, const int* cells);
void multidimUpwindTerms(const int face, const int upwind_cell,
double& face_term, double& cell_term_factor) const;
void localMultidimUpwindTerms(const int face, const int upwind_cell, const int node_pos,
double& face_term, double& cell_term_factor) const;
const UnstructuredGrid& grid_;
const double* darcyflux_; // one flux per grid face
const double* porevolume_; // one volume per cell
const double* source_; // one volumetric source term per cell
double* tof_;
bool compute_tracer_;
enum { NoTracerHead = -1 };
std::vector<int> tracerhead_by_cell_;
// For solveMultiCell():
double gauss_seidel_tol_;
int num_multicell_;
int max_size_multicell_;
int max_iter_multicell_;
// For multidim upwinding:
bool use_multidim_upwind_;
std::vector<double> face_tof_; // For multidim upwind face tofs.
std::vector<double> face_part_tof_; // For multidim upwind face tofs.
} // namespace Opm