diff --git a/module/Rest/src/ConfigProvider.php b/module/Rest/src/ConfigProvider.php
index 98ad8b4c..570eab85 100644
--- a/module/Rest/src/ConfigProvider.php
+++ b/module/Rest/src/ConfigProvider.php
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ namespace Shlinkio\Shlink\Rest;
 use Closure;
+use function Functional\first;
+use function Functional\map;
 use function Shlinkio\Shlink\Common\loadConfigFromGlob;
 use function sprintf;
@@ -30,21 +32,33 @@ class ConfigProvider
     private function applyRoutesPrefix(array $config): array
-        $routes =& $config['routes'] ?? [];
+        $routes = $config['routes'] ?? [];
+        $healthRoute = $this->buildUnversionedHealthRouteFromExistingRoutes($routes);
-        // Prepend the routes prefix to every path
-        foreach ($routes as $key => $route) {
+        $prefixRoute = static function (array $route) {
             ['path' => $path] = $route;
-            $routes[$key]['path'] = sprintf('%s%s', self::ROUTES_PREFIX, $path);
+            $route['path'] = sprintf('%s%s', self::ROUTES_PREFIX, $path);
-            // Also append the health route so that it works without version
-            if ($path === '/health') {
-                $route['path'] = sprintf('%s%s', self::UNVERSIONED_ROUTES_PREFIX, $path);
-                $route['name'] = self::UNVERSIONED_HEALTH_ENDPOINT_NAME;
-                $routes[] = $route;
-            }
-        }
+            return $route;
+        };
+        $prefixedRoutes = map($routes, $prefixRoute);
+        $config['routes'] = $healthRoute !== null ? [...$prefixedRoutes, $healthRoute] : $prefixedRoutes;
         return $config;
+    private function buildUnversionedHealthRouteFromExistingRoutes(array $routes): ?array
+    {
+        $healthRoute = first($routes, fn (array $route) => $route['path'] === '/health');
+        if ($healthRoute === null) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        $path = $healthRoute['path'];
+        $healthRoute['path'] = sprintf('%s%s', self::UNVERSIONED_ROUTES_PREFIX, $path);
+        $healthRoute['name'] = self::UNVERSIONED_HEALTH_ENDPOINT_NAME;
+        return $healthRoute;
+    }
diff --git a/module/Rest/test/ConfigProviderTest.php b/module/Rest/test/ConfigProviderTest.php
index 48c71716..8032a854 100644
--- a/module/Rest/test/ConfigProviderTest.php
+++ b/module/Rest/test/ConfigProviderTest.php
@@ -25,26 +25,47 @@ class ConfigProviderTest extends TestCase
         $this->assertArrayHasKey('dependencies', $config);
-    /** @test */
-    public function routesAreProperlyPrefixed(): void
+    /**
+     * @test
+     * @dataProvider provideRoutesConfig
+     */
+    public function routesAreProperlyPrefixed(array $routes, array $expected): void
-        $configProvider = new ConfigProvider(fn () => [
-            'routes' => [
+        $configProvider = new ConfigProvider(fn () => ['routes' => $routes]);
+        $config = $configProvider();
+        $this->assertEquals($expected, $config['routes']);
+    }
+    public function provideRoutesConfig(): iterable
+    {
+        yield 'health action present' => [
+            [
                 ['path' => '/foo'],
                 ['path' => '/bar'],
                 ['path' => '/baz/foo'],
                 ['path' => '/health'],
-        ]);
-        $config = $configProvider();
-        $this->assertEquals([
-            ['path' => '/rest/v{version:1|2}/foo'],
-            ['path' => '/rest/v{version:1|2}/bar'],
-            ['path' => '/rest/v{version:1|2}/baz/foo'],
-            ['path' => '/rest/v{version:1|2}/health'],
-            ['path' => '/rest/health', 'name' => ConfigProvider::UNVERSIONED_HEALTH_ENDPOINT_NAME],
-        ], $config['routes']);
+            [
+                ['path' => '/rest/v{version:1|2}/foo'],
+                ['path' => '/rest/v{version:1|2}/bar'],
+                ['path' => '/rest/v{version:1|2}/baz/foo'],
+                ['path' => '/rest/v{version:1|2}/health'],
+                ['path' => '/rest/health', 'name' => ConfigProvider::UNVERSIONED_HEALTH_ENDPOINT_NAME],
+            ],
+        ];
+        yield 'health action not present' => [
+            [
+                ['path' => '/foo'],
+                ['path' => '/bar'],
+                ['path' => '/baz/foo'],
+            ],
+            [
+                ['path' => '/rest/v{version:1|2}/foo'],
+                ['path' => '/rest/v{version:1|2}/bar'],
+                ['path' => '/rest/v{version:1|2}/baz/foo'],
+            ],
+        ];