includeDirectory(__DIR__ . '/../../module/Core/src'); $filter->includeDirectory(__DIR__ . '/../../module/Rest/src'); $coverage = new CodeCoverage((new Selector())->forLineCoverage($filter), $filter); } $buildDbConnection = static function (): array { $driver = env('DB_DRIVER', 'sqlite'); $isCi = env('CI', false); $getMysqlHost = static fn (string $driver) => sprintf('shlink_db%s', $driver === 'mysql' ? '' : '_maria'); $getCiMysqlPort = static fn (string $driver) => $driver === 'mysql' ? '3307' : '3308'; return match ($driver) { 'sqlite' => [ 'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite', 'path' => sys_get_temp_dir() . '/shlink-tests.db', ], 'postgres' => [ 'driver' => 'pdo_pgsql', 'host' => $isCi ? '' : 'shlink_db_postgres', 'port' => $isCi ? '5433' : '5432', 'user' => 'postgres', 'password' => 'root', 'dbname' => 'shlink_test', 'charset' => 'utf8', ], 'mssql' => [ 'driver' => 'pdo_sqlsrv', 'host' => $isCi ? '' : 'shlink_db_ms', 'user' => 'sa', 'password' => 'Passw0rd!', 'dbname' => 'shlink_test', ], default => [ // mysql and maria 'driver' => 'pdo_mysql', 'host' => $isCi ? '' : $getMysqlHost($driver), 'port' => $isCi ? $getCiMysqlPort($driver) : '3306', 'user' => 'root', 'password' => 'root', 'dbname' => 'shlink_test', 'charset' => 'utf8', ], }; }; $buildTestLoggerConfig = fn (string $handlerName, string $filename) => [ 'handlers' => [ $handlerName => [ 'name' => StreamHandler::class, 'params' => [ 'level' => Logger::DEBUG, 'stream' => sprintf('data/log/api-tests/%s', $filename), ], ], ], ]; return [ 'debug' => true, ConfigAggregator::ENABLE_CACHE => false, 'url_shortener' => [ 'domain' => [ 'schema' => 'http', 'hostname' => '', ], 'validate_url' => true, ], 'mezzio-swoole' => [ 'enable_coroutine' => false, 'swoole-http-server' => [ 'host' => SWOOLE_TESTING_HOST, 'port' => SWOOLE_TESTING_PORT, 'process-name' => 'shlink_test', 'options' => [ 'pid_file' => sys_get_temp_dir() . '/', 'enable_coroutine' => false, ], ], ], 'routes' => !$isApiTest ? [] : [ [ 'name' => 'dump_coverage', 'path' => '/api-tests/stop-coverage', 'middleware' => middleware(static function () use (&$coverage) { // TODO I have tried moving this block to a listener so that it's invoked automatically, // but then the coverage is generated empty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if ($coverage) { // @phpstan-ignore-line $basePath = __DIR__ . '/../../build/coverage-api'; // TODO Generate these coverages dynamically based on CLI options (new PHP())->process($coverage, $basePath . '.cov'); (new Xml(Version::getVersionString()))->process($coverage, $basePath . '/coverage-xml'); (new Html())->process($coverage, $basePath . '/coverage-html'); } return new EmptyResponse(); }), 'allowed_methods' => ['GET'], ], ], 'middleware_pipeline' => !$isApiTest ? [] : [ 'capture_code_coverage' => [ 'middleware' => middleware(static function ( ServerRequestInterface $req, RequestHandlerInterface $handler, ) use (&$coverage): ResponseInterface { $coverage?->start($req->getHeaderLine('x-coverage-id')); try { return $handler->handle($req); } finally { $coverage?->stop(); } }), 'priority' => 9999, ], ], 'mercure' => [ 'public_hub_url' => null, 'internal_hub_url' => null, 'jwt_secret' => null, ], 'dependencies' => [ 'services' => [ 'shlink_test_api_client' => new Client([ 'base_uri' => sprintf('http://%s:%s/', SWOOLE_TESTING_HOST, SWOOLE_TESTING_PORT), 'http_errors' => false, ]), ], 'factories' => [ TestUtils\Helper\TestHelper::class => InvokableFactory::class, ], ], 'entity_manager' => [ 'connection' => $buildDbConnection(), ], 'data_fixtures' => [ 'paths' => [ __DIR__ . '/../../module/Rest/test-api/Fixtures', ], ], 'logger' => [ 'Shlink' => $buildTestLoggerConfig('shlink_handler', 'shlink.log'), 'Access' => $buildTestLoggerConfig('access_handler', 'access.log'), ], ];