version: '2.7' rpc: listen: tcp:// server: command: 'php -dopcache.enable_cli=1 -dopcache.validate_timestamps=0 ../../bin/roadrunner-worker.php' http: address: '' static: dir: ../../public forbid: - .php - .htaccess pool: num_workers: 16 # TODO Make configurable supervisor: max_worker_memory: 100 jobs: timeout: 300 pool: num_workers: 16 # TODO Make configurable max_worker_memory: 100 consume: ['shlink'] pipelines: shlink: driver: memory config: priority: 10 prefetch: 10 logs: mode: production channels: http: level: info # Log all http requests, set to info to disable server: level: debug # Everything written to worker stderr is logged metrics: level: error