I just saw this, and I would be very surprised by that behaviour as a
user. Changing the db path would randomly move the database, and
changing it back (or to anything, really) would not. These kinds of
advanced settings are generally expected to do one thing: Change the
path frigate opens the database from. The end.
* fix squashed alert thumbnails in filmstrip
* add genai debug logs
* consistent themed image loading indicator background color
* improve image loading skeleton in object lifecycle pane
* less rounding when screen is smaller
* use browser back button to dismiss review pane
* initial state
* Allow embedding of snapshot for description via config option
* docs
* frontend button
* Backend
* crop snapshot to region
* only show dropdown when event has snapshot
* fix cursor on dropdown
* crop on initial generation as well
* use enum for type
* fix type
* Add loading indicator when explore view is revalidating
* Portal tooltip in object lifecycle pane
* Better config file handling
* Only manually set aspect ratio when using alert videos
* Update general support template
* Update camera support
* Update config-support.yml
* Update detector support
* Update general-support.yml
* Update hardware-acceleration-support.yml
* Create pull_request_template.md
* Subclass Process for audio_process
* Introduce custom mp.Process subclass
In preparation to switch the multiprocessing startup method away from
"fork", we cannot rely on os.fork cloning the log state at fork time.
Instead, we have to set up logging before we run the business logic of
each process.
* Make camera_metrics into a class
* Make ptz_metrics into a class
* Fixed PtzMotionEstimator.ptz_metrics type annotation
* Removed pointless variables
* Do not start audio processor when no audio cameras are configured
* Portal tooltips
* Add ability to time_range filter chroma searches
* centering and padding consistency
* add event id back to chroma metadata
* query sqlite first and pass those ids to chroma for embeddings search
* ensure we pass timezone to the api call
* remove object lifecycle from search details for non-object events
* simplify hour calculation
* fix query without filters
* bump chroma version
* chroma 0.5.7
* fix selecting camera group in cameras filter button