mirror of https://github.com/finos/SymphonyElectron.git synced 2025-02-25 18:55:29 -06:00

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# Unlock the keychain
echo "Unlocking keychain"
security -v unlock-keychain -p "$KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD" "$KEYCHAIN_NAME"
2023-06-15 04:12:03 -05:00
SNYK_PROJECT_NAME="Symphony Desktop Application"
# Check basic dependencies
if ! [ -x "$(command -v git)" ]; then
echo 'GIT does not exist! Please set it up before running this script!' >&2
exit 1
# Switch to the appropriate node version for the branch using NVM
if [ -x "$(command -v nvm)" ]; then
echo 'NVM does not not exist! Install it to switch to the appropriate node version!' >&2
exit 1
# Source all the profile files to ensure nvm is in path
source $HOME/.nvm/nvm.sh
echo 'Node version does not match required version! Installing the required version' >&2
if ! [ -x "$(command -v node)" ]; then
echo 'NODE does not exist! Please set it up before running this script!' >&2
exit 1
2019-08-28 09:05:10 -05:00
if ! [ -x "$(command -v npm)" ]; then
echo 'NPM does not exist! Please set it up before running this script!' >&2
exit 1
if ! [ -x "$(command -v gulp)" ]; then
echo 'Gulp does not exist! Installing it!' >&2
npm install -g gulp gulp-cli
if ! [ -x "$(command -v snyk)" ]; then
echo 'Snyk does not exist! Installing and setting it up' >&2
npm install -g snyk
echo "Setting snyk org to $SNYK_ORG and api token to $SNYK_API_TOKEN"
snyk config set org="$SNYK_ORG"
snyk config set api="$SNYK_API_TOKEN"
if ! [ -x "$(command -v /usr/local/bin/packagesbuild)" ]; then
echo 'Packages build does not exist! Please set it up before running this script!' >&2
2019-08-28 04:58:49 -05:00
exit 1
# If we don't get parent build number from parent job, set it to 0
2019-08-28 04:58:49 -05:00
if [ -z "$PARENT_BUILD_VERSION" ]; then
echo "PARENT_BUILD_VERSION is empty, setting default"
NODE_VERSION=$(node --version)
echo "Executing using Node Version: ${NODE_VERSION}"
PKG_VERSION=$(node -e "console.log(require('./package.json').version);")
# Install app dependencies
echo "Installing dependencies"
npm install
feat: upgrade Electron to 9.x (#1008) * add support for electron 8.x * update node-abi to latest * 8.x: fix unit tests * upgrade to electron 9.x Signed-off-by: Vishwas Shashidhar <vishwas.shashidhar@symphony.com> * rebase 9.x against master Signed-off-by: Vishwas Shashidhar <vishwas.shashidhar@symphony.com> * 9.x: fix windows installer files Signed-off-by: Vishwas Shashidhar <vishwas.shashidhar@symphony.com> * rebase 9.x against master and fix issues Signed-off-by: Vishwas Shashidhar <vishwas.shashidhar@symphony.com> * 9.x - update aip file * 9.x -> downgrade to electron 9.0.0-beta.22 Signed-off-by: Vishwas Shashidhar <vishwas.shashidhar@symphony.com> * bump up electron version to 9.0.0 Signed-off-by: Vishwas Shashidhar <vishwas.shashidhar@symphony.com> * upgrade node-abi to support electron 9 * update package-lock.json * 9.x -> enable signing on aip Signed-off-by: Vishwas Shashidhar <vishwas.shashidhar@symphony.com> * 9.x -> update package-lock.json Signed-off-by: Vishwas Shashidhar <vishwas.shashidhar@symphony.com> * 9.x -> fix screen share indicator mac script issue Signed-off-by: Vishwas Shashidhar <vishwas.shashidhar@symphony.com> * SDA-2080 - Target jss class name instead of dev defined * SDA-2080: fix title bar issue with 9.x * SDA-2080 - Make text notification black for 1.5 and update style template * 9.x: add electron-osx-sign to fix 9.x build issues Signed-off-by: Vishwas Shashidhar <vishwas.shashidhar@symphony.com> * SDA-2091 - Only pass required data via IPC * SDA-2092 - prevent notifications from opening in fullscreen state in MacOS * remove post build script and upgrade electron-builder to fix os x depth first signing issues Signed-off-by: Vishwas Shashidhar <vishwas.shashidhar@symphony.com> Co-authored-by: Kiran Niranjan <kiran.niranjan@symphony.com>
2020-06-01 07:38:01 -05:00
echo "Signing screen share indicator"
codesign --force --options runtime -s "Developer ID Application: Symphony Communication Services LLC" node_modules/screen-share-indicator-frame/SymphonyScreenShareIndicator
# Run Snyk Security Tests
echo "Running snyk security tests"
snyk test --file=package-lock.json --org="$SNYK_ORG"
snyk monitor --file=package-lock.json --org="$SNYK_ORG" --project-name="$SNYK_PROJECT_NAME"
# Replace url in config
echo "Setting default pod url to https://my.symphony.com"
sed -i -e 's/\"url\"[[:space:]]*\:[[:space:]]*\".*\"/\"url\":\"https:\/\/my.symphony.com\"/g' config/Symphony.config
# Setup the build version
echo "Setting build version to ${PARENT_BUILD_VERSION}"
sed -i -e "s/\"buildNumber\"[[:space:]]*\:[[:space:]]*\".*\"/\"buildNumber\": \"${PARENT_BUILD_VERSION}\"/g" package.json
2023-06-15 04:12:03 -05:00
sed -i -e "s/\"version\"[[:space:]]*\:[[:space:]]\"\(.*\)\"/\"version\": \"\1-${PARENT_BUILD_VERSION}\"/g" package.json
# Replace version number in pre-install script
echo "Setting package version in pre install script to ${PKG_VERSION}"
sed -i -e "s/CURRENT_VERSION=APP_VERSION/CURRENT_VERSION=${PKG_VERSION}/g" ./installer/mac/preinstall.sh
# Set expiry period for TTL builds
if [ "$EXPIRY_PERIOD" == "0" ] || [ "$EXPIRY_PERIOD" == 0 ]; then
2019-08-28 04:58:49 -05:00
echo 'Expiry period not set, so, not creating expiry for the build'
gulp setExpiry --period ${EXPIRY_PERIOD}
# Build the app
echo "Running tests, code coverage, linting and building..."
npm run unpacked-mac
# Create .pkg installer
echo "Creating .pkg"
/usr/local/bin/packagesbuild -v installer/mac/symphony-mac-packager.pkgproj
if [ ! -e ${PACKAGE} ]; then
echo "BUILD PACKAGE FAILED: package not created: ${PACKAGE}"
exit 1
echo "Package created: ${PACKAGE}"
# Sign the app
PKG_VERSION=$(node -e "console.log(require('./package.json').version);")
echo "Signing Package: ${PACKAGE}"
productsign --sign "Developer ID Installer: Symphony Communication Services LLC" $PACKAGE $SIGNED_PACKAGE
echo "Signing Package complete: ${PACKAGE}"
# Notarize the app
# xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id "$pwd" --username "$APPLE_ID" --password "$APPLE_ID_PASSWORD" --file $SIGNED_PACKAGE > /tmp/notarize.txt
xcrun notarytool submit --apple-id "$APPLE_ID" --password "$APPLE_ID_PASSWORD" --team-id "$TEAM_ID" $SIGNED_PACKAGE --wait > /tmp/notarize.txt
cat /tmp/notarize.txt
REQUEST_ID=$(sed -n '2p' /tmp/notarize.txt)
REQUEST_ID=$(echo $REQUEST_ID | cut -d "=" -f 2)
echo "$REQUEST_ID"
#xcrun altool --notarization-info $REQUEST_ID --username "$APPLE_ID" --password "$APPLE_ID_PASSWORD"
#xcrun stapler staple $SIGNED_PACKAGE
#stapler validate --verbose $SIGNED_PACKAGE
# Generate Installation Instructions PDF
if ! [ -x "$(command -v markdown-pdf)" ]; then
echo 'Markdown PDF does not exist! Installing it' >&2
npm install -g markdown-pdf
echo "Updating auto-update yml file"
node scripts/macos_update_yml.js "dist/latest-mac.yml"
echo "Generating PDF for installation instructions"
markdown-pdf installer/mac/install_instructions_mac.md
echo "Generate release notes"
markdown-pdf RELEASE_NOTES.md
# Create targets directory
mkdir -p targets
# Attach artifacts to build
if [ "${EXPIRY_PERIOD}" != "0" ]; then
cp $SIGNED_PACKAGE "targets/Symphony-macOS-${PKG_VERSION}-TTL-${EXPIRY_PERIOD}.pkg"
cp installer/mac/install_instructions_mac.pdf "targets/Install-Instructions-macOS-${PKG_VERSION}-TTL-${EXPIRY_PERIOD}.pdf"
cp RELEASE_NOTES.pdf "targets/Release-Notes-macOS-${PKG_VERSION}-TTL-${EXPIRY_PERIOD}.pdf"
cp $SIGNED_PACKAGE "targets/Symphony-macOS-${PKG_VERSION}.pkg"
cp installer/mac/install_instructions_mac.pdf "targets/Install-Instructions-macOS-${PKG_VERSION}.pdf"
cp RELEASE_NOTES.pdf "targets/Release-Notes-macOS-${PKG_VERSION}-.pdf"
echo "All done, job successfull :)"