[![Symphony Software Foundation - Incubating](https://cdn.rawgit.com/symphonyoss/contrib-toolbox/master/images/ssf-badge-incubating.svg)](https://symphonyoss.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FM/Incubating)
Our goal is to improve the performance and development agility of Symphony's desktop wrapper and build a path to support other wrappers by:
1. Standardizing the JS to native interfaces
2. Standardizing the app to app interfaces (current embedding API)
3. Provide an open and free reference implementation that anyone can contribute to, modify, and make derivative works.
In order to achieve those goals Symphony is participating and working in close collaboration with the [Foundation Desktop Wrapper Working Group](https://symphonyoss.atlassian.net/wiki/display/WGDWAPI/Working+Group+-+Desktop+Wrapper+API)