2017-07-20 06:57:48 -05:00
const Application = require('./spectronSetup');
2017-07-05 04:22:06 -05:00
const path = require('path');
2018-02-18 23:27:15 -06:00
2017-07-06 06:36:16 -05:00
let app = new Application({});
2017-07-05 04:22:06 -05:00
describe('Tests for clipboard', () => {
let originalTimeout = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL;
2017-07-06 06:36:16 -05:00
jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = Application.getTimeOut();
2017-07-05 04:22:06 -05:00
2017-07-06 04:39:50 -05:00
beforeAll((done) => {
return app.startApplication().then((startedApp) => {
app = startedApp;
2018-02-18 23:27:15 -06:00
}).catch((err) => {
2018-03-13 05:20:32 -05:00
done.fail(new Error(`Unable to start application error: ${err}`));
2017-07-06 04:39:50 -05:00
2017-07-05 04:22:06 -05:00
2017-07-06 04:39:50 -05:00
afterAll((done) => {
2017-07-05 04:22:06 -05:00
if (app && app.isRunning()) {
jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = originalTimeout;
2017-07-06 04:39:50 -05:00
app.stop().then(() => {
}).catch((err) => {
2017-07-05 04:22:06 -05:00
2017-07-06 04:39:50 -05:00
it('should launch the app', (done) => {
return app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded().then(() => {
return app.client.getWindowCount().then((count) => {
2017-07-05 04:22:06 -05:00
expect(count === 1).toBeTruthy();
2017-07-06 04:39:50 -05:00
}).catch((err) => {
2018-03-13 05:20:32 -05:00
done.fail(new Error(`clipboard failed in getWindowCount with error: ${err}`));
2017-07-06 04:39:50 -05:00
}).catch((err) => {
2018-03-13 05:20:32 -05:00
done.fail(new Error(`clipboard failed in waitUntilWindowLoaded with error: ${err}`));
2017-07-05 04:22:06 -05:00
it('should check window count', () => {
2017-07-20 06:57:48 -05:00
return app.client.url('file:///' + path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'demo/index.html'));
2017-07-05 04:22:06 -05:00
it('should set the username field', () => {
return app.client
.setValue('#tag', 'Test')
.getValue('#tag').then((value) => {
expect(value === 'Test').toBeTruthy();
it('should verify electron clipboard', () => {
return app.client
.getValue('#tag').then((value) => {
2017-07-06 04:39:50 -05:00
return app.electron.clipboard.writeText(value)
.electron.clipboard.readText().then((clipboardText) => {
expect(clipboardText === 'Test').toBeTruthy();
2017-07-05 04:22:06 -05:00
it('should verify electron clipboard copy', () => {
return app.electron.clipboard.writeText('Testing copy')
2017-07-06 04:39:50 -05:00
.electron.clipboard.readText().then((clipboardText) => {
2017-07-05 04:22:06 -05:00
return app.client.setValue('#tag', clipboardText).getValue('#tag').then((value) => {
expect(value === 'Testing copy').toBeTruthy();
2018-03-13 05:20:32 -05:00