2020-08-24 07:38:24 -05:00
@echo off
2020-08-25 01:08:47 -05:00
echo "Running jenkins-win64.bat"
2020-08-24 07:38:24 -05:00
call "scripts\build-win64.bat"
echo "updating 64 bit installer file with hashed passwd..."
set hashedPasswdFile=C:\electron-installer\hashedPasswd.txt
if NOT EXIST %hashedPasswdFile% (
echo "can not find hashed password file in: " %hashedPasswdFile%
exit /b -1
set /p hashedPasswd=<%hashedPasswdFile%
set installerFile=installer\win\Symphony-x64.aip
if NOT EXIST %installerFile% (
echo "can not find installer file in: " %installerFile%
exit /b -1
call powershell -Command "(get-content %installerFile%) | foreach-object {$_ -replace '4A99BAA4D493EE030480AF53BA42EA11CCFB627AB1800400DA9692073D68C522A10A4FD0B5F78525294E51AC7194D55B5EE1D31F', '%hashedPasswd%'} | set-content %installerFile%"
echo "creating 64 bit msi..."
rem add AdvancedInstaller.com to PATH
set PATH="%PATH%";C:\Program Files\nodejs\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Caphyon\Advanced Installer 15.9\bin\x86
echo %PATH%
call node -e "console.log(require('./package.json').version);" > version.txt
set /p baseVer=<version.txt
set SYMVER=%baseVer%
echo "environment variable SYMVER not defined"
exit /b -1
echo "creating targets directory for symphony version: " %SYMVER%
rmdir /q /s targets
mkdir targets
set targetsDir="%CD%\targets\"
set archiveName=Symphony-Win64-%SYMVER%-%PARENT_BUILD_VERSION%
) else (
set installerDir="%CD%\installer\win"
set distDir="%CD%\dist"
set pfxDir=C:\electron-installer
set pfxFile=Wrapper.Windows.Product.RSA.pkcs12.pfx
if NOT EXIST "%pfxDir%\%pfxFile%" (
echo "can not find .pfx file" "%pfxDir%\%pfxFile%"
exit /b -1
copy /y "%pfxDir%\%pfxFile%" "%installerDir%\%pfxFile%"
cd %installerDir%
set AIP=Symphony-x64
if EXIST %AIP%-cache (
echo "remove old msi cache file"
rmdir /q /s %AIP%-cache
if EXIST %AIP%-SetupFiles (
echo "remove old msi setup files"
rmdir /q /s %AIP%-SetupFiles
echo "running advanced installer to build msi"
call AdvancedInstaller.com /edit %AIP%.aip /SetVersion %SYMVER%
IF %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo "failed to set advanced installer build version"
exit /b -1
call AdvancedInstaller.com /build %AIP%.aip
IF %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo "error returned from advanced installer:" %errorlevel%
exit /b -1
if NOT EXIST %AIP%-SetupFiles/%AIP%.msi (
echo "failure did not produce msi"
exit /b -1
echo "copy msi result to target dir"
copy "%AIP%-SetupFiles\%AIP%.msi" "%targetsDir%\%archiveName%.msi"