From 296082724b6fb3fb9136c05518f3942818da0963 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mattias Gustavsson <>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2020 09:48:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] SDA-2462 Auto launch symphony after installation complete

 installer/win/WixSharpInstaller/Symphony.cs | 11 +++++++----
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/installer/win/WixSharpInstaller/Symphony.cs b/installer/win/WixSharpInstaller/Symphony.cs
index c77a4647..82bcc17e 100644
--- a/installer/win/WixSharpInstaller/Symphony.cs
+++ b/installer/win/WixSharpInstaller/Symphony.cs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class Script
         // desired contents of installation, and then we can simplify this bit.
         var project = new ManagedProject(productName,
             new Dir(@"%ProgramFiles%\" + productName,
-                new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\Symphony.exe",
+                new File(new Id("symphony_exe"), @"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\Symphony.exe",
                     // Create two shortcuts to the main Symphony.exe file, one on the desktop and one in the program menu
                     new FileShortcut(productName, @"%Desktop%") { IconFile = @"..\..\..\images\icon.ico" },
                     new FileShortcut(productName, @"%ProgramMenu%") { IconFile = @"..\..\..\images\icon.ico" }
@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ class Script
             // The property values to compare against can be found here:
             new LaunchCondition("VersionNT>=600 AND WindowsBuild>=6001", "OS not supported"),
             // Add registry entry used by protocol handler to launch symphony when opening symphony:// URIs
-            new RegValue(WixSharp.RegistryHive.ClassesRoot, productName + @"\shell\open\command", "", "\"[INSTALLDIR]Symphony.exe\" \"%1\"")            
+            new RegValue(WixSharp.RegistryHive.ClassesRoot, productName + @"\shell\open\command", "", "\"[INSTALLDIR]Symphony.exe\" \"%1\"")
         // The build script which calls the wix# builder, will be run from a command environment which has %SYMVER% set.
@@ -173,7 +173,10 @@ class Script
             // We have some registry keys which are added by the SDA application when it is first launched. This custom
             // action will clean up those keys on uninstall. The name/location of keys have changed between different
             // versions of SDA, so we clean up all known variations, and ignore any missing ones.
-            new ElevatedManagedAction(CustomActions.CleanRegistry, Return.ignore, When.After, Step.RemoveFiles, Condition.Installed )
+            new ElevatedManagedAction(CustomActions.CleanRegistry, Return.ignore, When.After, Step.RemoveFiles, Condition.Installed ),
+            // Start Symphony after installation is complete
+            new InstalledFileAction("symphony_exe", "", Return.asyncNoWait, When.After, Step.InstallFinalize, Condition.NOT_Installed)
         // Use our own Symphony branded bitmap for installation dialogs