#!/usr/bin/env bash # Kill the existing running instance sudo killall Symphony delete_app() { # Delete the installed version only if it is older than the installing version sudo rm -rf /Applications/Symphony.app } compare_versions() { # Get the installer version: CURRENT_VERSION=3.1.0 # Get the currently installed version: INSTALLED_VERSION=$(plutil -p /Applications/Symphony.app/Contents/Info.plist | awk '/CFBundleShortVersionString/ {print substr($3, 2, length($3)-2)}') # If there are no versions installed, just exit the script if [ -z "$INSTALLED_VERSION" -a "$INSTALLED_VERSION" != " " ]; then echo "No version installed, so, exiting without version checks" exit 0 fi echo "This version is ${CURRENT_VERSION}" echo "Installed version is ${INSTALLED_VERSION}" # First, we replace the dots by blank spaces, like this: VERSION=${CURRENT_VERSION//./ } INSTALLED_VERSION=${INSTALLED_VERSION//./ } # If you have a "v" in front of your versions, you can get rid of it like this: VERSION=${VERSION//v/} INSTALLED_VERSION=${INSTALLED_VERSION//v/} # So, we just need to extract each number: patch1=$(echo ${VERSION} | awk '{print $3}') minor1=$(echo ${VERSION} | awk '{print $2}') major1=$(echo ${VERSION} | awk '{print $1}') patch2=$(echo ${INSTALLED_VERSION} | awk '{print $3}') minor2=$(echo ${INSTALLED_VERSION} | awk '{print $2}') major2=$(echo ${INSTALLED_VERSION} | awk '{print $1}') # And now, we can simply compare the variables: if [ ${major1} -lt ${major2} ]; then echo "Installed version is newer than this version, exiting installation" exit 1 fi if [ ${major1} -eq ${major2} -a ${minor1} -lt ${minor2} ]; then echo "Installed version is newer than this version, exiting installation" exit 1 fi if [ ${major1} -eq ${major2} -a ${minor1} -eq ${minor2} -a ${patch1} -lt ${patch2} ]; then echo "Installed version is newer than this version, exiting installation" exit 1 fi delete_app } compare_versions