const { remote } = require('electron'); const { MenuItem } = remote; const { isMac } = require('./../utils/misc'); const { SpellCheckHandler, ContextMenuListener, ContextMenuBuilder } = require('electron-spellchecker'); const stringFormat = require('./../utils/stringFormat'); class SpellCheckHelper { /** * A constructor to create an instance of the spell checker */ constructor() { this.spellCheckHandler = new SpellCheckHandler(); } /** * Method to initialize spell checker */ initializeSpellChecker() { this.spellCheckHandler.automaticallyIdentifyLanguages = false; this.spellCheckHandler.attachToInput(); // This is only for window as in mac the // language is switched w.r.t to the current system language. // // In windows we need to implement RxJS observable // in order to switch language dynamically if (!isMac) { const sysLocale = || 'en-US'; this.spellCheckHandler.switchLanguage(sysLocale); } this.contextMenuBuilder = new ContextMenuBuilder(this.spellCheckHandler, null, false, this.processMenu.bind(this)); this.contextMenuListener = new ContextMenuListener((info) => { this.contextMenuBuilder.showPopupMenu(info); }); } /** * Updates the locale for context menu labels * @param content {Object} - locale content for context menu */ updateContextMenuLocale(content) { this.localeContent = content; this.contextMenuBuilder.setAlternateStringFormatter(SpellCheckHelper.getStringTable(content)); } /** * Builds the string table for context menu * * @param content {Object} - locale content for context menu * @return {Object} - String table for context menu */ static getStringTable(content) { return { copyMail: () => content['Copy Email Address'] || `Copy Email Address`, copyLinkUrl: () => content['Copy Link'] || 'Copy Link', openLinkUrl: () => content['Open Link'] || 'Open Link', copyImageUrl: () => content['Copy Image URL'] || 'Copy Image URL', copyImage: () => content['Copy Image'] || 'Copy Image', addToDictionary: () => content['Add to Dictionary'] || 'Add to Dictionary', lookUpDefinition: (lookup) => { const formattedString = stringFormat(content['Look Up {searchText}'], { searchText: lookup.word }); return formattedString || `Look Up ${lookup.word}`; }, searchGoogle: () => content['Search with Google'] || 'Search with Google', cut: () => content.Cut || 'Cut', copy: () => content.Copy || 'Copy', paste: () => content.Paste || 'Paste', inspectElement: () => content['Inspect Element'] || 'Inspect Element', }; } /** * Method to add default menu items to the * menu that was generated by ContextMenuBuilder * * This method will be invoked by electron-spellchecker * before showing the context menu * * @param menu * @returns menu */ processMenu(menu) { let isLink = false; => { if (item.label === 'Copy Link'){ isLink = true; } return item; }); if (!isLink){ menu.append(new MenuItem({ type: 'separator' })); menu.append(new MenuItem({ role: 'reload', accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+R', label: this.localeContent && this.localeContent.Reload || 'Reload', })); } return menu; } } module.exports = { SpellCheckHelper: SpellCheckHelper };