const fs = require('fs'); const { checkDiskSpace } = require('./utils/checkDiskSpace.js'); const searchConfig = require('./searchConfig.js'); const { isMac } = require('../utils/misc.js'); /** * Utils to validate users config data and * available disk space to enable electron search */ class SearchUtils { constructor() { this.path = searchConfig.FOLDERS_CONSTANTS.USER_DATA_PATH; } /** * This function returns true if the available disk space * is more than the constant MINIMUM_DISK_SPACE * @returns {Promise} */ checkFreeSpace() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!isMac) { this.path = this.path.substring(0, 2); } checkDiskSpace(this.path, resolve, reject); }); } /** * This function return the user search config * @param userId * @returns {Promise} */ getSearchUserConfig(userId) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, userId, resolve, reject); }); } /** * This function updates the user config file * with the provided data * @param userId * @param data * @returns {Promise} */ updateUserConfig(userId, data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, userId, data, resolve, reject); }); } } /** * This function reads the search user config file and * return the object * @param userId * @param resolve * @param reject */ function readFile(userId, resolve, reject) { if (fs.existsSync(`${searchConfig.FOLDERS_CONSTANTS.USER_CONFIG_FILE}`)) { fs.readFile(`${searchConfig.FOLDERS_CONSTANTS.USER_CONFIG_FILE}`, 'utf8', (err, data) => { if (err) { return reject(new Error('Error reading the ')) } let usersConfig = []; try { usersConfig = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { createUserConfigFile(userId); return reject('can not parse user config file data: ' + data + ', error: ' + e); } if (!usersConfig[userId]) { createUser(userId, usersConfig); return reject(null); } return resolve(usersConfig[userId]); }) } else { createUserConfigFile(userId); resolve(null); } } /** * If the config has no object for the provided userId this function * creates an empty object with the key as the userId * @param userId * @param oldConfig */ function createUser(userId, oldConfig) { let configPath = searchConfig.FOLDERS_CONSTANTS.USER_CONFIG_FILE; let newConfig = Object.assign({}, oldConfig); newConfig[userId] = {}; let jsonNewConfig = JSON.stringify(newConfig, null, ' '); fs.writeFile(configPath, jsonNewConfig, 'utf8', (err) => { if (err) { throw new err; } }); } /** * This function creates the config * file if not present * @param userId * @param data */ function createUserConfigFile(userId, data) { let createStream = fs.createWriteStream(searchConfig.FOLDERS_CONSTANTS.USER_CONFIG_FILE); if (data) { let jsonData; try { jsonData = JSON.stringify(data); createStream.write(`{"${userId}": ${jsonData}}`); } catch (e) { createStream.write(`{"${userId}": {}}`); } } else { createStream.write(`{"${userId}": {}}`); } createStream.end(); } /** * Function to update user config data * @param userId * @param data * @param resolve * @param reject * @returns {*} */ function updateConfig(userId, data, resolve, reject) { let configPath = searchConfig.FOLDERS_CONSTANTS.USER_CONFIG_FILE; if (!fs.existsSync(configPath)) { createUserConfigFile(userId, data); return reject(null); } let oldConfig; let oldData = fs.readFileSync(configPath, 'utf8'); try { oldConfig = JSON.parse(oldData); } catch (e) { createUserConfigFile(userId, data); return reject(new Error('can not parse user config file data: ' + e)); } let newConfig = Object.assign({}, oldConfig); newConfig[userId] = data; let jsonNewConfig = JSON.stringify(newConfig, null, ' '); fs.writeFileSync(configPath, jsonNewConfig, 'utf8'); return resolve(newConfig[userId]); } module.exports = { SearchUtils: SearchUtils };