'use strict'; const electron = require('electron'); const app = electron.app; const nodeURL = require('url'); const squirrelStartup = require('electron-squirrel-startup'); const AutoLaunch = require('auto-launch'); const urlParser = require('url'); const { getConfigField } = require('./config.js'); const { isMac, isDevEnv } = require('./utils/misc.js'); const protocolHandler = require('./protocolHandler'); const getCmdLineArg = require('./utils/getCmdLineArg.js'); const childProcess = require('child_process'); const path = require('path'); const AppDirectory = require('appdirectory'); const dirs = new AppDirectory('Symphony'); require('electron-dl')(); // used to check if a url was opened when the app was already open let isAppAlreadyOpen = false; // exit early for squirrel installer if (squirrelStartup) { return; } require('./mainApiMgr.js'); // monitor memory of main process require('./memoryMonitor.js'); const windowMgr = require('./windowMgr.js'); // only allow a single instance of app. const shouldQuit = app.makeSingleInstance((argv) => { // Someone tried to run a second instance, we should focus our window. let mainWin = windowMgr.getMainWindow(); if (mainWin) { isAppAlreadyOpen = true; if (mainWin.isMinimized()) { mainWin.restore(); } mainWin.focus(); } processProtocolAction(argv); }); // quit if another instance is already running, ignore for dev env if (!isDevEnv && shouldQuit) { app.quit(); } var symphonyAutoLauncher = new AutoLaunch({ name: 'Symphony', path: process.execPath, }); /** * This method will be called when Electron has finished * initialization and is ready to create browser windows. * Some APIs can only be used after this event occurs. */ app.on('ready', setupThenOpenMainWindow); app.on('window-all-closed', function () { app.quit(); }); app.on('activate', function () { if (windowMgr.isMainWindow(null)) { setupThenOpenMainWindow(); } else { windowMgr.showMainWindow(); } }); // adds 'symphony' as a protocol // in the system. plist file in macOS // and registry keys in windows app.setAsDefaultProtocolClient('symphony'); // This event is emitted only on macOS // at this moment, support for windows // is in pipeline (https://github.com/electron/electron/pull/8052) app.on('open-url', function (event, url) { handleProtocolAction(url); }); function setupThenOpenMainWindow() { processProtocolAction(process.argv); isAppAlreadyOpen = true; // allows installer to launch app and set auto startup mode then // immediately quit. let hasInstallFlag = getCmdLineArg(process.argv, '--install', true); if (!isMac && hasInstallFlag) { getConfigField('launchOnStartup') .then(setStartup) .then(updateUserConfigWin) .then(app.quit) .catch(app.quit); return; } // allows mac installer to overwrite user config if (isMac && hasInstallFlag) { updateUserConfigMac() .then(app.quit) .catch(app.quit); return; } getUrlAndCreateMainWindow(); } function setStartup(lStartup){ return symphonyAutoLauncher.isEnabled() .then(function(isEnabled){ if (!isEnabled && lStartup) { return symphonyAutoLauncher.enable(); } if (isEnabled && !lStartup) { return symphonyAutoLauncher.disable(); } return true; }); } // Method to overwrite user config on mac installer function updateUserConfigMac() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let userConfigPath = dirs.userConfig() + '/'; let globalConfigPath = process.argv[2]; let userName = process.env.USER; childProcess.exec(`rsync -r "${globalConfigPath}" "${userConfigPath}" && chown -R "${userName}" "${userConfigPath}"`, {timeout: 60000}, (err) => { if (err) { reject(err); } resolve(); }); }); } // Method to overwrite user config on windows installer function updateUserConfigWin() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let userConfigPath = app.getPath('userData'); let globalConfigPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'config/Symphony.config'); childProcess.exec(`echo D|xcopy /y /e /s /c "${globalConfigPath}" "${userConfigPath}"`, {timeout: 60000}, (err) => { if (err) { reject(err); } resolve(); }); }); } function getUrlAndCreateMainWindow() { // for dev env allow passing url argument if (isDevEnv) { let url = getCmdLineArg(process.argv, '--url=') if (url) { windowMgr.createMainWindow(url.substr(6)); return; } } getConfigField('url') .then(createWin).catch(function (err) { let title = 'Error loading configuration'; electron.dialog.showErrorBox(title, title + ': ' + err); }); } function createWin(urlFromConfig) { let protocol = ''; // add https protocol if none found. let parsedUrl = nodeURL.parse(urlFromConfig); if (!parsedUrl.protocol) { protocol = 'https'; } var url = nodeURL.format({ protocol: protocol, slahes: true, pathname: parsedUrl.href }); windowMgr.createMainWindow(url); } /** * processes protocol action for windows clients * @param argv {Array} an array of command line arguments */ function processProtocolAction(argv) { // In case of windows, we need to handle protocol handler // manually because electron doesn't emit // 'open-url' event on windows if (!(process.platform === 'win32')) { return; } let protocolUri = getCmdLineArg(argv, 'symphony://'); if (protocolUri) { const parsedURL = urlParser.parse(protocolUri); if (!parsedURL.protocol || !parsedURL.slashes) { return; } handleProtocolAction(protocolUri); } } function handleProtocolAction(uri) { if (!isAppAlreadyOpen) { // app is opened by the protocol url, cache the protocol url to be used later protocolHandler.setProtocolUrl(uri); } else { // app is already open, so, just trigger the protocol action method protocolHandler.processProtocolAction(uri); } }