const Application = require('./spectron/spectronSetup'); const path = require('path'); let app = new Application({}); describe('Tests for Notification position', () => { let originalTimeout = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL; jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = Application.getTimeOut(); beforeAll((done) => { return app.startApplication().then((startedApp) => { app = startedApp; done(); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }); afterAll((done) => { if (app && app.isRunning()) { jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = originalTimeout; app.stop().then(() => { done(); }).catch((err) => { console.log(err); done(); }); } }); it('should launch the app', (done) => { return app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded().then(() => { return app.client.getWindowCount().then((count) => { expect(count === 1).toBeTruthy(); done(); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }); it('should load demo html page', () => { let filePath; if (process.platform === 'win32') { filePath = 'file:///' + path.join(__dirname, '..', 'demo/index.html'); } else { filePath = 'file://$(pwd)/' + path.join(__dirname, '..', 'demo/index.html') } return app.client.url(filePath); }); it('should load demo html', () => { return app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded().then(() => { return app.client.getTitle().then((title) => { expect(title === '').toBeTruthy(); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }); it('should open notification configure window', () => { return app.client .click('#open-config-win') .windowByIndex(1) .click('#upper-left') .click('#ok-button') .windowByIndex(0) .click('#notf') .windowByIndex(1) }); it('should check notification position', () => { return app.browserWindow.getBounds().then((bounds) => { expect(bounds.x === 0).toBeTruthy(); expect(bounds.y > 0).toBeTruthy(); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }); it('should change the window', () => { return app.client.windowByIndex(0).then(() => { return app.browserWindow.getTitle().then((title) => { expect(title === 'Symphony | Secure Seamless Communication').toBeTruthy(); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }); it('should change notification position to lower-right', () => { return app.client .click('#open-config-win') .windowByIndex(2) .click('#lower-right') .click('#ok-button') .windowByIndex(0) .click('#notf') .windowByIndex(1).then(() => { return app.browserWindow.getTitle().then((title) => { expect(title === 'Electron').toBeTruthy(); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }); it('should check notification position and equal to lower-right', () => { return app.browserWindow.getBounds().then((bounds) => { expect(bounds.x > 0).toBeTruthy(); expect(bounds.y > 0).toBeTruthy(); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }); it('should change the window', () => { return app.client.windowByIndex(0).then(() => { return app.browserWindow.getTitle().then((title) => { expect(title === 'Symphony | Secure Seamless Communication').toBeTruthy(); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }); it('should change notification position to upper-right', () => { return app.client .click('#open-config-win') .windowByIndex(2) .click('#upper-right') .click('#ok-button') .windowByIndex(0) .click('#notf') .windowByIndex(1).then(() => { return app.browserWindow.getTitle().then((title) => { expect(title === 'Electron').toBeTruthy(); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }); it('should check notification position and equal to upper-right', () => { return app.browserWindow.getBounds().then((bounds) => { expect(bounds.x > 0).toBeTruthy(); expect(bounds.y > 0).toBeTruthy(); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }); it('should change the window to main', () => { return app.client.windowByIndex(0).then(() => { return app.browserWindow.getTitle().then((title) => { expect(title === 'Symphony | Secure Seamless Communication').toBeTruthy(); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }); it('should open notification and close', () => { return app.client .windowByIndex(0) .click('#notf') .getWindowCount().then((count) => { expect(count === 3).toBeTruthy(); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }) .windowByIndex(1).then(() => { return app.browserWindow.getTitle().then((title) => { expect(title === 'Electron').toBeTruthy(); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }).catch((err) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }); });