const Application = require('./spectronSetup'); const { isMac } = require('../../js/utils/misc'); const robot = require('robotjs'); let configPath; let app = new Application({}); describe('Tests for Minimize on Close', () => { let originalTimeout = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL; jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = Application.getTimeOut(); beforeAll((done) => { return app.startApplication().then((startedApp) => { app = startedApp; getConfigPath().then((config) => { configPath = config; done(); }).catch((err) => { Error(`Unable to start application error: ${err}`)); }); }).catch((err) => { Error(`Unable to start application error: ${err}`)); }); }); function getConfigPath() { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { app.client.addCommand('getUserDataPath', function () { return this.execute(function () { return require('electron')'userData'); }) }); app.client.getUserDataPath().then((userConfigPath) => { resolve(userConfigPath.value) }).catch((err) => { reject(err); }); }); } afterAll((done) => { if (app && app.isRunning()) { jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = originalTimeout; app.client.getWindowCount().then((count) => { if (count > 0) { app.stop().then(() => { done(); }).catch((err) => { done(); }); } else { done(); } }) } else { done(); } }); it('should launch the app', (done) => { return app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded().then(() => { return app.client.getWindowCount().then((count) => { expect(count === 1).toBeTruthy(); done(); }).catch((err) => { Error(`minimize-on-close failed in getWindowCount with error: ${err}`)); }); }).catch((err) => { Error(`minimize-on-close failed in waitUntilWindowLoaded with error: ${err}`)); }); }); it('should check window count', (done) => { return app.client.getWindowCount().then((count) => { expect(count === 1).toBeTruthy(); done(); }).catch((err) => { Error(`minimize-on-close failed in getWindowCount with error: ${err}`)); }); }); it('should check browser window visibility', (done) => { return app.browserWindow.isVisible().then((isVisible) => { expect(isVisible).toBeTruthy(); done(); }).catch((err) => { Error(`minimize-on-close failed in isVisible with error: ${err}`)); }); }); it('should bring the app to top', () => { app.browserWindow.focus(); return app.browserWindow.setAlwaysOnTop(true).then(() => { return app.browserWindow.isAlwaysOnTop().then((isOnTop) => { expect(isOnTop).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); it('should check whether the app is minimized', (done) => { Application.readConfig(configPath).then((userConfig) => { if (isMac) { if (userConfig.minimizeOnClose) { robot.setKeyboardDelay(100); robot.keyToggle('w', 'down', ['command']); robot.keyToggle('w', 'up'); robot.keyToggle('command', 'up'); app.browserWindow.isMinimized().then(function (minimized) { expect(minimized).toBeTruthy(); done(); }).catch((err) => { Error(`minimize-on-close failed in isMinimized with error: ${err}`)); }); } else { robot.setMouseDelay(100); robot.moveMouseSmooth(200, 10); robot.mouseClick(); robot.setKeyboardDelay(100); // Key tap 8 times as "Minimize on Close" is in the // 8th position under view menu item for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { robot.keyTap('down'); } robot.keyTap('enter'); robot.keyToggle('w', 'down', ['command']); robot.keyToggle('w', 'up'); robot.keyToggle('command', 'up'); app.browserWindow.isMinimized().then(function (minimized) { expect(minimized).toBeTruthy(); done(); }).catch((err) => { Error(`minimize-on-close failed in isMinimized with error: ${err}`)); }); } } else { if (!userConfig.minimizeOnClose) { app.browserWindow.getBounds().then((bounds) => { robot.setMouseDelay(100); let x = bounds.x + 95; let y = bounds.y + 35; robot.moveMouse(x, y); robot.mouseClick(); // Key tap 5 times as "Minimize on Close" is in the // 5th position under Window menu item for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { robot.keyTap('down'); } robot.keyTap('enter'); robot.keyToggle('w', 'down', ['control']); robot.keyToggle('w', 'up'); robot.keyToggle('control', 'up'); app.browserWindow.isMinimized().then(function (minimized) { expect(minimized).toBeTruthy(); done(); }).catch((err) => { Error(`minimize-on-close failed in isMinimized with error: ${err}`)); }); }); } else { app.browserWindow.getBounds().then((bounds) => { robot.setMouseDelay(100); let x = bounds.x + 200; let y = bounds.y + 200; robot.moveMouseSmooth(x, y); robot.mouseClick(); robot.keyToggle('w', 'down', ['control']); robot.keyToggle('w', 'up'); robot.keyToggle('control', 'up'); app.browserWindow.isMinimized().then(function (minimized) { expect(minimized).toBeTruthy(); done(); }).catch((err) => { Error(`minimize-on-close failed in isMinimized with error: ${err}`)); }); }); } } }).catch((err) => { Error(`minimize-on-close failed in readConfig with error: ${err}`)); }) }); });