'use strict'; const electron = require('electron'); const log = require('../log.js'); const logLevels = require('../enums/logLevels.js'); const i18n = require('../translation/i18n'); /** * Show dialog pinned to given window when loading error occurs * @param {BrowserWindow} win Window to host dialog * @param {String} url Url that failed * @param {String} errorDesc Description of error * @param {Number} errorCode Error code * @param {function} retryCallback Callback when user clicks reload * @param {Boolean} showDialog Indicates if a dialog need to be show to a user */ function showLoadFailure(win, url, errorDesc, errorCode, retryCallback, showDialog) { let msg; if (url) { msg = i18n.getMessageFor('Error loading URL') + `:\n${url}`; } else { msg = i18n.getMessageFor('Error loading window'); } if (errorDesc) { msg += '\n\n' + errorDesc; } if (errorCode) { msg += '\n\nError Code: ' + errorCode; } if (showDialog) { electron.dialog.showMessageBox(win, { type: 'error', buttons: [i18n.getMessageFor('Reload'), i18n.getMessageFor('Ignore')], defaultId: 0, cancelId: 1, noLink: true, title: i18n.getMessageFor('Loading Error'), message: msg }, response); } log.send(logLevels.WARNING, 'Load failure msg: ' + errorDesc + ' errorCode: ' + errorCode + ' for url:' + url); // async handle of user input function response(buttonId) { // retry if hitting butotn index 0 (i.e., reload) if (buttonId === 0 && typeof retryCallback === 'function') { retryCallback(); } } } /** * Show message indicating network connectivity has been lost. * @param {BrowserWindow} win Window to host dialog * @param {String} url Url that failed * @param {function} retryCallback Callback when user clicks reload */ function showNetworkConnectivityError(win, url, retryCallback) { let errorDesc = i18n.getMessageFor('Network connectivity has been lost. Check your internet connection.'); showLoadFailure(win, url, errorDesc, 0, retryCallback, true); } module.exports = { showLoadFailure, showNetworkConnectivityError };