jest.mock('../src/app/window-actions', () => { return { activate: jest.fn(), }; }); jest.mock('../src/common/utils', () => { return { getCommandLineArgs: jest.fn(() => 'symphony://?userId=22222'), }; }); jest.mock('../src/common/env', () => { return { isWindowsOS: false, isMac: true, }; }); describe('protocol handler', () => { let protocolHandlerInstance; beforeEach(() => { jest.resetModules(); const { protocolHandler } = require('../src/app/protocol-handler'); protocolHandlerInstance = protocolHandler; }); it('protocol uri should be null by default', () => { expect(protocolHandlerInstance.protocolUri).toBe('symphony://?userId=22222'); }); it('protocol action should be called when uri is correct', () => { protocolHandlerInstance.preloadWebContents = { send: jest.fn() }; const spy: jest.SpyInstance = jest.spyOn(protocolHandlerInstance.preloadWebContents, 'send'); const uri: string = 'symphony://?userId=123456'; const protocolAction: string = 'protocol-action'; protocolHandlerInstance.sendProtocol(uri); expect(spy).toBeCalledWith(protocolAction, 'symphony://?userId=123456'); }); it('protocol activate should be called when uri is correct on macOS', () => { const { activate } = require('../src/app/window-actions'); protocolHandlerInstance.preloadWebContents = { send: jest.fn() }; const uri: string = 'symphony://?userId=123456'; protocolHandlerInstance.sendProtocol(uri); expect(activate).toBeCalledWith('main'); }); it('protocol activate should not be called when uri is correct on non macOS', () => { const env = require('../src/common/env'); env.isMac = false; const { activate } = require('../src/app/window-actions'); protocolHandlerInstance.preloadWebContents = { send: jest.fn() }; const uri: string = 'symphony://?userId=123456'; protocolHandlerInstance.sendProtocol(uri); expect(activate).not.toBeCalled(); }); it('protocol action not should be called when uri is incorrect', () => { protocolHandlerInstance.preloadWebContents = { send: jest.fn() }; const spy: jest.SpyInstance = jest.spyOn(protocolHandlerInstance.preloadWebContents, 'send'); const uri: string = 'symphony---://?userId=123456'; const protocolAction: string = 'protocol-action'; protocolHandlerInstance.sendProtocol(uri); expect(spy).not.toBeCalledWith(protocolAction, 'symphony://?userId=123456'); }); it('protocol should get uri from `processArgv` when `getCommandLineArgs` is called', () => { const { getCommandLineArgs } = require('../src/common/utils'); protocolHandlerInstance.processArgv(''); expect(getCommandLineArgs).toBeCalled(); }); it('should be called `sendProtocol` when is windowsOS on `processArgs`', () => { const env = require('../src/common/env'); env.isWindowsOS = true; const spy: jest.SpyInstance = jest.spyOn(protocolHandlerInstance, 'sendProtocol'); protocolHandlerInstance.processArgv(''); expect(spy).toBeCalled(); }); it('should invoke `sendProtocol` when `setPreloadWebContents` is called and protocolUri is valid', () => { protocolHandlerInstance.preloadWebContents = { send: jest.fn() }; protocolHandlerInstance.protocolUri = 'symphony://?userId=123456'; const spy: jest.SpyInstance = jest.spyOn(protocolHandlerInstance, 'sendProtocol'); protocolHandlerInstance.setPreloadWebContents({ send: jest.fn() }); expect(spy).toBeCalledWith('symphony://?userId=123456'); }); it('should not invoke `sendProtocol` when `setPreloadWebContents` is called and protocolUri is invalid', () => { protocolHandlerInstance.preloadWebContents = { send: jest.fn() }; protocolHandlerInstance.protocolUri = null; const spy: jest.SpyInstance = jest.spyOn(protocolHandlerInstance, 'sendProtocol'); protocolHandlerInstance.setPreloadWebContents({ send: jest.fn() }); expect(spy).not.toBeCalled(); }); });