const { clearCachedConfigs, getConfigField, updateConfigField, configFileName, saveUserConfig } = require('../js/config'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const os = require('os'); // mock required so getConfig reads config from correct path jest.mock('../js/utils/misc.js', function() { return { isDevEnv: false, isMac: false } }); let globalConfigDir; let userConfigDir; jest.mock('electron', function() { return { app: { getPath: mockedGetPath } } }); function mockedGetPath(type) { if (type === 'exe') { return globalConfigDir; } if (type === 'userData') { return userConfigDir } return ''; } describe('read/write config tests', function() { beforeEach(function() { /// reset module vars between running tests. globalConfigDir = null; userConfigDir = null; // reset module values so each test starts clean. clearCachedConfigs(); }); afterEach(function() { // clean up temp files creating during tests if (globalConfigDir) { fs.unlinkSync(path.join(globalConfigDir, configFileName)); fs.rmdirSync(globalConfigDir); fs.rmdirSync(path.join(globalConfigDir, '..')); } if (userConfigDir) { fs.unlinkSync(path.join(userConfigDir, configFileName)); fs.rmdirSync(userConfigDir); } }); function createTempConfigFile(filePath, config) { fs.writeFileSync(filePath, JSON.stringify(config)); } function createTempUserConfig(config) { var tmpDir = os.tmpdir(); userConfigDir = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(tmpDir, 'config-')); return createTempConfigFile(path.join(userConfigDir, configFileName), config); } function createTempGlobalConfig(config) { var tmpDir = os.tmpdir(); globalConfigDir = path.join(fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(tmpDir, 'config-')), 'config'); fs.mkdirSync(globalConfigDir); return createTempConfigFile(path.join(globalConfigDir, configFileName), config); } function removeTempConfigFile(filePath) { fs.unlinkSync(filePath); } describe('getConfigField tests', function() { it('should fail when field not present in either user or global config', function() { var userConfig = { url: 'something' } createTempUserConfig(userConfig); var globalConfig = { url: 'something-else' } createTempGlobalConfig(globalConfig); return getConfigField('noturl').catch(function(err) { expect(err).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('should succeed when field only present in user config', function() { var userConfig = { url: 'something' } createTempUserConfig(userConfig); return getConfigField('url').then(function(url) { expect(url).toBe('something'); }); }); it('should succeed when field only present in global config', function() { var globalConfig = { url: 'something-else' } createTempGlobalConfig(globalConfig); return getConfigField('url').then(function(url) { expect(url).toBe('something-else'); }); }); it('should succeed and return user config field when value is in both', function() { var userConfig = { url: 'something' } createTempUserConfig(userConfig); var globalConfig = { url: 'something-else' } createTempGlobalConfig(globalConfig); return getConfigField('url').then(function(url) { expect(url).toBe('something'); }); }); it('should fail when global config path is invalid', function() { var globalConfig = { url: 'something-else' }; createTempGlobalConfig(globalConfig); let correctConfigDir = globalConfigDir; globalConfigDir = '//'; return getConfigField('url').catch(function(err) { globalConfigDir = correctConfigDir; expect(err).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('should fail when user config path is invalid', function() { var userConfig = { url: 'something' }; createTempUserConfig(userConfig); let correctConfigDir = userConfigDir; userConfigDir = '//'; return getConfigField('url').catch(function(err) { userConfigDir = correctConfigDir; expect(err).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('should read cached user config value rather than reading file from disk again', function(done) { var userConfig = { url: '' }; createTempUserConfig(userConfig); var userConfig2 = { url: '' }; return getConfigField('url') .then(function() { createTempUserConfig(userConfig2); }) .then(function() { return getConfigField('url') }) .then(function(url) { expect(url).toBe(''); done(); }); }); it('should read cache global config value rather than reading file from disk again', function(done) { var globalConfig = { url: '' }; createTempGlobalConfig(globalConfig); var globalConfig2 = { url: '' }; return getConfigField('url') .then(function() { createTempGlobalConfig(globalConfig2); }) .then(function() { return getConfigField('url') }) .then(function(url) { expect(url).toBe(''); done(); }); }); }); describe('updateConfigField tests', function() { it('should succeed and overwrite existing field', function() { var userConfig = { url: 'something' }; createTempUserConfig(userConfig); return updateConfigField('url', 'hello world') .then(function(newConfig) { expect(newConfig).toEqual({ url: 'hello world' }); }); }); it('should succeed and add new field', function() { var userConfig = { url: 'something' }; createTempUserConfig(userConfig); return updateConfigField('url2', 'hello world') .then(function(newConfig) { expect(newConfig).toEqual({ url: 'something', url2: 'hello world' }); }); }); it('should fail to update if invalid field name', function() { var userConfig = { url: 'something' }; createTempUserConfig(userConfig); return updateConfigField('', 'hello word').catch(function (err) { expect(err).toBe('can not save config, invalid input'); }); }); it('should throw error if path is not defined', function() { userConfigDir = null; return updateConfigField('url2', 'hello world') .catch(function (err) { expect(err).toThrow(err); }); }); it('should throw error if fieldName is not defined', function() { var userConfig = { url: 'something' }; createTempUserConfig(userConfig); return saveUserConfig(undefined, 'something', 'oldConfig') .catch(function (reject) { expect(reject).toBe('can not save config, invalid input'); }); }); it('should throw error if config is not defined', function() { var userConfig = { url: 'something' }; createTempUserConfig(userConfig); return saveUserConfig('url2', 'something', undefined) .catch(function (reject) { expect(reject).toBe('can not save config, invalid input'); }); }); it('should throw error if path is not defined for saveUserConfig()', function() { userConfigDir = null; return saveUserConfig('url2', 'hello world') .catch(function (err) { expect(err).toThrow(err); }); }); }); });