#!/bin/sh ## Create file path variables ## tempFilePath='/tmp/sym_settings.txt' installPath="$2" configPath="/Symphony.app/Contents/config/Symphony.config" newPath=$installPath$configPath ## Get Symphony Settings from the temp file ## pod_url=$(sed -n '1p' $tempFilePath); minimize_on_close=$(sed -n '2p' '/tmp/sym_settings.txt'); launch_on_startup=$(sed -n '3p' '/tmp/sym_settings.txt'); always_on_top=$(sed -n '4p' '/tmp/sym_settings.txt'); ## Replace the default settings with the user selected settings ## sed -i "" -E "s#\"url\" ?: ?\".*\"#\"url\"\: \"$pod_url\"#g" $newPath sed -i "" -E "s#\"minimizeOnClose\" ?: ?([Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]|[Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee])#\"minimizeOnClose\":\ $minimize_on_close#g" $newPath sed -i "" -E "s#\"alwaysOnTop\" ?: ?([Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]|[Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee])#\"alwaysOnTop\":\ $always_on_top#g" $newPath sed -i "" -E "s#\"launchOnStartup\" ?: ?([Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]|[Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee])#\"launchOnStartup\":\ $launch_on_startup#g" $newPath ## Add app to login items if [ $launch_on_startup == true ]; then mkdir ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ cat > ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.symphony.symphony-desktop.agent.plist << EOT Label com.symphony.symphony-desktop.agent ProgramArguments $installPath/Symphony.app/Contents/MacOS/Symphony RunAtLoad EOT else launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.symphony.symphony-desktop.agent.plist fi ## Remove the temp settings file created ## rm -f $tempFilePath ## For launching symphony with sandbox enabled, create a shell script that is used as the launch point for the app EXEC_PATH=$installPath/Symphony.app/Contents/MacOS mv $EXEC_PATH/Symphony $EXEC_PATH/Symphony-bin cat > $EXEC_PATH/Symphony << EOT #!/bin/sh exec "\${0%/*}/Symphony-bin" --enable-sandbox \$@ EOT chmod 755 $EXEC_PATH/Symphony