const robot = require('robotjs'); const constants = require('./spectronConstants.js'); const Utils = require('./spectronUtils.js'); const fs = require('fs'); const WebActions = require('./spectronWebActions.js'); const { isMac, isWindowsOS } = require('../../js/utils/misc'); const ui = require('./spectronInterfaces.js'); const JSZip = require("jszip"); class WindowsActions { constructor(app) { = app; } async getCurrentSize() { return; } async setSize(width, height) { await, height); } async closeWindows() { try { if ( { let isRunning = await; await; } } catch (error) { console.log(error); } } async isElectronProcessRunning() { let ret = false; if (isWindowsOS) { let result = await Utils.execPromise("tasklist | find /i \"electron.exe\""); if (result && result.indexOf('electron.exe') > -1) { ret = true; } } return ret; } async resizeWindows(width, height) { await => { let x = bounds.x + (bounds.width - width); let y = bounds.y + (bounds.height - height); robot.setMouseDelay(500); // Plus 2 pixels to make sure this function works well on MAC robot.moveMouse(bounds.x + 2, bounds.y + 2); robot.mouseToggle("down"); robot.dragMouse(x, y); robot.mouseToggle("up"); }) } async getCurrentPosition() { return; } async setPosition(x, y) { await, y); } async dragWindows(x, y) { await => { robot.setMouseDelay(500); robot.moveMouse(bounds.x + 200, bounds.y + 10); robot.mouseToggle("down"); robot.moveMouse(bounds.x + 205, bounds.y + 10); // Workaround to make this keyword works properly, refer: robot.dragMouse(x + 205, y + 10); robot.mouseToggle("up"); }) } async showWindow() { await; } async clickOutsideWindow() { await this.setPosition(0, 0); let currentSize = await this.getCurrentSize(); await robot.setMouseDelay(100); await robot.moveMouse(currentSize[0] + 20, currentSize[1] + 20); await robot.mouseClick(); } async verifyWindowsOnTop(value) { let isAlwaysOnTop = await; if (value) { await expect(isAlwaysOnTop).toBeTruthy(); } else { await expect(isAlwaysOnTop).toBeFalsy(); } } async menuSearch(element, namevalue) { if ( == namevalue) { return await element; } else if (element.items !== undefined) { var result; for (var i = 0; result == null && i < element.items.length; i++) { result = await this.menuSearch(element.items[i], namevalue); result; } return await result; } return await null; } async openMenu(arrMenu) { await Utils.sleep(3); var arrStep = []; for (var i = 0; i < arrMenu.length; i++) { var item = await this.menuSearch(constants.MENU.root, arrMenu[i]); await arrStep.push(item); } await this.actionForMenus(arrStep); return arrStep; } async openMenuOnMac(arrMenu) { var arrStep = []; for (var i = 0; i < arrMenu.length; i++) { var item = await this.menuSearch(constants.MENUMAC.root, arrMenu[i]); await arrStep.push(item); } await this.actionForMenusOnMac(arrStep); return arrStep; } async actionForMenus(arrMenu) { let webAction = await new WebActions(; await (bounds) => { await robot.setMouseDelay(500); let x = bounds.x + 95; let y = bounds.y + 35; await robot.moveMouseSmooth(x, y); await robot.moveMouse(x, y); await robot.mouseClick(); await webAction.openApplicationMenuByClick(); await robot.setKeyboardDelay(200); await robot.keyTap('enter'); for (var i = 0; i < arrMenu.length; i++) { for (var s = 0; s < arrMenu[i].step; s++) { await robot.keyTap('down'); } if (arrMenu.length > 1 && i != arrMenu.length - 1) { //handle right keygen await robot.keyTap('right'); } } await robot.keyTap('enter'); }); } async actionForMenusOnMac(arrMenu) { let webAction = await new WebActions(; await robot.setMouseDelay(2000); let x = 5; let y = 5; await robot.moveMouseSmooth(x, y); await robot.moveMouse(x, y); await robot.mouseClick(); await robot.setKeyboardDelay(100); for (var i = 0; i < arrMenu.length; i++) { if (i == 0) { for (var s = 0; s < arrMenu[i].step; s++) { await robot.keyTap('right'); } } else { for (var s = 0; s <= arrMenu[i].step; s++) { await robot.keyTap('down'); } } if (arrMenu.length > 1 && i != arrMenu.length - 1) { //handle right keygen await robot.keyTap('right'); } } await robot.keyTap('enter'); } async verifyLogExported() { let expected = false; let path = await Utils.getFolderPath('Downloads'); this.generateLog(path); let listFiles = Utils.getFiles(path); listFiles.forEach(function (fileName) { if (fileName.indexOf(constants.LOG_FILENAME_PREFIX) > -1) { expected = true; } }) await expect(expected).toBeTruthy(); } async deleteAllLogFiles() { let path = await Utils.getFolderPath('Downloads'); let listFiles = Utils.getFiles(path); await listFiles.forEach(function (fileName) { if (fileName.indexOf(constants.LOG_FILENAME_PREFIX) > -1) { fs.unlinkSync(path.concat("\\", fileName)); } }) } async selectMinimizeOnClose() { let webAction = await new WebActions(; await (bounds) => { await robot.setMouseDelay(100); let x = bounds.x + 95; let y = bounds.y + 35; await robot.moveMouseSmooth(x, y); await robot.moveMouse(x, y); await robot.mouseClick(); await webAction.openApplicationMenuByClick(); await robot.setKeyboardDelay(1000); await robot.keyTap('enter'); await robot.keyTap('down'); await robot.keyTap('down'); await robot.keyTap('right'); for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { await robot.keyTap('down'); } await robot.keyTap('enter'); }); } async quitApp() { let webAction = await new WebActions(; await (bounds) => { await robot.setMouseDelay(100); let x = bounds.x + 95; let y = bounds.y + 35; await robot.moveMouseSmooth(x, y); await robot.moveMouse(x, y); await robot.mouseClick(); await webAction.openApplicationMenuByClick(); await robot.setKeyboardDelay(1000); await robot.keyTap('enter'); await robot.keyTap('down'); await robot.keyTap('down'); await robot.keyTap('right'); for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { await robot.keyTap('down'); } await robot.keyTap('enter'); }); } async pressCtrlW() { await robot.keyToggle('w', 'down', ['control']); await robot.keyToggle('w', 'up', ['control']); } async pressCtrlWOnMac() { await robot.keyToggle('w', 'down', ['command']); await robot.keyToggle('w', 'up', ['command']); } async verifyMinimizeWindows() { let isMinimized = await; await expect(isMinimized).toBeTruthy(); } async isMinimizedWindows() { let rminimized = -1; await function (minimized) { rminimized = constants.MINIMIZED; }).catch((err) => { rminimized = constants.QUIT; return rminimized; }); return rminimized; } async pressCtrlM() { if (!isMac) { await robot.keyToggle('m', 'down', ['control']); await robot.keyToggle('m', 'up', ['control']); } else { await robot.keyToggle('m', 'down', ['command']); await robot.keyToggle('m', 'up', ['command']); } } async pressF11() { await robot.keyTap('f11'); } async pressCtrlR() { await robot.keyToggle('r', 'down', ['control']); await robot.keyToggle('r', 'up', ['control']); } async focusWindow() {; } async setAlwaysOnTop(value) {; } async reload() { await (bounds) => { await robot.setMouseDelay(50); let x = bounds.x + 95; let y = bounds.y + 200; await robot.moveMouseSmooth(x, y); await robot.moveMouse(x, y); await robot.mouseClick('right'); await robot.setKeyboardDelay(2000); await robot.keyTap('right'); await robot.keyTap('down'); await robot.keyTap('enter'); }).catch((err1) => { console.log("Message:" + err1); }); } async clickNotification(x, y) { await robot.setMouseDelay(500); await robot.moveMouseSmooth(x, y); await robot.moveMouse(x, y); await robot.mouseClick(); } async mouseMoveNotification(x, y) { await robot.setMouseDelay(500); await robot.moveMouseSmooth(x, y); await robot.moveMouse(x, y); } async mouseMoveCenter() { let screen = await; await (bounds) => { await robot.setMouseDelay(50); let x = screen[0].bounds.width / 2; let y = screen[0].bounds.height / 2; await robot.moveMouseSmooth(x, y); await robot.moveMouse(x, y); }); } async verifyPersistToastNotification(message) { let webAction = await new WebActions(; let currentPosition = await this.getToastNotificationPosition(message); let curentSize = await this.getToastNotificationSize(message); await webAction.verifyToastNotificationShow(message); let x = await (currentPosition[0] + curentSize[0] / 2); let y = await (currentPosition[1] + curentSize[1] / 2); await this.clickNotification(x, y); await this.mouseMoveCenter(); } async verifyNotPersistToastNotification() { let webAction = await new WebActions(; let i = 0; while (i < 3) { await Utils.sleep(1); await i++; } await this.webAction.verifyNoToastNotificationShow(); await this.mouseMoveCenter(); } async verifyNotCloseToastWhenMouseOver(message) { var i = 0; while (i < 3) { await Utils.sleep(1); await i++; } let webAction = await new WebActions(; let currentPosition = await this.getToastNotificationPosition(message); let curentSize = await this.getToastNotificationSize(message); let x = await (currentPosition[0] + curentSize[0] / 2); let y = await (currentPosition[1] + curentSize[1] / 2); await this.mouseMoveNotification(x, y); await webAction.verifyToastNotificationShow(message); await this.mouseMoveCenter(); } async windowByIndex(index) { await; } async getWindowIndexFromTitle(windowTitle) { let winCount = await this.getWindowCount(); if (winCount > 1) { for (let j = 1; j < winCount; j++) { await this.windowByIndex(j); //wait 120s for title loading let title = await; for (let i = 1; i <= 120; i++) { if (title != "Symphony") { break; } await Utils.sleep(1); title = await;; } if (title === windowTitle) { await this.windowByIndex(0); return j; } } } await this.windowByIndex(0); return 0; } async bringToFront(windowTitle) { let index = await this.getWindowIndexFromTitle(windowTitle); await this.windowByIndex(index); await; await; } async closeChromeDriver() { Utils.killProcess("chromedriver"); } async closeChromeDriverOnMac() { Utils.killProcessOnMac("Electron"); } async getToastNotificationIndex(message) { for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { let winCount = await if (winCount > 1) { for (let j = 1; j < winCount; j++) { await; if (await === message) { return j; } } } await Utils.sleep(1); } return 0; } async getToastNotificationPosition(message) { let index = await this.getToastNotificationIndex(message); await this.windowByIndex(index); let currentPosition = await this.getCurrentPosition(); await this.windowByIndex(0); return currentPosition; } async getToastNotificationSize(message) { let index = await this.getToastNotificationIndex(message); await this.windowByIndex(index); let currentSize = await this.getCurrentSize(); await this.windowByIndex(0); return currentSize; } async verifyToastNotificationPosition(message, expectedPosition) { let screen = await; let screenWidth = screen.size.width; let screenHeight = screen.size.height; let currentPosition = await this.getToastNotificationPosition(message); let curentSize = await this.getToastNotificationSize(message); switch (expectedPosition) { case "lower-right": expect(currentPosition[0] + curentSize[0]).toEqual(screenWidth); expect(screenHeight - (currentPosition[1] + curentSize[1])).toBeLessThan(100); break; case "upper-right": expect(currentPosition[0] + curentSize[0]).toEqual(screenWidth); expect(currentPosition[1]).toEqual(0); break; case "upper-left": expect(currentPosition[0]).toEqual(0); expect(currentPosition[1]).toEqual(0); break; case "lower-left": expect(currentPosition[0]).toEqual(0); expect(screenHeight - (currentPosition[1] + curentSize[1])).toBeLessThan(100); break; } await this.windowByIndex(0); return 0; } async getWindowCount() { return await; } async verifyWindowFocus(windowTitle) { let index = await this.getWindowIndexFromTitle(windowTitle); await this.windowByIndex(index); let isFocused = await; expect(isFocused === true).toBeTruthy(); await this.windowByIndex(0); } async verifyPopOutWindowAppear(windowTitle) { let index = await this.getWindowIndexFromTitle(windowTitle); expect(index).toBeGreaterThan(0); } async closeAllPopOutWindow() { let winCount = await this.getWindowCount(); while (winCount > 1) { await this.windowByIndex(winCount - 1); await; await Utils.sleep(2); winCount = await this.getWindowCount(); } await this.windowByIndex(0); } async stopApp() { if ( && { await; } } async isAppRunning() { return; } async generateLog(downloadsPath) { let zip = new JSZip(); zip.file("Hello.txt", "Hello World\n"); zip.generateNodeStream({ type: 'nodebuffer', streamFiles: true }) .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(downloadsPath + '/')) .on('finish', function () { console.log("logs_symphony written."); }); } async windowReload() { await; } async verifyWindowCount(expected) { let count = await await expect(count === expected).toBeTruthy(); } async doAlwaysOnTopOnMac() { await robot.setMouseDelay(500); await robot.moveMouse(190, 0); await robot.mouseClick(); // Key tap 7 times as "Always on Top" is in the // 7th position under view menu item for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { await robot.keyTap('down'); } await robot.keyTap('enter'); } async setAlwaysOnTop(value) { if (isMac) { await this.doAlwaysOnTopOnMac(); } else { await this.openMenu(["Window", "Always on Top"]); } let isAlwaysOnTop = await; if (value !== isAlwaysOnTop) { if (isMac) { await this.doAlwaysOnTopOnMac(); } else { await this.openMenu(["Window", "Always on Top"]); } } } async verifyAppFullScreen() { let actual = await; await expect(actual).toBeTruthy(); } async fullScreenOnMac() { await robot.setMouseDelay(100); await robot.moveMouseSmooth(205, 10); await robot.mouseClick(); await robot.setKeyboardDelay(100); // Key tap 5 times as "Enter Full Screen" is in the // 5th position under view menu item for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { await robot.keyTap('down'); } await robot.keyTap('enter'); } async blurBrowserWindow() { await robot.setMouseDelay(200); await robot.moveMouse(0, 100); await robot.mouseClick(); } async resetBadgeCount() { await; } async getBadgeCount() { let count = await; return count; } async verifyCurrentBadgeCount(number) { let expected = false; var i = 0; var count = await this.getBadgeCount(); while (i < 5) { if (count == number) { expected = true; break; } await Utils.sleep(1); count = await this.getBadgeCount(); await i++; } await expect(expected).toBeTruthy(); } async openMinimizeAndClose(minimizeTimes,closeTimes) { for (let i = 0; i < minimizeTimes; i++) { if (!isMac) { await this.openMenu(["Window", "Minimize on Close"]); } else { await this.openMenuOnMac(["View", "Minimize on Close"]); } } for (let j = 0; j < closeTimes; j++) { if (!isMac) { await this.openMenu(["Window", "Close"]); } else { await this.openMenuOnMac(["Window", "Close"]); } } } } module.exports = WindowsActions;