## Prerequisites ### Windows - NodeJS version >= 14.x.y (corresponds to electron 14.x.y) - Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Community or Paid (C++ and .NET/C# development tools) - Python >= 2.7.1 - Dot Net 3.5 SP1 or later #### Notes - C++ tools are required to recompile node modules - Dot NET/C# tools required to compile screen-snippet module - Open 'Developer Command Prompt for VS2017'. This sets paths to visual studio build tools. ### Mac - Xcode command line tools. Or better, Xcode latest version - NodeJS version >= 14.x.y (corresponds to electron 14.x.y) - [Sudre Packages](http://s.sudre.free.fr/Software/Packages/about.html) #### Notes - Ensure you have accepted the XCode license agreement - We use Sudre packages to create a .pkg installer file ## Running SDA - Set this.origin to '*' in `app-bridge.ts` when running the demo. - Search for `// DEMO-APP:` and comment that line back in. - Make sure to comment it out again before you commit. ``` # Install dependencies npm install # Build SDA npm run prebuild # Run against a POD npm run dev -- --url=https://corporate.symphony.com # Run the demo app npm run demo ``` ## Tests ``` # Run all the tests npm run compile:spec npm run test # Specific Tests npm run test -- --match=spell* # Run Unit tests only npm run test:unit # Specific Unit tests npm run test:unit -- --match=spell* ``` ### Code Coverage - We capture the Code coverage reports under [coverage](out/coverage) - To check the test run report, see the [out](out/) directory - See the [tests](spec/) directory to find all the unit tests ## Packaging: - Add Artifactory credentials to your home directory `.npmrc` file 1. Login to https://repo.symphony.com/ in your browser 2. Open https://repo.symphony.com/artifactory/webapp/#/profile 3. Click generate token 4. Execute `curl --location --request GET 'https://repo.symphony.com/artifactory/api/npm/auth' --header 'X-JFrog-Art-Api: '` 5. Update ~/.npmrc with: ``` registry = https://repo.symphony.com/artifactory/api/npm/npm-virtual-dev/ _auth = always-auth = true ``` ### Mac 🖥 - npm install - npm run dev (to run locally) - To build the macOS app: * Run the command `npm run unpacked-mac` * The distributable is created in the `dist/mac` directory - To build mac package (installer): * Run the command `npm run packed-mac` * The .pkg file will be generated in the `installer/mac/build` directory ### Windows 💻 - npm install - npm run dev (to run locally) - To build windows unpacked exe: * Run the command `npm run unpacked-win` * The distributable is created in the `dist/win-unpacked` directory - To build windows 64-bit unpacked exe: * Run the command `npm run unpacked-win` * The distributable is created in the `dist/win-unpacked` directory - To create msi (installer): * Run the advanced installer script located in `installer/win` directory #### MSI command line options: - To install for all users (admin required): msiexec.exe /i Symphony-x64.msi ALLUSERS=1 - To install per user: msiexec.exe /i Symphony-x64.msi ALLUSERS="" - To change default pod url: msiexe.exe /i Symphony-x64.msi POD_URL=my.symphony.com - To change auto start: msiexe.exe /i Symphony-x64.msi AUTO_LAUNCH=true (or false) - if not specified default it true. - To change minimize on close: msiexe.exe /i Symphony-x64.msi MINIMIZE_ON_CLOSE=true (or false) - if not specified default is true. - Any of the above options can be chained together, for example: msiexe.exe /i Symphony-x64.msi MINIMIZE_ON_CLOSE=true AUTO_START=false POD_URL=my.symphony.com - The available values for various settings in the installer is listed below * POD_URL (String) * ALWAYS_ON_TOP (Boolean) * AUTO_LAUNCH (Boolean) * MINIMIZE_ON_CLOSE (Boolean) * BRING_TO_FRONT (Boolean) * MEDIA (Boolean) * LOCATION (Boolean) * NOTIFICATIONS (Boolean) * MIDI_SYSEX (Boolean) * FULL_SCREEN (Boolean) * POINTER_LOCK (Boolean) * OPEN_EXTERNAL (Boolean) ### Linux 🐳 - Download and install Docker daemon [here](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop) - Run the below docker commands under the project directory - To generate and tag the container `docker build -t linux:6.0.0 --build-arg REPO=https://github.com/symphonyoss/SymphonyElectron --build-arg BRANCH=linux .` - To make sure the image is created and tagged correctly `docker images` - To run the docker image and generate the linux builds 🎉 `docker run --name linux linux:6.0.0` - To copy the builds `docker cp linux:/SymphonyElectron/dist/symphony-6.1.0.x86_64.rpm ~/Desktop` `docker cp linux:/SymphonyElectron/dist/symphony_6.1.0_amd64.deb ~/Desktop` ##### Other useful docker commands - To connect to the interactive bash `docker run -i -t linux:6.0.0 /bin/bash` - To delete all stopper containers `docker system prune -a` - To delete the container/image `docker rmi -f linux:6.0.0` ### Change POD URL - To change the start url (i.e., pod url), edit config/Symphony.config and change 'url' variable. if no protocol provided, then https will be added. - The installer will include file config/Symphony.config next to executable. Changes in this file will affect all users. - Alternatively, to run against a specific pod, launch Symphony (SDA) with the command line parameter `--url=pod_url `. With this, you don't have to change the config/Symphony.config file every time. ## Troubleshooting ### Logging - We enable local logging for dev environments using the module [electron-log](https://www.npmjs.com/package /electron-log) - On macOS, we store the logs under `~/Library/Logs/Electron/app_.log` - On Windows, we store the logs under `%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Electron\app_.log` - On Linux, we store the logs under `~/.config/Electron/logs/app_.log` ### Customisation - If you need to run against a POD without proper cert use cmd line option: --ignore-certificate-errors - To start an additional instance with custom data directory (if you want seperate user) use cmd line options : --multiInstance --userDataPath=`` - If directory doesn't exist, it will be created