import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import * as React from 'react'; import { apiCmds } from '../src/common/api-interface'; import AboutApp from '../src/renderer/components/about-app'; import { ipcRenderer } from './__mocks__/electron'; describe('about app', () => { const aboutAppDataLabel = 'about-app-data'; const aboutDataMockClipboard = { sbeVersion: '1', userConfig: {}, globalConfig: { isPodUrlEditable: true }, cloudConfig: {}, finalConfig: { url: '' }, appName: 'Symphony', versionLocalised: 'Version', buildNumber: '4.x.x', hostname: '', sfeVersion: 'N/A', sfeClientType: '1.5', sdaVersion: '3.8.0', sdaBuildNumber: '0', electronVersion: '3.1.11', chromeVersion: '66.789', v8Version: '6.7.8', nodeVersion: '10.12', openSslVersion: '1.2.3', zlibVersion: '4.5.6', uvVersion: '7.8', aresVersion: '9.10', httpParserVersion: '11.12', swiftSearchVersion: '1.55.3-beta.1', swiftSearchSupportedVersion: 'N/A', }; const aboutDataMockState = { ...aboutDataMockClipboard, updatedHostname: '', }; const onLabelEvent = 'on'; const ipcSendEvent = 'send'; const removeListenerLabelEvent = 'removeListener'; it('should render correctly', () => { const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(AboutApp)); expect(wrapper).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should call `about-app-data` event when component is mounted', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(ipcRenderer, onLabelEvent); shallow(React.createElement(AboutApp)); expect(spy).toBeCalledWith(aboutAppDataLabel, expect.any(Function)); }); it('should remove listener `about-app-data` when component is unmounted', () => { const spyMount = jest.spyOn(ipcRenderer, onLabelEvent); const spyUnmount = jest.spyOn(ipcRenderer, removeListenerLabelEvent); const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(AboutApp)); expect(spyMount).toBeCalledWith(aboutAppDataLabel, expect.any(Function)); wrapper.unmount(); expect(spyUnmount).toBeCalledWith(aboutAppDataLabel, expect.any(Function)); }); it('should call `updateState` when component is mounted', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(AboutApp.prototype, 'setState'); shallow(React.createElement(AboutApp)); ipcRenderer.send('about-app-data', aboutDataMockState); expect(spy).toBeCalledWith(aboutDataMockState); }); it('should copy the correct data on to clipboard', () => { const spyIpc = jest.spyOn(ipcRenderer, ipcSendEvent); const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(AboutApp)); ipcRenderer.send('about-app-data', aboutDataMockClipboard); const copyButtonSelector = `[data-testid="COPY_BUTTON"]`; wrapper.find(copyButtonSelector).simulate('click'); const expectedData = { cmd: apiCmds.aboutAppClipBoardData, clipboard: aboutDataMockClipboard, clipboardType: 'clipboard', }; expect(spyIpc).toBeCalledWith('symphony-api', expectedData); }); it('should display input when triple clicked on pod', () => { const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(AboutApp)); ipcRenderer.send('about-app-data', aboutDataMockState); const pod = wrapper.find(`[data-testid="POD_INFO"]`); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 1 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 2 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 3 }); const podInput = wrapper.find('.AboutApp-pod-input'); expect(podInput.exists()).toEqual(true); }); it('should not display input when triple clicked on pod', () => { const cloneAboutDataMock = aboutDataMockState; cloneAboutDataMock.globalConfig = { isPodUrlEditable: false }; cloneAboutDataMock.userConfig = { isPodUrlEditable: true }; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(AboutApp)); ipcRenderer.send('about-app-data', cloneAboutDataMock); const pod = wrapper.find(`[data-testid="POD_INFO"]`); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 1 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 2 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 3 }); const podInput = wrapper.find('.AboutApp-pod-input'); expect(podInput.exists()).toEqual(false); }); it('should not display config based on global config only', () => { const cloneAboutDataMock = aboutDataMockState; cloneAboutDataMock.globalConfig = { isPodUrlEditable: false }; cloneAboutDataMock.userConfig = { isPodUrlEditable: false }; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(AboutApp)); ipcRenderer.send('about-app-data', cloneAboutDataMock); const pod = wrapper.find(`[data-testid="POD_INFO"]`); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 1 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 2 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 3 }); const podInput = wrapper.find('.AboutApp-pod-input'); expect(podInput.exists()).toEqual(false); }); it('should display config based on global config only', () => { const cloneAboutDataMock = aboutDataMockState; cloneAboutDataMock.globalConfig = { isPodUrlEditable: true }; cloneAboutDataMock.userConfig = { isPodUrlEditable: false }; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(AboutApp)); ipcRenderer.send('about-app-data', cloneAboutDataMock); const pod = wrapper.find(`[data-testid="POD_INFO"]`); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 1 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 2 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 3 }); const podInput = wrapper.find('.AboutApp-pod-input'); expect(podInput.exists()).toEqual(true); }); it('should display cancel button on triple click and behave correctly', () => { const cloneAboutDataMock = aboutDataMockState; cloneAboutDataMock.globalConfig = { isPodUrlEditable: true }; cloneAboutDataMock.userConfig = { isPodUrlEditable: false }; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(AboutApp)); ipcRenderer.send('about-app-data', cloneAboutDataMock); const pod = wrapper.find(`[data-testid="POD_INFO"]`); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 1 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 2 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 3 }); const podInput = wrapper.find('[data-testid="CANCEL_BUTTON"]'); podInput.simulate('mousedown'); expect(wrapper.find(`[data-testid="POD_INFO"]`).exists()).toEqual(true); }); it('should shrink text if its save and close', () => { const cloneAboutDataMock = { ...aboutDataMockState, finalConfig: { url: '' }, }; cloneAboutDataMock.globalConfig = { isPodUrlEditable: true }; cloneAboutDataMock.userConfig = { isPodUrlEditable: false }; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(AboutApp)); ipcRenderer.send('about-app-data', cloneAboutDataMock); const pod = wrapper.find(`[data-testid="POD_INFO"]`); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 1 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 2 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 3 }); const inputPod = wrapper.find(`[data-testid="POD_INFO_INPUT"]`); inputPod.simulate('keydown', { target: { value: '' }, keyCode: 13, }); expect( wrapper .find(`[data-testid="CLOSE_BUTTON"] span`) .hasClass('AboutApp-button-save-restart-text'), ).toBe(true); }); it('should restore to global config url on cancelling after enter pressed', () => { const cloneAboutDataMock = { ...aboutDataMockState, finalConfig: { url: '' }, }; cloneAboutDataMock.globalConfig = { isPodUrlEditable: true }; cloneAboutDataMock.userConfig = { isPodUrlEditable: false }; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(AboutApp)); ipcRenderer.send('about-app-data', cloneAboutDataMock); const pod = wrapper.find(`[data-testid="POD_INFO"]`); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 1 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 2 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 3 }); const inputPod = wrapper.find(`[data-testid="POD_INFO_INPUT"]`); inputPod.simulate('change', { target: { value: 'pod.symphony.com123' }, }); inputPod.simulate('keydown', { target: { value: 'pod.symphony.com123' }, keyCode: 13, }); wrapper.find(`[data-testid="CANCEL_BUTTON"]`).simulate('click'); expect(pod.text()).toBe(''); }); it('should work with A11Y Cancel button', () => { const cloneAboutDataMock = { ...aboutDataMockState, finalConfig: { url: '' }, }; cloneAboutDataMock.globalConfig = { isPodUrlEditable: true }; cloneAboutDataMock.userConfig = { isPodUrlEditable: false }; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(AboutApp)); ipcRenderer.send('about-app-data', cloneAboutDataMock); const pod = wrapper.find(`[data-testid="POD_INFO"]`); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 1 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 2 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 3 }); wrapper.find(`[data-testid="CANCEL_BUTTON"]`).simulate('keydown', { target: { value: 'pod.symphony.com123' }, keyCode: 13, }); expect(wrapper.find(`[data-testid="CANCEL_BUTTON"]`).exists()).toBe(false); }); it('should work with A11Y Close button', () => { const cloneAboutDataMock = { ...aboutDataMockState, finalConfig: { url: '' }, }; cloneAboutDataMock.globalConfig = { isPodUrlEditable: true }; cloneAboutDataMock.userConfig = { isPodUrlEditable: false }; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(AboutApp)); ipcRenderer.send('about-app-data', cloneAboutDataMock); const pod = wrapper.find(`[data-testid="POD_INFO"]`); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 1 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 2 }); pod.simulate('click', { detail: 3 }); const inputPod = wrapper.find(`[data-testid="POD_INFO_INPUT"]`); inputPod.simulate('change', { target: { value: '' }, }); inputPod.simulate('keydown', { target: { value: '' }, keyCode: 13, }); wrapper.find(`[data-testid="CLOSE_BUTTON"]`).simulate('keydown', { keyCode: 13, }); expect(ipcRenderer.send).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith( 12, 'user-pod-updated', '', ); }); });