'use strict'; const { ipcRenderer, remote } = require('electron'); const local = { ipcRenderer: ipcRenderer, downloadItems: [] }; // listen for file download complete event local.ipcRenderer.on('downloadCompleted', (event, arg) => { createDOM(arg); }); // listen for file download progress event local.ipcRenderer.on('downloadProgress', () => { initiate(); }); /** * Open file in default app. * @param id */ function openFile(id) { let fileIndex = local.downloadItems.findIndex((item) => { return item._id === id; }); if (fileIndex !== -1) { let openResponse = remote.shell.openExternal(`file:///${local.downloadItems[fileIndex].savedPath}`); if (!openResponse) { remote.dialog.showErrorBox("File not found", 'The file you are trying to open cannot be found in the specified path.'); } } } /** * Show downloaded file in explorer or finder. * @param id */ function showInFinder(id) { let showFileIndex = local.downloadItems.findIndex((item) => { return item._id === id; }); if (showFileIndex !== -1) { let showResponse = remote.shell.showItemInFolder(local.downloadItems[showFileIndex].savedPath); if (!showResponse) { remote.dialog.showErrorBox("File not found", 'The file you are trying to access cannot be found in the specified path.'); } } } /** * Create the document object model * @param arg */ function createDOM(arg) { if (arg && arg._id) { let fileDisplayName = getFileDisplayName(arg.fileName); let downloadItemKey = arg._id; local.downloadItems.push(arg); let ul = document.getElementById('download-main'); if (ul) { let li = document.createElement('li'); li.id = downloadItemKey; li.classList.add('download-element'); ul.insertBefore(li, ul.childNodes[0]); let itemDiv = document.createElement('div'); itemDiv.classList.add('download-item'); itemDiv.id = 'dl-item'; li.appendChild(itemDiv); let openMainFile = document.getElementById('dl-item'); openMainFile.addEventListener('click', () => { let id = openMainFile.parentNode.id; openFile(id); }); let fileDetails = document.createElement('div'); fileDetails.classList.add('file'); itemDiv.appendChild(fileDetails); let downProgress = document.createElement('div'); downProgress.id = 'download-progress'; downProgress.classList.add('download-complete'); downProgress.classList.add('flash'); setTimeout(() => { downProgress.classList.remove('flash'); }, 4000); fileDetails.appendChild(downProgress); let fileIcon = document.createElement('span'); fileIcon.classList.add('tempo-icon'); fileIcon.classList.add('tempo-icon--download'); fileIcon.classList.add('download-complete-color'); setTimeout(() => { fileIcon.classList.remove('download-complete-color'); fileIcon.classList.remove('tempo-icon--download'); fileIcon.classList.add('tempo-icon--document'); }, 4000); downProgress.appendChild(fileIcon); let fileNameDiv = document.createElement('div'); fileNameDiv.classList.add('downloaded-filename'); itemDiv.appendChild(fileNameDiv); let h2FileName = document.createElement('h2'); h2FileName.classList.add('text-cutoff'); h2FileName.innerHTML = fileDisplayName; h2FileName.title = fileDisplayName; fileNameDiv.appendChild(h2FileName); let fileProgressTitle = document.createElement('span'); fileProgressTitle.id = 'per'; fileProgressTitle.innerHTML = arg.total + ' Downloaded'; fileNameDiv.appendChild(fileProgressTitle); let caret = document.createElement('div'); caret.id = 'menu'; caret.classList.add('caret'); caret.classList.add('tempo-icon'); caret.classList.add('tempo-icon--dropdown'); li.appendChild(caret); let actionMenu = document.createElement('div'); actionMenu.id = 'download-action-menu'; actionMenu.classList.add('download-action-menu'); caret.appendChild(actionMenu); let caretUL = document.createElement('ul'); caretUL.id = downloadItemKey; actionMenu.appendChild(caretUL); let caretLiOpen = document.createElement('li'); caretLiOpen.id = 'download-open'; caretLiOpen.innerHTML = 'Open'; caretUL.appendChild(caretLiOpen); let openFileDocument = document.getElementById('download-open'); openFileDocument.addEventListener('click', () => { let id = openFileDocument.parentNode.id; openFile(id); }); let caretLiShow = document.createElement('li'); caretLiShow.id = 'download-show-in-folder'; caretLiShow.innerHTML = 'Show in Folder'; caretUL.appendChild(caretLiShow); let showInFinderDocument = document.getElementById('download-show-in-folder'); showInFinderDocument.addEventListener('click', () => { let id = showInFinderDocument.parentNode.id; showInFinder(id); }); } } } /** * Initiate the download manager */ function initiate() { let mainFooter = document.getElementById('footer'); let mainDownloadDiv = document.getElementById('download-manager-footer'); if (mainDownloadDiv) { mainFooter.classList.remove('hidden'); let ulFind = document.getElementById('download-main'); if (!ulFind) { let uList = document.createElement('ul'); uList.id = 'download-main'; mainDownloadDiv.appendChild(uList); } let closeSpanFind = document.getElementById('close-download-bar'); if (!closeSpanFind) { let closeSpan = document.createElement('span'); closeSpan.id = 'close-download-bar'; closeSpan.classList.add('close-download-bar'); closeSpan.classList.add('tempo-icon'); closeSpan.classList.add('tempo-icon--close'); mainDownloadDiv.appendChild(closeSpan); } let closeDownloadManager = document.getElementById('close-download-bar'); if (closeDownloadManager) { closeDownloadManager.addEventListener('click', () => { local.downloadItems = []; document.getElementById('footer').classList.add('hidden'); document.getElementById('download-main').innerHTML = ''; }); } } } /** * Return a file display name for the download item */ function getFileDisplayName(fileName) { let fileList = local.downloadItems; let fileNameCount = 0; let fileDisplayName = fileName; /* Check if a file with the same name exists * (akin to the user downloading a file with the same name again) * in the download bar */ for (let i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { if (fileName === fileList[i].fileName) { fileNameCount++; } } /* If it exists, add a count to the name like how Chrome does */ if (fileNameCount) { let extLastIndex = fileDisplayName.lastIndexOf('.'); let fileCount = ' (' + fileNameCount + ')'; fileDisplayName = fileDisplayName.slice(0, extLastIndex) + fileCount + fileDisplayName.slice(extLastIndex); } return fileDisplayName; }