'use strict'; const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const lz4 = require('../compressionLib'); const isDevEnv = require('../utils/misc.js').isDevEnv; const crypto = require('./crypto'); const log = require('../log.js'); const logLevels = require('../enums/logLevels.js'); const searchConfig = require('../search/searchConfig.js'); const DUMP_PATH = isDevEnv ? path.join(__dirname, '..', '..') : searchConfig.FOLDERS_CONSTANTS.USER_DATA_PATH; class Crypto { constructor(userId, key) { this.indexDataFolder = searchConfig.FOLDERS_CONSTANTS.PREFIX_NAME_PATH + '_' + userId + '_' + searchConfig.INDEX_VERSION; this.permanentIndexName = searchConfig.FOLDERS_CONSTANTS.PREFIX_NAME + '_' + userId + '_' + searchConfig.INDEX_VERSION; this.dump = DUMP_PATH; this.key = key; this.encryptedIndex = `${DUMP_PATH}/${this.permanentIndexName}.enc`; this.dataFolder = searchConfig.FOLDERS_CONSTANTS.INDEX_PATH; } /** * Compressing the user index folder and * encrypting it * @returns {Promise} */ encryption() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!fs.existsSync(this.indexDataFolder)){ log.send(logLevels.ERROR, 'user index folder not found'); reject(); return; } lz4.compression(`${searchConfig.FOLDERS_CONSTANTS.INDEX_FOLDER_NAME}/${this.permanentIndexName}`, `${this.permanentIndexName}`, (error, response) => { if (error) { log.send(logLevels.ERROR, 'lz4 compression error: ' + error); reject(error); return; } if (response && response.stderr) { log.send(logLevels.WARN, 'compression stderr, ' + response.stderr); } const input = fs.createReadStream(`${this.dump}/${this.permanentIndexName}${searchConfig.TAR_LZ4_EXT}`); const outputEncryption = fs.createWriteStream(this.encryptedIndex); let config = { key: this.key }; const encrypt = crypto.encrypt(config); let encryptionProcess = input.pipe(encrypt).pipe(outputEncryption); encryptionProcess.on('finish', (err) => { if (err) { log.send(logLevels.ERROR, 'encryption error: ' + err); reject(new Error(err)); return; } fs.unlinkSync(`${this.dump}/${this.permanentIndexName}${searchConfig.TAR_LZ4_EXT}`); resolve('Success'); }); }); }); } /** * Decrypting the .enc file and unzipping * removing the .enc file and the dump files * @returns {Promise} */ decryption() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!fs.existsSync(this.encryptedIndex)){ log.send(logLevels.ERROR, 'encrypted file not found'); reject(); return; } const input = fs.createReadStream(this.encryptedIndex); const output = fs.createWriteStream(`${this.dump}/decrypted${searchConfig.TAR_LZ4_EXT}`); let config = { key: this.key }; const decrypt = crypto.decrypt(config); let decryptionProcess = input.pipe(decrypt).pipe(output); decryptionProcess.on('finish', () => { if (!fs.existsSync(`${this.dump}/decrypted${searchConfig.TAR_LZ4_EXT}`)){ log.send(logLevels.ERROR, 'decrypted.tar.lz4 file not found'); reject(); return; } lz4.deCompression(`${this.dump}/decrypted${searchConfig.TAR_LZ4_EXT}`,(error, response) => { if (error) { log.send(logLevels.ERROR, 'lz4 deCompression error, ' + error); // no return, need to unlink if error } if (response && response.stderr) { log.send(logLevels.WARN, 'deCompression stderr, ' + response.stderr); } fs.unlink(`${this.dump}/decrypted${searchConfig.TAR_LZ4_EXT}`, () => { resolve('success'); }); }) }); }); } /** * Deleting the data index folder * when the app is closed */ deleteFolders() { Crypto.deleteFolderRecursive(this.dataFolder); } /** * Removing all the folders and files inside the data folder * @param location */ static deleteFolderRecursive(location) { if (fs.existsSync(location)) { fs.readdirSync(location).forEach((file) => { let curPath = location + "/" + file; if (fs.lstatSync(curPath).isDirectory()) { Crypto.deleteFolderRecursive(curPath); } else { fs.unlinkSync(curPath); } }); fs.rmdirSync(location); } } } module.exports = Crypto;