const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const yaml = require('js-yaml'); const INSTALLERS_URL = ''; function updateYamlFile(yamlFilePath) { let doc = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(yamlFilePath, 'utf-8')); doc.files[0].url = INSTALLERS_URL + doc.files[0].url; doc.path = INSTALLERS_URL + doc.path; fs.writeFileSync(yamlFilePath, yaml.dump(doc, { lineWidth: -1 })); } function generateChannelsFiles(srcFile) { // "latest" channel is already created so we need to generate stable, beta and daily const targetedAutoUpdateChannels = ['stable', 'beta', 'daily']; for (const channel of targetedAutoUpdateChannels) { const updatedFileName = srcFile.replace('latest', channel); fs.copyFileSync(srcFile, updatedFileName); } } (async () => { const yamlFilePath = process.argv[2]; updateYamlFile(yamlFilePath); generateChannelsFiles(yamlFilePath); })();