import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import * as React from 'react'; import ScreenPicker from '../src/renderer/components/screen-picker'; import { ipcRenderer } from './__mocks__/electron'; jest.mock('../src/common/env', () => { return { isWindowsOS: false, isLinux: false, isMac: true, }; }); describe('screen picker', () => { const keyCode = { pageDown: { keyCode: 34 }, rightArrow: { keyCode: 39 }, pageUp: { keyCode: 33 }, leftArrow: { keyCode: 37 }, homeKey: { keyCode: 36 }, upArrow: { keyCode: 38 }, endKey: { keyCode: 35 }, downArrow: { keyCode: 40 }, enterKey: { keyCode: 13 }, escapeKey: { keyCode: 27 }, random: { keyCode: 100 }, }; const sendEventLabel = 'send'; const screenSourceSelectedLabel = 'screen-source-selected'; const symphonyApiLabel = 'symphony-api'; const screenTabCustomSelector = '#screen-tab'; const applicationTabCustomSelector = '#application-tab'; const screenPickerDataLabel = 'screen-picker-data'; const events = { keyup: jest.fn(), }; const stateMock = { sources: [ { display_id: '0', id: '0', name: 'Application screen 0', thumbnail: undefined }, { display_id: '1', id: '1', name: 'Application screen 1', thumbnail: undefined }, { display_id: '2', id: '2', name: 'Application screen 2', thumbnail: undefined }, ], selectedSource: { display_id: '1', id: '1', name: 'Application screen 1', thumbnail: undefined }, }; it('should render correctly', () => { const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); expect(wrapper).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should call `close` correctly', () => { const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); const spy = jest.spyOn(ipcRenderer, sendEventLabel); const customSelector = 'button.ScreenPicker-cancel-button'; const expectedValue = { cmd: 'close-window', windowType: 'screen-picker' }; wrapper.find(customSelector).simulate('click'); expect(spy).nthCalledWith(1, screenSourceSelectedLabel, null); expect(spy).nthCalledWith(2, symphonyApiLabel, expectedValue); }); it('should call `submit` correctly', () => { const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); const spy = jest.spyOn(ipcRenderer, sendEventLabel); const selectedSource = { display_id: '1', id: '1', name: 'Entire screen', thumbnail: undefined }; const customSelector = 'button.ScreenPicker-share-button'; wrapper.setState({ selectedSource }); wrapper.find(customSelector).simulate('click'); expect(spy).lastCalledWith(screenSourceSelectedLabel, selectedSource); }); it('should call `updateState` correctly', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(ScreenPicker.prototype, 'setState'); const updateState = { sources: [ { display_id: '0', id: '0', name: 'Entire screen', thumbnail: undefined } ], selectedSource: undefined, selectedTab: 'screens', }; shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); ipcRenderer.send(screenPickerDataLabel, updateState); expect(spy).toBeCalledWith(updateState); }); describe('`onToggle` event', () => { const entireScreenStateMock = { sources: [ { display_id: '0', id: '0', name: 'Entire screen', thumbnail: undefined }, ], selectedSource: { display_id: '0', id: '0', name: 'Entire screen', thumbnail: undefined }, }; const applicationScreenStateMock = { sources: [ { display_id: '', id: '1', name: 'Application 1', thumbnail: undefined }, ], selectedSource: { display_id: '', id: '1', name: 'Application 1', thumbnail: undefined }, }; it('should call `onToggle` when screen tab is changed', () => { const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); const spy = jest.spyOn(ScreenPicker.prototype, 'setState'); const expectedValue = { selectedTab: 'screens' }; wrapper.setState(entireScreenStateMock); wrapper.find(screenTabCustomSelector).simulate('change'); expect(spy).lastCalledWith(expectedValue); }); it('should call `onToggle` when application tab is changed', () => { const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); const spy = jest.spyOn(ScreenPicker.prototype, 'setState'); const expectedValue = { selectedTab: 'applications' }; wrapper.setState(applicationScreenStateMock); wrapper.find(applicationTabCustomSelector).simulate('change'); expect(spy).lastCalledWith(expectedValue); }); }); describe('onSelect event', () => { it('should call `onSelect` when `ScreenPicker-item-container` in Entire screen is clicked', () => { const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); const spy = jest.spyOn(ScreenPicker.prototype, 'setState'); const expectedValue = { selectedSource: { display_id: '0', fileName: 'fullscreen', id: '0', name: 'Entire screen', thumbnail: undefined }}; const customSelector = '.ScreenPicker-item-container'; const applicationScreenStateMock = { sources: [ { display_id: '0', id: '0', name: 'Entire screen', thumbnail: undefined }, { display_id: '1', id: '1', name: 'Application screen 1', thumbnail: undefined }, { display_id: '2', id: '2', name: 'Application screen 2', thumbnail: undefined }, ], selectedSource: { display_id: '1', fileName: 'fullscreen', id: '1', name: 'Application screen 1', thumbnail: undefined }, }; wrapper.setState(applicationScreenStateMock); wrapper.find(customSelector).first().simulate('click'); expect(spy).lastCalledWith(expectedValue); }); it('should call `onSelect` when `ScreenPicker-item-container` in Application screen is clicked', () => { const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); const spy = jest.spyOn(ScreenPicker.prototype, 'setState'); const expectedValue = { selectedSource: { display_id: '2', fileName: 'fullscreen', id: '2', name: 'Application screen 2', thumbnail: undefined }}; const customSelector = '.ScreenPicker-item-container'; const applicationScreenStateMock = { sources: [ { display_id: '0', id: '0', name: 'Entire screen', thumbnail: undefined }, { display_id: '1', id: '1', name: 'Application screen 1', thumbnail: undefined }, { display_id: '2', id: '2', name: 'Application screen 2', thumbnail: undefined }, ], selectedSource: { display_id: '1', fileName: 'fullscreen', id: '1', name: 'Application screen 1', thumbnail: undefined }, }; wrapper.setState(applicationScreenStateMock); wrapper.find(customSelector).at(2).simulate('click'); expect(spy).lastCalledWith(expectedValue); }); }); describe('handle keyUp', () => { beforeAll(() => { document.addEventListener = jest.fn((event, cb) => { events[event] = cb; }); }); it('should register `keyup` when component is mounted', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(document, 'addEventListener'); shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); events.keyup(keyCode.random); expect(spy).lastCalledWith('keyup', expect.any(Function), true); }); it('should remove event `keyup` when component is unmounted', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(document, 'removeEventListener'); shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)).unmount(); expect(spy).lastCalledWith('keyup', expect.any(Function), true); }); it('should call `handleKeyUpPress` pageDown key correctly', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(ScreenPicker.prototype, 'setState'); const expectedValue = { selectedSource: { display_id: '2', fileName: 'fullscreen', id: '2', name: 'Application screen 2', thumbnail: undefined }}; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); wrapper.setState(stateMock); events.keyup(keyCode.pageDown); expect(spy).lastCalledWith(expectedValue); }); it('should call `handleKeyUpPress` right arrow key correctly', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(ScreenPicker.prototype, 'setState'); const expectedValue = { selectedSource: { display_id: '2', fileName: 'fullscreen', id: '2', name: 'Application screen 2', thumbnail: undefined }}; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); wrapper.setState(stateMock); events.keyup(keyCode.rightArrow); expect(spy).lastCalledWith(expectedValue); }); it('should call `handleKeyUpPress` pageUp key correctly', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(ScreenPicker.prototype, 'setState'); const expectedValue = { selectedSource: { display_id: '0', fileName: 'fullscreen', id: '0', name: 'Application screen 0', thumbnail: undefined }}; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); wrapper.setState(stateMock); events.keyup(keyCode.pageUp); expect(spy).lastCalledWith(expectedValue); }); it('should call `handleKeyUpPress` left arrow key correctly', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(ScreenPicker.prototype, 'setState'); const expectedValue = { selectedSource: { display_id: '0', fileName: 'fullscreen', id: '0', name: 'Application screen 0', thumbnail: undefined }}; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); wrapper.setState(stateMock); events.keyup(keyCode.leftArrow); expect(spy).lastCalledWith(expectedValue); }); it('should call `handleKeyUpPress` down arrow key correctly', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(ScreenPicker.prototype, 'setState'); const expectedValue = { selectedSource: { display_id: '0', fileName: 'fullscreen', id: '0', name: 'Application screen 0', thumbnail: undefined }}; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); wrapper.setState(stateMock); events.keyup(keyCode.downArrow); expect(spy).lastCalledWith(expectedValue); }); it('should call `handleKeyUpPress` up arrow key correctly', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(ScreenPicker.prototype, 'setState'); const expectedValue = { selectedSource: { display_id: '2', fileName: 'fullscreen', id: '2', name: 'Application screen 2', thumbnail: undefined }}; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); wrapper.setState(stateMock); events.keyup(keyCode.upArrow); expect(spy).lastCalledWith(expectedValue); }); it('should call `handleKeyUpPress` enter key correctly', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(ipcRenderer, sendEventLabel); const expectedValue = { display_id: '1', id: '1', name: 'Application screen 1', thumbnail: undefined }; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); wrapper.setState(stateMock); events.keyup(keyCode.enterKey); expect(spy).lastCalledWith(screenSourceSelectedLabel, expectedValue); }); it('should call `handleKeyUpPress` escape key correctly', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(ipcRenderer, sendEventLabel); const expectedValue = { cmd: 'close-window', windowType: 'screen-picker' }; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); wrapper.setState(stateMock); events.keyup(keyCode.escapeKey); expect(spy).nthCalledWith(1, screenSourceSelectedLabel, null); expect(spy).nthCalledWith(2, symphonyApiLabel, expectedValue); }); it('should call `handleKeyUpPress` end key correctly', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(ScreenPicker.prototype, 'setState'); const expectedValue = { selectedSource: { display_id: '0', fileName: 'fullscreen', id: '0', name: 'Application screen 0', thumbnail: undefined }}; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); wrapper.setState(stateMock); events.keyup(keyCode.endKey); expect(spy).lastCalledWith(expectedValue); }); }); describe('tab titles', () => { it('should show `application-tab` when display_id is empty', () => { const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); const applicationScreenStateMock = { sources: [ { display_id: '', id: '1', name: 'Application Screen', thumbnail: undefined }, { display_id: '', id: '2', name: 'Application Screen 2', thumbnail: undefined }, { display_id: '', id: '3', name: 'Application Screen 3', thumbnail: undefined }, ], }; wrapper.setState(applicationScreenStateMock); expect(wrapper.find(applicationTabCustomSelector)).toHaveLength(1); expect(wrapper.find(screenTabCustomSelector)).toHaveLength(0); }); it('should show `screen-tab` when source name is Entire screen', () => { const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); const entireScreenStateMock = { sources: [ { display_id: '1', id: '1', name: 'Entire screen', thumbnail: undefined }, { display_id: '2', id: '2', name: 'Screen 2', thumbnail: undefined }, { display_id: '3', id: '3', name: 'screen 3', thumbnail: undefined }, ], }; wrapper.setState(entireScreenStateMock); expect(wrapper.find(screenTabCustomSelector)).toHaveLength(1); expect(wrapper.find(applicationTabCustomSelector)).toHaveLength(0); }); it('should show `screen-tab` for Windows when source name is Entire screen and display_id is not present', () => { const env = require('../src/common/env'); const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); const entireScreenStateMock = { sources: [ { display_id: '', id: '1', name: 'Entire screen', thumbnail: undefined }, { display_id: '', id: '2', name: 'Screen 2', thumbnail: undefined }, { display_id: '', id: '3', name: 'screen 3', thumbnail: undefined }, ], }; env.isWindowsOS = true; env.isLinux = false; env.isMac = false; wrapper.setState(entireScreenStateMock); expect(wrapper.find(screenTabCustomSelector)).toHaveLength(1); expect(wrapper.find(applicationTabCustomSelector)).toHaveLength(0); }); it('should not show `screen-tab` for Mac when source name is Entire screen and display_id is not present', () => { const env = require('../src/common/env'); const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); const entireScreenStateMock = { sources: [ { display_id: '', id: '1', name: 'Entire screen', thumbnail: undefined }, { display_id: '', id: '2', name: 'Screen 2', thumbnail: undefined }, { display_id: '', id: '3', name: 'screen 3', thumbnail: undefined }, ], }; env.isWindowsOS = false; env.isLinux = false; env.isMac = true; wrapper.setState(entireScreenStateMock); expect(wrapper.find(screenTabCustomSelector)).toHaveLength(0); expect(wrapper.find(applicationTabCustomSelector)).toHaveLength(1); }); it('should show `screen-tab` and `application-tab` when `isScreensAvailable` and `isApplicationsAvailable` is true', () => { const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); const customState = { sources: [ { display_id: '1', id: '1', name: 'Entire screen', thumbnail: undefined }, { display_id: '', id: '1', name: 'Application screen', thumbnail: undefined }, ], }; wrapper.setState(customState); expect(wrapper.find(applicationTabCustomSelector)).toHaveLength(1); expect(wrapper.find(screenTabCustomSelector)).toHaveLength(1); }); it('should show `error-message` when source is empty', () => { const errorSelector = '.error-message'; const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); wrapper.setState({ sources: []}); expect(wrapper.find(errorSelector)).toHaveLength(1); }); }); describe('`screen-picker-data` event', () => { it('should call `screen-picker-data` when component is mounted', () => { const onEventLabel = 'on'; const spy = jest.spyOn(ipcRenderer, onEventLabel); shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); expect(spy).lastCalledWith(screenPickerDataLabel, expect.any(Function)); }); it('should remove listen `screen-picker-data` when component is unmounted', () => { const removeListenerEventLabel = 'removeListener'; const spy = jest.spyOn(ipcRenderer, removeListenerEventLabel); shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)).unmount(); expect(spy).lastCalledWith(screenPickerDataLabel, expect.any(Function)); }); }); it('should call `ScreenPicker-window-border` event when component is mounted and is WindowsOS', () => { const env = require('../src/common/env'); const spy = jest.spyOn(document.body.classList, 'add'); const expectedValue = 'ScreenPicker-window-border'; env.isWindowsOS = true; shallow(React.createElement(ScreenPicker)); expect(spy).toBeCalledWith(expectedValue); }); });