const electron = require('electron'); const app =; const ffi = require('ffi-napi'); const ref = require('ref-napi'); const path = require('path'); const execPath = path.dirname(app.getPath('exe')); const log = require('./log.js'); const logLevels = require('./enums/logLevels.js'); const { isMac, isDevEnv } = require('../js/utils/misc'); const TAG_LENGTH = 16; const KEY_LENGTH = 32; const arch = process.arch === 'ia32'; const winLibraryPath = isDevEnv ? path.join(__dirname, '..', 'library') : path.join(execPath, 'library'); const macLibraryPath = isDevEnv ? path.join(__dirname, '..', 'library') : path.join(execPath, '..', 'library'); const cryptoLibPath = isMac ? path.join(macLibraryPath, 'cryptoLib.dylib') : (arch ? path.join(winLibraryPath, 'libsymphonysearch-x86.dll') : path.join(winLibraryPath, 'libsymphonysearch-x64.dll')); const voidPtr = ref.refType(ref.types.void); const RSAKeyPair = exports.RSAKeyPair = voidPtr; const RSAKeyPairPtr = exports.RSAKeyPairPtr = ref.refType(RSAKeyPair); const RSAPubKey = exports.RSAPubKey = voidPtr; const RSAPubKeyPtr = exports.RSAPubKeyPtr = ref.refType(RSAPubKey); const library = new ffi.Library((cryptoLibPath), { AESEncryptGCM: [ref.types.int32, [ ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ref.types.int32, ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ref.types.int32, ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ref.types.uint32, ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ref.types.uint32, ]], AESDecryptGCM: [ref.types.int32, [ ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ref.types.int32, ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ref.types.int32, ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ref.types.uint32, ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ref.types.uint32, ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ]], encryptRSA: [ref.types.uint32, [ RSAPubKeyPtr, ref.types.int32, ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ref.types.uint32, ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ref.types.uint32, ]], decryptRSA: [ref.types.uint32, [ RSAPubKeyPtr, ref.types.int32, ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ref.types.uint32, ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ref.types.uint32, ]], deserializeRSAPubKey: [RSAPubKey, [ ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ref.types.uint32, ]], deserializeRSAKeyPair: [RSAKeyPairPtr, [ ref.refType(ref.types.uchar), ref.types.uint32, ]], getRSAKeySize: [ref.types.uint32, [ RSAKeyPairPtr ]], getVersion: [ref.types.CString, []], }); /** * Method to decrypt content * @param Base64IV * @param Base64AAD * @param Base64Key * @param Base64In * @return {*} * @constructor */ const AESGCMEncrypt = function (Base64IV, Base64AAD, Base64Key, Base64In) { return EncryptDecrypt('AESGCMEncrypt', Base64IV, Base64AAD, Base64Key, Base64In); }; /** * Method to decrypt content * @param Base64IV * @param Base64AAD * @param Base64Key * @param Base64In * @return {*} * @constructor */ const AESGCMDecrypt = function (Base64IV, Base64AAD, Base64Key, Base64In) { return EncryptDecrypt('AESGCMDecrypt', Base64IV, Base64AAD, Base64Key, Base64In); }; /** * Encrypt / Decrypt * @param name {String} - Method name * @param Base64IV {String} base64 * @param Base64AAD {String} base64 * @param Base64Key {String} base64 * @param Base64In {String} base64 * @return {*} * @constructor */ const EncryptDecrypt = function (name, Base64IV, Base64AAD, Base64Key, Base64In) { let base64In = Base64In; if (!base64In) { base64In = ""; } const IV = Buffer.from(Base64IV, 'base64'); const AAD = Buffer.from(Base64AAD, 'base64'); const Key = Buffer.from(Base64Key, 'base64'); const In = Buffer.from(base64In, 'base64'); if (name === 'AESGCMEncrypt') { const OutPtr = Buffer.alloc(In.length); const Tag = Buffer.alloc(TAG_LENGTH); const resultCode = library.AESEncryptGCM(In, In.length, AAD, AAD.length, Key, IV, IV.length, OutPtr, Tag, TAG_LENGTH); if (resultCode < 0) { log.send(logLevels.ERROR, `AESEncryptGCM, Failed to encrypt with exit code ${resultCode}`); } log.send(logLevels.INFO, `Output from AESEncryptGCM ${resultCode}`); const bufferArray = [OutPtr, Tag]; return Buffer.concat(bufferArray).toString('base64'); } if (name === 'AESGCMDecrypt') { const CipherTextLen = In.length - TAG_LENGTH; const Tag = Buffer.from(In.slice(In.length - 16, In.length)); const OutPtr = Buffer.alloc(In.length - TAG_LENGTH); const resultCode = library.AESDecryptGCM(In, CipherTextLen, AAD, AAD.length, Tag, TAG_LENGTH, Key, IV, IV.length, OutPtr); if (resultCode < 0) { log.send(logLevels.ERROR, `AESDecryptGCM, Failed to decrypt with exit code ${resultCode}`); } log.send(logLevels.INFO, `Output from AESDecryptGCM ${resultCode}`); return OutPtr.toString('base64'); } return null; }; /** * Decrypt RSA * @param pemKey * @param input * @return {*} * @constructor */ const RSADecrypt = function (pemKey, input) { return RSAEncryptDecrypt("RSADecrypt", pemKey, input); }; /** * Encrypt / Decrypt RSA * @param action * @param pemKey * @param inputStr * @return {String} * @constructor */ const RSAEncryptDecrypt = function (action, pemKey, inputStr) { let rsaKey = getRSAKeyFromPEM(pemKey); if (!rsaKey) { log.send(logLevels.ERROR, `Failed to parse formatted RSA PEM key`); } let input = Buffer.from(inputStr, 'base64'); let outLen = library.getRSAKeySize(rsaKey); let outPtr = Buffer.alloc(KEY_LENGTH); let ret = 0; if (action === 'RSAEncrypt') { ret = library.encryptRSA(rsaKey, 0, input, input.length, outPtr, outLen); } else { outLen = library.decryptRSA(rsaKey, 0, input, input.length, outPtr, outLen); if (outLen < 0) { ret = outLen; } } if (ret !== 0) { log.send(logLevels.ERROR, `${action} failed due to -> ${ret}`); } return Buffer.from(outPtr.toString('hex'), 'hex').toString('base64'); }; /** * Get RSA key from PEM key * @param pemKey * @return {*} */ const getRSAKeyFromPEM = function (pemKey) { let pemKeyBytes = Buffer.from(pemKey, 'utf-8'); let rsaKey; if (pemKey.startsWith("-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----")) { rsaKey = library.deserializeRSAPubKey(pemKeyBytes, pemKey.length); } else { rsaKey = library.deserializeRSAKeyPair(pemKeyBytes, pemKey.length); } if (rsaKey === 0) { log.send(logLevels.ERROR, 'RSAKey is 0!!'); } return rsaKey; }; module.exports = { AESGCMEncrypt: AESGCMEncrypt, AESGCMDecrypt: AESGCMDecrypt, RSADecrypt: RSADecrypt, };