import { AppMenu, menuSections } from '../src/app/app-menu'; import { autoLaunchInstance } from '../src/app/auto-launch-controller'; import { config } from '../src/app/config-handler'; import { exportCrashDumps, exportLogs } from '../src/app/reports-handler'; import { updateAlwaysOnTop } from '../src/app/window-actions'; import * as envMock from '../src/common/env'; import { logger } from '../src/common/logger'; import { dialog, session, shell } from './__mocks__/electron'; jest.mock('../src/app/reports-handler', () => { return { exportLogs: jest.fn(), exportCrashDumps: jest.fn(), }; }); jest.mock('../src/common/env', () => { return { isWindowsOS: false, isLinux: false, isMac: true, }; }); jest.mock('../src/app/window-actions', () => { return { updateAlwaysOnTop: jest.fn(), }; }); jest.mock('../src/app/auto-launch-controller', () => { return { autoLaunchInstance: { disableAutoLaunch: jest.fn(), enableAutoLaunch: jest.fn(), }, }; }); jest.mock('../src/app/config-handler', () => { return { config: { getConfigFields: jest.fn(() => { return { minimizeOnClose: true, launchOnStartup: true, alwaysOnTop: true, isAlwaysOnTop: true, bringToFront: true, }; }), getGlobalConfigFields: jest.fn(() => { return { devToolsEnabled: true, }; }), updateUserConfig: jest.fn(), }, }; }); jest.mock('../src/app/window-handler', () => { return { windowHandler: { createMoreInfoWindow: jest.fn(), getMainWindow: jest.fn(), }, }; }); jest.mock('../src/common/logger', () => { return { logger: { error: jest.fn(), info: jest.fn(), }, }; }); describe('app menu', () => { let appMenu; const updateUserFnLabel = 'updateUserConfig'; const item = { checked: true, }; const findMenuItemBuildWindowMenu = (menuItemLabel: string) => { return appMenu.buildWindowMenu().submenu.find((menuItem) => { return menuItem.label === menuItemLabel; }); }; const findMenuItemBuildHelpMenu = (menuItemLabel: string) => { return appMenu.buildHelpMenu().submenu.find((menuItem) => { return menuItem.label === menuItemLabel; }); }; const findHelpTroubleshootingMenuItem = (value: string) => { const helpMenuItem = findMenuItemBuildHelpMenu('Troubleshooting'); return helpMenuItem.submenu.find((menuItem) => { return menuItem.label === value; }); }; const env = envMock as any; beforeEach(() => { appMenu = new AppMenu(); env.isWindowsOS = false; env.isLinux = false; env.isMac = true; }); it('should call `update` correctly', () => { const spyFn = 'buildMenu'; const spy = jest.spyOn(appMenu, spyFn); appMenu.locale = 'en-US'; appMenu.update('ja-JP'); expect(spy).toBeCalled(); }); describe('`popupMenu`', () => { it('should fail when `` is null', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(logger, 'error'); const expectedValue = 'app-menu: tried popup menu, but failed, menu not defined'; = null; appMenu.popupMenu(); expect(spy).toBeCalledWith(expectedValue); }); it('should call `menu.popup` correctly', () => { const menuMock = { popup: jest.fn(), }; const expectedValue: Electron.PopupOptions = { x: 1, y: 1, positioningItem: 1, callback: () => null, }; const spy = jest.spyOn(menuMock, 'popup'); = menuMock; appMenu.popupMenu(expectedValue); expect(spy).toBeCalledWith(expectedValue); }); }); describe('buildMenuKey', () => { it('should call `buildAboutMenu` correctly', () => { const spyFn = 'buildAboutMenu'; const spy = jest.spyOn(appMenu, spyFn); appMenu.buildMenuKey(menuSections.about); expect(spy).toBeCalled(); }); it('should call `buildEditMenu` correctly', () => { const spyFn = 'buildEditMenu'; const spy = jest.spyOn(appMenu, spyFn); appMenu.buildMenuKey(menuSections.edit); expect(spy).toBeCalled(); }); it('should call `buildEditMenu` correctly on WindowsOS', () => { env.isWindowsOS = true; env.isLinux = false; env.isMac = false; const spyFn = 'buildEditMenu'; const spy = jest.spyOn(appMenu, spyFn); appMenu.buildMenuKey(menuSections.edit); expect(spy).toBeCalled(); }); it('should call `buildViewMenu` correctly', () => { const spyFn = 'buildViewMenu'; const spy = jest.spyOn(appMenu, spyFn); appMenu.buildMenuKey(menuSections.view); expect(spy).toBeCalled(); }); it('should fail when key is incorrect', () => { const invalidKey = 'error'; const expectedWarning = `app-menu: Invalid ${invalidKey}`; expect(() => appMenu.buildMenuKey(invalidKey)).toThrow(expectedWarning); }); describe('buildWindowMenu', () => { it('should call `buildWindowMenu` correctly', () => { const spyFn = 'buildWindowMenu'; const spy = jest.spyOn(appMenu, spyFn); appMenu.buildMenuKey(menuSections.window); expect(spy).toBeCalled(); }); describe('`Auto Launch On Startup`', () => { let autoLaunchMenuItem; beforeAll(() => { autoLaunchMenuItem = findMenuItemBuildWindowMenu('Auto Launch On Startup'); }); it('should disable `AutoLaunch` when click is triggered', async () => { const spyFn = 'disableAutoLaunch'; const spyConfig = jest.spyOn(config, updateUserFnLabel); const expectedValue = { launchOnStartup: false }; const spy = jest.spyOn(autoLaunchInstance, spyFn); const customItem = { checked: false, }; await; expect(spy).toBeCalled(); expect(spyConfig).lastCalledWith(expectedValue); }); it('should enable `AutoLaunch` when click is triggered', async () => { const spyFn = 'enableAutoLaunch'; const spyConfig = jest.spyOn(config, updateUserFnLabel); const expectedValue = { launchOnStartup: true }; const spy = jest.spyOn(autoLaunchInstance, spyFn); await; expect(spy).toBeCalled(); expect(spyConfig).lastCalledWith(expectedValue); }); }); it('should update `alwaysOnTop` value when click is triggered', async () => { const spyConfig = jest.spyOn(config, updateUserFnLabel); const expectedValue = { alwaysOnTop: true }; const menuItem = findMenuItemBuildWindowMenu('Always on Top'); await; expect(updateAlwaysOnTop).toBeCalledWith(true, true); expect(spyConfig).lastCalledWith(expectedValue); }); it('should update `minimizeOnClose` value when click is triggered', async () => { const spyConfig = jest.spyOn(config, updateUserFnLabel); const expectedValue = { minimizeOnClose: true }; const menuItem = findMenuItemBuildWindowMenu('Minimize on Close'); await; expect(spyConfig).lastCalledWith(expectedValue); }); describe('`bringToFront`', () => { it('should update `bringToFront` value when click is triggered', async () => { const spyConfig = jest.spyOn(config, updateUserFnLabel); const expectedValue = { bringToFront: true }; const menuItem = findMenuItemBuildWindowMenu('Bring to Front on Notifications'); await; expect(spyConfig).lastCalledWith(expectedValue); }); it('should find `Flash Notification in Taskbar` when is WindowsOS', () => { const expectedValue = 'Flash Notification in Taskbar'; env.isWindowsOS = true; env.isLinux = false; env.isMac = false; const menuItem = findMenuItemBuildWindowMenu('Flash Notification in Taskbar'); expect(menuItem.label).toEqual(expectedValue); }); }); it('should call clear cache and reload correctly', () => { const focusedWindow = { isDestroyed: jest.fn(() => false), reload: jest.fn(), }; const spySession = jest.spyOn(session.defaultSession, 'clearCache'); const menuItem = findMenuItemBuildWindowMenu('Clear cache and Reload');, focusedWindow); expect(spySession).toBeCalled(); }); }); describe('`buildHelpMenu`', () => { it('should call `buildHelpMenu` correctly', () => { const spyFn = 'buildHelpMenu'; const spy = jest.spyOn(appMenu, spyFn); appMenu.buildMenuKey(; expect(spy).toBeCalled(); }); it('should call `Symphony Help` correctly', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(shell, 'openExternal'); const expectedValue = ''; const menuItem = findMenuItemBuildHelpMenu('Symphony Help');; expect(spy).toBeCalledWith(expectedValue); }); it('should call `Learn More` correctly', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(shell, 'openExternal'); const expectedValue = ''; const menuItem = findMenuItemBuildHelpMenu('Learn More');; expect(spy).toBeCalledWith(expectedValue); }); it('should call `Show Logs in Finder` correctly', async () => { const menuItem = findHelpTroubleshootingMenuItem('Show Logs in Finder'); await; expect(exportLogs).toBeCalled(); }); it('should call `Show crash dump in Finder` correctly', () => { const menuItem = findHelpTroubleshootingMenuItem('Show crash dump in Finder');; expect(exportCrashDumps).toBeCalled(); }); describe(`Toggle Developer Tools`, () => { it('should call `toggleDevTools` when focusedWindow is not null', () => { const focusedWindow = { isDestroyed: jest.fn(() => false), reload: jest.fn(), webContents: { toggleDevTools: jest.fn(), }, }; const spy = jest.spyOn(focusedWindow.webContents, 'toggleDevTools'); const menuItem = findHelpTroubleshootingMenuItem('Toggle Developer Tools');{}, focusedWindow); expect(spy).toBeCalled(); }); it('should not call `electron.dialog` when focusedWindow is null', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(dialog, 'showMessageBox'); const focusedWindow = null; const expectedValue = { type: 'warning', buttons: ['Ok'], title: 'Dev Tools disabled', message: 'Dev Tools has been disabled. Please contact your system administrator', }; const menuItem = findHelpTroubleshootingMenuItem('Toggle Developer Tools');{}, focusedWindow); expect(spy).not.toBeCalledWith(null, expectedValue); }); }); }); }); });