import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import { IConfig, IGlobalConfig } from '../src/app/config-handler'; jest.mock('electron-log'); jest.mock('../src/app/auto-update-handler', () => { return {}; }); jest.mock('../src/common/env', () => { return { isWindowsOS: true, isLinux: false, isMac: false, isDevEnv: true, }; }); jest.mock('../src/common/logger', () => { return { logger: { setLoggerWindow: jest.fn(), error: jest.fn(), info: jest.fn(), }, }; }); jest.mock('../src/app/window-handler', () => { return { windowHandler: { isOnline: true }, }; }); describe('config', () => { const configFileName: string = 'Symphony.config'; let userConfigDir: string; let globalConfigDir: string; let configInstance: any; const createTempGlobalConfig = (fileName: string): string => { const tmpDir = os.tmpdir(); return path.join(fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(tmpDir, 'config-')), fileName); }; const createTempUserConfig = (fileName: string): string => { const tmpDir = os.tmpdir(); return path.join(fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(tmpDir, 'user-')), fileName); }; // write data in global config created const writeConfigFile = (data: object): void => { fs.writeFileSync(globalConfigDir, JSON.stringify(data)); }; // write data in user config created const writeUserFile = (data: object): void => { fs.writeFileSync(userConfigDir, JSON.stringify(data)); }; beforeEach(() => { const { config } = require('../src/app/config-handler'); globalConfigDir = createTempGlobalConfig(configFileName); userConfigDir = createTempUserConfig(configFileName); configInstance = config; jest.resetModules(); }); describe('getConfigFields', () => { it('should fail when field not present in either user or global config', () => { const fieldMock: string[] = ['no-url']; const globalConfig: object = { url: 'test' }; const userConfig: object = { configVersion: '4.0.1' }; // creating temp file writeConfigFile(globalConfig); writeUserFile(userConfig); // changing path from /Users/.../SymphonyElectron/config/Symphony.config to temp path configInstance.globalConfigPath = globalConfigDir; configInstance.userConfigPath = userConfigDir; configInstance.readGlobalConfig(); configInstance.readUserConfig(); const configField: IConfig = configInstance.getConfigFields(fieldMock); expect(configField).toEqual({}); }); it('should succeed when only present in user config', () => { const fieldMock: string[] = ['url']; const globalConfig: object = { url: 'something' }; const userConfig: object = { configVersion: '4.0.1' }; writeConfigFile(globalConfig); writeUserFile(userConfig); configInstance.globalConfigPath = globalConfigDir; configInstance.userConfigPath = userConfigDir; configInstance.readUserConfig(); configInstance.readGlobalConfig(); const configField: IGlobalConfig = configInstance.getGlobalConfigFields(fieldMock); expect(configField.url).toBe('something'); }); }); describe('updateConfig', () => { it('should overwrite existing field', () => { const userConfig: object = { configVersion: '4.0.0' }; const overwriteUserConfig: object = { configVersion: '4.0.1' }; writeUserFile(userConfig); configInstance.userConfigPath = userConfigDir; configInstance.readUserConfig(); configInstance.updateUserConfig(overwriteUserConfig); expect(configInstance.userConfig.configVersion).toBe('4.0.1'); }); it('should add new field', () => { const userConfig: object = { configVersion: '4.0.0' }; const newValue: object = { test: 'test' }; writeUserFile(userConfig); configInstance.userConfigPath = userConfigDir; configInstance.readUserConfig(); configInstance.updateUserConfig(newValue); expect(configInstance.userConfig).toEqual({ configVersion: '4.0.0', test: 'test', }); }); }); describe('compareCloudConfig', () => { it('should return no updated fields for same objects', () => { const sdaCloudConfig: object = { configVersion: '4.0.0' }; const sfeCloudConfig: object = { configVersion: '4.0.0' }; const updatedFields = configInstance.compareCloudConfig( sdaCloudConfig, sfeCloudConfig, ); expect(updatedFields.length).toBe(0); }); it('should return no updated fields for empty object', () => { const sdaCloudConfig: object = { configVersion: '4.0.0' }; const sfeCloudConfig: object = {}; const updatedFields = configInstance.compareCloudConfig( sdaCloudConfig, sfeCloudConfig, ); expect(updatedFields.length).toBe(0); }); it('should return correct number of updated fields', () => { const sdaCloudConfig: object = { memoryThreshold: false, isCustomTitleBar: true, }; const sfeCloudConfig: object = { memoryThreshold: true, isCustomTitleBar: true, }; const updatedFields = configInstance.compareCloudConfig( sdaCloudConfig, sfeCloudConfig, ); expect(updatedFields.length).toBe(1); expect(updatedFields[0]).toBe('memoryThreshold'); }); it('should compare nested object and return correct fields', () => { const sdaCloudConfig: object = { memoryThreshold: false, customFlags: { authNegotiateDelegateWhitelist: '*', authServerWhitelist: '', }, }; const sfeCloudConfig: object = { memoryThreshold: false, customFlags: { authNegotiateDelegateWhitelist: '*', authServerWhitelist: '', }, }; const updatedFields = configInstance.compareCloudConfig( sdaCloudConfig, sfeCloudConfig, ); expect(updatedFields.length).toBe(0); }); it('should return correct number of updated fields for nested object comparison', () => { const sdaCloudConfig: object = { memoryThreshold: false, customFlags: { authNegotiateDelegateWhitelist: '', authServerWhitelist: '', }, }; const sfeCloudConfig: object = { memoryThreshold: false, customFlags: { authNegotiateDelegateWhitelist: '*', authServerWhitelist: '', }, }; const updatedFields = configInstance.compareCloudConfig( sdaCloudConfig, sfeCloudConfig, ); expect(updatedFields.length).toBe(1); expect(updatedFields[0]).toBe('customFlags'); }); it('should compare array and return correct fields', () => { const sdaCloudConfig: object = { memoryThreshold: false, customFlags: { authNegotiateDelegateWhitelist: '', authServerWhitelist: '', }, ctWhitelist: [], podWhitelist: [], }; const sfeCloudConfig: object = { memoryThreshold: false, customFlags: { authNegotiateDelegateWhitelist: '', authServerWhitelist: '', }, ctWhitelist: [], podWhitelist: [], }; const updatedFields = configInstance.compareCloudConfig( sdaCloudConfig, sfeCloudConfig, ); expect(updatedFields.length).toBe(0); }); it('should return correct number of updated fields for array comparison', () => { const sdaCloudConfig: object = { memoryThreshold: false, customFlags: { authNegotiateDelegateWhitelist: '', authServerWhitelist: '', }, ctWhitelist: ['amulli'], podWhitelist: [], }; const sfeCloudConfig: object = { memoryThreshold: false, customFlags: { authNegotiateDelegateWhitelist: '', authServerWhitelist: '', }, ctWhitelist: [], podWhitelist: ['butti'], }; const updatedFields = configInstance.compareCloudConfig( sdaCloudConfig, sfeCloudConfig, ); expect(updatedFields.length).toBe(2); expect(updatedFields[0]).toBe('ctWhitelist'); expect(updatedFields[1]).toBe('podWhitelist'); }); }); });