# Intro SDA supports silent installation on macOS using the standard "installer" command from the terminal # Purpose To help admins push installation to their users' systems silently using the "installer" command. # Details SDA can be automatically installed from the terminal. The process of customizing the settings that appear in the installer is described below. - We have 2 distinct files that take user settings and permissions settings. - These 2 files have to be created as "/tmp/sym_settings.txt" and "/tmp/sym_permissions.txt" respectively for the user settings and permissions settings. - Both are plain text files containing values of corresponding settings that'll be read by a `post-install script` in the installer. - So, both have to be set up correctly in order to avoid installation issues. ## sym_settings.txt The parameters that should be configured in `sym_settings.txt` are listed below. They need to be in the same order as they'll be picked up by the installer in the same order. Do not skip any parameters. - Pod Url - Context Origin Url (Only required if your Pod url is set to your SSO provider URL, otherwise, leave it blank.) - Minimize On Close - Launch On Startup - Always on Top - Bring to Front - Dev Tools Enabled You can find samples below: Your SSO URL is set as the POD URL ``` https://mysso.mycompany.com/login/sso/initsso https://mypod.symphony.com ENABLED ENABLED DISABLED DISABLED true ``` Your POD takes care of SSO as well ``` https://mypod.symphony.com/login/sso/initsso ENABLED ENABLED DISABLED DISABLED true ``` ## sym_permissions.txt The parameters that should be configured in `sym_permissions.txt` are listed below. They need to be in the same order as they'll be picked up by the installer in the same order. Do not skip any parameters. - Media - GeoLocation - Notifications - Midi Sysex - Pointer Lock - Full Screen - Open External App You can find a sample below: ``` true true true true true true true ``` # Installation To install the package, use the below command with appropriate changes to the path where the app gets installed. It should ideally be in the "/" (root) volume. ```sudo installer -store -pkg /Users/johndoe/Downloads/SDA.pkg -target /``` **Note:** Since we are installing the package in the root volume, you need to run the above command as `sudo`. # Fully Packaged Script We've also provisioned a shell script that can be used to cut out all of the above manual processes. You'll just need to edit the script to set appropriate values (for which we've added comments in the script) for the parameters which are self-explanatory. You can find the script below. Ensure that you copy the below content to a shell script and provide executable permissions. ``` #!/usr/bin/env bash ## Set the path where the package file exists package_path=/Users/johndoe/Downloads/SDA.pkg ## DO NOT CHANGE THIS settings_temp_file="/tmp/sym_settings.txt" ## Set the POD URL and other user related settings. ## Note, all the user related settings should be either "ENABLED", "DISABLED" or "NOT_SET" pod_url="https://corporate.symphony.com/login/sso/initsso" context_origin_url="https://corporate.symphony.com" minimize_on_close="ENABLED" launch_on_startup="ENABLED" always_on_top="DISABLED" bring_to_front="DISABLED" dev_tools_enabled=true ## DO NOT CHANGE THIS sudo echo ${pod_url} > ${settings_temp_file} sudo echo ${context_origin_url} >> ${settings_temp_file} sudo echo ${minimize_on_close} >> ${settings_temp_file} sudo echo ${launch_on_startup} >> ${settings_temp_file} sudo echo ${always_on_top} >> ${settings_temp_file} sudo echo ${bring_to_front} >> ${settings_temp_file} sudo echo ${dev_tools_enabled} >> ${settings_temp_file} ## DO NOT CHANGE THIS permissions_temp_file="/tmp/sym_permissions.txt" ## Set the permissions. By default, it should be "ENABLED" for all unless you know what you are doing media=true geo_location=true notifications=true midi_sysex=true pointer_lock=true full_screen=true open_external_app=true ## DO NOT CHANGE THIS sudo echo ${media} > ${permissions_temp_file} sudo echo ${geo_location} >> ${permissions_temp_file} sudo echo ${notifications} >> ${permissions_temp_file} sudo echo ${midi_sysex} >> ${permissions_temp_file} sudo echo ${pointer_lock} >> ${permissions_temp_file} sudo echo ${full_screen} >> ${permissions_temp_file} sudo echo ${open_external_app} >> ${permissions_temp_file} sudo installer -store -pkg ${package_path} -target / rm -rf ${settings_temp_file} rm -rf ${permissions_temp_file} ```