'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); const electron = require('electron'); const app = electron.app; const crashReporter = electron.crashReporter; const BrowserWindow = electron.BrowserWindow; const path = require('path'); const nodeURL = require('url'); const querystring = require('querystring'); const filesize = require('filesize'); const { getTemplate, getMinimizeOnClose } = require('./menus/menuTemplate.js'); const loadErrors = require('./dialogs/showLoadError.js'); const isInDisplayBounds = require('./utils/isInDisplayBounds.js'); const getGuid = require('./utils/getGuid.js'); const log = require('./log.js'); const logLevels = require('./enums/logLevels.js'); const notify = require('./notify/electron-notify.js'); const eventEmitter = require('./eventEmitter'); const throttle = require('./utils/throttle.js'); const { getConfigField, updateConfigField } = require('./config.js'); const { isMac, isNodeEnv } = require('./utils/misc'); const { deleteIndexFolder } = require('./search/search.js'); const { isWhitelisted } = require('./utils/whitelistHandler'); // show dialog when certificate errors occur require('./dialogs/showCertError.js'); require('./dialogs/showBasicAuth.js'); // Keep a global reference of the window object, if you don't, the window will // be closed automatically when the JavaScript object is garbage collected. let mainWindow; let windows = {}; let willQuitApp = false; let isOnline = true; let boundsChangeWindow; let alwaysOnTop = false; let position = 'lower-right'; let display; let sandboxed = false; // By default, we set the user's default download directory let defaultDownloadsDirectory = app.getPath("downloads"); let downloadsDirectory = defaultDownloadsDirectory; // note: this file is built using browserify in prebuild step. const preloadMainScript = path.join(__dirname, 'preload/_preloadMain.js'); const MIN_WIDTH = 300; const MIN_HEIGHT = 300; // Default window size for pop-out windows const DEFAULT_WIDTH = 300; const DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 600; /** * Adds a window key * @param key * @param browserWin */ function addWindowKey(key, browserWin) { windows[key] = browserWin; } /** * Removes a window key * @param key */ function removeWindowKey(key) { delete windows[key]; } /** * Gets the parsed url * @param url * @returns {Url} */ function getParsedUrl(url) { return nodeURL.parse(url); } /** * Creates the main window * @param initialUrl */ function createMainWindow(initialUrl) { getConfigField('mainWinPos').then( function (bounds) { doCreateMainWindow(initialUrl, bounds); }, function () { // failed, use default bounds doCreateMainWindow(initialUrl, null); } ); } /** * Creates the main window with bounds * @param initialUrl * @param initialBounds */ function doCreateMainWindow(initialUrl, initialBounds) { let url = initialUrl; let key = getGuid(); log.send(logLevels.INFO, 'creating main window url: ' + url); let newWinOpts = { title: 'Symphony', show: true, minWidth: MIN_WIDTH, minHeight: MIN_HEIGHT, alwaysOnTop: false, webPreferences: { sandbox: sandboxed, nodeIntegration: isNodeEnv, preload: preloadMainScript, nativeWindowOpen: true } }; // set size and position let bounds = initialBounds; // if bounds if not fully contained in some display then use default size // and position. if (!isInDisplayBounds(bounds)) { bounds = null; } if (bounds && bounds.width && bounds.height) { newWinOpts.width = bounds.width; newWinOpts.height = bounds.height; } else { newWinOpts.width = 900; newWinOpts.height = 900; } // will center on screen if values not provided if (bounds && bounds.x && bounds.y) { newWinOpts.x = bounds.x; newWinOpts.y = bounds.y; } // will set the main window on top as per the user prefs if (alwaysOnTop){ newWinOpts.alwaysOnTop = alwaysOnTop; } // note: augmenting with some custom values newWinOpts.winKey = key; mainWindow = new BrowserWindow(newWinOpts); mainWindow.winName = 'main'; let throttledMainWinBoundsChange = throttle(5000, saveMainWinBounds); mainWindow.on('move', throttledMainWinBoundsChange); mainWindow.on('resize', throttledMainWinBoundsChange); function retry() { if (!isOnline) { loadErrors.showNetworkConnectivityError(mainWindow, url, retry); return; } if (mainWindow.webContents) { mainWindow.webContents.reload(); } } // content can be cached and will still finish load but // we might not have network connectivity, so warn the user. mainWindow.webContents.on('did-finish-load', function () { url = mainWindow.webContents.getURL(); if (!isOnline) { loadErrors.showNetworkConnectivityError(mainWindow, url, retry); } else { // updates the notify config with user preference notify.updateConfig({position: position, display: display}); // removes all existing notifications when main window reloads notify.reset(); log.send(logLevels.INFO, 'loaded main window url: ' + url); } }); mainWindow.webContents.on('did-fail-load', function (event, errorCode, errorDesc, validatedURL) { loadErrors.showLoadFailure(mainWindow, validatedURL, errorDesc, errorCode, retry, false); }); // In case a renderer process crashes, provide an // option for the user to either reload or close the window mainWindow.webContents.on('crashed', function () { const options = { type: 'error', title: 'Renderer Process Crashed', message: 'Oops! Looks like we have had a crash. Please reload or close this window.', buttons: ['Reload', 'Close'] }; electron.dialog.showMessageBox(options, function (index) { if (index === 0) { mainWindow.reload(); } else { mainWindow.close(); } }); }); addWindowKey(key, mainWindow); mainWindow.loadURL(url); const menu = electron.Menu.buildFromTemplate(getTemplate(app)); electron.Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu); mainWindow.on('close', function(e) { if (willQuitApp) { destroyAllWindows(); return; } if (getMinimizeOnClose()) { e.preventDefault(); mainWindow.minimize(); } else { app.quit(); } }); function destroyAllWindows() { let keys = Object.keys(windows); for (let i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) { let winKey = keys[i]; removeWindowKey(winKey); } mainWindow = null; } mainWindow.on('closed', destroyAllWindows); // if an user has set a custom downloads directory, // we get that data from the user config file getConfigField('downloadsDirectory') .then((value) => { downloadsDirectory = value; }) .catch((error) => { log.send(logLevels.ERROR, 'Could not find the downloads directory config -> ' + error); }); // Manage File Downloads mainWindow.webContents.session.on('will-download', (event, item, webContents) => { // When download is in progress, send necessary data to indicate the same webContents.send('downloadProgress'); // An extra check to see if the user created downloads directory has been deleted // This scenario can occur when user doesn't quit electron and continues using it // across days and then deletes the folder. if (downloadsDirectory !== defaultDownloadsDirectory && !fs.existsSync(downloadsDirectory)) { downloadsDirectory = defaultDownloadsDirectory; updateConfigField("downloadsDirectory", downloadsDirectory); } // We check the downloads directory to see if a file with the similar name // already exists and get a unique filename if that's the case let newFileName = getUniqueFileName(item.getFilename()); item.setSavePath(downloadsDirectory + "/" + newFileName); // Send file path to construct the DOM in the UI when the download is complete // if the user has set a custom downloads directory, save file to that directory // if otherwise, we save it to the operating system's default downloads directory if (downloadsDirectory) { item.setSavePath(downloadsDirectory + "/" + item.getFilename()); } // Send file path when download is complete item.once('done', (e, state) => { if (state === 'completed') { let data = { _id: getGuid(), savedPath: item.getSavePath() ? item.getSavePath() : '', total: filesize(item.getTotalBytes() ? item.getTotalBytes() : 0), fileName: newFileName }; webContents.send('downloadCompleted', data); } }); }); getConfigField('url') .then(initializeCrashReporter) .catch(app.quit); function initializeCrashReporter(podUrl) { getConfigField('crashReporter') .then((crashReporterConfig) => { log.send(logLevels.INFO, 'Initializing crash reporter on the main window!'); crashReporter.start({companyName: crashReporterConfig.companyName, submitURL: crashReporterConfig.submitURL, uploadToServer: crashReporterConfig.uploadToServer, extra: {'process': 'renderer / main window', podUrl: podUrl}}); log.send(logLevels.INFO, 'initialized crash reporter on the main window!'); mainWindow.webContents.send('register-crash-reporter', {companyName: crashReporterConfig.companyName, submitURL: crashReporterConfig.submitURL, uploadToServer: crashReporterConfig.uploadToServer, process: 'preload script / main window renderer'}); }) .catch((err) => { log.send(logLevels.ERROR, 'Unable to initialize crash reporter in the main window. Error is -> ' + err); }); } // open external links in default browser - a tag with href='_blank' or window.open mainWindow.webContents.on('new-window', function (event, newWinUrl, frameName, disposition, newWinOptions) { let newWinParsedUrl = getParsedUrl(newWinUrl); let mainWinParsedUrl = getParsedUrl(url); let newWinHost = newWinParsedUrl && newWinParsedUrl.host; let mainWinHost = mainWinParsedUrl && mainWinParsedUrl.host; // only allow window.open to succeed is if coming from same hsot, // otherwise open in default browser. if (disposition === 'new-window' && newWinHost === mainWinHost) { // handle: window.open if (!frameName) { // abort - no frame name provided. return; } log.send(logLevels.INFO, 'creating pop-out window url: ' + newWinParsedUrl); let x = 0; let y = 0; let width = newWinOptions.width || DEFAULT_WIDTH; let height = newWinOptions.height || DEFAULT_HEIGHT; // try getting x and y position from query parameters let query = newWinParsedUrl && querystring.parse(newWinParsedUrl.query); if (query && query.x && query.y) { let newX = Number.parseInt(query.x, 10); let newY = Number.parseInt(query.y, 10); let newWinRect = {x: newX, y: newY, width, height}; // only accept if both are successfully parsed. if (Number.isInteger(newX) && Number.isInteger(newY) && isInDisplayBounds(newWinRect)) { x = newX; y = newY; } else { x = 0; y = 0; } } else { // create new window at slight offset from main window. ({x, y} = getWindowSizeAndPosition(mainWindow)); x += 50; y += 50; } /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ newWinOptions.x = x; newWinOptions.y = y; newWinOptions.width = Math.max(width, DEFAULT_WIDTH); newWinOptions.height = Math.max(height, DEFAULT_HEIGHT); newWinOptions.minWidth = MIN_WIDTH; newWinOptions.minHeight = MIN_HEIGHT; newWinOptions.alwaysOnTop = alwaysOnTop; let newWinKey = getGuid(); newWinOptions.winKey = newWinKey; /* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */ let webContents = newWinOptions.webContents; webContents.once('did-finish-load', function () { let browserWin = BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(webContents); if (browserWin) { log.send(logLevels.INFO, 'loaded pop-out window url: ' + newWinParsedUrl); if (!isMac) { // Removes the menu bar from the pop-out window // setMenu is currently only supported on Windows and Linux browserWin.setMenu(null); } getConfigField('url') .then((podUrl) => { getConfigField('crashReporter') .then((crashReporterConfig) => { crashReporter.start({companyName: crashReporterConfig.companyName, submitURL: crashReporterConfig.submitURL, uploadToServer: crashReporterConfig.uploadToServer, extra: {'process': 'renderer / child window', podUrl: podUrl}}); log.send(logLevels.INFO, 'initialized crash reporter on a child window!'); browserWin.webContents.send('register-crash-reporter', {companyName: crashReporterConfig.companyName, submitURL: crashReporterConfig.submitURL, uploadToServer: crashReporterConfig.uploadToServer, process: 'preload script / child window renderer'}); }) .catch((err) => { log.send(logLevels.ERROR, 'Unable to initialize crash reporter in the child window. Error is -> ' + err); }); }) .catch(app.quit); browserWin.winName = frameName; browserWin.setAlwaysOnTop(alwaysOnTop); let handleChildWindowClosed = () => { removeWindowKey(newWinKey); browserWin.removeListener('move', throttledBoundsChange); browserWin.removeListener('resize', throttledBoundsChange); }; browserWin.once('closed', () => { handleChildWindowClosed(); }); browserWin.on('close', () => { browserWin.webContents.removeListener('new-window', handleChildNewWindowEvent); browserWin.webContents.removeListener('crashed', handleChildWindowCrashEvent); }); let handleChildWindowCrashEvent = () => { const options = { type: 'error', title: 'Renderer Process Crashed', message: 'Oops! Looks like we have had a crash. Please reload or close this window.', buttons: ['Reload', 'Close'] }; electron.dialog.showMessageBox(options, function (index) { if (index === 0) { browserWin.reload(); } else { browserWin.close(); } }); }; browserWin.webContents.on('crashed', handleChildWindowCrashEvent); let handleChildNewWindowEvent = (childEvent, childWinUrl) => { childEvent.preventDefault(); openUrlInDefaultBrowser(childWinUrl); }; // In case we navigate to an external link from inside a pop-out, // we open that link in an external browser rather than creating // a new window browserWin.webContents.on('new-window', handleChildNewWindowEvent); addWindowKey(newWinKey, browserWin); // Method that sends bound changes as soon // as a new window is created // issue https://perzoinc.atlassian.net/browse/ELECTRON-172 sendChildWinBoundsChange(browserWin); // throttle changes so we don't flood client. let throttledBoundsChange = throttle(1000, sendChildWinBoundsChange.bind(null, browserWin)); browserWin.on('move', throttledBoundsChange); browserWin.on('resize', throttledBoundsChange); } }); } else { event.preventDefault(); openUrlInDefaultBrowser(newWinUrl); } }); // whenever the main window is navigated for ex: window.location.href or url redirect mainWindow.webContents.on('will-navigate', function(event, navigatedURL) { deleteIndexFolder(); isWhitelisted(navigatedURL) .catch(() => { event.preventDefault(); electron.dialog.showMessageBox(mainWindow, { type: 'warning', buttons: [ 'Ok' ], title: 'Not Allowed', message: `Sorry, you are not allowed to access this website (${navigatedURL}), please contact your administrator for more details`, }); }); }); } /** * Handles the event before-quit emitted by electron */ app.on('before-quit', function () { willQuitApp = true; }); /** * Saves the main window bounds */ function saveMainWinBounds() { let newBounds = getWindowSizeAndPosition(mainWindow); if (newBounds) { updateConfigField('mainWinPos', newBounds); } } /** * Gets the main window * @returns {*} */ function getMainWindow() { return mainWindow; } /** * Gets a window's size and position * @param window * @returns {*} */ function getWindowSizeAndPosition(window) { if (window) { let newPos = window.getPosition(); let newSize = window.getSize(); if (newPos && newPos.length === 2 && newSize && newSize.length === 2) { return { x: newPos[0], y: newPos[1], width: newSize[0], height: newSize[1], }; } } return null; } /** * Shows the main window */ function showMainWindow() { mainWindow.show(); } /** * Tells if a window is the main window * @param win * @returns {boolean} */ function isMainWindow(win) { return mainWindow === win; } /** * Checks if the window and a key has a window * @param win * @param winKey * @returns {*} */ function hasWindow(win, winKey) { if (win instanceof BrowserWindow) { let browserWin = windows[winKey]; return browserWin && win === browserWin; } return false; } /** * Sets if a user is online * @param status */ function setIsOnline(status) { isOnline = status; } /** * Tries finding a window we have created with given name. If found, then * brings to front and gives focus. * @param {String} windowName Name of target window. Note: main window has * name 'main'. */ function activate(windowName) { let keys = Object.keys(windows); for (let i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) { let window = windows[keys[i]]; if (window && !window.isDestroyed() && window.winName === windowName) { if (window.isMinimized()) { window.restore(); } else { window.show(); } return; } } } /** * name of renderer window to notify when bounds of child window changes. * @param {object} window Renderer window to use IPC with to inform about size/ * position change. */ function setBoundsChangeWindow(window) { boundsChangeWindow = window; } /** * Called when bounds of child window changes size/position * @param {object} window Child window which has changed size/position. */ function sendChildWinBoundsChange(window) { let newBounds = getWindowSizeAndPosition(window); if (newBounds && boundsChangeWindow) { newBounds.windowName = window.winName; // ipc msg back to renderer to inform bounds has changed. boundsChangeWindow.send('boundsChange', newBounds); } } /** * Opens an external url in the system's default browser * @param urlToOpen */ function openUrlInDefaultBrowser(urlToOpen) { if (urlToOpen) { electron.shell.openExternal(urlToOpen); } } /** * Called when an event is received from menu * @param boolean weather to enable or disable alwaysOnTop. */ function isAlwaysOnTop(boolean) { alwaysOnTop = boolean; let browserWins = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows(); if (browserWins.length > 0) { browserWins.forEach(function (browser) { browser.setAlwaysOnTop(boolean); }); // An issue where changing the alwaysOnTop property // focus the pop-out window // Issue - Electron-209 if (mainWindow && mainWindow.winName) { activate(mainWindow.winName); } } } // node event emitter to update always on top eventEmitter.on('isAlwaysOnTop', (boolean) => { isAlwaysOnTop(boolean); }); // set downloads directory eventEmitter.on('setDownloadsDirectory', (newDirectory) => { downloadsDirectory = newDirectory; }); // node event emitter for notification settings eventEmitter.on('notificationSettings', (notificationSettings) => { position = notificationSettings.position; display = notificationSettings.display; }); /** * Method that gets invoked when an external display * is removed using electron 'display-removed' event. */ function verifyDisplays() { // This is only for Windows, macOS handles this by itself if (!mainWindow || isMac){ return; } const bounds = mainWindow.getBounds(); if (bounds) { let isXAxisValid = true; let isYAxisValid = true; // checks to make sure the x,y are valid pairs if ((bounds.x === undefined && (bounds.y || bounds.y === 0))){ isXAxisValid = false; } if ((bounds.y === undefined && (bounds.x || bounds.x === 0))){ isYAxisValid = false; } if (!isXAxisValid && !isYAxisValid){ return; } let externalDisplay = checkExternalDisplay(bounds); // If external window doesn't exists, reposition main window if (!externalDisplay) { repositionMainWindow(); } } } /** * Method that verifies if wrapper exists in any of the available * external display by comparing the app bounds with the display bounds * if not exists returns false otherwise true * @param appBounds {Electron.Rectangle} - current electron wrapper bounds * @returns {boolean} */ function checkExternalDisplay(appBounds) { const x = appBounds.x; const y = appBounds.y; const width = appBounds.width; const height = appBounds.height; const factor = 0.2; const screen = electron.screen; // Loops through all the available displays and // verifies if the wrapper exists within the display bounds // returns false if not exists otherwise true return !!screen.getAllDisplays().find(({bounds}) => { const leftMost = x + (width * factor); const topMost = y + (height * factor); const rightMost = x + width - (width * factor); const bottomMost = y + height - (height * factor); if (leftMost < bounds.x || topMost < bounds.y) { return false; } return !(rightMost > bounds.x + bounds.width || bottomMost > bounds.y + bounds.height); }); } /** * Method that resets the main window bounds when an external display * was removed and if the wrapper was contained within that bounds */ function repositionMainWindow() { const screen = electron.screen; const {workArea} = screen.getPrimaryDisplay(); const bounds = workArea; if (!bounds) { return; } const windowWidth = Math.round(bounds.width * 0.6); const windowHeight = Math.round(bounds.height * 0.8); // Calculating the center of the primary display // to place the wrapper const centerX = bounds.x + bounds.width / 2.0; const centerY = bounds.y + bounds.height / 2.0; const x = Math.round(centerX - (windowWidth / 2.0)); const y = Math.round(centerY - (windowHeight / 2.0)); let rectangle = {x, y, width: windowWidth, height: windowHeight}; // resetting the main window bounds if (mainWindow){ if (!mainWindow.isVisible()) { mainWindow.show(); } if (mainWindow.isMinimized()) { mainWindow.restore(); } mainWindow.focus(); mainWindow.flashFrame(false); mainWindow.setBounds(rectangle, true); } } /** * Creates a unique filename like Chrome * from a user's download directory * @param filename filename passed by the remote server * @returns {String} the new filename */ function getUniqueFileName(filename) { // By default, we assume that the file exists const fileExists = true; // We break the file from it's extension to get the name const actualFilename = filename.substr(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.')) || filename; const fileType = filename.split('.').pop(); // We use this to set the new file name with an increment on the previous existing file let fileNumber = 0; let newPath; while (fileExists) { let fileNameString = fileNumber.toString(); // By default, we know if the file doesn't exist, // we can use the filename sent by the remote server let current = filename; // If the file already exists, we know that the // file number variable is increased, so, // we construct a new file name with the file number if (fileNumber > 0) { current = actualFilename + " (" + fileNameString + ")." + fileType; } // If the file exists, increment the file number and repeat the loop if (fs.existsSync(downloadsDirectory + "/" + current)) { fileNumber++; } else { newPath = current; break; } } return newPath; } module.exports = { createMainWindow: createMainWindow, getMainWindow: getMainWindow, showMainWindow: showMainWindow, isMainWindow: isMainWindow, hasWindow: hasWindow, setIsOnline: setIsOnline, activate: activate, setBoundsChangeWindow: setBoundsChangeWindow, verifyDisplays: verifyDisplays };