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synced 2025-01-22 06:23:18 -06:00
* ELECTRON-43 - Implemented Alert settings functionality * ELECTRON-43 1. Added multiple monitor support for notifications in windows 2. Implemented a settings window to change notification position 3. Completed implementing configure alert position window * ELECTRON-43 - Refactored code and changed config data * ELECTRON-43 1. Refactored the code 2. Added modal property to browser window * ELECTRON-43 1. Resolved conflicts 2. Made config default display value to null 3. Renamed api method from 'showAlertSettings' to 'showNotificationSettings' for consistency 4. Fixed some bugs
439 lines
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439 lines
13 KiB
'use strict';
const electron = require('electron');
const app = electron.app;
const BrowserWindow = electron.BrowserWindow;
const path = require('path');
const nodeURL = require('url');
const querystring = require('querystring');
const { getTemplate, getMinimizeOnClose } = require('./menus/menuTemplate.js');
const loadErrors = require('./dialogs/showLoadError.js');
const isInDisplayBounds = require('./utils/isInDisplayBounds.js');
const getGuid = require('./utils/getGuid.js');
const log = require('./log.js');
const logLevels = require('./enums/logLevels.js');
const notify = require('./notify/electron-notify.js');
const eventEmitter = require('./eventEmitter');
const throttle = require('./utils/throttle.js');
const { getConfigField, updateConfigField } = require('./config.js');
//context menu
const contextMenu = require('./menus/contextMenu.js');
// show dialog when certificate errors occur
// Keep a global reference of the window object, if you don't, the window will
// be closed automatically when the JavaScript object is garbage collected.
let mainWindow;
let windows = {};
let willQuitApp = false;
let isOnline = true;
let boundsChangeWindow;
let alwaysOnTop = false;
let position = 'lower-right';
let display;
// note: this file is built using browserify in prebuild step.
const preloadMainScript = path.join(__dirname, 'preload/_preloadMain.js');
const MIN_WIDTH = 300;
const MIN_HEIGHT = 600;
function addWindowKey(key, browserWin) {
windows[key] = browserWin;
function removeWindowKey(key) {
delete windows[key];
function getParsedUrl(url) {
return nodeURL.parse(url);
function createMainWindow(initialUrl) {
function (bounds) {
doCreateMainWindow(initialUrl, bounds);
function () {
// failed, use default bounds
doCreateMainWindow(initialUrl, null);
function doCreateMainWindow(initialUrl, initialBounds) {
let url = initialUrl;
let key = getGuid();
log.send(logLevels.INFO, 'creating main window url: ' + url);
let newWinOpts = {
title: 'Symphony',
show: true,
minWidth: MIN_WIDTH,
minHeight: MIN_HEIGHT,
alwaysOnTop: false,
webPreferences: {
sandbox: true,
nodeIntegration: false,
preload: preloadMainScript,
// set size and position
let bounds = initialBounds;
// if bounds if not fully contained in some display then use default size
// and position.
if (!isInDisplayBounds(bounds)) {
bounds = null;
if (bounds && bounds.width && bounds.height) {
newWinOpts.width = bounds.width;
newWinOpts.height = bounds.height;
} else {
newWinOpts.width = 1024;
newWinOpts.height = 768;
// will center on screen if values not provided
if (bounds && bounds.x && bounds.y) {
newWinOpts.x = bounds.x;
newWinOpts.y = bounds.y;
// will set the main window on top as per the user prefs
if (alwaysOnTop){
newWinOpts.alwaysOnTop = alwaysOnTop;
// note: augmenting with some custom values
newWinOpts.winKey = key;
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow(newWinOpts);
mainWindow.winName = 'main';
let throttledMainWinBoundsChange = throttle(5000, saveMainWinBounds);
mainWindow.on('move', throttledMainWinBoundsChange);
mainWindow.on('resize', throttledMainWinBoundsChange);
function retry() {
if (!isOnline) {
loadErrors.showNetworkConnectivityError(mainWindow, url, retry);
if (mainWindow.webContents) {
// content can be cached and will still finish load but
// we might not have network connectivity, so warn the user.
mainWindow.webContents.on('did-finish-load', function () {
url = mainWindow.webContents.getURL();
if (!isOnline) {
loadErrors.showNetworkConnectivityError(mainWindow, url, retry);
} else {
// updates the notify config with user preference
notify.updateConfig({position: position, display: display});
// removes all existing notifications when main window reloads
log.send(logLevels.INFO, 'loaded main window url: ' + url);
mainWindow.webContents.on('did-fail-load', function (event, errorCode,
errorDesc, validatedURL) {
loadErrors.showLoadFailure(mainWindow, validatedURL, errorDesc, errorCode, retry);
addWindowKey(key, mainWindow);
const menu = electron.Menu.buildFromTemplate(getTemplate(app));
mainWindow.on('close', function(e) {
if (willQuitApp) {
if (getMinimizeOnClose()) {
} else {
function destroyAllWindows() {
let keys = Object.keys(windows);
for (var i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
let winKey = keys[i];
mainWindow = null;
mainWindow.on('closed', destroyAllWindows);
// bug in electron is preventing this from working in sandboxed evt...
// https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/8841
mainWindow.webContents.on('will-navigate', function(event, willNavUrl) {
// open external links in default browser - a tag with href='_blank' or window.open
mainWindow.webContents.on('new-window', function (event, newWinUrl,
frameName, disposition, newWinOptions) {
let newWinParsedUrl = getParsedUrl(newWinUrl);
let mainWinParsedUrl = getParsedUrl(url);
let newWinHost = newWinParsedUrl && newWinParsedUrl.host;
let mainWinHost = mainWinParsedUrl && mainWinParsedUrl.host;
// only allow window.open to succeed is if coming from same hsot,
// otherwise open in default browser.
if (disposition === 'new-window' && newWinHost === mainWinHost) {
// handle: window.open
if (!frameName) {
// abort - no frame name provided.
log.send(logLevels.INFO, 'creating pop-out window url: ' + newWinParsedUrl);
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
let width = newWinOptions.width || MIN_WIDTH;
let height = newWinOptions.height || MIN_HEIGHT;
// try getting x and y position from query parameters
var query = newWinParsedUrl && querystring.parse(newWinParsedUrl.query);
if (query && query.x && query.y) {
let newX = Number.parseInt(query.x, 10);
let newY = Number.parseInt(query.y, 10);
let newWinRect = {x: newX, y: newY, width, height};
// only accept if both are successfully parsed.
if (Number.isInteger(newX) && Number.isInteger(newY) &&
isInDisplayBounds(newWinRect)) {
x = newX;
y = newY;
} else {
x = 0;
y = 0;
} else {
// create new window at slight offset from main window.
({x, y} = getWindowSizeAndPosition(mainWindow));
x += 50;
y += 50;
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
newWinOptions.x = x;
newWinOptions.y = y;
newWinOptions.width = Math.max(width, MIN_WIDTH);
newWinOptions.height = Math.max(height, MIN_HEIGHT);
newWinOptions.minWidth = MIN_WIDTH;
newWinOptions.minHeight = MIN_HEIGHT;
newWinOptions.alwaysOnTop = alwaysOnTop;
let newWinKey = getGuid();
newWinOptions.winKey = newWinKey;
/* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */
let webContents = newWinOptions.webContents;
webContents.once('did-finish-load', function () {
let browserWin = BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(webContents);
if (browserWin) {
log.send(logLevels.INFO, 'loaded pop-out window url: ' + newWinParsedUrl);
browserWin.winName = frameName;
browserWin.once('closed', function () {
browserWin.removeListener('move', throttledBoundsChange);
browserWin.removeListener('resize', throttledBoundsChange);
addWindowKey(newWinKey, browserWin);
// throttle changes so we don't flood client.
let throttledBoundsChange = throttle(1000,
sendChildWinBoundsChange.bind(null, browserWin));
browserWin.on('move', throttledBoundsChange);
browserWin.on('resize', throttledBoundsChange);
} else {
app.on('before-quit', function () {
willQuitApp = true;
function saveMainWinBounds() {
let newBounds = getWindowSizeAndPosition(mainWindow);
if (newBounds) {
updateConfigField('mainWinPos', newBounds);
function getMainWindow() {
return mainWindow;
function getWindowSizeAndPosition(window) {
if (window) {
let newPos = window.getPosition();
let newSize = window.getSize();
if (newPos && newPos.length === 2 &&
newSize && newSize.length === 2) {
return {
x: newPos[0],
y: newPos[1],
width: newSize[0],
height: newSize[1],
return null;
function showMainWindow() {
function isMainWindow(win) {
return mainWindow === win;
function hasWindow(win, winKey) {
if (win instanceof BrowserWindow) {
let browserWin = windows[winKey];
return browserWin && win === browserWin;
return false;
function setIsOnline(status) {
isOnline = status;
* Tries finding a window we have created with given name. If founds then
* brings to front and gives focus.
* @param {String} windowName Name of target window. Note: main window has
* name 'main'.
function activate(windowName) {
let keys = Object.keys(windows);
for (let i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
let window = windows[keys[i]];
if (window && !window.isDestroyed() && window.winName === windowName) {
if (window.isMinimized()) {
} else {
* name of renderer window to notify when bounds of child window changes.
* @param {object} window Renderer window to use IPC with to inform about size/
* position change.
function setBoundsChangeWindow(window) {
boundsChangeWindow = window;
* Called when bounds of child window changes size/position
* @param {object} window Child window which has changed size/position.
function sendChildWinBoundsChange(window) {
let newBounds = getWindowSizeAndPosition(window);
if (newBounds && boundsChangeWindow) {
newBounds.windowName = window.winName;
// ipc msg back to renderer to inform bounds has changed.
boundsChangeWindow.send('boundsChange', newBounds);
function openUrlInDefaultBrower(urlToOpen) {
if (urlToOpen) {
* Called when an event is received from menu
* @param boolean weather to enable or disable alwaysOnTop.
function isAlwaysOnTop(boolean) {
alwaysOnTop = boolean;
let browserWins = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows();
if (browserWins.length > 0) {
browserWins.forEach(function (browser) {
// node event emitter to update always on top
eventEmitter.on('isAlwaysOnTop', (boolean) => {
// node event emitter for notification settings
eventEmitter.on('notificationSettings', (notificationSettings) => {
position = notificationSettings.position;
display = notificationSettings.display;
module.exports = {
createMainWindow: createMainWindow,
getMainWindow: getMainWindow,
showMainWindow: showMainWindow,
isMainWindow: isMainWindow,
hasWindow: hasWindow,
setIsOnline: setIsOnline,
activate: activate,
setBoundsChangeWindow: setBoundsChangeWindow