mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:29 -06:00
SDA-4476 - Add installVariant to defaults
SDA-4476 - Initialize plist file
Revert "Revert "SDA-4472 (Migrate Symphony.config & installVariant into /Library/Preference) (#2090)" (#2094)"
This reverts commit 0aeee5b7a3
171 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
171 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
## Create file path variables ##
userName=$(stat -f%Su /dev/console)
echo "$plistFilePath"
echo "$userName"
echo "$EUID"
# Create a plist file it not exist
if [ ! -f "$plistFilePath" ]
# Add a default entry
echo "Plist file does not exists creating new file"
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
defaults write "$plistFilePath" ApplicationName Symphony
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" ApplicationName Symphony
## Get Symphony Settings from the temp file ##
pod_url=$(sed -n '1p' ${settingsFilePath});
context_origin_url=$(sed -n '2p' ${settingsFilePath});
minimize_on_close=$(sed -n '3p' ${settingsFilePath});
launch_on_startup=$(sed -n '4p' ${settingsFilePath});
always_on_top=$(sed -n '5p' ${settingsFilePath});
bring_to_front=$(sed -n '6p' ${settingsFilePath});
dev_tools_enabled=$(sed -n '7p' ${settingsFilePath});
enable_browser_login=$(sed -n '8p' ${settingsFilePath});
browser_login_autoconnect=$(sed -n '9p' ${settingsFilePath});
## If any of the above values turn out to be empty, set default values ##
if [ "$pod_url" = "" ]; then pod_url="https://my.symphony.com"; fi
if [ "$context_origin_url" = "" ]; then context_origin_url=""; fi
if [ "$minimize_on_close" = "" ] || [ "$minimize_on_close" = 'true' ]; then minimize_on_close='ENABLED'; else minimize_on_close='DISABLED'; fi
if [ "$launch_on_startup" = "" ] || [ "$launch_on_startup" = 'true' ]; then launch_on_startup='ENABLED'; else launch_on_startup='DISABLED'; fi
if [ "$always_on_top" = "" ] || [ "$always_on_top" = 'false' ]; then always_on_top='DISABLED'; else always_on_top='ENABLED'; fi
if [ "$bring_to_front" = "" ] || [ "$bring_to_front" = 'false' ]; then bring_to_front='DISABLED'; else bring_to_front='ENABLED'; fi
if [ "$dev_tools_enabled" = "" ]; then dev_tools_enabled=true; fi
if [ "$enable_browser_login" = "" ]; then enable_browser_login=false; fi
if [ "$browser_login_autoconnect" = "" ]; then browser_login_autoconnect=false; fi
pod_url_escaped=$(sed 's#[&/\]#\\&#g' <<<"$pod_url")
context_origin_url_escaped=$(sed 's#[&/\]#\\&#g' <<<"$context_origin_url")
## Add settings force auto update
force_auto_update=$(sed -n '10p' ${settingsFilePath});
if [ "$force_auto_update" = "" ]; then force_auto_update=false; fi
## Add settings is pod url editable
is_pod_url_editable=$(sed -n '11p' ${settingsFilePath});
if [ "$is_pod_url_editable" = "" ]; then is_pod_url_editable=true; fi
## Get Symphony Permissions from the temp file ##
media=$(sed -n '1p' ${permissionsFilePath});
geo_location=$(sed -n '2p' ${permissionsFilePath});
notifications=$(sed -n '3p' ${permissionsFilePath});
midi_sysex=$(sed -n '4p' ${permissionsFilePath});
pointer_lock=$(sed -n '5p' ${permissionsFilePath});
full_screen=$(sed -n '6p' ${permissionsFilePath});
open_external_app=$(sed -n '7p' ${permissionsFilePath});
## If any of the above values turn out to be empty, set default values ##
if [ "$media" = "" ]; then media=true; fi
if [ "$geo_location" = "" ]; then geo_location=true; fi
if [ "$notifications" = "" ]; then notifications=true; fi
if [ "$midi_sysex" = "" ]; then midi_sysex=true; fi
if [ "$pointer_lock" = "" ]; then pointer_lock=true;fi
if [ "$full_screen" = "" ]; then full_screen=true; fi
if [ "$open_external_app" = "" ]; then open_external_app=true; fi
#Set default value
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
defaults write "$plistFilePath" url -string "$pod_url_escaped"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" autoUpdateUrl -string ""
defaults write "$plistFilePath" autoUpdateChannel -string "latest"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" isAutoUpdateEnabled -bool true
defaults write "$plistFilePath" isPodUrlEditable -bool true
defaults write "$plistFilePath" forceAutoUpdate -bool "$force_auto_update"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" autoUpdateCheckInterval -string "30"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" enableBrowserLogin -bool "$enable_browser_login"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" browserLoginAutoConnect -bool "$browser_login_autoconnect"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" overrideUserAgent -bool false
defaults write "$plistFilePath" minimizeOnClose -string "$minimize_on_close"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" launchOnStartup -string "$launch_on_startup"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" alwaysOnTop -string "$always_on_top"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" bringToFront -string "$bring_to_front"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" whitelistUrl -string "*"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" isCustomTitleBar -string "ENABLED"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" memoryRefresh -string "ENABLED"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" memoryThreshold -string "800"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" devToolsEnabled -bool "$dev_tools_enabled"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" contextIsolation -bool true
defaults write "$plistFilePath" contextOriginUrl -string "$context_origin_url_escaped"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" disableGpu -bool false
defaults write "$plistFilePath" enableRendererLogs -bool false
defaults write "$plistFilePath" ctWhitelist -array
defaults write "$plistFilePath" podWhitelist -array
defaults write "$plistFilePath" position -string "upper-right"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" display -string ""
defaults write "$plistFilePath" authServerWhitelist -string ""
defaults write "$plistFilePath" authNegotiateDelegateWhitelist -string ""
defaults write "$plistFilePath" disableThrottling -string "DISABLED"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" media -bool "$media"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" geolocation -bool "$geo_location"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" notifications -bool "$notifications"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" midiSysex -bool "$midi_sysex"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" pointerLock -bool "$pointer_lock"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" fullscreen -bool "$full_screen"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" openExternal -bool "$open_external_app"
defaults write "$plistFilePath" autoLaunchPath -string ""
defaults write "$plistFilePath" userDataPath -string ""
defaults write "$plistFilePath" chromeFlags -string ""
defaults write "$plistFilePath" betaAutoUpdateChannelEnabled -bool true
defaults write "$plistFilePath" installVariant -string "$uuid"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" url -string "$pod_url_escaped"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" autoUpdateUrl -string ""
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" autoUpdateChannel -string "latest"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" isAutoUpdateEnabled -bool true
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" isPodUrlEditable -bool true
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" forceAutoUpdate -bool "$force_auto_update"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" autoUpdateCheckInterval -string "30"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" enableBrowserLogin -bool "$enable_browser_login"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" browserLoginAutoConnect -bool "$browser_login_autoconnect"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" overrideUserAgent -bool false
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" minimizeOnClose -string "$minimize_on_close"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" launchOnStartup -string "$launch_on_startup"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" alwaysOnTop -string "$always_on_top"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" bringToFront -string "$bring_to_front"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" whitelistUrl -string "*"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" isCustomTitleBar -string "ENABLED"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" memoryRefresh -string "ENABLED"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" memoryThreshold -string "800"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" devToolsEnabled -bool "$dev_tools_enabled"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" contextIsolation -bool true
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" contextOriginUrl -string "$context_origin_url_escaped"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" disableGpu -bool false
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" enableRendererLogs -bool false
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" ctWhitelist -array
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" podWhitelist -array
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" position -string "upper-right"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" display -string ""
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" authServerWhitelist -string ""
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" authNegotiateDelegateWhitelist -string ""
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" disableThrottling -string "DISABLED"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" media -bool "$media"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" geolocation -bool "$geo_location"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" notifications -bool "$notifications"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" midiSysex -bool "$midi_sysex"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" pointerLock -bool "$pointer_lock"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" fullscreen -bool "$full_screen"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" openExternal -bool "$open_external_app"
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" autoLaunchPath -string ""
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" userDataPath -string ""
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" chromeFlags -string ""
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" betaAutoUpdateChannelEnabled -bool true
sudo -u "$userName" defaults write "$plistFilePath" installVariant -string "$uuid"
## Remove the temp settings & permissions file created ##
rm -f ${settingsFilePath}
rm -f ${permissionsFilePath} |