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synced 2025-01-03 12:47:13 -06:00
* Implemented File Download Experience 1. Initiate download manager when a file download is initiated. 2. Add items to download manager when new items are downloaded. 3. Allow user to open file in default OS app. 4. Allow user to show file in finder/explorer. 5. Allow user to close download bar. * 1. Removed underscore 2. Added safety checks 3. Added support for popouts 4. Creating most elements of download manager if electron * 1. Moved download manager logic to a separate file * 1. Added styles to help pushing up the content of the app when the download manager is being shown. * 1. Added tests for Download Manager. * Removed unnecessary code. * Made adjustments to handle positioning of the download manager through the flexbox model rather than the fixed positioning way. * Removed data attributes being added to body to handle download manager.
332 lines
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332 lines
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'use strict';
// script run before others and still has access to node integration, even
// when turned off - allows us to leak only what want into window object.
// see: http://electron.atom.io/docs/api/browser-window/
// to leak some node module into:
// https://medium.com/@leonli/securing-embedded-external-content-in-electron-node-js-8b6ef665cd8e#.fex4e68p7
// https://slack.engineering/building-hybrid-applications-with-electron-dc67686de5fb#.tp6zz1nrk
// also to bring pieces of node.js:
// https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/2984
const { ipcRenderer, remote } = require('electron');
const throttle = require('../utils/throttle.js');
const apiEnums = require('../enums/api.js');
const apiCmds = apiEnums.cmds;
const apiName = apiEnums.apiName;
const getMediaSources = require('../desktopCapturer/getSources');
const nodeURL = require('url');
// hold ref so doesn't get GC'ed
const local = {
ipcRenderer: ipcRenderer
// throttle calls to this func to at most once per sec, called on leading edge.
const throttledSetBadgeCount = throttle(1000, function(count) {
local.ipcRenderer.send(apiName, {
cmd: apiCmds.setBadgeCount,
count: count
// creates API exposed from electron.
// wrapped in a function so we can abort early in function coming from an iframe
function createAPI() {
// iframes (and any other non-top level frames) get no api access
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/326069/how-to-identify-if-a-webpage-is-being-loaded-inside-an-iframe-or-directly-into-t/326076
if (window.self !== window.top) {
// bug in electron is preventing using event 'will-navigate' from working
// in sandboxed environment. https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/8841
// so in the mean time using this code below to block clicking on A tags.
// A tags are allowed if they include href='_blank', this cause 'new-window'
// event to be received which is handled properly in windowMgr.js
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function(event) {
var newUrl = document.activeElement && document.activeElement.href;
if (newUrl) {
var currHostName = window.location.hostname;
var parsedNewUrl = nodeURL.parse(newUrl);
var parsedNewUrlHostName = parsedNewUrl && parsedNewUrl.hostname;
if (currHostName !== parsedNewUrlHostName) {
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
event.returnValue = 'false';
/* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */
// note: window.open from main window (if in the same domain) will get
// api access. window.open in another domain will be opened in the default
// browser (see: handler for event 'new-window' in windowMgr.js)
// API exposed to renderer process.
window.ssf = {
getVersionInfo: function() {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
var appName = remote.app.getName();
var appVer = remote.app.getVersion();
const verInfo = {
containerIdentifier: appName,
containerVer: appVer,
apiVer: '1.0.0'
* sets the count on the tray icon to the given number.
* @param {number} count count to be displayed
* note: count of 0 will remove the displayed count.
* note: for mac the number displayed will be 1 to infinity
* note: for windws the number displayed will be 1 to 99 and 99+
setBadgeCount: function(count) {
* provides api similar to html5 Notification, see details
* in notify/notifyImpl.js
Notification: remote.require('./notify/notifyImpl.js'),
* provides api to allow user to capture portion of screen, see api
* details in screenSnipper/ScreenSnippet.js
ScreenSnippet: remote.require('./screenSnippet/ScreenSnippet.js').ScreenSnippet,
* Brings window forward and gives focus.
* @param {String} windowName Name of window. Note: main window name is 'main'
activate: function(windowName) {
local.ipcRenderer.send(apiName, {
cmd: apiCmds.activate,
windowName: windowName
* Allows JS to register a callback to be invoked when size/positions
* changes for any pop-out window (i.e., window.open). The main
* process will emit IPC event 'boundsChange' (see below). Currently
* only one window can register for bounds change.
* @param {Function} callback Function invoked when bounds changes.
registerBoundsChange: function(callback) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
local.boundsChangeCallback = callback;
local.ipcRenderer.send(apiName, {
cmd: apiCmds.registerBoundsChange
* allows JS to register a logger that can be used by electron main process.
* @param {Object} logger function that can be called accepting
* object: {
* logDetails: String
* }
registerLogger: function(logger) {
if (typeof logger === 'function') {
local.logger = logger;
// only main window can register
local.ipcRenderer.send(apiName, {
cmd: apiCmds.registerLogger
* allows JS to register a protocol handler that can be used by the
* electron main process.
* @param protocolHandler {Function} callback will be called when app is
* invoked with registered protocol (e.g., symphony). The callback
* receives a single string argument: full uri that the app was
* invoked with e.g., symphony://?streamId=xyz123&streamType=chatroom
* Note: this function should only be called after client app is fully
* able for protocolHandler callback to be invoked. It is possible
* the app was started using protocol handler, in this case as soon as
* this registration func is invoked then the protocolHandler callback
* will be immediately called.
registerProtocolHandler: function (protocolHandler) {
if (typeof protocolHandler === 'function') {
local.processProtocolAction = protocolHandler;
local.ipcRenderer.send(apiName, {
cmd: apiCmds.registerProtocolHandler
* allows JS to register a activity detector that can be used by electron main process.
* @param {Object} activityDetection - function that can be called accepting
* @param {Object} period - minimum user idle time in millisecond
* object: {
* period: Number
* systemIdleTime: Number
* }
registerActivityDetection: function(period, activityDetection) {
if (typeof activityDetection === 'function') {
local.activityDetection = activityDetection;
// only main window can register
local.ipcRenderer.send(apiName, {
cmd: apiCmds.registerActivityDetection,
period: period
* Implements equivalent of desktopCapturer.getSources - that works in
* a sandboxed renderer process.
* see: https://electron.atom.io/docs/api/desktop-capturer/
* for interface: see documentation in desktopCapturer/getSources.js
getMediaSources: getMediaSources,
* Opens a modal window to configure notification preference.
showNotificationSettings: function() {
let windowName = remote.getCurrentWindow().winName;
local.ipcRenderer.send(apiName, {
cmd: apiCmds.showNotificationSettings,
windowName: windowName
// add support for both ssf and SYM_API name-space.
window.SYM_API = window.ssf;
// listen for log message from main process
local.ipcRenderer.on('log', (event, arg) => {
if (arg && local.logger) {
local.logger(arg.msgs || [], arg.logLevel, arg.showInConsole);
// listen for notifications that some window size/position has changed
local.ipcRenderer.on('boundsChange', (event, arg) => {
if (local.boundsChangeCallback && arg.windowName &&
arg.x && arg.y && arg.width && arg.height) {
x: arg.x,
y: arg.y,
width: arg.width,
height: arg.height,
windowName: arg.windowName
// listen for user activity from main process
local.ipcRenderer.on('activity', (event, arg) => {
if (local.activityDetection && arg && arg.systemIdleTime) {
* Use render process to create badge count img and send back to main process.
* If number is greater than 99 then 99+ img is returned.
* note: with sandboxing turned on only get arg and no event passed in, so
* need to use ipcRenderer to callback to main process.
* @type {object} arg.count - number: count to be displayed
local.ipcRenderer.on('createBadgeDataUrl', (event, arg) => {
const count = arg && arg.count || 0;
// create 32 x 32 img
let radius = 16;
let canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.height = radius * 2;
canvas.width = radius * 2;
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
ctx.arc(radius, radius, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
let text = count > 99 ? '99+' : count.toString();
if (text.length > 2) {
ctx.font = 'bold 18px sans-serif';
ctx.fillText(text, radius, 22);
} else if (text.length > 1) {
ctx.font = 'bold 24px sans-serif';
ctx.fillText(text, radius, 24);
} else {
ctx.font = 'bold 26px sans-serif';
ctx.fillText(text, radius, 26);
let dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL('image/png', 1.0);
local.ipcRenderer.send(apiName, {
cmd: apiCmds.badgeDataUrl,
dataUrl: dataUrl,
count: count
* an event triggered by the main process for processing protocol urls
* @type {String} arg - the protocol url
local.ipcRenderer.on('protocol-action', (event, arg) => {
if (local.processProtocolAction && arg) {
function updateOnlineStatus() {
local.ipcRenderer.send(apiName, {
cmd: apiCmds.isOnline,
isOnline: window.navigator.onLine
window.addEventListener('offline', updateOnlineStatus, false);
window.addEventListener('online', updateOnlineStatus, false);