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//css_dir ..\WixSharpToolset\;
//css_ref System.Core.dll;
//css_ref System.Windows.Forms.dll;
//css_ref PresentationFramework.dll;
//css_ref Wix_bin\SDK\Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll;
//css_ref WixSharp.UI.dll;
//css_imp WelcomeDialog.cs;
//css_imp WelcomeDialog.designer.cs;
//css_imp CloseDialog.cs;
//css_imp CloseDialog.designer.cs;
//css_imp ProgressDialog.cs
//css_imp ProgressDialog.Designer.cs
//css_imp ExitDialog.cs;
//css_imp ExitDialog.designer.cs;
//css_imp MaintenanceDialog.cs;
//css_imp MaintenanceDialog.designer.cs;
using WixSharp;
using WixSharp.Forms;
using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller;
using Microsoft.Win32;
class Script
static public void Main(string[] args)
// The name "Symphony" is used in a lot of places, for paths, shortut names and installer filename, so define it once
var productName = "Symphony";
var userDataPathArgument = "--userDataPath=\"[USER_DATA_PATH]\"";
//Disabling auto-update service
// File updateService = new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\resources\app.asar.unpacked\node_modules\auto-update\auto_update_service.exe");
// updateService.ServiceInstaller = new ServiceInstaller
// {
// Name = "auto_update_service",
// DisplayName = "SDA Auto Update Service",
// Description = "Symphony Desktop Application Auto Update Service",
// FirstFailureActionType = FailureActionType.restart,
// SecondFailureActionType = FailureActionType.restart,
// ThirdFailureActionType = FailureActionType.restart,
// RestartServiceDelayInSeconds = 60,
// ResetPeriodInDays = 1,
// ServiceSid = ServiceSid.none,
// ConfigureServiceTrigger = ConfigureServiceTrigger.Install,
// Type = SvcType.ownProcess,
// Vital = true,
// ErrorControl = SvcErrorControl.normal,
// Start = SvcStartType.auto,
// EraseDescription = false,
// Interactive = false,
// StartOn = SvcEvent.Install,
// StopOn = SvcEvent.InstallUninstall_Wait,
// RemoveOn = SvcEvent.Uninstall_Wait,
// };
// Create a wixsharp project instance and assign the project name to it, and a hierarchy of all files to include
// Files are taken from multiple locations, and not all files in each location should be included, which is why
// the file list is rather long and explicit. At some point we might make the `dist` folder match exactly the
// desired contents of installation, and then we can simplify this bit.
var project = new ManagedProject(productName,
new Dir(@"%ProgramFiles%\" + productName,
new File(new Id("com.symphony.electron-desktop"), @"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\Symphony.exe",
// Create two shortcuts to the main Symphony.exe file, one on the desktop and one in the program menu
new FileShortcut(productName, @"%Desktop%")
IconFile = @"..\..\..\images\icon.ico",
Arguments = userDataPathArgument
new FileShortcut(productName, @"%ProgramMenu%")
IconFile = @"..\..\..\images\icon.ico",
Arguments = userDataPathArgument
// updateService,
// new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\resources\app.asar.unpacked\node_modules\auto-update\auto_update_helper.exe"),
new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\chrome_100_percent.pak"),
new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\chrome_200_percent.pak"),
new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\d3dcompiler_47.dll"),
new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\ffmpeg.dll"),
new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\icudtl.dat"),
new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\libEGL.dll"),
new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\libGLESv2.dll"),
new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\LICENSE.electron.txt"),
new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\LICENSES.chromium.html"),
new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\resources.pak"),
new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\snapshot_blob.bin"),
new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\v8_context_snapshot.bin"),
new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\vk_swiftshader.dll"),
new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\vk_swiftshader_icd.json"),
new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\vulkan-1.dll"),
new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\resources\app.asar.unpacked\node_modules\screen-share-indicator-frame\ScreenShareIndicatorFrame.exe"),
new File(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\resources\app.asar.unpacked\node_modules\screen-snippet\ScreenSnippet.exe"),
new Dir(@"config",
new Files(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\config\*.*")
new Dir(@"dictionaries",
new Files(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\dictionaries\*.*")
new Dir(@"library",
new File(@"..\..\..\library\dictionary"),
new File(@"..\..\..\library\indexvalidator-x64.exe"),
new File(@"..\..\..\library\libsymphonysearch-x64.dll"),
new File(@"..\..\..\library\lz4-win-x64.exe"),
new File(@"..\..\..\library\tar-win.exe")
new Dir(@"locales",
new Files(@"..\..\..\node_modules\electron\dist\locales\*.*")
new Dir(@"resources",
new DirFiles(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\resources\*.*"),
new Dir(@"app.asar.unpacked",
new Dir(@"node_modules",
new Files(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\resources\app.asar.unpacked\node_modules\*.*")
new Dir(@"cloud9",
new Files(@"..\..\..\dist\win-unpacked\cloud9\*.*")
// Add a launch condition to require Windows Server 2008 or later
// The property values to compare against can be found here:
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/msi/operating-system-property-values
new LaunchCondition("VersionNT>=600 AND WindowsBuild>=6001", "OS not supported"),
// Add registry entry used by protocol handler to launch symphony when opening symphony:// URIs
new RegValue(WixSharp.RegistryHive.ClassesRoot, productName, "", "URL:symphony"),
new RegValue(WixSharp.RegistryHive.ClassesRoot, productName, "URL Protocol", ""),
new RegValue(WixSharp.RegistryHive.ClassesRoot, productName + @"\shell\open\command", "", "\"[INSTALLDIR]Symphony.exe\" " + userDataPathArgument + " \"%1\""),
// When installing or uninstalling, we want Symphony to be closed down, but the standard way of sending a WM_CLOSE message
// will not work for us, as we have a "minimize on close" option, which stops the app from terminating on WM_CLOSE. So we
// instruct the installer to not send a Close message, but instead send the EndSession message, and we have a custom event
// handler in the SDA code which listens for this message, and ensures app termination when it is received.
new CloseApplication("Symphony.exe", false) { EndSessionMessage = true },
new CloseApplication("C9Shell.exe", false) { EndSessionMessage = true }
// The build script which calls the wix# builder, will be run from a command environment which has %SYMVER% set.
// So we just extract that version string, create a Version object from it, and pass it to out project definition.
var version = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SYMVER");
project.Version = new System.Version(version);
// To get the correct behaviour with upgrading the product, the product GUID needs to be different for every build,
// but the UpgradeCode needs to stay the same. If we wanted to make a new major version and allow it to be installed
// side-by-side with the previous version, we would generate a new UpgradeCode for the new version onwards.
// More details can be found in this stackoverflow post:
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/26344742
project.GUID = new System.Guid("{4042AD1C-90E1-4032-B6B9-2BF6A4214096}");
project.ProductId = System.Guid.NewGuid();
project.UpgradeCode = new System.Guid("{36402281-8141-4797-8A90-07CFA75EFA55}");
// Allow any versions to be upgraded/downgraded freely
project.MajorUpgradeStrategy = MajorUpgradeStrategy.Default;
project.MajorUpgradeStrategy.RemoveExistingProductAfter = Step.InstallInitialize;
project.MajorUpgradeStrategy.UpgradeVersions.Minimum = "0.0.0";
project.MajorUpgradeStrategy.UpgradeVersions.Maximum = null; // No max version limit
project.MajorUpgradeStrategy.UpgradeVersions.IncludeMaximum = true;
project.MajorUpgradeStrategy.UpgradeVersions.IncludeMinimum = true;
project.MajorUpgradeStrategy.PreventDowngradingVersions.Minimum = "0.0.0";
project.MajorUpgradeStrategy.PreventDowngradingVersions.Maximum = "0.0.0";
project.MajorUpgradeStrategy.PreventDowngradingVersions.IncludeMaximum = true;
project.MajorUpgradeStrategy.PreventDowngradingVersions.IncludeMinimum = true;
// Declare all the custom properties we want to use, and assign them default values. It is possible to override
// these when running the installer, but if not specified, the defaults will be used.
project.Properties = new[]
new PublicProperty("APPDIR", ""),
new PublicProperty("ALLUSERS", "1"),
new PublicProperty("ALWAYS_ON_TOP", "DISABLED" ),
new PublicProperty("AUTO_LAUNCH_PATH", ""),
new PublicProperty("AUTO_START", "ENABLED"),
new PublicProperty("BRING_TO_FRONT", "DISABLED"),
new PublicProperty("CUSTOM_TITLE_BAR", "ENABLED"),
new PublicProperty("DEV_TOOLS_ENABLED", "true"),
new PublicProperty("FULL_SCREEN", "true"),
new PublicProperty("LOCATION", "true"),
new PublicProperty("LAUNCH_ON_INSTALL", "true"),
new PublicProperty("MEDIA", "true"),
new PublicProperty("MIDI_SYSEX", "true"),
new PublicProperty("MINIMIZE_ON_CLOSE", "ENABLED"),
new PublicProperty("NOTIFICATIONS", "true"),
new PublicProperty("OPEN_EXTERNAL", "true"),
new PublicProperty("POD_URL", "https://my.symphony.com"),
new PublicProperty("CONTEXT_ORIGIN_URL", ""),
new PublicProperty("POINTER_LOCK", "true"),
new PublicProperty("USER_DATA_PATH", ""),
new PublicProperty("OVERRIDE_USER_AGENT", "false"),
new PublicProperty("CHROME_FLAGS", ""),
new Property("MSIINSTALLPERUSER", "1"),
new Property("PROGRAMSFOLDER", System.Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(@"%PROGRAMFILES%"))
// Define the custom actions we want to run, and at what point of the installation we want to execute them.
project.Actions = new WixSharp.Action[]
// InstallVariant
// We want to be able to display the POD URL dialog every time SDA starts after a reinstall, regardless of
// whether it is a new version or the same version, but we don't want to display it if no reinstallation
// have been done. To detect this, we always write a new GUID to the fill InstallVariant.info on every
// installation.
new ElevatedManagedAction(CustomActions.InstallVariant, Return.check, When.After, Step.InstallFiles, Condition.NOT_BeingRemoved )
// INSTALLDIR is a built-in property, and we need it to know which path to write the InstallVariant to
UsesProperties = "INSTALLDIR"
// UpdateConfig
// After installation, the Symphony.config file needs to be updated with values from the install properties,
// either their default values as specified above, or with the overridden value if an override was specified
// on the command line when the installer was started.
new ElevatedManagedAction(CustomActions.UpdateConfig, Return.check, When.After, Step.InstallFiles, Condition.NOT_BeingRemoved )
// The UpdateConfig action needs the built-in property INSTALLDIR as well as most of the custom properties
// CleanRegistry
// We have some registry keys which are added by the SDA application when it is first launched. This custom
// action will clean up those keys on uninstall. The name/location of keys have changed between different
// versions of SDA, so we clean up all known variations, and ignore any missing ones.
new ElevatedManagedAction(CustomActions.CleanRegistry, Return.ignore, When.After, Step.RemoveFiles, Condition.BeingUninstalled ),
// CleanRegistryCurrentUser
// The registry keys stored under HKEY_CURRENT_USER can not be accessed through an ElevatedManagedAction, as
// elevated actions run as a different user (local system account rather than current user) so those keys
// are removed in this action.
new ManagedAction(CustomActions.CleanRegistryCurrentUser, Return.ignore, When.After, Step.RemoveFiles, Condition.BeingUninstalled ),
// Start Symphony after installation is complete
new ManagedAction(CustomActions.StartAfterInstall, Return.ignore, When.After, Step.InstallFinalize, Condition.NOT_BeingRemoved )
// Use our own Symphony branded bitmap for installation dialogs
project.BannerImage = "Banner.jpg";
project.BackgroundImage = "Tabloid.jpg";
project.ValidateBackgroundImage = false;
// Define our own installation flow, using a mix of custom dialogs (defined in their own files) and built-in dialogs
project.ManagedUI = new ManagedUI();
project.Load += project_Load;
project.ControlPanelInfo.NoRepair = true;
project.ControlPanelInfo.NoModify = true;
project.ControlPanelInfo.ProductIcon = @"..\..\..\images\icon.ico";
project.ControlPanelInfo.Manufacturer = "Symphony";
project.Platform = Platform.x64;
// Generate an MSI from all settings done above
static void project_Load(SetupEventArgs e)
if (e.IsInstalling || e.IsUpgrading)
// "ALLUSERS" will be set to "2" if installing through UI, so the "MSIINSTALLPERUSER" property can be used so the user can choose install scope
if (e.Session["ALLUSERS"] != "2")
// If "ALLUSERS" is "1" or "", this is a quiet command line installation, and we need to set the right paths here, since the UI haven't.
if (e.Session["APPDIR"] != "")
// If "APPDIR" param was specified, just use that as is
e.Session["INSTALLDIR"] = e.Session["APPDIR"];
else if (e.Session["ALLUSERS"] == "")
// Install for current user
e.Session["INSTALLDIR"] = System.Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(@"%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Symphony\" + e.ProductName);
// Install for all users
e.Session["INSTALLDIR"] = e.Session["PROGRAMSFOLDER"] + @"\Symphony\" + e.ProductName;
// Try to close all running symphony instances before installing. Since we have started using the EndSession message to tell the app to exit,
// we don't really need to force terminate anymore. But the older versions of SDA does not listen for the EndSession event, so we still need
// this code to ensure older versions gets shut down properly.
System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("Symphony").ForEach(p =>
if (System.IO.Path.GetFileName(p.MainModule.FileName) == "Symphony.exe")
if (!p.HasExited)
// The embedded C9 Shell should terminate when the parent window is closed, but it doesn't always work. So we'll just force it to exit
System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("C9Shell").ForEach(p =>
if (System.IO.Path.GetFileName(p.MainModule.FileName) == "C9Shell.exe")
if (!p.HasExited)
catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception ex)
// We always seem to get this specific exception triggered, but the application still close down correctly.
// The exception description is "Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed".
// We ignore that specific exception, so as not to put false error outputs into the log.
if (ex.NativeErrorCode != 299)
e.Session.Log("Error trying to close all Symphony instances: " + ex.ToString());
catch (System.Exception ex)
e.Session.Log("Error trying to close all Symphony instances: " + ex.ToString());
public class CustomActions
// InstallVariant custom action
public static ActionResult InstallVariant(Session session)
// Create the InstallVariant.info file
var installDir = session.Property("INSTALLDIR");
var filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(installDir, @"config\InstallVariant.info");
var installVariantFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filename);
// Generate new GUID for each time we install, and write it as a text string to the file
var guid = System.Guid.NewGuid();
catch (System.Exception e)
session.Log("Error executing InstallVariant: " + e.ToString());
return ActionResult.Failure;
return ActionResult.Success;
// UpdateConfig custom action
public static ActionResult UpdateConfig(Session session)
// Read the Symphony.config file
var installDir = session.Property("INSTALLDIR");
var filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(installDir, @"config\Symphony.config");
string data = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filename);
// Replace all the relevant settings with values from the properties
data = ReplaceProperty(data, "url", session.Property("POD_URL"));
data = ReplaceProperty(data, "contextOriginUrl", session.Property("CONTEXT_ORIGIN_URL"));
data = ReplaceProperty(data, "minimizeOnClose", session.Property("MINIMIZE_ON_CLOSE"));
data = ReplaceProperty(data, "alwaysOnTop", session.Property("ALWAYS_ON_TOP"));
data = ReplaceProperty(data, "launchOnStartup", session.Property("AUTO_START"));
data = ReplaceProperty(data, "bringToFront", session.Property("BRING_TO_FRONT"));
data = ReplaceProperty(data, "isCustomTitleBar", session.Property("CUSTOM_TITLE_BAR"));
data = ReplaceProperty(data, "autoLaunchPath", FixPathFormat(session.Property("AUTO_LAUNCH_PATH")));
data = ReplaceProperty(data, "userDataPath", FixPathFormat(session.Property("USER_DATA_PATH")));
data = ReplaceProperty(data, "chromeFlags", session.Property("CHROME_FLAGS"));
data = ReplaceBooleanProperty(data, "pointerLock", session.Property("POINTER_LOCK"));
data = ReplaceBooleanProperty(data, "openExternal", session.Property("OPEN_EXTERNAL"));
data = ReplaceBooleanProperty(data, "notifications", session.Property("NOTIFICATIONS"));
data = ReplaceBooleanProperty(data, "midiSysex", session.Property("MIDI_SYSEX"));
data = ReplaceBooleanProperty(data, "media", session.Property("MEDIA"));
data = ReplaceBooleanProperty(data, "geolocation", session.Property("LOCATION"));
data = ReplaceBooleanProperty(data, "fullscreen", session.Property("FULL_SCREEN"));
data = ReplaceBooleanProperty(data, "devToolsEnabled", session.Property("DEV_TOOLS_ENABLED"));
data = ReplaceBooleanProperty(data, "overrideUserAgent", session.Property("OVERRIDE_USER_AGENT"));
// Write the contents back to the file
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(filename, data);
catch (System.Exception e)
session.Log("Error executing UpdateConfig: " + e.ToString());
return ActionResult.Failure;
return ActionResult.Success;
// Helper function called by UpdadeConfig action, for each config file value that needs to be
// replaced by a value taken from the property. `data` is the entire contents of the config file.
// `name` is the name of the setting in the config file (for example "url" or "minimizeOnClose".
// `value` is the value to insert for the setting, and needs to be grabbed from the propery
// collection before calling the function. The function returns the full config file content with
// the requested replacement performed.
static string ReplaceProperty(string data, string name, string value)
// Using regular expressions to replace the existing value in the config file with the
// one from the property. This is the same as the regex we used to have in the old
// Advanced Installer, which looked like this: "url"\s*:\s*".*" => "url": "[POD_URL]"
return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(data, @"""" + name + @"""\s*:\s*"".*""",
@"""" + name + @""":""" + value.Trim() + @"""");
// Helper function called by UpdadeConfig action, for each config file value that needs to be
// replaced by a value taken from the property. `data` is the entire contents of the config file.
// `name` is the name of the setting in the config file (for example "url" or "minimizeOnClose".
// `value` is the value to insert for the setting, and needs to be grabbed from the propery
// collection before calling the function. The function returns the full config file content with
// the requested replacement performed.
static string ReplaceBooleanProperty(string data, string name, string value)
// Using regular expressions to replace the existing value in the config file with the
// one from the property. This is the same as the regex we used to have in the old
// Advanced Installer, which looked like this: "url"\s*:\s*".*" => "url": "[POD_URL]"
return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(data, @"""" + name + @"""\s*:\s*.[^,|\n|\r|\r\n]*",
@"""" + name + @""":" + value.Trim());
// When SDA is parsing the JSON config file, it will interpret backslash as an escape character,
// and will throw an error for invalid escape codes. To make a path valid for parsing, we need
// to replace each backslash with doubli backslash. After SDA have parsed the JSON, it will make
// the double backslash become single backslash again.
static string FixPathFormat(string path)
return path.Replace(@"\", @"\\");
// CleanRegistry custom action
public static ActionResult CleanRegistry(Session session)
// Remove registry keys added for auto-launch
using (var key = Registry.Users.OpenSubKey(@"\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", true))
if (key != null)
key.DeleteValue("Symphony", false);
// Remove registry keys added by protocol handlers
using (var key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Classes", true))
if (key != null)
key.DeleteSubKeyTree("symphony", false);
using (var key = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(@"\", true))
if (key != null)
key.DeleteSubKeyTree("symphony", false);
catch (System.Exception e)
session.Log("Error executing CleanRegistry: " + e.ToString());
return ActionResult.Success;
return ActionResult.Success;
// CleanRegistryCurrentUser custom action
public static ActionResult CleanRegistryCurrentUser(Session session)
// Remove registry keys added for auto-launch
using (var key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", true))
if (key != null)
key.DeleteValue("Symphony", false);
key.DeleteValue("com.symphony.electron-desktop", false);
key.DeleteValue("electron.app.Symphony", false);
// Remove registry keys added by protocol handlers
using (var key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Classes", true))
if (key != null)
key.DeleteSubKeyTree("symphony", false);
catch (System.Exception e)
session.Log("Error executing CleanRegistryCurrentUser: " + e.ToString());
return ActionResult.Success;
return ActionResult.Success;
// StartAfterInstall custom action
public static ActionResult StartAfterInstall(Session session)
if (session.Property("LAUNCH_ON_INSTALL") == "true")
System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
process.StartInfo.FileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(session.Property("INSTALLDIR"), "Symphony.exe");
if (session.Property("USER_DATA_PATH") != "")
process.StartInfo.Arguments = "--userDataPath=\"" + session.Property("USER_DATA_PATH") + "\"";
catch (System.Exception e)
session.Log("Error executing StartAfterInstall: " + e.ToString());
return ActionResult.Failure;
return ActionResult.Success;