Salah Benmoussati 33664a8410
SDA-3900 Third-party browser login (#1701)
* SDA-3901 (Add new implementation for welcome screen) (#1519)

* SDA-3901 - Add new welcome screen

* SDA-3901 - Change to global config

* SDA-3901 - Add locale

* SDA-3901 - Reposition protocol handling

* SDA-3901 - Fix protocol handler

* SDA-3901 - Fix protocol handler

* SDA-3901 - Fix welcome screen load

* SDA-3901 - Fix seamless login url

* SDA-3901 - Validate if pod is configured for SSO

* SDA-3900 Several bug fix

* SDA-3900 Ability to enable third-party browser login via command line install

* SDA-3900 Typo fix


Co-authored-by: Kiran Niranjan <>
2023-02-08 09:14:17 +01:00

242 lines
7.9 KiB

"name": "symphony",
"productName": "Symphony",
"version": "23.4.0-1",
"clientVersion": "2.0.1",
"buildNumber": "0",
"searchAPIVersion": "1.55.3",
"sfeVersion": "0",
"sfeClientType": "1.5",
"description": "Symphony desktop app (Foundation ODP)",
"author": "Symphony OSS <>",
"main": "lib/src/app/init.js",
"types": "lib/src/app/init.d.ts",
"scripts": {
"browserify": "run-s browserify-*",
"browserify-preload": "browserify -o lib/src/renderer/_preload-main.js -x electron --insert-global-vars=__filename,__dirname lib/src/renderer/preload-main.js",
"browserify-preload-component": "browserify -o lib/src/renderer/_preload-component.js -x electron --insert-global-vars=__filename,__dirname -t imgurify lib/src/renderer/preload-component.js",
"compile": "run-s lint compile:*",
"compile:project": "gulp build",
"dev": "gulp build && npm run browserify && cross-env ELECTRON_DEV=true electron .",
"demo": "run-os",
"demo:win32": "gulp build && npm run browserify && cross-env ELECTRON_DEV=true electron . --url=file:///src/demo/index.html",
"demo:darwin": "gulp build && npm run browserify && cross-env ELECTRON_DEV=true electron . --url=file://$(pwd)/src/demo/index.html",
"format": "pretty-quick",
"lint": "run-s lint:*",
"lint:project": "tslint --project tsconfig.json",
"lint:spec": "tslint --project tsconfig.spec.json",
"packed-linux": "npm run prebuild && npm run test && ./node_modules/.bin/electron-builder build --linux",
"packed-mac": "npm run unpacked-mac && packagesbuild -v installer/mac/symphony-mac-packager.pkgproj",
"prebuild": "run-s compile browserify",
"postinstall": "electron-builder install-app-deps",
"start": "run-s compile browserify && cross-env ELECTRON_DEV=true electron .",
"test": "run-s lint test:unit",
"test:unit": "cross-env ELECTRON_QA=true jest --config jest-config.json --runInBand --detectOpenHandles",
"unpacked-mac": "npm run prebuild && npm run test && ./node_modules/.bin/electron-builder build --mac",
"unpacked-win": "npm run prebuild && npm run test && node_modules\\.bin\\electron-builder build --win --x64"
"build": {
"appId": "com.symphony.electron-desktop",
"compression": "maximum",
"artifactName": "${productName}-${version}-${os}.${ext}",
"asar": true,
"asarUnpack": "**/*.node",
"nsis": {
"perMachine": false,
"oneClick": true,
"allowToChangeInstallationDirectory": false,
"allowElevation": false,
"include": "build/installer.nsh",
"uninstallDisplayName": "${productName}"
"files": [
"extraFiles": [
"mac": {
"category": "",
"icon": "images/icon.icns",
"entitlements": "entitlements.mac.plist",
"entitlementsInherit": "entitlements.mac.plist",
"gatekeeperAssess": true,
"hardenedRuntime": true,
"binaries": [
"target": [
"win": {
"icon": "images/icon.ico",
"target": [
"files": [
"extraFiles": [
"from": "node_modules/screen-share-indicator-frame/ScreenShareIndicatorFrame.exe",
"to": "ScreenShareIndicatorFrame.exe"
"from": "node_modules/screen-snippet/ScreenSnippet.exe",
"to": "ScreenSnippet.exe"
"from": "node_modules/@symphony/symphony-c9-shell/shell",
"to": "cloud9/shell",
"filter": [
"linux": {
"category": "Network;InstantMessaging;Chat",
"desktop": {
"StartupWMClass": "Symphony"
"target": [
"icon": "images/linux"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"
"keywords": [
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"devDependencies": {
"@types/cheerio": "^0.22.22",
"@types/enzyme": "^3.10.7",
"@types/fs-extra": "^9.0.0",
"@types/jest": "23.3.12",
"@types/node": "^12.12.43",
"@types/react": "16.14.34",
"@types/react-dom": "16.9.17",
"@types/rimraf": "^3.0.0",
"browserify": "16.5.2",
"builder-util-runtime": "^9.0.3",
"cross-env": "5.2.1",
"del": "3.0.0",
"electron": "^22.0.0",
"electron-builder": "23.6.0",
"electron-builder-squirrel-windows": "20.44.0",
"electron-icon-maker": "0.0.5",
"electron-osx-sign": "^0.6.0",
"enzyme": "^3.11.0",
"enzyme-adapter-react-16": "^1.10.0",
"enzyme-to-json": "^3.3.5",
"gulp": "4.0.2",
"gulp-less": "4.0.1",
"gulp-rename": "^2.0.0",
"gulp-replace": "^1.1.3",
"gulp-sourcemaps": "2.6.5",
"gulp-tap": "^2.0.0",
"gulp-template": "^5.0.0",
"gulp-typescript": "5.0.1",
"husky": "^4.3.8",
"imgurify": "^2.0.1",
"jest": "25.2.4",
"jest-html-reporter": "3.7.0",
"js-yaml": "^4.1.0",
"less": "^3.13.1",
"ncp": "2.0.0",
"node-abi": "^3.8.0",
"npm-run-all": "4.1.5",
"prettier": "2.8.1",
"pretty-quick": "^3.1.0",
"run-script-os": "^1.1.6",
"ts-jest": "25.3.0",
"tslint": "5.11.0",
"tslint-config-prettier": "^1.18.0",
"typescript": "3.9.10"
"dependencies": {
"@types/lazy-brush": "^1.0.0",
"archiver": "4.0.2",
"": "0.5.2",
"classnames": "2.2.6",
"electron-dl": "3.5.0",
"electron-fetch": "1.9.1",
"electron-log": "4.4.8",
"electron-updater": "^5.0.1",
"filesize": "6.4.0",
"lazy-brush": "^1.0.1",
"react": "16.14.0",
"react-dom": "16.14.0",
"rimraf": "^3.0.2",
"save-svg-as-png": "^1.4.17",
"shell-path": "^3.0.0",
"win32-api": "^20.1.0"
"optionalDependencies": {
"@symphony/symphony-c9-shell": "3.19.0-",
"screen-share-indicator-frame": "git+",
"screen-snippet": "git+",
"winreg": "^1.2.4"
"ava": {
"failFast": true,
"files": [
"ignoredByWatcher": [
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"pre-commit": "pretty-quick --staged && npm run lint"