Kiran Niranjan 13e82bac00 Merge TS context isolation branch onto Typescript master branch (#598)
* Typescript 🎉

* Typescript 🎉 (logger, get-guid, string-format and throttle)

* Refactor typescript code

* consolidate all the utility functions to one file

* refactor protocol handler feature

* Typescript:

Add code documentation
Add pre-commit hooks

* Typescript: Fix logger formatting

* Typescript: Add support for react

* Typescript: Completed about app

* Typescript: Completed about app

* Typescript: Completed about app

* Typescript - Fix issues with about-app and add login to convert less to css

* Typescript - Fix loading screen

* Typescript - Add custom title bar

* Typescript - Add method to get locale

* Typescript - Add logic to clean up old logs

* Typescript - Add set badge count api

* Typescript - Complete application menu

* Typescript - Add logic to translate menu items

* Typescript - freeze window.ssf api

* Typescript - Handle popup menu on alt key press

* Typescript - Completed activity detection

* Typescript - Completed screen snippet

* Typescript - Add login to close screen snippet

* Typescript - Completed window actions & snackbar, Updated i18n module

* Typescript - Completed native crypto implementation & fixed bugs

* Typescript - Completed Desktop capturer & screen picker implementation

* Typescript - Optimize window actions

* Typescript - Add support for child window

* Typescript - fix pop url validation issue & browserify preload

* Typescript - Completed context menu implementation and fixed screen snippet

* Typescript - Completed screen sharing indicator and fixed i18n usage issue

* Typescript - Fix i18n locale setting issue

* Typescript - Completed download manager

* Typescript - Completed Basic auth

* Typescript - Network connectivity dialog

* Typescript - Handle certificate error

* Typescript - Add translation for certificate error dialog buttons

* Typescript - Add gulp tasks to compile less, typescript and copy files

* Typescript - Fix some issues with custom title bar, loading screen & screen snippet

* Typescript - Remove ES2015 lib

* :typescript: - Do not inject custom title bar for mac

* :typescript: - Fix screen sharing indicator text and format string

* Typescript - Fix esc to full screen

* Typescript - handle multiple/single instance of the client and add safety checks

* Typescript - Refactor code base

* Typescript - Optimize window validation and fix screen picker issue

* Typescript - Optimize protocol handler

* typescript: logger unit test

* typescript: activityDetection unit test (#560)

* ELECTRON-1022 - Create app bridge that communicates between renderer and preload via postMessage

* ELECTRON-1024 - Add support for screen share and screen sharing indicator

* config unit test (#566)

* ELECTRON-1024 - Fix screen sharing indicator close issue

* ELECTRON-1022 - Bump Symphony version to 5.0.0 (1.55)

* fixing jest coverage output report (#575)

* protocol handle unit test (#576)

* Typescript - Remove unwanted checks in protocol handler and add test cases

* added more tests to increase coverage to 100 for protocol handler

* Typescript download manager unit test (#579)

* adding enzyme

* download manager unit test

* Typescript - Completed notification workflow

* about app unit test

* Typescript - Fix notification styles

* fixing Compiler error: Generic type ReactElement<P, T> (#583)

* fix app path on windows (#580)

* basic auth unit test (#582)

* screen picker unit test (#587)

* screen picker unit test

* screen sharing indicator unit test

* loading screen unit test (#588)

* improving snapshot using snapshotSerializers to remove unnecessary things (#596)

* Typescript - Enforce braces for if/for/do/while statements.

* Typescript - Fix Lint issues and Unit test

* Typescript - Enable eofline (Ensure the file ends with a newline.)

* Typescript - Update logger logic and format

* Typescript - Provide option for user to set custom log path

* Typescript - Fix eofline in css files

* Typescript - ignore spec from compiling and remove unwanted rebuild command
2019-04-02 10:58:09 +05:30

75 lines
3.1 KiB

import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import * as React from 'react';
import ScreenSharingIndicator from '../src/renderer/components/screen-sharing-indicator';
import { ipcRenderer } from './__mocks__/electron';
jest.mock('../src/common/env', () => {
return {
isWindowsOS: false,
isMac: true,
describe('screen sharing indicator', () => {
// events
const onEventLabel = 'on';
const removeListenerEventLabel = 'removeListener';
const sendEventLabel = 'send';
const symphonyAPIEventLabel = 'symphony-api';
const screenSharingIndicatorDataEventLabel = 'screen-sharing-indicator-data';
// state moked
const screenSharingIndicatorStateMock = { id: 10 };
it('should render correctly', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenSharingIndicator));
it('should call `close` correctly', () => {
const customSelector = 'a.hide-button';
const closeIpcRendererMock = {
cmd: 'close-window',
windowType: 'screen-sharing-indicator',
winKey: 'id-123',
const spy = jest.spyOn(ipcRenderer, sendEventLabel);
const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenSharingIndicator));
wrapper.setState({ streamId: 'id-123' });
expect(spy).lastCalledWith(symphonyAPIEventLabel, closeIpcRendererMock);
it('should call `stopScreenShare` correctly', () => {
const customSelector = 'button.stop-sharing-button';
const stopScreenSharingEventLabel = 'stop-screen-sharing';
const spy = jest.spyOn(ipcRenderer, sendEventLabel);
const wrapper = shallow(React.createElement(ScreenSharingIndicator));
expect(spy).lastCalledWith(stopScreenSharingEventLabel, 10);
it('should call `updateState` correctly', () => {
const setStateEventLabel = 'setState';
const spy = jest.spyOn(ScreenSharingIndicator.prototype, setStateEventLabel);
ipcRenderer.send(screenSharingIndicatorDataEventLabel, screenSharingIndicatorStateMock);
expect(spy).lastCalledWith({ id: 10 });
describe('`screen-sharing-indicator-data` event', () => {
it('should call `screen-sharing-indicator-data` when component is mounted', () => {
const spy = jest.spyOn(ipcRenderer, onEventLabel);
expect(spy).lastCalledWith(screenSharingIndicatorDataEventLabel, expect.any(Function));
it('should call `screen-sharing-indicator-data` when component is unmounted', () => {
const spy = jest.spyOn(ipcRenderer, removeListenerEventLabel);
expect(spy).toBeCalledWith(screenSharingIndicatorDataEventLabel, expect.any(Function));