'export_included_accounts'=>'Export transactions from these accounts',
'include_config_help'=>'For easy re-import into Firefly III',
'include_old_uploads_help'=>'Firefly III does not throw away the original CSV files you have imported in the past. You can include them in your export.',
'attachment_explanation'=>'The file called \':attachment_name\' (#:attachment_id) was originally uploaded to :type \':description\' (#:journal_id) dated :date for the amount of :amount.',
'rules_explanation'=>'Here you can manage rules. Rules are triggered when a transaction is created or updated. Then, if the transaction has certain properties (called "triggers") Firefly will execute the "actions". Combined, you can make Firefly respond in a certain way to new transactions.',
'rule_name'=>'Name of rule',
'rule_triggers'=>'Rule triggers when',
'rule_actions'=>'Rule will',
'new_rule'=>'New rule',
'new_rule_group'=>'New rule group',
'rule_priority_up'=>'Give rule more priority',
'rule_priority_down'=>'Give rule less priority',
'make_new_rule_group'=>'Make new rule group',
'store_new_rule_group'=>'Store new rule group',
'created_new_rule_group'=>'New rule group ":title" stored!',
'updated_rule_group'=>'Successfully updated rule group ":title".',
'edit_rule_group'=>'Edit rule group ":title"',
'delete_rule_group'=>'Delete rule group ":title"',
'deleted_rule_group'=>'Deleted rule group ":title"',
'update_rule_group'=>'Update rule group',
'no_rules_in_group'=>'There are no rules in this group',
'move_rule_group_up'=>'Move rule group up',
'move_rule_group_down'=>'Move rule group down',
'save_rules_by_moving'=>'Save these rule(s) by moving them to another rule group:',
'make_new_rule'=>'Make new rule in rule group ":title"',
'rule_help_stop_processing'=>'When you check this box, later rules in this group will not be executed.',
'rule_help_active'=>'Inactive rules will never fire.',
'stored_new_rule'=>'Stored new rule with title ":title"',
'deleted_rule'=>'Deleted rule with title ":title"',
'store_new_rule'=>'Store new rule',
'updated_rule'=>'Updated rule with title ":title"',
'default_rule_group_name'=>'Default rules',
'default_rule_group_description'=>'All your rules not in a particular group.',
'default_rule_name'=>'Your first default rule',
'default_rule_description'=>'This rule is an example. You can safely delete it.',
'default_rule_trigger_description'=>'The Man Who Sold the World',
'warning_transaction_subset'=>'For performance reasons this list is limited to :max_num_transactions and may only show a subset of matching transactions',
'warning_no_matching_transactions'=>'No matching transactions found. Please note that for performance reasons, only the last :num_transactions transactions have been checked.',
'pref_home_screen_accounts'=>'Conta da tela inicial',
'pref_home_screen_accounts_help'=>'Que conta deve ser exibida na tela inicial?',
'pref_budget_settings'=>'Definições de Orçamento',
'pref_budget_settings_help'=>'Qual a quantidade máxima de dinheiro um envelope orçamental pode conter?',
'pref_view_range'=>'Ver intervalo',
'pref_view_range_help'=>'Alguns gráficos são agrupados automaticamente em períodos. Qual período você prefere?',
'pref_1D'=>'Um dia',
'pref_1W'=>'Uma semana',
'pref_1M'=>'Um mês',
'pref_languages_help'=>'Firefly III suporta muitos idiomas. Qual você prefere?',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year'=>'Fiscal year settings',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year_help'=>'In countries that use a financial year other than January 1 to December 31, you can switch this on and specify start / end days of the fiscal year',
'pref_fiscal_year_start_label'=>'Fiscal year start date',
'pref_two_factor_auth'=>'2-step verification',
'pref_two_factor_auth_help'=>'When you enable 2-step verification (also known as two-factor authentication), you add an extra layer of security to your account. You sign in with something you know (your password) and something you have (a verification code). Verification codes are generated by an application on your phone, such as Authy or Google Authenticator.',
'pref_two_factor_auth_disabled'=>'2-step verification code removed and disabled',
'pref_two_factor_auth_remove_it'=>'Don\'t forget to remove the account from your authentication app!',
'pref_two_factor_auth_code'=>'Verify code',
'pref_two_factor_auth_code_help'=>'Scan the QR code with an application on your phone such as Authy or Google Authenticator and enter the generated code.',
'delete_your_account_help'=>'Deleting your account will also delete any accounts, transactions, <em>anything</em> you might have saved into Firefly III. It\'ll be GONE.',
'delete_your_account_password'=>'Coloque sua senha para continuar.',
'are_you_sure'=>'Você tem certeza? Você não poderá desfazer isso.',
'delete_account_button'=>'Apagar sua conta',
'invalid_current_password'=>'Senha atual inválida!',
'csv_index_title'=>'Carregar e importar um arquivo CSV',
'csv_define_column_roles'=>'Definir papeis da coluna',
'csv_map_values'=>'Valores mapeados encontrados para valores existentes',
'csv_download_config'=>'Download do arquivo CSV de configuração.',
'csv_index_text'=>'This form allows you to import a CSV file with transactions into Firefly. It is based on the excellent CSV importer made by the folks at <a href="https://www.atlassian.com/">Atlassian</a>. Simply upload your CSV file and follow the instructions. If you would like to learn more, please click on the <i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i> button at the top of this page.',
'csv_index_beta_warning'=>'Esta ferramenta está em beta. Por favor proceder com cautela',
'csv_header_help'=>'Check this box when your CSV file\'s first row consists of column names, not actual data',
'csv_date_help'=>'Date time format in your CSV. Follow the format like <a href="https://secure.php.net/manual/en/datetime.createfromformat.php#refsect1-datetime.createfromformat-parameters">this page</a> indicates. The default value will parse dates that look like this: :dateExample.',
'csv_csv_file_help'=>'Select the CSV file here. You can only upload one file at a time',
'csv_csv_config_file_help'=>'Select your CSV import configuration here. If you do not know what this is, ignore it. It will be explained later.',
'csv_upload_button'=>'Iniciando importação do CSV',
'csv_column_roles_title'=>'Definir papeis da coluna',
'csv_column_roles_text'=>'Firefly does not know what each column means. You need to indicate what every column is. Please check out the example data if you\'re not sure yourself. Click on the question mark (top right of the page) to learn what each column means. If you want to map imported data onto existing data in Firefly, use the checkbox. The next step will show you what this button does.',
'csv_column_roles_table'=>'Papéis da Coluna',
'csv_column'=>'Coluna CSV',
'csv_column_name'=>'Nome da coluna do CSV',
'csv_column_example'=>'Exemplo de dados da coluna',
'csv_column_role'=>'Coluna contém?',
'csv_do_map_value'=>'Valor mapeado?',
'csv_continue'=>'Continuar para o próximo passo',
'csv_go_back'=>'Voltar para o passo anterior',
'csv_map_title'=>'Valores mapeados encontrados para valores existentes',
'csv_map_text'=>'This page allows you to map the values from the CSV file to existing entries in your database. This ensures that accounts and other things won\'t be created twice.',
'csv_field_value'=>'Valor do campo do CSV',
'csv_field_mapped_to'=>'Deve ser mapeado para...',
'csv_do_not_map'=>'Não mapear este valor',
'csv_download_config_title'=>'Download do CSV de configuração ',
'csv_download_config_text'=>'Everything you\'ve just set up can be downloaded as a configuration file. Click the button to do so.',
'csv_more_information_text'=>'If the import fails, you can use this configuration file so you don\'t have to start all over again. But, if the import succeeds, it will be easier to upload similar CSV files.',
'csv_do_download_config'=>'Download do arquivo de configuração.',
'csv_empty_description'=>'(descrição vazia)',
'csv_upload_form'=>'Formulário de Upload do CSV',
'csv_index_unsupported_warning'=>'O importador de CSV está incapaz de fazer o seguinte:',
'csv_unsupported_map'=>'The importer cannot map the column ":columnRole" to existing values in the database.',
'csv_unsupported_value'=>'The importer does not know how to handle values in columns marked as ":columnRole".',
'csv_cannot_store_value'=>'The importer has not reserved space for columns marked ":columnRole" and will be incapable of processing them.',
'csv_process_title'=>'Importação do CSV terminou!',
'csv_process_text'=>'O importador do CSV terminou e processou :rows linhas',
'csv_import_with_errors'=>'Houve um erro.|Houve :errors erros.',
'csv_error_see_logs'=>'Verifique o arquivo de log para ver detalhes.',
'csv_specifix_RabobankDescription'=>'Select this when you\'re importing Rabobank CSV export files.',
'csv_specifix_AbnAmroDescription'=>'Select this when you\'re importing ABN AMRO CSV export files.',
'csv_specifix_Dummy'=>'Checking this has no effect whatsoever.',
'csv_import_account_help'=>'If your CSV file does NOT contain information about your asset account(s), use this dropdown to select to which account the transactions in the CSV belong to.',
'csv_delimiter_help'=>'Choose the field delimiter that is used in your input file. If not sure, comma is the safest option.',
'csv_date_parse_error'=>'Could not parse a valid date from ":value", using the format ":format". Are you sure your CSV is correct?',
'tags_introduction'=>'Usually tags are singular words, designed to quickly band items together using things like <span class="label label-info">expensive</span>, <span class="label label-info">bill</span> or <span class="label label-info">for-party</span>. In Firefly III, tags can have more properties such as a date, description and location. This allows you to join transactions together in a more meaningful way. For example, you could make a tag called <span class="label label-success"> Christmas dinner with friends</span> and add information about the restaurant. Such tags are "singular", you would only use them for a single occasion, perhaps with multiple transactions.',
'tags_group'=>'Tags group transactions together, which makes it possible to store reimbursements (in case you front money for others) and other "balancing acts" where expenses are summed up (the payments on your new TV) or where expenses and deposits are cancelling each other out (buying something with saved money). It\'s all up to you. Using tags the old-fashioned way is of course always possible.',
'tags_start'=>'Create a tag to get started or enter tags when creating new transactions.',