'block_account_logout'=>'Zostałeś wylogowany. Zablokowane konta nie mogą korzystać z tej strony. Czy zarejestrowałeś się z prawidłowym adresem e-mail?',
'flash_info_multiple'=>'Jest jedna wiadomość|Jest :count wiadomości',
'flash_error_multiple'=>'Jest jeden błąd|Jest :count błędów',
'two_factor_forgot_title'=>'Lost two factor authentication',
'two_factor_forgot'=>'I forgot my two-factor thing.',
'two_factor_lost_header'=>'Lost your two factor authentication?',
'two_factor_lost_intro'=>'Unfortunately, this is not something you can reset from the web interface. You have two choices.',
'two_factor_lost_fix_self'=>'If you run your own instance of Firefly III, check the logs in <code>storage/logs</code> for instructions.',
'two_factor_lost_fix_owner'=>'Otherwise, email the site owner, <a href="mailto::site_owner">:site_owner</a> and ask them to reset your two factor authentication.',
'warning_much_data'=>':days days of data may take a while to load.',
'no_budget_pointer'=>'You seem to have no budgets yet. You should create some on the <a href="/budgets">budgets</a>-page. Budgets can help you keep track of expenses.',
'need_more_help'=>'If you need more help using Firefly III, please <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/issues">open a ticket on Github</a>.',
'nothing_to_display'=>'There are no transactions to show you',
'show_all_no_filter'=>'Show all transactions without grouping them by date.',
'show_the_current_period_and_overview'=>'Show the current period and overview',
'pref_languages_locale'=>'For a language other than English to work properly, your operating system must be equipped with the correct locale-information. If these are not present, currency data, dates and amounts may be formatted wrong.',
'confirm_account_intro'=>'An email has been sent to the address you used during your registration. Please check it out for further instructions. If you did not get this message, you can have Firefly send it again.',
'confirm_account_resend_email'=>'Send me the confirmation message I need to activate my account.',
'confirm_account_is_resent_header'=>'The confirmation has been resent',
'confirm_account_is_resent_text'=>'The confirmation message has been resent. If you still did not receive the confirmation message, please contact the site owner at <a href="mailto::owner">:owner</a> or check the log files to see what went wrong.',
'confirm_account_not_resent_intro'=>'The confirmation message has been not resent. If you still did not receive the confirmation message, please contact the site owner at <a href="mailto::owner">:owner</a> instead. Possibly, you have tried to resend the activation message too often. You can have Firefly III try to resend the confirmation message every hour.',
'include_old_uploads_help'=>'Firefly III does not throw away the original CSV files you have imported in the past. You can include them in your export.',
'attachment_explanation'=>'The file called \':attachment_name\' (#:attachment_id) was originally uploaded to :type \':description\' (#:journal_id) dated :date for the amount of :amount.',
'rules_explanation'=>'Here you can manage rules. Rules are triggered when a transaction is created or updated. Then, if the transaction has certain properties (called "triggers") Firefly will execute the "actions". Combined, you can make Firefly respond in a certain way to new transactions.',
'warning_transaction_subset'=>'For performance reasons this list is limited to :max_num_transactions and may only show a subset of matching transactions',
'warning_no_matching_transactions'=>'No matching transactions found. Please note that for performance reasons, only the last :num_transactions transactions have been checked.',
'pref_languages_help'=>'Firefly III obsługuje kilka języków. Który wolisz?',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year'=>'Ustawienia roku podatkowego',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year_help'=>'W krajach, w których rok podatkowy nie zaczyna się 1 stycznia i nie kończy 31 grudnia, możesz włączyć tą opcję oraz podać początek / koniec roku podatkowego',
'pref_fiscal_year_start_label'=>'Początek roku podatkowego',
'pref_two_factor_auth_help'=>'When you enable 2-step verification (also known as two-factor authentication), you add an extra layer of security to your account. You sign in with something you know (your password) and something you have (a verification code). Verification codes are generated by an application on your phone, such as Authy or Google Authenticator.',
'pref_two_factor_auth_code_help'=>'Scan the QR code with an application on your phone such as Authy or Google Authenticator and enter the generated code.',
'pref_home_show_deposits'=>'Show deposits on the home screen',
'pref_home_show_deposits_info'=>'The home screen already shows your expense accounts. Should it also show your revenue accounts?',
'pref_home_do_show_deposits'=>'Yes, show them',
'successful_count'=>'of which :count successful',
'transaction_page_size_title'=>'Page size',
'transaction_page_size_help'=>'Any list of transactions shows at most this many transactions',
'transaction_page_size_label'=>'Page size',
'between_dates'=>'(:start and :end)',
'pref_optional_fields_transaction'=>'Optional fields for transactions',
'pref_optional_fields_transaction_help'=>'By default not all fields are enabled when creating a new transaction (because of the clutter). Below, you can enable these fields if you think they could be useful for you. Of course, any field that is disabled, but already filled in, will be visible regardless of the setting.',
'delete_your_account_help'=>'Deleting your account will also delete any accounts, transactions, <em>anything</em> you might have saved into Firefly III. It\'ll be GONE.',
'delete_your_account_password'=>'Enter your password to continue.',
'convert_is_already_type_Withdrawal'=>'This transaction is already a withdrawal',
'convert_is_already_type_Deposit'=>'This transaction is already a deposit',
'convert_is_already_type_Transfer'=>'This transaction is already a transfer',
'convert_to_Withdrawal'=>'Convert ":description" to a withdrawal',
'convert_to_Deposit'=>'Convert ":description" to a deposit',
'convert_to_Transfer'=>'Convert ":description" to a transfer',
'convert_options_WithdrawalDeposit'=>'Convert a withdrawal into a deposit',
'convert_options_WithdrawalTransfer'=>'Convert a withdrawal into a transfer',
'convert_options_DepositTransfer'=>'Convert a deposit into a transfer',
'convert_options_DepositWithdrawal'=>'Convert a deposit into a withdrawal',
'convert_options_TransferWithdrawal'=>'Convert a transfer into a withdrawal',
'convert_options_TransferDeposit'=>'Convert a transfer into a deposit',
'transaction_journal_convert_options'=>'Convert this transaction',
'convert_Withdrawal_to_deposit'=>'Convert this withdrawal to a deposit',
'convert_Withdrawal_to_transfer'=>'Convert this withdrawal to a transfer',
'convert_Deposit_to_withdrawal'=>'Convert this deposit to a withdrawal',
'convert_Deposit_to_transfer'=>'Convert this deposit to a transfer',
'convert_Transfer_to_deposit'=>'Convert this transfer to a deposit',
'convert_Transfer_to_withdrawal'=>'Convert this transfer to a withdrawal',
'convert_please_set_revenue_source'=>'Please pick the revenue account where the money will come from.',
'convert_please_set_asset_destination'=>'Please pick the asset account where the money will go to.',
'convert_please_set_expense_destination'=>'Please pick the expense account where the money will go to.',
'convert_please_set_asset_source'=>'Please pick the asset account where the money will come from.',
'convert_explanation_withdrawal_deposit'=>'If you convert this withdrawal into a deposit, :amount will be deposited into <a href=":sourceRoute">:sourceName</a> instead of taken from it.',
'convert_explanation_withdrawal_transfer'=>'If you convert this withdrawal into a transfer, :amount will be transferred from <a href=":sourceRoute">:sourceName</a> to a new asset account, instead of being paid to <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a>.',
'convert_explanation_deposit_withdrawal'=>'If you convert this deposit into a withdrawal, :amount will be removed from <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a> instead of added to it.',
'convert_explanation_deposit_transfer'=>'If you convert this deposit into a transfer, :amount will be transferred from an asset account of your choice into <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a>.',
'convert_explanation_transfer_withdrawal'=>'If you convert this transfer into a withdrawal, :amount will go from <a href=":sourceRoute">:sourceName</a> to a new destination as an expense, instead of to <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a> as a transfer.',
'convert_explanation_transfer_deposit'=>'If you convert this transfer into a deposit, :amount will be deposited into account <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a> instead of being transferred there.',
'converted_to_Withdrawal'=>'The transaction has been converted to a withdrawal',
'converted_to_Deposit'=>'The transaction has been converted to a deposit',
'converted_to_Transfer'=>'The transaction has been converted to a transfer',
'mass_delete_journals'=>'Delete a number of transactions',
'mass_edit_journals'=>'Edit a number of transactions',
'cannot_edit_other_fields'=>'You cannot mass-edit other fields than the ones here, because there is no room to show them. Please follow the link and edit them by one-by-one, if you need to edit these fields.',
'perm-delete-many'=>'Deleting many items in one go can be very disruptive. Please be cautious.',
'tags_introduction'=>'Usually tags are singular words, designed to quickly band items together using things like <span class="label label-info">expensive</span>, <span class="label label-info">bill</span> or <span class="label label-info">for-party</span>. In Firefly III, tags can have more properties such as a date, description and location. This allows you to join transactions together in a more meaningful way. For example, you could make a tag called <span class="label label-success"> Christmas dinner with friends</span> and add information about the restaurant. Such tags are "singular", you would only use them for a single occasion, perhaps with multiple transactions.',
'tags_group'=>'Tags group transactions together, which makes it possible to store reimbursements (in case you front money for others) and other "balancing acts" where expenses are summed up (the payments on your new TV) or where expenses and deposits are cancelling each other out (buying something with saved money). It\'s all up to you. Using tags the old-fashioned way is of course always possible.',
'tags_start'=>'Create a tag to get started or enter tags when creating new transactions.',
'firefly_instance_configuration'=>'Configuration options for Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode'=>'Single user mode',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain'=>'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as wel, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration'=>'Store configuration',
'single_user_administration'=>'User administration for :email',
'edit_user'=>'Edit user :email',
'hidden_fields_preferences'=>'Not all fields are visible right now. You must enable them in your <a href=":link">settings</a>.',
'user_data_information'=>'User data',
'user_information'=>'User information',
'total_size'=>'total size',
'budgets_with_limits'=>'budget(s) with configured amount',
'setting_send_email_explain'=>'Firefly III can send you email notifications about certain events. They will be sent to <code>:site_owner</code>. This email address can be set in the <code>.env</code> file.',
'block_code_bounced'=>'Email message(s) bounced',
'block_code_expired'=>'Demo account expired',
'no_block_code'=>'No reason for block or user not blocked',
// split a transaction:
'transaction_meta_data'=>'Transaction meta-data',
'transaction_dates'=>'Transaction dates',
'split_title_withdrawal'=>'Split your new withdrawal',
'split_intro_one_withdrawal'=>'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a withdrawal.',
'split_intro_two_withdrawal'=>'It means that the amount of money you\'ve spent is divided between several destination expense accounts, budgets or categories.',
'split_intro_three_withdrawal'=>'For example: you could split your :total groceries so you pay :split_one from your "daily groceries" budget and :split_two from your "cigarettes" budget.',
'split_table_intro_withdrawal'=>'Split your withdrawal in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'split_intro_one_deposit'=>'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a deposit.',
'split_intro_two_deposit'=>'It means that the amount of money you\'ve earned is divided between several source revenue accounts or categories.',
'split_intro_three_deposit'=>'For example: you could split your :total salary so you get :split_one as your base salary and :split_two as a reimbursment for expenses made.',
'split_table_intro_deposit'=>'Split your deposit in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'split_title_transfer'=>'Split your new transfer',
'split_intro_one_transfer'=>'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a transfer.',
'split_intro_two_transfer'=>'It means that the amount of money you\'re moving is divided between several categories or piggy banks.',
'split_intro_three_transfer'=>'For example: you could split your :total move so you get :split_one in one piggy bank and :split_two in another.',
'split_table_intro_transfer'=>'Split your transfer in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'split-new-transaction'=>'Split a new transaction',
'do_split'=>'Do a split',
'split_this_withdrawal'=>'Split this withdrawal',
'split_this_deposit'=>'Split this deposit',
'split_this_transfer'=>'Split this transfer',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source'=>'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple source accounts.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest'=>'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple destination accounts.',
'no_edit_multiple_left'=>'You have selected no valid transactions to edit.',
// import
'configuration_file_help'=>'If you have previously imported data into Firefly III, you may have a configuration file, which will pre-set configuration values for you. For some banks, other users have kindly provided their <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/import-configurations/wiki">configuration file</a>.',
'import_complete_text'=>'The import is ready to start. All the configuration you needed to do has been done. Please download the configuration file. It will help you with the import should it not go as planned. To actually run the import, you can either execute the following command in your console, or run the web-based import. Depending on your configuration, the console import will give you more feedback.',
'import_data_full'=>'Import data into Firefly III',
'import_file_help'=>'Select your file',
'import_status_settings_complete'=>'The import is ready to start.',
'import_status_import_complete'=>'The import has completed.',
'import_status_import_running'=>'The import is currently running. Please be patient.',
'import_status_header'=>'Import status and progress',
'import_status_errors'=>'Import errors',
'import_status_report'=>'Import report',
'import_finished'=>'Import has finished',
'import_error_single'=>'An error has occured during the import.',
'import_error_multi'=>'Some errors occured during the import.',
'import_error_fatal'=>'There was an error during the import routine. Please check the log files. The error seems to be:',
'import_error_timeout'=>'The import seems to have timed out. If this error persists, please import your data using the console command.',
'import_double'=>'Row #:row: This row has been imported before, and is stored in <a href=":link">:description</a>.',
'import_finished_all'=>'The import has finished. Please check out the results below.',
'import_with_key'=>'Import with key \':key\'',
'import_share_configuration'=>'Please consider downloading your configuration and sharing it at the <strong><a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/import-configurations/wiki">import configuration center</a></strong>. This will allow other users of Firefly III to import their files more easily.',
'import_finished_report'=>'The import has finished. Please note any errors in the block above this line. All transactions imported during this particular session have been tagged, and you can check them out below. ',
'import_finished_link'=>'The transactions imported can be found in tag <a href=":link" class="label label-success" style="font-size:100%;font-weight:normal;">:tag</a>.',
'need_at_least_one_account'=>'You need at least one asset account to be able to create piggy banks',
'see_help_top_right'=>'For more information, please check out the help pages using the icon in the top right corner of the page.',
'import_finished_intro'=>'The import has finished! You can now see the new transactions in Firefly.',
'import_finished_text_without_link'=>'It seems there is no tag that points to all your imported transactions. Please look for your imported data in the menu on the left, under "Transactions".',
'import_finished_text_with_link'=>'You can find a list of your imported transactions on the page of the <a href="tags/show/:tag">tag that was created for this import</a>.',