'two_factor_enter_code'=>'To continue, please enter your two factor authentication code. Your application can generate it for you.',
'two_factor_code_here'=>'Enter code here',
'two_factor_title'=>'Two factor authentication',
'two_factor_forgot_title'=>'Lost two factor authentication',
'two_factor_forgot'=>'I forgot my two-factor thing.',
'two_factor_lost_header'=>'Lost your two factor authentication?',
'two_factor_lost_intro'=>'Unfortunately, this is not something you can reset from the web interface. You have two choices.',
'two_factor_lost_fix_self'=>'If you run your own instance of Firefly III, check the logs in <code>storage/logs</code> for instructions.',
'two_factor_lost_fix_owner'=>'Otherwise, email the site owner, <a href="mailto::site_owner">:site_owner</a> and ask them to reset your two factor authentication.',
'warning_much_data'=>':days days of data may take a while to load.',
'registered'=>'You have registered successfully!',
'no_budget_pointer'=>'You seem to have no budgets yet. You should create some on the <a href="/budgets">budgets</a>-page. Budgets can help you keep track of expenses.',
'need_more_help'=>'If you need more help using Firefly III, please <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/issues">open a ticket on Github</a>.',
'pref_languages_locale'=>'For a language other than English to work properly, your operating system must be equipped with the correct locale-information. If these are not present, currency data, dates and amounts may be formatted wrong.',
'exchange_rate_instructions'=>'Asset account "@name" only accepts transactions in @native_currency. If you wish to use @foreign_currency instead, make sure that the amount in @native_currency is known as well:',
'transfer_exchange_rate_instructions'=>'Source asset account "@source_name" only accepts transactions in @source_currency. Destination asset account "@dest_name" only accepts transactions in @dest_currency. You must provide the transferred amount correctly in both currencies.',
'invalid_server_configuration'=>'Invalid server configuration',
'invalid_locale_settings'=>'Firefly III is unable to format monetary amounts because your server is missing the required packages. There are <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/help/wiki/Missing-locale-packages">instructions how to do this</a>.',
'authorization_request'=>'Firefly III v:version Authorization Request',
'authorization_request_intro'=>'<strong>:client</strong> is requesting permission to access your financial administration. Would you like to authorize <strong>:client</strong> to access these records?',
'scopes_will_be_able'=>'This application will be able to:',
'admin_update_check_title'=>'Automatically check for update',
'admin_update_check_explain'=>'Firefly III can check for updates automatically. When you enable this setting, it will contact Github to see if a new version of Firefly III is available. When it is, you will get a notification. You can test this notification using the button on the right. Please indicate below if you want Firefly III to check for updates.',
'check_for_updates_permission'=>'Firefly III can check for updates, but it needs your permission to do so. Please go to the <a href=":link">administration</a> to indicate if you would like this feature to be enabled.',
'updates_ask_me_later'=>'Ask me later',
'updates_do_not_check'=>'Do not check for updates',
'updates_enable_check'=>'Enable the check for updates',
'admin_update_check_now_title'=>'Check for updates now',
'admin_update_check_now_explain'=>'If you press the button, Firefly III will see if your current version is the latest.',
'update_new_version_alert'=>'A new version of Firefly III is available. You are running v:your_version, the latest version is v:new_version which was released on :date.',
'search_found_transactions'=>'Number of transactions found:',
'general_search_error'=>'An error occured while searching. Please check the log files for more information.',
'search_box_intro'=>'Welcome to the search function of Firefly III. Enter your search query in the box. Make sure you check out the help file because the search is pretty advanced.',
'export_data_intro'=>'Use the exported data to move to a new financial application. Please note that these files are not meant as a backup. They do not contain enough meta-data to fully restore a new Firefly III installation. If you want to make a backup of your data, please backup the database directly.',
'include_old_uploads_help'=>'Firefly III does not throw away the original CSV files you have imported in the past. You can include them in your export.',
'export_status_never_started'=>'The export has not started yet',
'rule_help_strict'=>'In strict rules ALL triggers must fire for the action(s) to be executed. In non-strict rules, ANY trigger is enough for the action(s) to be executed.',
'warning_transaction_subset'=>'For performance reasons this list is limited to :max_num_transactions and may only show a subset of matching transactions',
'warning_no_matching_transactions'=>'No matching transactions found. Please note that for performance reasons, only the last :num_transactions transactions have been checked.',
'apply_rule_selection'=>'Apply rule ":title" to a selection of your transactions',
'apply_rule_selection_intro'=>'Rules like ":title" are normally only applied to new or updated transactions, but you can tell Firefly III to run it on a selection of your existing transactions. This can be useful when you have updated a rule and you need the changes to be applied to all of your other transactions.',
'apply_rule_group_selection'=>'Apply rule group ":title" to a selection of your transactions',
'apply_rule_group_selection_intro'=>'Rule groups like ":title" are normally only applied to new or updated transactions, but you can tell Firefly III to run all the rules in this group on a selection of your existing transactions. This can be useful when you have updated a group of rules and you need the changes to be applied to all of your other transactions.',
'rules_have_read_warning'=>'Have you read the warning?',
'apply_rule_warning'=>'Warning: running a rule(group) on a large selection of transactions could take ages, and it could time-out. If it does, the rule(group) will only be applied to an unknown subset of your transactions. This might leave your financial administration in tatters. Please be careful.',
'rulegroup_for_bills_title'=>'Rule group for bills',
'rulegroup_for_bills_description'=>'A special rule group for all the rules that involve bills.',
'rule_for_bill_title'=>'Auto-generated rule for bill ":name"',
'rule_for_bill_description'=>'This rule is auto-generated to try to match bill ":name".',
'create_rule_for_bill'=>'Create a new rule for bill ":name"',
'create_rule_for_bill_txt'=>'You have just created a new bill called ":name", congratulations! Firefly III can automagically match new withdrawals to this bill. For example, whenever you pay your rent, the bill "rent" will be linked to the expense. This way, Firefly III can accurately show you which bills are due and which ones aren\'t. In order to do so, a new rule must be created. Firefly III has filled in some sensible defaults for you. Please make sure these are correct. If these values are correct, Firefly III will automatically link the correct withdrawal to the correct bill. Please check out the triggers to see if they are correct, and add some if they\'re wrong.',
'new_rule_for_bill_title'=>'Rule for bill ":name"',
'new_rule_for_bill_description'=>'This rule marks transactions for bill ":name".',
'sums_apply_to_range'=>'All sums apply to the selected range',
'mapbox_api_key'=>'To use map, get an API key from <a href="https://www.mapbox.com/">Mapbox</a>. Open your <code>.env</code> file en enter this code after <code>MAPBOX_API_KEY=</code>.',
'press_tag_location'=>'Right click or long press to set the tag\'s location.',
'pref_home_screen_accounts_help'=>'Which accounts should be displayed on the home page?',
'pref_view_range'=>'View range',
'pref_view_range_help'=>'Some charts are automatically grouped in periods. What period would you prefer?',
'pref_1D'=>'One day',
'pref_1W'=>'One week',
'pref_1M'=>'One month',
'pref_3M'=>'Three months (quarter)',
'pref_6M'=>'Six months',
'pref_1Y'=>'One year',
'pref_languages_help'=>'Firefly III supports several languages. Which one do you prefer?',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year'=>'Fiscal year settings',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year_help'=>'In countries that use a financial year other than January 1 to December 31, you can switch this on and specify start / end days of the fiscal year',
'pref_fiscal_year_start_label'=>'Fiscal year start date',
'pref_two_factor_auth'=>'2-step verification',
'pref_two_factor_auth_help'=>'When you enable 2-step verification (also known as two-factor authentication), you add an extra layer of security to your account. You sign in with something you know (your password) and something you have (a verification code). Verification codes are generated by an application on your phone, such as Authy or Google Authenticator.',
'pref_two_factor_auth_disabled'=>'2-step verification code removed and disabled',
'pref_two_factor_auth_remove_it'=>'Don\'t forget to remove the account from your authentication app!',
'pref_two_factor_auth_code'=>'Verify code',
'pref_two_factor_auth_code_help'=>'Scan the QR code with an application on your phone such as Authy or Google Authenticator and enter the generated code.',
'pref_home_show_deposits'=>'Show deposits on the home screen',
'pref_home_show_deposits_info'=>'The home screen already shows your expense accounts. Should it also show your revenue accounts?',
'pref_home_do_show_deposits'=>'Yes, show them',
'successful_count'=>'of which :count successful',
'list_page_size_title'=>'Page size',
'list_page_size_help'=>'Any list of things (accounts, transactions, etc) shows at most this many per page.',
'list_page_size_label'=>'Page size',
'between_dates'=>'(:start and :end)',
'pref_optional_fields_transaction'=>'Optional fields for transactions',
'pref_optional_fields_transaction_help'=>'By default not all fields are enabled when creating a new transaction (because of the clutter). Below, you can enable these fields if you think they could be useful for you. Of course, any field that is disabled, but already filled in, will be visible regardless of the setting.',
'delete_your_account_help'=>'Deleting your account will also delete any accounts, transactions, <em>anything</em> you might have saved into Firefly III. It\'ll be GONE.',
'delete_your_account_password'=>'Enter your password to continue.',
'are_you_sure'=>'Are you sure? You cannot undo this.',
'delete_account_button'=>'DELETE your account',
'invalid_current_password'=>'Invalid current password!',
'password_changed'=>'Password changed!',
'should_change'=>'The idea is to change your password.',
'invalid_password'=>'Invalid password!',
'what_is_pw_security'=>'What is "verify password security"?',
'secure_pw_title'=>'How to choose a secure password',
'secure_pw_history'=>'In August 2017 well known security researcher Troy Hunt released a list of 306 million stolen passwords. These passwords were stolen during breakins at companies like LinkedIn, Adobe and NeoPets (and many more).',
'secure_pw_check_box'=>'By checking the box, Firefly III will send the first five characters of the SHA1 hash of your password to <a href="https://www.troyhunt.com/introducing-306-million-freely-downloadable-pwned-passwords/">the website of Troy Hunt</a> to see if it is on the list. This will stop you from using unsafe passwords as is recommended in the latest <a href="https://pages.nist.gov/800-63-3/sp800-63b.html">NIST Special Publication</a> on this subject.',
'secure_pw_sha1'=>'But I thought SHA1 was broken?',
'secure_pw_hash_speed'=>'Yes, but not in this context. As you can read on <a href="https://shattered.io/">the website detailing how they broke SHA1</a>, it is now slightly easier to find a "collision": another string that results in the same SHA1-hash. It now only takes 10,000 years using a single-GPU machine.',
'secure_pw_hash_security'=>'This collision would not be equal to your password, nor would it be useful on (a site like) Firefly III. This application does not use SHA1 for password verification. So it is safe to check this box. Your password is hashed and only the first five characters of this hash are sent over HTTPS.',
'secure_pw_should'=>'Should I check the box?',
'secure_pw_long_password'=>'If you just generated a long, single-use password for Firefly III using some kind of password generator: <strong>no</strong>.',
'secure_pw_short'=>'If you just entered the password you always use: <em>Please yes</em>.',
'command_line_token'=>'Command line token',
'explain_command_line_token'=>'You need this token to perform command line options, such as importing or exporting data. Without it, such sensitive commands will not work. Do not share your command line token. Nobody will ask you for this token, not even me. If you fear you lost this, or when you\'re paranoid, regenerate this token using the button.',
'regenerate_command_line_token'=>'Regenerate command line token',
'token_regenerated'=>'A new command line token was generated',
'change_your_email'=>'Change your email address',
'email_verification'=>'An email message will be sent to your old AND new email address. For security purposes, you will not be able to login until you verify your new email address. If you are unsure if your Firefly III installation is capable of sending email, please do not use this feature. If you are an administrator, you can test this in the <a href="/admin">Administration</a>.',
'email_changed_logout'=>'Until you verify your email address, you cannot login.',
'login_with_new_email'=>'You can now login with your new email address.',
'login_with_old_email'=>'You can now login with your old email address again.',
'convert_is_already_type_Withdrawal'=>'This transaction is already a withdrawal',
'convert_is_already_type_Deposit'=>'This transaction is already a deposit',
'convert_is_already_type_Transfer'=>'This transaction is already a transfer',
'convert_to_Withdrawal'=>'Convert ":description" to a withdrawal',
'convert_to_Deposit'=>'Convert ":description" to a deposit',
'convert_to_Transfer'=>'Convert ":description" to a transfer',
'convert_options_WithdrawalDeposit'=>'Convert a withdrawal into a deposit',
'convert_options_WithdrawalTransfer'=>'Convert a withdrawal into a transfer',
'convert_options_DepositTransfer'=>'Convert a deposit into a transfer',
'convert_options_DepositWithdrawal'=>'Convert a deposit into a withdrawal',
'convert_options_TransferWithdrawal'=>'Convert a transfer into a withdrawal',
'convert_options_TransferDeposit'=>'Convert a transfer into a deposit',
'convert_Withdrawal_to_deposit'=>'Convert this withdrawal to a deposit',
'convert_Withdrawal_to_transfer'=>'Convert this withdrawal to a transfer',
'convert_Deposit_to_withdrawal'=>'Convert this deposit to a withdrawal',
'convert_Deposit_to_transfer'=>'Convert this deposit to a transfer',
'convert_Transfer_to_deposit'=>'Convert this transfer to a deposit',
'convert_Transfer_to_withdrawal'=>'Convert this transfer to a withdrawal',
'convert_please_set_revenue_source'=>'Please pick the revenue account where the money will come from.',
'convert_please_set_asset_destination'=>'Please pick the asset account where the money will go to.',
'convert_please_set_expense_destination'=>'Please pick the expense account where the money will go to.',
'convert_please_set_asset_source'=>'Please pick the asset account where the money will come from.',
'convert_explanation_withdrawal_deposit'=>'If you convert this withdrawal into a deposit, :amount will be deposited into <a href=":sourceRoute">:sourceName</a> instead of taken from it.',
'convert_explanation_withdrawal_transfer'=>'If you convert this withdrawal into a transfer, :amount will be transferred from <a href=":sourceRoute">:sourceName</a> to a new asset account, instead of being paid to <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a>.',
'convert_explanation_deposit_withdrawal'=>'If you convert this deposit into a withdrawal, :amount will be removed from <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a> instead of added to it.',
'convert_explanation_deposit_transfer'=>'If you convert this deposit into a transfer, :amount will be transferred from an asset account of your choice into <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a>.',
'convert_explanation_transfer_withdrawal'=>'If you convert this transfer into a withdrawal, :amount will go from <a href=":sourceRoute">:sourceName</a> to a new destination as an expense, instead of to <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a> as a transfer.',
'convert_explanation_transfer_deposit'=>'If you convert this transfer into a deposit, :amount will be deposited into account <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a> instead of being transferred there.',
'converted_to_Withdrawal'=>'The transaction has been converted to a withdrawal',
'converted_to_Deposit'=>'The transaction has been converted to a deposit',
'converted_to_Transfer'=>'The transaction has been converted to a transfer',
'invalid_convert_selection'=>'The account you have selected is already used in this transaction or does not exist.',
'no_transactions_account'=>'There are no transactions (in this period) for asset account ":name".',
'no_data_for_chart'=>'There is not enough information (yet) to generate this chart.',
'select_more_than_one_account'=>'Please select more than one account',
'select_more_than_one_category'=>'Please select more than one category',
'select_more_than_one_budget'=>'Please select more than one budget',
'select_more_than_one_tag'=>'Please select more than one tag',
'account_default_currency'=>'If you select another currency, new transactions from this account will have this currency pre-selected.',
'reconcile_has_more'=>'Your Firefly III ledger has more money in it than your bank claims you should have. There are several options. Please choose what to do. Then, press "Confirm reconciliation".',
'reconcile_has_less'=>'Your Firefly III ledger has less money in it than your bank claims you should have. There are several options. Please choose what to do. Then, press "Confirm reconciliation".',
'reconcile_is_equal'=>'Your Firefly III ledger and your bank statements match. There is nothing to do. Please press "Confirm reconciliation" to confirm your input.',
'create_pos_reconcile_transaction'=>'Clear the selected transactions, and create a correction adding :amount to this asset account.',
'create_neg_reconcile_transaction'=>'Clear the selected transactions, and create a correction removing :amount from this asset account.',
'reconcile_do_nothing'=>'Clear the selected transactions, but do not correct.',
'reconcile_go_back'=>'You can always edit or delete a correction later.',
'must_be_asset_account'=>'You can only reconcile asset accounts',
'reconciliation_stored'=>'Reconciliation stored',
'reconcilliation_transaction_title'=>'Reconciliation (:from to :to)',
'reconcile_this_account'=>'Reconcile this account',
'deleted_transfer'=>'Successfully deleted transfer ":description"',
'stored_journal'=>'Successfully created new transaction ":description"',
'select_transactions'=>'Select transactions',
'rule_group_select_transactions'=>'Apply ":title" to transactions',
'rule_select_transactions'=>'Apply ":title" to transactions',
'stop_selection'=>'Stop selecting transactions',
'mass_delete_journals'=>'Delete a number of transactions',
'mass_edit_journals'=>'Edit a number of transactions',
'mass_bulk_journals'=>'Bulk edit a number of transactions',
'mass_bulk_journals_explain'=>'If you do not want to change your transactions one-by-one using the mass-edit function, you can update them in one go. Simply select the preferred category, tag(s) or budget in the fields below, and all the transactions in the table will be updated.',
'bulk_set_new_values'=>'Use the inputs below to set new values. If you leave them empty, they will be made empty for all. Also, note that only withdrawals will be given a budget.',
'no_bulk_category'=>'Don\'t update category',
'no_bulk_budget'=>'Don\'t update budget',
'no_bulk_tags'=>'Don\'t update tag(s)',
'bulk_edit'=>'Bulk edit',
'cannot_edit_other_fields'=>'You cannot mass-edit other fields than the ones here, because there is no room to show them. Please follow the link and edit them by one-by-one, if you need to edit these fields.',
'no_budget_squared'=>'(no budget)',
'perm-delete-many'=>'Deleting many items in one go can be very disruptive. Please be cautious.',
'to_get_started'=>'It is good to see you have successfully installed Firefly III. To get started with this tool please enter your bank\'s name and the balance of your main checking account. Do not worry yet if you have multiple accounts. You can add those later. It\'s just that Firefly III needs something to start with.',
'savings_balance_text'=>'Firefly III will automatically create a savings account for you. By default, there will be no money in your savings account, but if you tell Firefly III the balance it will be stored as such.',
'finish_up_new_user'=>'That\'s it! You can continue by pressing <strong>Submit</strong>. You will be taken to the index of Firefly III.',
'stored_new_accounts_new_user'=>'Yay! Your new accounts have been stored.',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain'=>'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as well, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'send_test_email_text'=>'To see if your installation is capable of sending email, please press this button. You will not see an error here (if any), <strong>the log files will reflect any errors</strong>. You can press this button as many times as you like. There is no spam control. The message will be sent to <code>:email</code> and should arrive shortly.',
'send_message'=>'Send message',
'send_test_triggered'=>'Test was triggered. Check your inbox and the log files.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source'=>'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple source accounts.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest'=>'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple destination accounts.',
'sandstorm_not_available'=>'This function is not available when you are using Firefly III within a Sandstorm.io environment.',
// empty lists? no objects? instructions:
'no_accounts_title_asset'=>'Let\'s create an asset account!',
'no_accounts_intro_asset'=>'You have no asset accounts yet. Asset accounts are your main accounts: your checking account, savings account, shared account or even your credit card.',
'no_accounts_imperative_asset'=>'To start using Firefly III you must create at least one asset account. Let\'s do so now:',
'no_accounts_create_asset'=>'Create an asset account',
'no_accounts_title_expense'=>'Let\'s create an expense account!',
'no_accounts_intro_expense'=>'You have no expense accounts yet. Expense accounts are the places where you spend money, such as shops and supermarkets.',
'no_accounts_imperative_expense'=>'Expense accounts are created automatically when you create transactions, but you can create one manually too, if you want. Let\'s create one now:',
'no_accounts_create_expense'=>'Create an expense account',
'no_accounts_title_revenue'=>'Let\'s create a revenue account!',
'no_accounts_intro_revenue'=>'You have no revenue accounts yet. Revenue accounts are the places where you receive money from, such as your employer.',
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue'=>'Revenue accounts are created automatically when you create transactions, but you can create one manually too, if you want. Let\'s create one now:',
'no_budgets_intro_default'=>'You have no budgets yet. Budgets are used to organise your expenses into logical groups, which you can give a soft-cap to limit your expenses.',
'no_categories_intro_default'=>'You have no categories yet. Categories are used to fine tune your transactions and label them with their designated category.',
'no_categories_imperative_default'=>'Categories are created automatically when you create transactions, but you can create one manually too. Let\'s create one now:',
'no_tags_intro_default'=>'You have no tags yet. Tags are used to fine tune your transactions and label them with specific keywords.',
'no_tags_imperative_default'=>'Tags are created automatically when you create transactions, but you can create one manually too. Let\'s create one now:',
'no_piggies_intro_default'=>'You have no piggy banks yet. You can create piggy banks to divide your savings and keep track of what you\'re saving up for.',
'no_piggies_imperative_default'=>'Do you have things you\'re saving money for? Create a piggy bank and keep track:',
'no_piggies_create_default'=>'Create a new piggy bank',
'no_recurring_title_default'=>'Let\'s create a recurring transaction!',
'no_recurring_intro_default'=>'You have no recurring transactions yet. You can use these to make Firefly III automatically create transactions for you.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default'=>'This is a pretty advanced feature but it can be extremely useful. Make sure you read the documentation (?)-icon in the top right corner) before you continue.',
'no_recurring_create_default'=>'Create a recurring transaction',
'make_new_recurring'=>'Create a recurring transaction',
'recurring_daily'=>'Every day',
'recurring_weekly'=>'Every week on :weekday',
'recurring_monthly'=>'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) day',
'recurring_ndom'=>'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) :weekday',
'recurring_yearly'=>'Every year on :date',
'overview_for_recurrence'=>'Overview for recurring transaction ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions'=>'In rare instances, dates appear twice in this list. This can happen when multiple repetitions collide. Firefly III will always generate one transaction per day.',