#. "English Definition (Dear translator: This file will never be visible to the user! It should only serve as a tool for you, the translator. Nothing more.)"
msgid "Term (Dear translator: This file will never be visible to the user!)"
#. "(esp. US) (Brit = current account) a bank account from which money can be withdrawn without previous notice"
msgid "account type: checking"
msgstr "kontotyp: check"
#. "-"
msgid "account type: currency"
msgstr "kontotyp: valuta"
#. "see: Equity"
msgid "account type: Equity"
msgstr "kontotyp: Eget kapital"
#. "-"
msgid "account type: Expense"
msgstr "kontotyp: Utgift"
#. "-"
msgid "account type: Income"
msgstr "kontotyp: Inkomst"
#. "A debt, a financial obligation"
msgid "account type: Liability"
msgstr "kontotyp: Skuld"
#. "-"
msgid "account type: money-market"
msgstr "kontotyp: penningmarknad"
#. "-"
msgid "account type: Mutual fund"
msgstr "kontotyp: aktiefond"
#. "1. (US) any type of account that earns interest 2. (Brit) any type of bank account that earns a higher level of interest than a current account or deposit account"
#. "A written statement of money owed for goods or services supplied. In Gnucash, a 'bill' is a statement that we received, whereas an 'invoice' is one that we sent out."
#. "Conditions on paying a bill. Both an invoice and a bill have billing terms. For example, you can have 'terms' of 'Net-30', where the bill is due in full in 30 days."
#. "The dataset that encapsulates all the collections of entities (accounts etc.) in gnucash. The written records of the financial affairs of a business."
#. "(esp. US) (= cheque) A special printed form on which one writes an order to a bank to pay a sum of money from one's account to another person"
msgid "check"
msgstr "check"
#. "To repair unbalanced transactions and orphan splits in an account tree. Any transactions that have debits != credits will get a balancing split added (pointing to a special new account called 'Imbalance'). Any splits that do not have accounts are put into another special account called 'Orphan'. Formerly known as 'to scrub'."
msgid "check and repair, to"
msgstr "kontrollera och reparera, att"
#. "To end an application's relationship with an open file so that the application will no longer be able to access the file without opening it again. "
#. "The process of something becoming less valuable"
msgid "depreciation"
msgstr "avskrivning"
#. "1. One textfield per transaction. The text in it should describe what the transaction was about. A short descriptive phrase (up to 40 chars) 2. One textfield per account. It is intended to be a longer, 1-5 sentence description of what this account is all about."
#. "1. The money value of a property after all charges on it have been paid. Equity isn't debt, it's a representation of long-term capital (So combining it with liability isn't really very meaningful, except in the balance sheet. 2. (a) The value of the shares issued by a company. (b) Ordinary stocks and shares that carry no fixed interest."
#. "A trusted third party that holds a payment or deposit until a transaction is completed. In the US, many mortgage companies set up an escrow account when you get a mortgage. You pay into the account every month and they disburse amounts out of the escrow to pay for hazard insurance and property taxes. So they are holding funds 'in escrow' to complete the transactions (paying insurance and taxes)."
#. "Any piece of information (text, graphics, executable) put together and given a name. All the information you have on the hard drive is arranged as a collection of files."
#. "A list of goods sold or services provided together with the prices charged; see also: a bill. In Gnucash, an 'invoice' is a statement that we sent out, whereas a 'bill' is one that we received."
#. "A particular collection of items that were bought in one transaction. A lot is typically formed when the item is bought, and is closed when the item is sold out. Needed e.g. for U.S. tax purposes."
#. "(a) An agreement by which money is lent by a bank for buying a house or other property, the property being the security. (b) A sum of money lent in this way."
#. "The total income minus the total expenses of a given time period."
msgid "net profit"
msgstr "nettoresultat"
#. "Your net worth is your assets minus your liabilities. If your accounts are balanced, your net worth should equal your equity plus your net profit."
#. "An amount that must be paid / An amount for which money has not yet been received"
msgid "Payables/Receivables"
msgstr "Betalningar/Fordringar"
#. "A person to whom sth is paid"
msgid "payee"
msgstr "betalningsmottagare"
#. "A person who pays or who has to pay for sth"
msgid "payer"
msgstr "betalare"
#. "1. The action of paying sb/sth or of being paid. 2. A sum of money paid."
msgid "payment"
msgstr "betalning"
#. "An account where no transactions may be posted to; transactions can only be posted to subaccounts of this account, so this account serves as a placeholder in the hierarchy"
#. "OBSOLETE. This report was renamed to 'income statement' on 2004-07-13. Old definition: A list that shows the amount of money spent compared with the amount earned by a business in a particular period"
#. "reconcile an account, a reconciled split. To find a way to make the bank's account statement agree with the user's recorded transactions in an account."
#. "Create a new transaction that is the inverse of the old one. When you add the two together they completely cancel out. Accounts use this instead of voiding transactions, usually because the prior month has been closed and can no longer be changed, or the entire accounting system is 'write only'."
msgid "reverse transaction, to (Action in the register)"
#. "A transaction or reminder of a transaction that can be automatically executed at a specific time. It can be executed either once, or several times at regular intervals."
#. "DEPRECATED. To repair unbalanced transactions and orphan splits in an account tree. Any transactions that have debits != credits will get a balancing split added (pointing to a special new account called 'Imbalance'). Any splits that do not have accounts are put into another special account called 'Orphan'. Deprecated - use the term 'to check and repair' now."
#. "A transaction whose amount has actually been moved. The word comes from checks: a check is issued, but several steps have to be done until the amount is actually retrieved from the bank account, which is the point in time where that transaction (check) gets cleared."
#. "The trial balance is a worksheet on which you list all your general ledger accounts and their debit or credit balance. It is a tool that is used to alert you to errors in your books. The total debits must equal the total credits. If they don't equal, you know you have an error that must be tracked down."
#. "The terms 'Voucher' and 'Expense Voucher' are used interchangeably in gnucash. The 'Expense Voucher' is also a bit of a misnomer -- it's more like an 'Expense Report' in gnucash. The phrase is meant to be a list of expenses incurred by an employee for which the company will reminburse them."