2000-05-10 04:32:00 -05:00
;; engine-interface.scm -- support for working with the GnuCash
;; engine data structures
;; Copyright (C) 2000 Dave Peticolas <peticola@cs.ucdavis.edu>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, contact:
;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
;; 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Fax: +1-617-542-2652
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA gnu@gnu.org
;; This defines a scheme representation of splits.
(define gnc:split-structure
2000-09-23 02:36:50 -05:00
'(split-guid account-guid transaction-guid memo action
2000-05-10 04:32:00 -05:00
reconcile-state reconciled-date share-amount share-price)))
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
;; constructor
2000-05-10 04:32:00 -05:00
(define gnc:make-split-scm
(record-constructor gnc:split-structure))
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
;; type predicate
2000-05-10 04:32:00 -05:00
(define gnc:split-scm?
(record-predicate gnc:split-structure))
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
;; accessors
2000-05-10 04:32:00 -05:00
(define gnc:split-scm-get-split-guid
(record-accessor gnc:split-structure 'split-guid))
(define gnc:split-scm-get-account-guid
(record-accessor gnc:split-structure 'account-guid))
(define gnc:split-scm-get-transaction-guid
(record-accessor gnc:split-structure 'transaction-guid))
(define gnc:split-scm-get-memo
(record-accessor gnc:split-structure 'memo))
(define gnc:split-scm-get-action
(record-accessor gnc:split-structure 'action))
(define gnc:split-scm-get-reconcile-state
(record-accessor gnc:split-structure 'reconcile-state))
(define gnc:split-scm-get-reconciled-date
(record-accessor gnc:split-structure 'reconciled-date))
(define gnc:split-scm-get-share-amount
(record-accessor gnc:split-structure 'share-amount))
(define gnc:split-scm-get-share-price
(record-accessor gnc:split-structure 'share-price))
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
;; modifiers
(define gnc:split-scm-set-split-guid
(record-modifier gnc:split-structure 'split-guid))
(define gnc:split-scm-set-account-guid
(record-modifier gnc:split-structure 'account-guid))
(define gnc:split-scm-set-transaction-guid
(record-modifier gnc:split-structure 'transaction-guid))
(define gnc:split-scm-set-memo
(record-modifier gnc:split-structure 'memo))
(define gnc:split-scm-set-action
(record-modifier gnc:split-structure 'action))
(define gnc:split-scm-set-reconcile-state
(record-modifier gnc:split-structure 'reconcile-state))
(define gnc:split-scm-set-reconciled-date
(record-modifier gnc:split-structure 'reconciled-date))
(define gnc:split-scm-set-share-amount
(record-modifier gnc:split-structure 'share-amount))
(define gnc:split-scm-set-share-price
(record-modifier gnc:split-structure 'share-price))
2000-05-10 04:32:00 -05:00
;; This function take a C split and returns a representation
2000-05-10 21:57:33 -05:00
;; of it as a split-structure. Assumes the transaction is open
;; for editing.
2000-05-10 04:32:00 -05:00
(define (gnc:split->split-scm split)
(gnc:split-get-guid split)
(gnc:account-get-guid (gnc:split-get-account split))
(gnc:transaction-get-guid (gnc:split-get-parent split))
(gnc:split-get-memo split)
(gnc:split-get-action split)
(gnc:split-get-reconcile-state split)
(gnc:split-get-reconciled-date split)
(gnc:split-get-share-amount split)
(gnc:split-get-share-price split)))
;; Copy a scheme representation of a split onto a C split.
;; If possible, insert the C split into the account of the
;; scheme split. Not all values are copied. The reconcile
;; status and date are not copied. The C split's guid is,
;; of course, unchanged.
(define (gnc:split-scm-onto-split split-scm split)
(if (pointer-token-null? split)
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
(let ((memo (gnc:split-scm-get-memo split-scm))
(action (gnc:split-scm-get-action split-scm))
(price (gnc:split-scm-get-share-price split-scm))
(amount (gnc:split-scm-get-share-amount split-scm)))
(if memo (gnc:split-set-memo split memo))
(if action (gnc:split-set-action split action))
(if (and price amount)
(gnc:split-set-share-price-and-amount split price amount)))
2000-05-10 04:32:00 -05:00
(let ((account (gnc:account-lookup
(gnc:split-scm-get-account-guid split-scm))))
(if (and account (gnc:account-can-insert-split? account split))
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
(gnc:account-begin-edit account 1)
(gnc:account-insert-split account split)
(gnc:account-commit-edit account)))))))
2000-05-10 04:32:00 -05:00
;; Returns true if we can insert the C split into the given account.
(define (gnc:account-can-insert-split? account split)
(let ((currency (gnc:account-get-currency account))
(security (gnc:account-get-security account))
(trans (gnc:split-get-parent split)))
2000-06-24 23:14:50 -05:00
;; fixme: This is a temporary fix of a g-wrap problem.
(if (not currency)
(set! currency ""))
(if (not security)
(set! security ""))
2000-05-10 04:32:00 -05:00
(or (< (gnc:transaction-get-split-count trans) 2)
(gnc:transaction-is-common-currency trans currency)
(gnc:transaction-is-common-currency trans security))))
;; Defines a scheme representation of a transaction.
(define gnc:transaction-structure
2000-09-23 02:36:50 -05:00
'(transaction-guid date-entered date-posted num description split-scms)))
2000-05-10 04:32:00 -05:00
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
;; constructor
2000-05-10 04:32:00 -05:00
(define gnc:make-transaction-scm
(record-constructor gnc:transaction-structure))
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
;; type predicate
2000-05-10 04:32:00 -05:00
(define gnc:transaction-scm?
(record-predicate gnc:transaction-structure))
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
;; accessors
2000-05-10 04:32:00 -05:00
(define gnc:transaction-scm-get-transaction-guid
(record-accessor gnc:transaction-structure 'transaction-guid))
(define gnc:transaction-scm-get-date-entered
(record-accessor gnc:transaction-structure 'date-entered))
(define gnc:transaction-scm-get-date-posted
(record-accessor gnc:transaction-structure 'date-posted))
(define gnc:transaction-scm-get-num
(record-accessor gnc:transaction-structure 'num))
(define gnc:transaction-scm-get-description
(record-accessor gnc:transaction-structure 'description))
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
(define gnc:transaction-scm-get-split-scms
(record-accessor gnc:transaction-structure 'split-scms))
(define (gnc:transaction-scm-get-split-scm trans-scm index)
(let ((split-scms (gnc:transaction-scm-get-split-scms trans-scm)))
(cond ((< index 0) #f)
((not (pair? split-scms)) #f)
((>= index (length split-scms)) #f)
2000-05-16 06:00:46 -05:00
(else (list-ref split-scms index)))))
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
(define (gnc:transaction-scm-get-other-split-scm trans-scm split-scm)
(let ((split-scms (gnc:transaction-scm-get-split-scms trans-scm)))
(cond ((not (= (length split-scms) 2)) #f)
((= split-scm (car split-scms)) (cadr split-scms))
(else (car split-scms)))))
;; modifiers
(define gnc:transaction-scm-set-transaction-guid
(record-modifier gnc:transaction-structure 'transaction-guid))
(define gnc:transaction-scm-set-date-entered
(record-modifier gnc:transaction-structure 'date-entered))
(define gnc:transaction-scm-set-date-posted
(record-modifier gnc:transaction-structure 'date-posted))
(define gnc:transaction-scm-set-num
(record-modifier gnc:transaction-structure 'num))
(define gnc:transaction-scm-set-description
(record-modifier gnc:transaction-structure 'description))
(define gnc:transaction-scm-set-split-scms
(record-modifier gnc:transaction-structure 'split-scms))
(define (gnc:transaction-scm-append-split-scm trans-scm split-scm)
(let ((split-scms (gnc:transaction-scm-get-split-scms trans-scm)))
trans-scm (append split-scms (list split-scm)))))
2000-05-10 04:32:00 -05:00
;; This function takes a C transaction and returns
;; a representation of it as a transaction-structure.
(define (gnc:transaction->transaction-scm trans)
(define (trans-splits i)
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
(let ((split (gnc:transaction-get-split trans i)))
2000-05-10 04:32:00 -05:00
(if (pointer-token-null? split)
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
(cons (gnc:split->split-scm split)
(trans-splits (+ i 1))))))
2000-05-10 04:32:00 -05:00
(gnc:transaction-get-guid trans)
(gnc:transaction-get-date-entered trans)
(gnc:transaction-get-date-posted trans)
(gnc:transaction-get-num trans)
(gnc:transaction-get-description trans)
(trans-splits 0)))
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
;; Copy a scheme representation of a transaction onto a C transaction.
2000-05-14 16:35:33 -05:00
;; guid-mapping must be an alist, mapping guids to guids. This list is
;; used to use alternate account guids when creating splits.
2000-06-03 04:21:22 -05:00
(define (gnc:transaction-scm-onto-transaction trans-scm trans guid-mapping
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
(if (pointer-token-null? trans)
;; open the transaction for editing
2000-06-03 04:21:22 -05:00
(if (not (gnc:transaction-is-open trans))
(gnc:transaction-begin-edit trans 1))
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
;; copy in the transaction values
2000-05-14 04:37:59 -05:00
(let ((description (gnc:transaction-scm-get-description trans-scm))
2000-09-23 02:36:50 -05:00
(num (gnc:transaction-scm-get-num trans-scm))
(date-posted (gnc:transaction-scm-get-date-posted trans-scm)))
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
(if description (gnc:transaction-set-description trans description))
2000-09-23 02:36:50 -05:00
(if num (gnc:transaction-set-xnum trans num))
(if date-posted (gnc:transaction-set-date-time-pair
trans date-posted)))
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
;; strip off the old splits
(let loop ((split (gnc:transaction-get-split trans 0)))
(if (not (pointer-token-null? split))
(gnc:split-destroy split)
(loop (gnc:transaction-get-split trans 0)))))
;; and put on the new ones! Please note they go in the *same*
;; order as in the original transaction. This is important.
(let loop ((split-scms (gnc:transaction-scm-get-split-scms trans-scm)))
(if (pair? split-scms)
2000-05-14 04:37:59 -05:00
(let* ((new-split (gnc:split-create))
(split-scm (car split-scms))
(old-guid (gnc:split-scm-get-account-guid split-scm))
(new-guid (assoc-ref guid-mapping old-guid)))
(if (not new-guid)
(set! new-guid old-guid))
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
(gnc:transaction-append-split trans new-split)
2000-05-14 04:37:59 -05:00
(gnc:split-scm-set-account-guid split-scm new-guid)
(gnc:split-scm-onto-split split-scm new-split)
(gnc:split-scm-set-account-guid split-scm old-guid)
2000-05-12 04:47:17 -05:00
(loop (cdr split-scms)))))
;; close the transaction
2000-06-03 04:21:22 -05:00
(if commit?
(gnc:transaction-commit-edit trans)))))