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;; Scheme code for supporting options
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, contact:
;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
2020-12-03 08:31:13 -06:00
(define-module (gnucash app-utils options))
(eval-when (compile load eval expand)
(load-extension "libgnc-app-utils" "scm_init_sw_app_utils_module"))
(use-modules (gnucash core-utils))
2020-12-03 08:31:13 -06:00
(use-modules (gnucash engine))
(use-modules (sw_app_utils))
(use-modules (gnucash app-utils date-utilities))
(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
2020-12-03 08:31:13 -06:00
(use-modules (ice-9 regex))
(export gnc:color->html)
(export gnc:color-option->hex-string)
(export gnc:color-option->html)
(export gnc:currency-accounting-option-get-curr-doc-string)
(export gnc:currency-accounting-option-get-default-curr)
(export gnc:currency-accounting-option-get-default-policy)
(export gnc:currency-accounting-option-get-gain-loss-account-doc-string)
(export gnc:currency-accounting-option-get-policy-doc-string)
(export gnc:currency-accounting-option-selected-currency)
(export gnc:currency-accounting-option-selected-gain-loss-account)
(export gnc:currency-accounting-option-selected-method)
(export gnc:currency-accounting-option-selected-policy)
(export gnc:date-option-absolute-time)
(export gnc:date-option-get-subtype)
(export gnc:date-option-relative-time)
(export gnc:date-option-show-time?)
(export gnc:date-option-value-type)
(export gnc:dateformat-get-format)
(export gnc:generate-restore-forms)
(export gnc:get-rd-option-data-rd-list)
(export gnc:get-rd-option-data-show-time)
(export gnc:get-rd-option-data-subtype)
(export gnc:lookup-option)
(export gnc:make-account-list-limited-option)
(export gnc:make-account-list-option)
(export gnc:make-account-sel-limited-option)
(export gnc:make-account-sel-option)
(export gnc:make-budget-option)
(export gnc:make-color-option)
(export gnc:make-commodity-option)
(export gnc:make-complex-boolean-option)
(export gnc:make-currency-option)
(export gnc:make-date-option)
(export gnc:make-dateformat-option)
(export gnc:make-font-option)
(export gnc:make-internal-option)
(export gnc:make-list-option)
(export gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option)
(export gnc:make-multichoice-option)
(export gnc:make-number-plot-size-option)
(export gnc:make-number-range-option)
(export gnc:make-option)
(export gnc:make-pixmap-option)
(export gnc:make-query-option)
(export gnc:make-radiobutton-callback-option)
(export gnc:make-radiobutton-option)
(export gnc:make-simple-boolean-option)
(export gnc:make-string-option)
(export gnc:make-text-option)
(export gnc:multichoice-list-lookup)
(export gnc:new-options)
(export gnc:option-data)
(export gnc:option-data-fns)
(export gnc:option-default-getter)
(export gnc:option-default-value)
(export gnc:option-documentation)
(export gnc:option-generate-restore-form)
(export gnc:option-get-value)
(export gnc:option-getter)
(export gnc:option-index-get-description)
(export gnc:option-index-get-name)
(export gnc:option-index-get-value)
(export gnc:option-kvp->scm)
(export gnc:option-make-internal!)
(export gnc:option-name)
(export gnc:option-number-of-indices)
(export gnc:option-scm->kvp)
(export gnc:option-section)
(export gnc:option-set-changed-callback)
(export gnc:option-set-default-value)
(export gnc:option-set-value)
(export gnc:option-setter)
(export gnc:option-sort-tag)
(export gnc:option-strings-getter)
(export gnc:option-type)
(export gnc:option-value)
(export gnc:option-value-get-index)
(export gnc:option-value-validator)
(export gnc:option-widget-changed-proc)
(export gnc:options-clear-changes)
(export gnc:options-copy-values)
(export gnc:options-for-each)
(export gnc:options-for-each-general)
(export gnc:options-get-default-section)
(export gnc:options-kvp->scm)
(export gnc:options-make-date-interval!)
(export gnc:options-make-end-date!)
(export gnc:options-register-c-callback)
(export gnc:options-register-callback)
(export gnc:options-run-callbacks)
(export gnc:options-scm->kvp)
(export gnc:options-set-default-section)
(export gnc:options-touch)
(export gnc:options-unregister-callback-id)
(export gnc:plot-size-option-value)
(export gnc:plot-size-option-value-type)
(export gnc:register-option)
(export gnc:restore-form-generator)
(export gnc:send-options)
(export gnc:set-option-kvp->scm)
(export gnc:set-option-scm->kvp)
(export gnc:unregister-option)
(export gnc:value->string)
(export gnc:*option-name-trading-accounts*)
(export gnc:*option-name-book-currency*)
(export gnc:*option-section-accounts*)
(export gnc:*option-name-default-gains-policy*)
(export gnc:*option-name-default-gain-loss-account*)
(define gnc:*option-section-accounts* OPTION-SECTION-ACCOUNTS)
(define gnc:*option-name-trading-accounts* OPTION-NAME-TRADING-ACCOUNTS)
(define gnc:*option-name-currency-accounting* OPTION-NAME-CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING)
(define gnc:*option-name-book-currency* OPTION-NAME-BOOK-CURRENCY)
(define gnc:*option-name-default-gains-policy* OPTION-NAME-DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY)
(define gnc:*option-name-default-gain-loss-account*
(define (gnc:option-get-value book category key)
(define acc (if (pair? key) cons list))
(qof-book-get-option book (acc category key)))
(define (rpterror-earlier type newoption fallback)
;; Translators: the 3 ~a below refer to (1) option type (2) unknown
;; new option name, (3) fallback option name. The order is
;; important, and must not be changed.
(let* ((template (N_ "This report was saved using a later version of \
GnuCash. One of the newer ~a options '~a' is not available, fallback to \
the option '~a'."))
(console-msg (format #f template type newoption fallback))
(ui-msg (format #f (G_ template) type newoption fallback)))
(gnc:gui-warn console-msg ui-msg)))
(define (gnc:make-option
;; The category of this option
;; The sort-tag determines the relative ordering of options in
;; this category. It is used by the gui for display.
;; The setter is responsible for ensuring that the value is valid.
;; Restore form generator should generate an ascii representation
;; of a function taking one argument. The argument will be an
;; option. The function should restore the option to the original
;; value.
;; the scm->kvp and kvp->scm functions should save and load
;; the option to the book. The arguments to these function will be
;; a book and a base key-path list for this option.
;; Validation func should accept a value and return (#t value)
;; on success, and (#f "failure-message") on failure. If #t,
;; the supplied value will be used by the gui to set the option.
;;; free-form storage depending on type.
;; If this is a "multiple choice" type of option,
;; this should be a vector of the following five functions:
;; Function 1: taking no arguments, giving the number of choices
;; Function 2: taking one argument, a non-negative integer, that
;; returns the scheme value (usually a symbol) matching the
;; nth choice
;; Function 3: taking one argument, a non-negative integer,
;; that returns the string matching the nth choice
;; Function 4: takes one argument and returns the description
;; containing the nth choice
;; Function 5: giving a possible value and returning the index
;; if an option doesn't use these, this should just be a #f
;; This function should return a list of all the strings
;; in the option other than the section, name, (define
;; (list-lookup list item) and documentation-string that
;; might be displayed to the user (and thus should be
;; translated).
;; This function will be called when the GUI representation
;; of the option is changed. This will normally occur before
;; the setter is called, because setters are only called when
;; the user selects "OK" or "Apply". Therefore, this
;; callback shouldn't be used to make changes to the actual
;; options database.
(let ((changed-callback #f))
(vector section
(lambda args
(apply setter args)
(if changed-callback (changed-callback)))
(lambda (callback) (set! changed-callback callback))
(define (gnc:option-section option)
(vector-ref option 0))
(define (gnc:option-name option)
(vector-ref option 1))
(define (gnc:option-sort-tag option)
(vector-ref option 2))
(define (gnc:option-type option)
(vector-ref option 3))
(define (gnc:option-documentation option)
(vector-ref option 4))
(define (gnc:option-getter option)
(vector-ref option 5))
(define (gnc:option-setter option)
(vector-ref option 6))
(define (gnc:option-default-getter option)
(vector-ref option 7))
(define (gnc:option-generate-restore-form option)
(vector-ref option 8))
(define (gnc:option-scm->kvp option)
(vector-ref option 9))
(define (gnc:set-option-scm->kvp option v)
(vector-set! option 9 v))
(define (gnc:option-kvp->scm option)
(vector-ref option 10))
(define (gnc:set-option-kvp->scm option v)
(vector-set! option 10 v))
(define (gnc:option-value-validator option)
(vector-ref option 11))
(define (gnc:option-data option)
(vector-ref option 12))
(define (gnc:option-data-fns option)
(vector-ref option 13))
(define (gnc:option-set-changed-callback option callback)
(let ((cb-setter (vector-ref option 14)))
(cb-setter callback)))
(define (gnc:option-strings-getter option)
(vector-ref option 15))
(define (gnc:option-widget-changed-proc option)
(vector-ref option 16))
(define (gnc:option-value option)
(let ((getter (gnc:option-getter option)))
(define (gnc:option-set-value option value)
(let ((setter (gnc:option-setter option)))
(setter value)))
(define (gnc:option-index-get-name option index)
(let* ((option-data-fns (gnc:option-data-fns option))
(name-fn (vector-ref option-data-fns 2)))
(name-fn index)))
(define (gnc:option-index-get-description option index)
(let* ((option-data-fns (gnc:option-data-fns option))
(name-fn (vector-ref option-data-fns 3)))
(name-fn index)))
(define (gnc:option-index-get-value option index)
(let* ((option-data-fns (gnc:option-data-fns option))
(name-fn (vector-ref option-data-fns 1)))
(name-fn index)))
(define (gnc:option-value-get-index option value)
(let* ((option-data-fns (gnc:option-data-fns option))
(name-fn (vector-ref option-data-fns 4)))
(name-fn value)))
(define (gnc:option-number-of-indices option)
(let* ((option-data-fns (gnc:option-data-fns option))
(name-fn (vector-ref option-data-fns 0)))
(define (gnc:option-default-value option)
(let ((getter (gnc:option-default-getter option)))
;; Attention: this function can only be used with restrictions
;; - only during option generation, not in arbitrary code
;; - only for option types for which no conversion is required
;; between default-value and value. In the various gnc:make-option
;; functions below this is ok when
;; 1. there's (value default-value) in the let* call
;; 2. default-getter is set to (lambda() default-value)
(define (gnc:option-set-default-value option default-value)
(vector-set! option 7 (lambda() default-value))
(gnc:option-set-value option default-value))
(define (gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(lambda ()
(string-append "(lambda (o) (if o (gnc:option-set-value o "
(value->string) ")))")))
(define (gnc:value->string value)
2019-03-24 08:23:38 -05:00
(format #f "~s" value))
(define (gnc:make-string-option
(let* ((value default-value)
(value->string (lambda () (gnc:value->string value))))
section name sort-tag 'string documentation-string
(lambda () value)
(lambda (x) (set! value x))
(lambda () default-value)
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(lambda (b p) (qof-book-set-option b value p))
(lambda (b p)
(let ((v (qof-book-get-option b p)))
(if (and v (string? v))
(set! value v))))
(lambda (x)
(cond ((string? x)(list #t x))
(else (list #f "string-option: not a string"))))
#f #f #f #f)))
(define (gnc:make-text-option
(let* ((value default-value)
(value->string (lambda () (gnc:value->string value))))
section name sort-tag 'text documentation-string
(lambda () value)
(lambda (x) (set! value x))
(lambda () default-value)
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(lambda (b p) (qof-book-set-option b value p))
(lambda (b p)
(let ((v (qof-book-get-option b p)))
(if (and v (string? v))
(set! value v))))
(lambda (x)
(cond ((string? x)(list #t x))
(else (list #f "text-option: not a string"))))
#f #f #f #f)))
;;; font options store fonts as strings a la the X Logical
;;; Font Description. You should always provide a default
;;; value, as currently there seems to be no way to go from
;;; an actual font to a logical font description, and thus
;;; there is no way for the gui to pick a default value.
(define (gnc:make-font-option
(let* ((value default-value)
(value->string (lambda () (gnc:value->string value))))
(lambda () value)
(lambda (x) (set! value x))
(lambda () default-value)
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(lambda (b p) (qof-book-set-option b value p))
(lambda (b p)
(let ((v (qof-book-get-option b p)))
(if (and v (string? v))
(set! value v))))
(lambda (x)
(cond ((string? x)(list #t x))
(else (list #f "font-option: not a string"))))
#f #f #f #f)))
;; currency options use a specialized widget for entering currencies
;; in the GUI implementation.
(define (gnc:make-currency-option
(define (currency->scm currency)
(if (string? currency)
(gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic currency)))
(define (scm->currency currency)
(if (string? currency)
(gnc-commodity-table-get-table (gnc-get-current-book))
(let* ((value (currency->scm default-value))
(value->string (lambda () (gnc:value->string value))))
section name sort-tag 'currency documentation-string
(lambda () (scm->currency value))
(lambda (x) (set! value (currency->scm x)))
(lambda () (scm->currency default-value))
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(lambda (b p) (qof-book-set-option b value p))
(lambda (b p)
(let ((v (qof-book-get-option b p)))
(if (and v (string? v))
(set! value v))))
(lambda (x) (list #t x))
#f #f #f #f)))
;; budget option
Bug #612212: Provide a method to set the default budget Patch by Jeff Kletsky. (Cstim: Accepted even though string freeze is in effect because it was submitted before the freeze. Also, the string additions are very minor.) Summary of Changes: * Initial story related to providing default budget control * Add a "Budgeting" tab to the book-level preferences dialog * Add a "Default Budget" selector to the "Budgeting" tab * Modify gnc_budget_get_default() to * Respect the new KVP, if present * Fall back to 2.2.x behavior, if not present * Modify gnc:make-budget-option * Reformatted for readability with additional comments * Default is now "#f" so that selected value is always saved Otherwise, if selection happened to be the current default and the default was later changed, the report would change * getter, setter, and generate-restore-form all now consistent * setter now always takes a budget object * generate-restore-form does not rely on "hack" in setter that previously allowed either a budget object or a GUID string This is a different fix for 603215 -- see Known Issues * Provide translation support for "Trading Acccounts" (and "Budgeting") * Refactor #define names for consistency and extensibility * KVP_OPTION_PATH for consistency with Guile usage * OPTION_SECTION_blahblah * OPTION_NAME_blahblah * Modify qofbookslots.h to be "SWIG-aware" * Pick up qofbookslots.h in and po/ Known Issues: * There is no selection (yet) for "Use default budget" so changing the default budget and reloading a report does not change the budget used * setter is no more robust to "bad" values than in previous code * Budget reports created with 2.3.x after r18528 (between 2.3.8 and 2.3.9) may not load or re-render as they relied on the setter taking either a budget object or a GUID as a string This should not impact any 2.2.x users as nothing was saved under 2.2.x related to the default budget. This can be resolved through removing the option restore code in ~/.gnucash/saved-reports-2.4 and, if affected reports were open, in ~/.gnucash/books/<name_of_book> * Budget reports prior to r18528 did not save budget selection (603215) git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
2010-05-06 04:01:46 -05:00
;; TODO: need to double-check this proc (dates back to r11545 or eariler)
;; Always takes/returns a budget
;; Stores the GUID in the KVP
(define (gnc:make-budget-option
Bug #612212: Provide a method to set the default budget Patch by Jeff Kletsky. (Cstim: Accepted even though string freeze is in effect because it was submitted before the freeze. Also, the string additions are very minor.) Summary of Changes: * Initial story related to providing default budget control * Add a "Budgeting" tab to the book-level preferences dialog * Add a "Default Budget" selector to the "Budgeting" tab * Modify gnc_budget_get_default() to * Respect the new KVP, if present * Fall back to 2.2.x behavior, if not present * Modify gnc:make-budget-option * Reformatted for readability with additional comments * Default is now "#f" so that selected value is always saved Otherwise, if selection happened to be the current default and the default was later changed, the report would change * getter, setter, and generate-restore-form all now consistent * setter now always takes a budget object * generate-restore-form does not rely on "hack" in setter that previously allowed either a budget object or a GUID string This is a different fix for 603215 -- see Known Issues * Provide translation support for "Trading Acccounts" (and "Budgeting") * Refactor #define names for consistency and extensibility * KVP_OPTION_PATH for consistency with Guile usage * OPTION_SECTION_blahblah * OPTION_NAME_blahblah * Modify qofbookslots.h to be "SWIG-aware" * Pick up qofbookslots.h in and po/ Known Issues: * There is no selection (yet) for "Use default budget" so changing the default budget and reloading a report does not change the budget used * setter is no more robust to "bad" values than in previous code * Budget reports created with 2.3.x after r18528 (between 2.3.8 and 2.3.9) may not load or re-render as they relied on the setter taking either a budget object or a GUID as a string This should not impact any 2.2.x users as nothing was saved under 2.2.x related to the default budget. This can be resolved through removing the option restore code in ~/.gnucash/saved-reports-2.4 and, if affected reports were open, in ~/.gnucash/books/<name_of_book> * Budget reports prior to r18528 did not save budget selection (603215) git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
2010-05-06 04:01:46 -05:00
(let* ((initial-budget (gnc-budget-get-default (gnc-get-current-book)))
(selection-budget initial-budget)
Bug #612212: Provide a method to set the default budget Patch by Jeff Kletsky. (Cstim: Accepted even though string freeze is in effect because it was submitted before the freeze. Also, the string additions are very minor.) Summary of Changes: * Initial story related to providing default budget control * Add a "Budgeting" tab to the book-level preferences dialog * Add a "Default Budget" selector to the "Budgeting" tab * Modify gnc_budget_get_default() to * Respect the new KVP, if present * Fall back to 2.2.x behavior, if not present * Modify gnc:make-budget-option * Reformatted for readability with additional comments * Default is now "#f" so that selected value is always saved Otherwise, if selection happened to be the current default and the default was later changed, the report would change * getter, setter, and generate-restore-form all now consistent * setter now always takes a budget object * generate-restore-form does not rely on "hack" in setter that previously allowed either a budget object or a GUID string This is a different fix for 603215 -- see Known Issues * Provide translation support for "Trading Acccounts" (and "Budgeting") * Refactor #define names for consistency and extensibility * KVP_OPTION_PATH for consistency with Guile usage * OPTION_SECTION_blahblah * OPTION_NAME_blahblah * Modify qofbookslots.h to be "SWIG-aware" * Pick up qofbookslots.h in and po/ Known Issues: * There is no selection (yet) for "Use default budget" so changing the default budget and reloading a report does not change the budget used * setter is no more robust to "bad" values than in previous code * Budget reports created with 2.3.x after r18528 (between 2.3.8 and 2.3.9) may not load or re-render as they relied on the setter taking either a budget object or a GUID as a string This should not impact any 2.2.x users as nothing was saved under 2.2.x related to the default budget. This can be resolved through removing the option restore code in ~/.gnucash/saved-reports-2.4 and, if affected reports were open, in ~/.gnucash/books/<name_of_book> * Budget reports prior to r18528 did not save budget selection (603215) git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
2010-05-06 04:01:46 -05:00
Bug #612212: Provide a method to set the default budget Patch by Jeff Kletsky. (Cstim: Accepted even though string freeze is in effect because it was submitted before the freeze. Also, the string additions are very minor.) Summary of Changes: * Initial story related to providing default budget control * Add a "Budgeting" tab to the book-level preferences dialog * Add a "Default Budget" selector to the "Budgeting" tab * Modify gnc_budget_get_default() to * Respect the new KVP, if present * Fall back to 2.2.x behavior, if not present * Modify gnc:make-budget-option * Reformatted for readability with additional comments * Default is now "#f" so that selected value is always saved Otherwise, if selection happened to be the current default and the default was later changed, the report would change * getter, setter, and generate-restore-form all now consistent * setter now always takes a budget object * generate-restore-form does not rely on "hack" in setter that previously allowed either a budget object or a GUID string This is a different fix for 603215 -- see Known Issues * Provide translation support for "Trading Acccounts" (and "Budgeting") * Refactor #define names for consistency and extensibility * KVP_OPTION_PATH for consistency with Guile usage * OPTION_SECTION_blahblah * OPTION_NAME_blahblah * Modify qofbookslots.h to be "SWIG-aware" * Pick up qofbookslots.h in and po/ Known Issues: * There is no selection (yet) for "Use default budget" so changing the default budget and reloading a report does not change the budget used * setter is no more robust to "bad" values than in previous code * Budget reports created with 2.3.x after r18528 (between 2.3.8 and 2.3.9) may not load or re-render as they relied on the setter taking either a budget object or a GUID as a string This should not impact any 2.2.x users as nothing was saved under 2.2.x related to the default budget. This can be resolved through removing the option restore code in ~/.gnucash/saved-reports-2.4 and, if affected reports were open, in ~/.gnucash/books/<name_of_book> * Budget reports prior to r18528 did not save budget selection (603215) git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
2010-05-06 04:01:46 -05:00
;; getter -- Return a budget pointer
(lambda ()
;; setter -- takes a budget
(lambda (x)
(set! selection-budget x))
;; default-getter
;; Default now is #f so saving is independent of book-level default
(lambda ()
Bug #612212: Provide a method to set the default budget Patch by Jeff Kletsky. (Cstim: Accepted even though string freeze is in effect because it was submitted before the freeze. Also, the string additions are very minor.) Summary of Changes: * Initial story related to providing default budget control * Add a "Budgeting" tab to the book-level preferences dialog * Add a "Default Budget" selector to the "Budgeting" tab * Modify gnc_budget_get_default() to * Respect the new KVP, if present * Fall back to 2.2.x behavior, if not present * Modify gnc:make-budget-option * Reformatted for readability with additional comments * Default is now "#f" so that selected value is always saved Otherwise, if selection happened to be the current default and the default was later changed, the report would change * getter, setter, and generate-restore-form all now consistent * setter now always takes a budget object * generate-restore-form does not rely on "hack" in setter that previously allowed either a budget object or a GUID string This is a different fix for 603215 -- see Known Issues * Provide translation support for "Trading Acccounts" (and "Budgeting") * Refactor #define names for consistency and extensibility * KVP_OPTION_PATH for consistency with Guile usage * OPTION_SECTION_blahblah * OPTION_NAME_blahblah * Modify qofbookslots.h to be "SWIG-aware" * Pick up qofbookslots.h in and po/ Known Issues: * There is no selection (yet) for "Use default budget" so changing the default budget and reloading a report does not change the budget used * setter is no more robust to "bad" values than in previous code * Budget reports created with 2.3.x after r18528 (between 2.3.8 and 2.3.9) may not load or re-render as they relied on the setter taking either a budget object or a GUID as a string This should not impact any 2.2.x users as nothing was saved under 2.2.x related to the default budget. This can be resolved through removing the option restore code in ~/.gnucash/saved-reports-2.4 and, if affected reports were open, in ~/.gnucash/books/<name_of_book> * Budget reports prior to r18528 did not save budget selection (603215) git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
2010-05-06 04:01:46 -05:00
;; generate-restore-form
;; "return 'ascii represention of a function'
;; that will set the option passed as its lone parameter
;; to the value it was when the picker was first displayed"
;; *This* is used to restore reports, not the KVP -- and is stored as text
;; This does not run in closure with direct access to the option's
;; internal variables, so the setter generally gets used
(lambda ()
"(lambda (option) "
"(if option ((gnc:option-setter option) "
"(gnc-budget-lookup "
(gnc:value->string (gncBudgetGetGUID selection-budget))
" (gnc-get-current-book)))))"))
;; scm->kvp -- commit the change
;; b -- book; p -- key-path
(lambda (b p)
b (gncBudgetGetGUID selection-budget) p))
Bug #612212: Provide a method to set the default budget Patch by Jeff Kletsky. (Cstim: Accepted even though string freeze is in effect because it was submitted before the freeze. Also, the string additions are very minor.) Summary of Changes: * Initial story related to providing default budget control * Add a "Budgeting" tab to the book-level preferences dialog * Add a "Default Budget" selector to the "Budgeting" tab * Modify gnc_budget_get_default() to * Respect the new KVP, if present * Fall back to 2.2.x behavior, if not present * Modify gnc:make-budget-option * Reformatted for readability with additional comments * Default is now "#f" so that selected value is always saved Otherwise, if selection happened to be the current default and the default was later changed, the report would change * getter, setter, and generate-restore-form all now consistent * setter now always takes a budget object * generate-restore-form does not rely on "hack" in setter that previously allowed either a budget object or a GUID string This is a different fix for 603215 -- see Known Issues * Provide translation support for "Trading Acccounts" (and "Budgeting") * Refactor #define names for consistency and extensibility * KVP_OPTION_PATH for consistency with Guile usage * OPTION_SECTION_blahblah * OPTION_NAME_blahblah * Modify qofbookslots.h to be "SWIG-aware" * Pick up qofbookslots.h in and po/ Known Issues: * There is no selection (yet) for "Use default budget" so changing the default budget and reloading a report does not change the budget used * setter is no more robust to "bad" values than in previous code * Budget reports created with 2.3.x after r18528 (between 2.3.8 and 2.3.9) may not load or re-render as they relied on the setter taking either a budget object or a GUID as a string This should not impact any 2.2.x users as nothing was saved under 2.2.x related to the default budget. This can be resolved through removing the option restore code in ~/.gnucash/saved-reports-2.4 and, if affected reports were open, in ~/.gnucash/books/<name_of_book> * Budget reports prior to r18528 did not save budget selection (603215) git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
2010-05-06 04:01:46 -05:00
;; kvp->scm -- get the stored value
(lambda (b p)
(let ((v (qof-book-get-option b p)))
(if (and v (string? v))
Bug #612212: Provide a method to set the default budget Patch by Jeff Kletsky. (Cstim: Accepted even though string freeze is in effect because it was submitted before the freeze. Also, the string additions are very minor.) Summary of Changes: * Initial story related to providing default budget control * Add a "Budgeting" tab to the book-level preferences dialog * Add a "Default Budget" selector to the "Budgeting" tab * Modify gnc_budget_get_default() to * Respect the new KVP, if present * Fall back to 2.2.x behavior, if not present * Modify gnc:make-budget-option * Reformatted for readability with additional comments * Default is now "#f" so that selected value is always saved Otherwise, if selection happened to be the current default and the default was later changed, the report would change * getter, setter, and generate-restore-form all now consistent * setter now always takes a budget object * generate-restore-form does not rely on "hack" in setter that previously allowed either a budget object or a GUID string This is a different fix for 603215 -- see Known Issues * Provide translation support for "Trading Acccounts" (and "Budgeting") * Refactor #define names for consistency and extensibility * KVP_OPTION_PATH for consistency with Guile usage * OPTION_SECTION_blahblah * OPTION_NAME_blahblah * Modify qofbookslots.h to be "SWIG-aware" * Pick up qofbookslots.h in and po/ Known Issues: * There is no selection (yet) for "Use default budget" so changing the default budget and reloading a report does not change the budget used * setter is no more robust to "bad" values than in previous code * Budget reports created with 2.3.x after r18528 (between 2.3.8 and 2.3.9) may not load or re-render as they relied on the setter taking either a budget object or a GUID as a string This should not impact any 2.2.x users as nothing was saved under 2.2.x related to the default budget. This can be resolved through removing the option restore code in ~/.gnucash/saved-reports-2.4 and, if affected reports were open, in ~/.gnucash/books/<name_of_book> * Budget reports prior to r18528 did not save budget selection (603215) git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
2010-05-06 04:01:46 -05:00
(set! selection-budget (gnc-budget-lookup v (gnc-get-current-book)))))))
;; value-validator -- returns (#t value) or (#f "failure message")
;; As no user-generated input, this legacy hard-wire is probably ok
(lambda (x)
(list #t x))
;; option-data
;; option-data-fns -- used for multi-pick (this isn't one), or #f
;; Vector of five functions
;; 1) () => number of choices
;; 2) (n) => key for the nth choice
;; 3) (n) => string for the nth choice
;; 4) (n) => description for the nth choice
;; 5) (key) => n (assuming this is the reverse key lookup)
;; strings-getter -- list of all translatable strings in the option
;; options-widget-changed-proc -- callback for what it sounds like
))) ;; completes gnc:make-budget-option
;; commodity options use a specialized widget for entering commodities
;; in the GUI implementation.
(define (gnc:make-commodity-option
(define (commodity->scm commodity)
(if (string? commodity)
(list 'commodity-scm
(list 'commodity-scm
(gnc-commodity-get-namespace commodity)
(gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic commodity))))
(define (scm->commodity scm)
(gnc-commodity-table-get-table (gnc-get-current-book))
(cadr scm) (caddr scm)))
(let* ((value (commodity->scm default-value))
(value->string (lambda ()
(string-append "'" (gnc:value->string value)))))
section name sort-tag 'commodity documentation-string
(lambda () (scm->commodity value))
(lambda (x) (if (and (pair? x) (eqv? (car x) 'commodity-scm))
(set! value x)
(set! value (commodity->scm x))))
(lambda () default-value)
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(lambda (b p)
(qof-book-set-option b (cadr value) (append p '("ns")))
(qof-book-set-option b (caddr value) (append p '("monic"))))
(lambda (b p)
(let ((ns (qof-book-get-option b (append p '("ns"))))
(monic (qof-book-get-option b (append p '("monic")))))
(if (and ns monic (string? ns) (string? monic))
(set! value (list 'commodity-scm ns monic)))))
(lambda (x) (list #t x))
#f #f #f #f)))
(define (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
(gnc:make-complex-boolean-option section
;; Complex boolean options are the same as simple boolean options (see
;; above), with the addition of two function arguments. (If both of
;; them are #f, you have exactly a simple-boolean-option.) Both
;; functions should expect one boolean argument. When the option's
;; value is changed, the function option-widget-changed-cb will be
;; called with the new option value at the time that the GUI widget
;; representing the option is changed, and the function
;; setter-function-called-cb will be called when the option's setter
;; is called (that is, when the user selects "OK" or "Apply").
;; The option-widget-changed-cb is tested for procedurehood before
;; it is called, so it is not validated to be a procedure here.
;; However, since there could be an option-widget-changed-cb but not
;; a setter-function-called-cb, the procedurehood of the
;; setter-function-called-cb is checked here.
(define (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
(let* ((value default-value)
(value->string (lambda () (gnc:value->string value))))
section name sort-tag 'boolean documentation-string
(lambda () value)
(lambda (x) (set! value x)
(if (procedure? setter-function-called-cb)
(setter-function-called-cb x)))
(lambda () default-value)
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(lambda (b p) (qof-book-set-option b
;; As no boolean KvpValue exists, as a workaround
;; we store the string "t" for TRUE and "f" for
;; FALSE in a string KvpValue.
(if value "t" "f")
(lambda (b p)
(let ((v (qof-book-get-option b p)))
;; As no boolean KvpValue exists, as a workaround we store
;; the string "t" for TRUE and "f" for FALSE.
(cond ((equal? v "t") (set! v #t))
((equal? v "f") (set! v #f)))
(if (and v (boolean? v) (not (equal? v default-value)))
(set! value v))))
(lambda (x)
(if (boolean? x)
(list #t x)
(list #f "boolean-option: not a boolean")))
#f #f #f (and option-widget-changed-cb
(lambda (x) (option-widget-changed-cb x))))))
Bill Gribble's big patch. * doc/html/C/account-tree-demo.html: add a simple demo of embedding a gnucash main window widget in HTML * src/gnome/dialog-options.c: add a 'pixmap' option type to the GNC options * src/gnome-dialog-style-sheet.{c,h}: new dialog for creating and editing HTML style sheets * src/gnome/druid-qif-import.c: add support for false-if-exception error handling within QIF import process * src/gnome/gnc-html-embedded.c: add backslash escaping for converting string arrays to and from single HTML strings * src/gnome/gnc-html-embedded.c: error handling in creating guppi plots, and add new embedded object type for embedding a gnucash mainwindow-account-tree in HTML (preliminary). Add x axis label rotation as an option to the barchart. * src/gnome/gnc-html.c: fixes for renaming of report objects and handling false-if-exception returns from report runs. Use async mode for ghttp requests and add a gtk_timeout callback to check on their status. Add a gnc_html_cancel() which gets rid of pending ghttp requests (called by the stop buttons in help, report windows) * src/gnome/window-help.c: bug fixes for search results printing. Don't expand help topics nodes on creation. Add stop and reload buttons to the toolbar. * src/gnome/window-report.c: Add stop and reload buttons to the toolbar. * src/guile/gnc-helpers.c: fix helpers for recordization of <gnc-numeric> on Scheme side * src/scm/engine-utilities.scm: rewrite transaction map functions to eliminate ith-transaction calls * src/scm/gnc-numeric.scm: make gnc-numeric into a first class type on the scheme side (<gnc-numeric>) * src/scm/html-*.scm (7 files): new architecture for generating HTML within reports. See src/scm/report-html.txt for an overview. * src/scm/options.scm: support for pixmap options * src/scm/qif-import/: add false-if-exception error catching in QIF import entry points. * src/scm/report-utilities.scm: add functions to get immediate subaccounts; rewrite get-balance-at-date. * src/scm/report.scm: rename report objects; now the thing that gets created by define-report is a <report-template> and the thing that has a window and a set of parameters is a <report>. Add a "style sheet" option automatcally to EVERY report, and a "General" section to put it in; report with only 1 page of options should use "General". Add false-if-exception error catching to report run. * src/scm/report/account-summary.scm, src/scm/report/hello-world.scm, src/scm/report/average-balance.scm: rewrite some reports using the new HTML generation infrastructure. Old reports won't work until they are rewritten. * src/scm/report/stylesheet-*.scm (2 files): create some sample stylesheet templates. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
2001-01-12 17:07:14 -06:00
(define (gnc:make-pixmap-option
section name sort-tag doc-string
(let* ((value default-value))
section name sort-tag 'pixmap doc-string
(lambda () value)
(lambda (x) (set! value x))
(lambda () default-value)
(gnc:restore-form-generator (lambda () (gnc:value->string value)))
Bill Gribble's big patch. * doc/html/C/account-tree-demo.html: add a simple demo of embedding a gnucash main window widget in HTML * src/gnome/dialog-options.c: add a 'pixmap' option type to the GNC options * src/gnome-dialog-style-sheet.{c,h}: new dialog for creating and editing HTML style sheets * src/gnome/druid-qif-import.c: add support for false-if-exception error handling within QIF import process * src/gnome/gnc-html-embedded.c: add backslash escaping for converting string arrays to and from single HTML strings * src/gnome/gnc-html-embedded.c: error handling in creating guppi plots, and add new embedded object type for embedding a gnucash mainwindow-account-tree in HTML (preliminary). Add x axis label rotation as an option to the barchart. * src/gnome/gnc-html.c: fixes for renaming of report objects and handling false-if-exception returns from report runs. Use async mode for ghttp requests and add a gtk_timeout callback to check on their status. Add a gnc_html_cancel() which gets rid of pending ghttp requests (called by the stop buttons in help, report windows) * src/gnome/window-help.c: bug fixes for search results printing. Don't expand help topics nodes on creation. Add stop and reload buttons to the toolbar. * src/gnome/window-report.c: Add stop and reload buttons to the toolbar. * src/guile/gnc-helpers.c: fix helpers for recordization of <gnc-numeric> on Scheme side * src/scm/engine-utilities.scm: rewrite transaction map functions to eliminate ith-transaction calls * src/scm/gnc-numeric.scm: make gnc-numeric into a first class type on the scheme side (<gnc-numeric>) * src/scm/html-*.scm (7 files): new architecture for generating HTML within reports. See src/scm/report-html.txt for an overview. * src/scm/options.scm: support for pixmap options * src/scm/qif-import/: add false-if-exception error catching in QIF import entry points. * src/scm/report-utilities.scm: add functions to get immediate subaccounts; rewrite get-balance-at-date. * src/scm/report.scm: rename report objects; now the thing that gets created by define-report is a <report-template> and the thing that has a window and a set of parameters is a <report>. Add a "style sheet" option automatcally to EVERY report, and a "General" section to put it in; report with only 1 page of options should use "General". Add false-if-exception error catching to report run. * src/scm/report/account-summary.scm, src/scm/report/hello-world.scm, src/scm/report/average-balance.scm: rewrite some reports using the new HTML generation infrastructure. Old reports won't work until they are rewritten. * src/scm/report/stylesheet-*.scm (2 files): create some sample stylesheet templates. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
2001-01-12 17:07:14 -06:00
(lambda (x)
(if (string? x)
(list #t x))
(list #f "pixmap-option: not a string"))))
#f #f #f #f)))
;; show-time is boolean
;; subtype should be one of 'relative 'absolute or 'both
;; if subtype is 'absolute then relative-date-list should be #f
;; relative-date-list should be the list of relative dates permitted
;; gnc:all-relative-dates contains a list of all relative dates.
(define (gnc:make-date-option
(define (date-legal date)
(and (pair? date)
(and (eq? 'relative (car date)) (symbol? (cdr date)))
(and (eq? 'absolute (car date))
(or (and (pair? (cdr date)) ; we can still accept
(exact? (cadr date)) ; old-style timepairs
(exact? (cddr date)))
(and (number? (cdr date))
(exact? (cdr date))))))))
(define (maybe-convert-to-time64 date)
;; compatibility shim. this is triggered only when date is type
;; (cons 'absolute (cons sec nsec)) - we'll convert to
;; (cons 'absolute sec). this shim must always be kept for gnucash
;; to reload saved reports, or reload reports launched at startup,
;; which had been saved as timepairs.
(if (pair? (cdr date))
(cons (car date) (cadr date))
(define (list-lookup full-list item)
(or (list-index (lambda (i) (eq? i item)) full-list)
(rpterror-earlier "date" item (car full-list))
(let* ((value (default-getter))
(value->string (lambda ()
(string-append "'" (gnc:value->string value)))))
section name sort-tag 'date documentation-string
(lambda () value)
(lambda (date)
(if (date-legal date)
(set! value (maybe-convert-to-time64 date))
(gnc:error "Illegal date value set:" date)))
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(lambda (b p)
(qof-book-set-option b (symbol->string (car value))
(append p '("type")))
(qof-book-set-option b
(if (symbol? (cdr value))
(symbol->string (cdr value))
(cdr value))
(append p '("value"))))
(lambda (b p)
(let ((t (qof-book-get-option b (append p '("type"))))
(v (qof-book-get-option b (append p '("value")))))
(if (and t v (string? t))
(set! value (cons (string->symbol t)
(if (string? v) (string->symbol v) v))))))
(lambda (date)
(if (date-legal date)
(list #t date)
(list #f "date-option: illegal date")))
(vector subtype show-time relative-date-list)
(vector (lambda () (length relative-date-list))
(lambda (x) (list-ref relative-date-list x))
(lambda (x) (gnc:get-relative-date-string
(list-ref relative-date-list x)))
(lambda (x) (gnc:get-relative-date-desc
(list-ref relative-date-list x)))
(lambda (x) (list-lookup relative-date-list x)))
(define (gnc:get-rd-option-data-subtype option-data)
(vector-ref option-data 0))
(define (gnc:get-rd-option-data-show-time option-data)
(vector-ref option-data 1))
(define (gnc:get-rd-option-data-rd-list option-data)
(vector-ref option-data 2))
(define (gnc:date-option-get-subtype option)
(if (eq? (gnc:option-type option) 'date)
(gnc:get-rd-option-data-subtype (gnc:option-data option))
(gnc:error "Not a date option")))
(define (gnc:date-option-show-time? option)
(if (eq? (gnc:option-type option) 'date)
(gnc:get-rd-option-data-show-time (gnc:option-data option))
(gnc:error "Not a date option")))
(define (gnc:date-option-value-type option-value)
(car option-value))
(define (gnc:date-option-absolute-time option-value)
(if (eq? (car option-value) 'absolute)
(cdr option-value)
(gnc:get-absolute-from-relative-date (cdr option-value))))
(define (gnc:date-option-relative-time option-value)
(if (eq? (car option-value) 'absolute)
(cdr option-value)))
;; Just like gnc:make-account-list-limited-option except it
;; does not limit the types of accounts that are available
;; to the user.
(define (gnc:make-account-list-option
section name sort-tag documentation-string
default-getter value-validator multiple-selection '()))
;; account-list options use the option-data as a pair; the car is
;; a boolean value, the cdr is a list of account-types. If the boolean is
;; true, the gui should allow the user to select multiple accounts.
;; If the cdr is an empty list, then all account types are shown.
;; Internally, values are always a list of guids. Externally, both
;; guids and account pointers may be used to set the value of the
;; option. The option always returns a list of account pointers.
(define (gnc:make-account-list-limited-option
(define (convert-to-guid item)
(if (string? item)
(gncAccountGetGUID item)))
(define (convert-to-account item)
(if (string? item)
(xaccAccountLookup item (gnc-get-current-book))
(let* ((option (map convert-to-guid (default-getter)))
(option-set #f)
(getter (lambda () (map convert-to-account
(if option-set
(value->string (lambda ()
"'" (gnc:value->string (if option-set option #f)))))
(if (not value-validator)
(lambda (account-list) (list #t account-list))
(lambda (account-list)
(value-validator (map convert-to-account account-list))))))
section name sort-tag 'account-list documentation-string getter
(lambda (account-list)
(if (or (not account-list) (null? account-list))
(set! account-list (default-getter)))
(set! account-list
(filter (lambda (x) (if (string? x)
x (gnc-get-current-book))
x)) account-list))
(let* ((result (validator account-list))
(valid (car result))
(value (cadr result)))
(if valid
(set! option (map convert-to-guid value))
(set! option-set #t))
(gnc:error "Illegal account list value set"))))
(lambda () (map convert-to-account (default-getter)))
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(lambda (b p)
(when option-set
(qof-book-set-option b (length option) (append p '("len")))
(let loop ((option option) (idx 0))
(unless (null? option)
b (car option) (append p (list (format #f "acc~a" idx))))
(loop (cdr option) (1+ idx))))))
(lambda (b p)
(let ((len (qof-book-get-option b (append p '("len")))))
(when (and len (integer? len))
(set! option
(lambda (idx)
(qof-book-get-option b (append p (list (format #f "acc~a" idx)))))
(iota len)))
(set! option-set #t))))
(cons multiple-selection acct-type-list) #f #f #f)))
;; Just like gnc:make-account-sel-limited-option except it
;; does not limit the types of accounts that are available
;; to the user.
(define (gnc:make-account-sel-option
section name sort-tag documentation-string
default-getter value-validator '()))
;; account-sel options use the option-data as a pair; the car is
;; ignored, the cdr is a list of account-types. If the cdr is an empty
;; list, then all account types are shown. Internally, the value is
;; always a guid. Externally, both guids and account pointers may be
;; used to set the value of the option. The option always returns the
;; "current" account pointer.
(define (gnc:make-account-sel-limited-option
(define (convert-to-guid item)
(if (string? item)
(gncAccountGetGUID item)))
(define (convert-to-account item)
(if (string? item)
(xaccAccountLookup item (gnc-get-current-book))
(define (find-first-account)
(define (find-first account-list)
(if (null? account-list)
(let* ((this-account (car account-list))
(account-type (xaccAccountGetType this-account)))
(if (if (null? acct-type-list)
(member account-type acct-type-list))
(find-first (cdr account-list))))))
(let* ((current-root (gnc-get-current-root-account))
(account-list (gnc-account-get-descendants-sorted current-root)))
(find-first account-list)))
(define (get-default)
(if default-getter
(let* ((option (convert-to-guid (get-default)))
(option-set #f)
(getter (lambda () (convert-to-account
(if option-set
(value->string (lambda ()
(gnc:value->string (if option-set option #f)))))
(if (not value-validator)
(lambda (account) (list #t account))
(lambda (account)
(value-validator (convert-to-account account))))))
section name sort-tag 'account-sel documentation-string getter
(lambda (account)
(if (or (not account) (null? account)) (set! account (get-default)))
(set! account (convert-to-account account))
(let* ((result (validator account))
(valid (car result))
(value (cadr result)))
(if valid
(set! option (convert-to-guid value))
(set! option-set #t))
(gnc:error "Illegal account value set"))))
(lambda () (convert-to-account (get-default)))
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(lambda (b p) (qof-book-set-option b option p))
(lambda (b p)
(let ((v (qof-book-get-option b p)))
(if (and v (string? v))
(set! option v))))
(cons #f acct-type-list) #f #f #f)))
(define (gnc:multichoice-list-lookup full-lst item)
(or (list-index (lambda (i) (eq? (vector-ref i 0) item)) full-lst)
(rpterror-earlier "multichoice" item (car full-lst))
;; multichoice options use the option-data as a list of vectors.
;; Each vector contains a permissible value (scheme symbol), a
;; name, and a description string.
(define (gnc:make-multichoice-option
(gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option section
;; The multichoice-option with callback function is the same as the
;; usual multichoice options (see above), with the addition of two
;; function arguments. (If both of them are #f, you have exactly a
;; multichoice-option.) Both functions should expect one argument.
;; When the option's value is changed, the function
;; option-widget-changed-cb will be called with the new option value
;; at the time that the GUI widget representing the option is changed,
;; and the function setter-function-called-cb will be called when the
;; option's setter is called (that is, when the user selects "OK" or
;; "Apply").
(define (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
(define (multichoice-legal val p-vals)
(cond ((null? p-vals) #f)
((eq? val (vector-ref (car p-vals) 0)) #t)
(else (multichoice-legal val (cdr p-vals)))))
(define (multichoice-strings p-vals)
(if (null? p-vals)
(cons (vector-ref (car p-vals) 1)
(cons (vector-ref (car p-vals) 2)
(multichoice-strings (cdr p-vals))))))
(let* ((value default-value)
(value->string (lambda ()
(string-append "'" (gnc:value->string value)))))
section name sort-tag 'multichoice documentation-string
(lambda () value)
(lambda (x)
((and (equal? section "Display")
(equal? name "Parent account subtotals")
(equal? x 'canonically-tabbed))
(gnc:warn "canonically-tabbed obsolete. switching to 't")
(set! value 't))
((not (multichoice-legal x ok-values))
(rpterror-earlier "multichoice" x default-value))
(set! value x)
(if (procedure? setter-function-called-cb)
(setter-function-called-cb x)))))
(lambda () default-value)
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(lambda (b p) (qof-book-set-option b (symbol->string value) p))
(lambda (b p)
(let ((v (qof-book-get-option b p)))
(if (and v (string? v))
(set! value (string->symbol v)))))
(lambda (x)
(if (multichoice-legal x ok-values)
(list #t x)
(list #f "multichoice-option: illegal choice")))
(vector (lambda () (length ok-values))
(lambda (x) (vector-ref (list-ref ok-values x) 0))
(lambda (x) (vector-ref (list-ref ok-values x) 1))
(lambda (x) (vector-ref (list-ref ok-values x) 2))
(lambda (x)
(gnc:multichoice-list-lookup ok-values x)))
(lambda () (multichoice-strings ok-values))
(and option-widget-changed-cb
(lambda (x) (option-widget-changed-cb x))))))
;; radiobutton options use the option-data as a list of vectors.
;; Each vector contains a permissible value (scheme symbol), a
;; name, and a description string.
(define (gnc:make-radiobutton-option
(gnc:make-radiobutton-callback-option section
;; The radiobutton-option with callback function is the same as the
;; usual radiobutton options (see above), with the addition of two
;; function arguments. (If both of them are #f, you have exactly a
;; radiobutton-option.) Both functions should expect one argument.
;; When the option's value is changed, the function
;; option-widget-changed-cb will be called with the new option value
;; at the time that the GUI widget representing the option is changed,
;; and the function setter-function-called-cb will be called when the
;; option's setter is called (that is, when the user selects "OK" or
;; "Apply").
(define (gnc:make-radiobutton-callback-option
(define (radiobutton-legal val p-vals)
(cond ((null? p-vals) #f)
((eq? val (vector-ref (car p-vals) 0)) #t)
(else (radiobutton-legal val (cdr p-vals)))))
(define (radiobutton-strings p-vals)
(if (null? p-vals)
(cons (vector-ref (car p-vals) 1)
(cons (vector-ref (car p-vals) 2)
(radiobutton-strings (cdr p-vals))))))
(let* ((value default-value)
(value->string (lambda ()
(string-append "'" (gnc:value->string value)))))
section name sort-tag 'radiobutton documentation-string
(lambda () value)
(lambda (x)
(if (radiobutton-legal x ok-values)
(set! value x)
(if (procedure? setter-function-called-cb)
(setter-function-called-cb x)))
(rpterror-earlier "radiobutton" x default-value)))
(lambda () default-value)
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(lambda (b p) (qof-book-set-option b (symbol->string value) p))
(lambda (b p)
(let ((v (qof-book-get-option b p)))
(if (and v (string? v))
(set! value (string->symbol v)))))
(lambda (x)
(if (radiobutton-legal x ok-values)
(list #t x)
(list #f "radiobutton-option: illegal choice")))
(vector (lambda () (length ok-values))
(lambda (x) (vector-ref (list-ref ok-values x) 0))
(lambda (x) (vector-ref (list-ref ok-values x) 1))
(lambda (x) (vector-ref (list-ref ok-values x) 2))
(lambda (x)
(gnc:multichoice-list-lookup ok-values x)))
(lambda () (radiobutton-strings ok-values))
(and option-widget-changed-cb
(lambda (x) (option-widget-changed-cb x))))))
;; list options use the option-data in the same way as multichoice
;; options. List options allow the user to select more than one option.
(define (gnc:make-list-option
(define (legal-value? value legal-values)
(cond ((null? legal-values) #f)
((eq? value (vector-ref (car legal-values) 0)) #t)
(else (legal-value? value (cdr legal-values)))))
(define (list-legal values)
(cond ((null? values) #t)
(legal-value? (car values) ok-values)
(list-legal (cdr values))))))
(define (list-strings p-vals)
(if (null? p-vals)
(cons (vector-ref (car p-vals) 1)
(cons (vector-ref (car p-vals) 2)
(list-strings (cdr p-vals))))))
(let* ((value default-value)
(value->string (lambda ()
(string-append "'" (gnc:value->string value)))))
section name sort-tag 'list documentation-string
(lambda () value)
(lambda (x)
(if (list-legal x)
(set! value x)
(rpterror-earlier "list" x default-value)))
(lambda () default-value)
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(lambda (b p)
(qof-book-set-option b (length value) (append p '("len")))
(let loop ((value value) (idx 0))
(unless (null? value)
b (caar value) (append p (list (format #f "item~a" idx))))
(loop (cdr value) (1+ idx)))))
(lambda (b p)
(let ((len (qof-book-get-option b (append p '("len")))))
(if (and len (integer? len))
(set! value
(lambda (idx)
(qof-book-get-option b (append p (list (format #f "item~a" idx)))))
(iota len))))))
(lambda (x)
(if (list-legal x)
(list #t x)
(list #f "list-option: illegal value")))
(vector (lambda () (length ok-values))
(lambda (x) (vector-ref (list-ref ok-values x) 0))
(lambda (x) (vector-ref (list-ref ok-values x) 1))
2020-12-04 04:37:07 -06:00
(lambda (x) (vector-ref (list-ref ok-values x) 2))
(lambda (x) (gnc:multichoice-list-lookup ok-values x)))
(lambda () (list-strings ok-values)) #f)))
;; number range options use the option-data as a list whose
;; elements are: (lower-bound upper-bound num-decimals step-size)
(define (gnc:make-number-range-option
(let* ((value default-value)
(value->string (lambda () (number->string value))))
section name sort-tag 'number-range documentation-string
(lambda () value)
(lambda (x) (set! value x))
(lambda () default-value)
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(lambda (b p) (qof-book-set-option b value p))
(lambda (b p)
(let ((v (qof-book-get-option b p)))
(if (and v (number? v))
(set! value v))))
(lambda (x)
(cond ((not (number? x)) (list #f "number-range-option: not a number"))
((and (>= value lower-bound)
(<= value upper-bound))
(list #t x))
(else (list #f "number-range-option: out of range"))))
(list lower-bound upper-bound num-decimals step-size)
#f #f #f)))
;; number plot size options use the option-data as a list whose
;; elements are: (lower-bound upper-bound num-decimals step-size)
;; which is used for the valid pixel range
(define (gnc:make-number-plot-size-option
(let* ((value default-value)
(value->string (lambda ()
(string-append "'" (gnc:value->string value)))))
section name sort-tag 'plot-size documentation-string
(lambda () value) ;;getter
(lambda (x)
(if (number? x) ;; this is for old style plot size
(set! value (cons 'pixels x))
(set! value x))) ;;setter
(lambda () default-value) ;;default-getter
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string) ;;restore-form
(lambda (b p)
(qof-book-set-option b (symbol->string (car value))
(append p '("type")))
(qof-book-set-option b (if (symbol? (cdr value))
(symbol->string (cdr value))
(cdr value))
(append p '("value")))) ;;scm->kvp
(lambda (b p)
(let ((t (qof-book-get-option b (append p '("type"))))
(v (qof-book-get-option b (append p '("value")))))
(if (and t v (string? t))
(set! value (cons (string->symbol t)
(if (string? v) (string->number v) v)))))) ;;kvp->scm
(lambda (x)
(if (eq? 'pixels (car x))
(cond ((not (number? (cdr x))) (list #f "number-plot-size-option-pixels: not a number"))
((and (>= (cdr x) lower-bound)
(<= (cdr x) upper-bound))
(list #t x))
(else (list #f "number-plot-size-option-pixels: out of range")))
(cond ((not (number? (cdr x))) (list #f "number-plot-size-option-percentage: not a number"))
((and (>= (cdr x) 10)
(<= (cdr x) 100))
(list #t x))
(else (list #f "number-plot-size-option-percentage: out of range")))
) ;;value-validator
(list lower-bound upper-bound num-decimals step-size) ;;option-data
#f #f #f))) ;;option-data-fns, strings-getter, option-widget-changed-proc
(define (gnc:plot-size-option-value-type option-value)
(car option-value))
(define (gnc:plot-size-option-value option-value)
(cdr option-value))
(define (gnc:make-internal-option
(let* ((value default-value)
(value->string (lambda ()
(string-append "'" (gnc:value->string value)))))
section name "" 'internal #f
(lambda () value)
(lambda (x) (set! value x))
(lambda () default-value)
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(lambda (x) (list #t x))
#f #f #f #f)))
(define (gnc:make-query-option
(let* ((value (if (list? default-value)
(gnc-query2scm default-value)))
(value->string (lambda ()
(string-append "'" (gnc:value->string value)))))
section name "" 'query #f
(lambda () value)
(lambda (x) (set! value (if (list? x) x (gnc-query2scm x))))
(lambda () (if (list? default-value)
(gnc-query2scm default-value)))
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(lambda (x) (list #t x))
#f #f #f #f)))
;; Color options store rgba values in a list.
;; The option-data is a list, whose first element
;; is the range of possible rgba values and whose
;; second element is a boolean indicating whether
;; to use alpha transparency.
(define (gnc:make-color-option
(define (canonicalize values)
(map exact->inexact values))
(define (values-in-range values)
(if (null? values)
(let ((value (car values)))
(and (number? value)
(>= value 0)
(<= value range)
(values-in-range (cdr values))))))
(define (validate-color color)
(cond ((not (list? color)) (list #f "color-option: not a list"))
((not (= 4 (length color))) (list #f "color-option: wrong length"))
((not (values-in-range color))
(list #f "color-option: bad color values"))
(else (list #t color))))
(let* ((value (canonicalize default-value))
(value->string (lambda ()
(string-append "'" (gnc:value->string value)))))
section name sort-tag 'color documentation-string
(lambda () value)
(lambda (x) (set! value (canonicalize x)))
(lambda () (canonicalize default-value))
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(list range use-alpha)
#f #f #f)))
(define (gnc:color->hex-string color range)
(define (html-value value)
(min 255.0
(truncate (* (/ 255.0 range) value)))))
(define (number->hex-string number)
(let ((ret (number->string number 16)))
(cond ((< (string-length ret) 2) (string-append "0" ret))
(else ret))))
(let ((red (car color))
(green (cadr color))
(blue (caddr color)))
(number->hex-string (html-value red))
(number->hex-string (html-value green))
(number->hex-string (html-value blue)))))
(define (gnc:color->html color range)
(string-append "#"
(gnc:color->hex-string color range)))
(define (gnc:color-option->html color-option)
(let ((color (gnc:option-value color-option))
(range (car (gnc:option-data color-option))))
(gnc:color->html color range)))
(define (gnc:color-option->hex-string color-option)
(let ((color (gnc:option-value color-option))
(range (car (gnc:option-data color-option))))
(gnc:color->hex-string color range)))
;; dateformat option
(define (gnc:make-dateformat-option
(define (def-value)
(if (list? default-value)
(list 'unset 'number #t "")))
(let* ((value (def-value))
(value->string (lambda ()
(string-append "'" (gnc:value->string value)))))
section name sort-tag 'dateformat documentation-string
(lambda () value)
(lambda (x) (set! value x))
(lambda () (def-value))
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
(lambda (b p)
(if (eq? (car value) 'unset)
(qof-book-options-delete b p );; delete the kvp when unset
b (symbol->string (car value)) (append p '("fmt")))
b (symbol->string (cadr value)) (append p '("month")))
b (if (caddr value) 1 0) (append p '("years")))
b (cadddr value) (append p '("custom"))))))
(lambda (f p)
(let ((fmt (qof-book-get-option f (append p '("fmt"))))
(month (qof-book-get-option f (append p '("month"))))
(years (qof-book-get-option f (append p '("years"))))
(custom (qof-book-get-option f (append p '("custom")))))
(if (and
fmt (string? fmt)
month (string? month)
years (number? years)
custom (string? custom))
(set! value (list (string->symbol fmt) (string->symbol month)
(if (= years 0) #f #t) custom)))))
(lambda (x)
(cond ((not (list? x)) (list #f "dateformat-option: not a list"))
((not (= (length x) 4))
(list #f "dateformat-option: wrong list length" (length x)))
((not (symbol? (car x)))
(list #f "dateformat-option: no format symbol"))
((not (symbol? (cadr x)))
(list #f "dateformat-option: no months symbol"))
((not (string? (cadddr x)))
(list #f "dateformat-option: no custom string"))
(else (list #t x))))
#f #f #f #f)))
(define (gnc:dateformat-get-format v)
(cadddr v))
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(define (gnc:make-currency-accounting-option
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(define (legal-val val p-vals)
(cond ((null? p-vals) #f)
((not (symbol? val)) #f)
((eq? val (vector-ref (car p-vals) 0)) #t)
(else (legal-val val (cdr p-vals)))))
(define (currency-lookup currency-string)
(if (string? currency-string)
(gnc-commodity-table-get-table (gnc-get-current-book))
(define (currency? val)
(gnc-commodity-is-currency (currency-lookup val)))
(define (vector-strings p-vals)
(if (null? p-vals)
(cons (vector-ref (car p-vals) 1)
(cons (vector-ref (car p-vals) 2)
(vector-strings (cdr p-vals))))))
(define (currency->scm currency)
(if (string? currency)
(gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic currency)))
(define (scm->currency currency)
(currency-lookup currency))
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
(define (valid-gains-loss-account? book-currency gains-loss-account-guid)
;; xaccAccountLookup returns Account if guid valid otherwise NULL; also must
;; be in book-currency, income or expense, and not placeholder nor hidden
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
(let* ((account (xaccAccountLookup gains-loss-account-guid
(and account
(not (null? account))
(not (xaccAccountIsHidden account))
(not (xaccAccountGetPlaceholder account))
(memv (xaccAccountGetType account)
(currency-lookup book-currency)
(xaccAccountGetCommodity account)))))
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(let* ((value (if (eq? 'book-currency default-radiobutton-value)
(list default-radiobutton-value
(list default-radiobutton-value)))
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(value->string (lambda ()
(string-append "'" (gnc:value->string
(car value)))))
(trading-accounts-path (list gnc:*option-section-accounts*
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(book-currency-path (list gnc:*option-section-accounts*
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(gains-policy-path (list gnc:*option-section-accounts*
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
(gains-loss-account-path (list gnc:*option-section-accounts*
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
section name sort-tag 'currency-accounting
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
(lambda () value) ;; getter
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(lambda (x)
(if (legal-val (car x) ok-radiobutton-values)
(set! value x)
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
(gnc:error "Illegal Radiobutton option set"))) ;;setter
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(lambda () (if (eq? 'book-currency default-radiobutton-value)
(list default-radiobutton-value
(list default-radiobutton-value))) ;; default-getter
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(gnc:restore-form-generator value->string)
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
(lambda (b p) ;; scm->kvp
(case (car value)
;; Currency = selected currency
(qof-book-set-option b (currency->scm (cadr value))
;; Default Gains Policy = selected policy
(qof-book-set-option b (symbol->string (caddr value))
;; Default Gains Account = if selected, selected account
(if (car (cdddr value))
(qof-book-set-option b (car (cdddr value))
;; Use Trading Accounts = "t"
(qof-book-set-option b "t" trading-accounts-path))))
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
(lambda (b p) ;; kvp->scm
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(let* ((trading-option-path-kvp?
(qof-book-get-option b trading-accounts-path))
(trading? (and trading-option-path-kvp?
(string=? "t" trading-option-path-kvp?)))
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(book-currency #f)
(cap-gains-policy #f)
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
(gains-loss-account-guid #f)
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(v (if trading?
(let* ((book-currency-option-path-kvp?
b book-currency-path))
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
b gains-policy-path))
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
b gains-loss-account-path))
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(if (and book-currency-option-path-kvp?
(if book-currency-option-path-kvp?
(if gains-policy-option-path-kvp?
Book-Currency Feature step 5 Save a default gain/loss account in a book KVP and clean up some other book-currency items. The changes made are: app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & h - define new functions: gnc_book_get_book_currency_name, gnc_book_get_default_gain_loss_acct; reflect changed function names: qof_book_get_book_currency_name, gnc_valid_policy_name app-utils/options.scm - reflect changed function name: gnc-valid-policy-name app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - include tests for gnc_book_get_default_gain_loss_acct; reflect changed function name: gnc_book_get_book_currency_name engine/policy-p.h - add policy name, description and hint to policy structure engine/policy.c & h - simplify gnc_get_valid_policy_list & define new functions: gnc_valid_policy, PolicyGetName, PolicyGetDescription, PolicyGetHint, xaccGetLIFOPolicy gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - conform to changes to gnc_get_valid_policy_list and use new function gnc_cost_policy_select_new gnome-utils/dialog-utils.c & h - define new function: gnc_cost_policy_select_new libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & h - define new property: PROP_OPT_DEFAULT_GAINS_ACCOUNT_GUID and new function: qof_book_get_default_gain_loss_acct_guid changed function name: qof_book_get_book_currency_name libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - define new option: OPTION_NAME_DEFAULT_GAINS_LOSS_ACCT_GUID libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - reflect changed function names: qof_book_get_book_currency_name, gnc_valid_policy_name; add test for qof_book_get_default_gain_loss_acct_guid
2016-06-17 15:48:03 -05:00
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(set! book-currency
(set! cap-gains-policy
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
(if gains-loss-account-option-path-kvp?
(if (valid-gains-loss-account?
(set! gains-loss-account-guid
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(if book-currency?
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
(if (and v (symbol? v) (legal-val v ok-radiobutton-values))
(set! value (cons v (if (eq? 'book-currency v)
(list (scm->currency book-currency)
(string->symbol cap-gains-policy)
(set! value (list 'neither)))))
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
(lambda (x) ;; value validator
((not (list? x))
(list #f "value not a list"))
((not (legal-val (car x) ok-radiobutton-values))
(list #f "radiobutton-option: illegal choice"))
((not (eq? 'book-currency (car x)))
(list #t x))
((not (currency? (currency->scm (cadr x))))
(list #f "currency-option: illegal value"))
((not (gnc-valid-policy-name (symbol->string (caddr x))))
(list #f "cap-gains-policy-option: illegal value"))
((not (car (cdddr x)))
(list #t x))
((not (valid-gains-loss-account? (currency->scm (cadr x))
(car (cdddr x))))
(list #f "gains-loss-account-option: illegal value"))
(list #t x))))
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(vector book-currency-documentation-string
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(vector (lambda () (length ok-radiobutton-values))
(lambda (x) (vector-ref (list-ref ok-radiobutton-values x) 0))
(lambda (x) (vector-ref (list-ref ok-radiobutton-values x) 1))
(lambda (x) (vector-ref (list-ref ok-radiobutton-values x) 2))
(lambda (x)
(gnc:multichoice-list-lookup ok-radiobutton-values x)))
(lambda () (vector-strings ok-radiobutton-values))
(define (gnc:get-currency-accounting-option-data-curr-doc-string option-data)
(vector-ref option-data 0))
(define (gnc:get-currency-accounting-option-data-default-curr option-data)
(vector-ref option-data 1))
(define (gnc:get-currency-accounting-option-data-policy-doc-string option-data)
(vector-ref option-data 2))
(define (gnc:get-currency-accounting-option-data-policy-default option-data)
(vector-ref option-data 3))
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
(define (gnc:get-currency-accounting-option-data-gain-loss-account-doc-string option-data)
(vector-ref option-data 4))
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(define (gnc:currency-accounting-option-get-curr-doc-string option)
(if (eq? (gnc:option-type option) 'currency-accounting)
(gnc:option-data option))
(gnc:error "Not a currency accounting option")))
(define (gnc:currency-accounting-option-get-default-curr option)
(if (eq? (gnc:option-type option) 'currency-accounting)
(gnc:option-data option))
(gnc:error "Not a currency accounting option")))
(define (gnc:currency-accounting-option-get-policy-doc-string option)
(if (eq? (gnc:option-type option) 'currency-accounting)
(gnc:option-data option))
(gnc:error "Not a currency accounting option")))
(define (gnc:currency-accounting-option-get-default-policy option)
(if (eq? (gnc:option-type option) 'currency-accounting)
(gnc:option-data option))
(gnc:error "Not a currency accounting option")))
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
(define (gnc:currency-accounting-option-get-gain-loss-account-doc-string option)
(if (eq? (gnc:option-type option) 'currency-accounting)
(gnc:option-data option))
(gnc:error "Not a currency accounting option")))
Book-Currency Feature Step 3 Add an option to the File->Properties dialog to select a Currency Accounting Method, and to specify the book-currency and a default gains/loss policy if the 'book-currency' method is selected. Revert some changes made in prior commits. Other than storing and retrieving the book-currency and policy in book KVPs, the behavior of gnucash has not been affected by these changes. The changes made are: engine/policy.c & .h - define valid policies and their descriptions and hints; define functions gnc_get_valid_policy_list and gnc_valid_policy engine/engine.i - include policy.h; define 'CURRENCY-ACCOUNTING', 'BOOK-CURRENCY', and 'DEFAULT-GAINS-POLICY' as option names engine/test/utest-Split.cpp - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts engine/test/utest-Transaction.c - revert prior commit that modified test function for trading accounts libqof/qof/qofbookslots.h - revert prior commit that defined Currency Accounting Method; modify definitions of Currency Accounting and Book Currency; add definition of default gains policy; keep the previous Trading Accounts definition libqof/qof/qofbook.cpp & .h - reverted function to determine currency accounting method; add function to get book-currency, revert previously committed changes to function to determine if book uses trading accounts; add function to get gains policy; modify gobject properties accordingly libqof/qof/test/test-qofbook.c - revert prior modification to test function for trading accounts; define tests for book-currency and default gains policies app-utils/options.scm - define make-currency-accounting-option and required support functions app-utils/options-util.c & .h - make support functions of make-currency-accounting-option available in c code app-utils/test/test-options-util.c - include tests for using book-currency app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c & .h - define gnc_book_use_book_currency, gnc_book_get_book_currency and gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy functions app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - set up tests for new gnc-ui-util functions app-utils/test/test-app-utils.c - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/test/ - include test-gnc-ui-util.c app-utils/app-utils.scm - define and export book options for Currency Accounting, Book-Currency and Default Gains Policy; export required currency-accounting-option support functions app-utils/business-prefs.scm - replace the Trading Accounts boolean option with a currency-accounting-option and rearrange the order of the options gnome-utils/dialog-options.c - define functions for set-ui-widget, set-ui-value, and get-ui-value for 'currency-accounting' option and various other support functions
2015-06-27 18:06:56 -05:00
(define (gnc:currency-accounting-option-selected-method option-value)
(car option-value))
(define (gnc:currency-accounting-option-selected-currency option-value)
(if (eq? (car option-value) 'book-currency)
(cadr option-value)
(define (gnc:currency-accounting-option-selected-policy option-value)
(if (eq? (car option-value) 'book-currency)
(caddr option-value)
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
(define (gnc:currency-accounting-option-selected-gain-loss-account option-value)
(if (eq? (car option-value) 'book-currency)
(car (cdddr option-value))
;; Create a new options database
(define (gnc:new-options)
(define option-hash (make-hash-table 23))
(define options-changed #f)
(define changed-hash (make-hash-table 23))
(define callback-hash (make-hash-table 23))
(define last-callback-id 0)
2019-07-27 22:23:10 -05:00
(define new-names-alist
'(("Accounts to include" #f "Accounts")
("Exclude transactions between selected accounts?" #f
"Exclude transactions between selected accounts")
("Filter Accounts" #f "Filter By...")
("Flatten list to depth limit?" #f "Flatten list to depth limit")
("From" #f "Start Date")
("Report Accounts" #f "Accounts")
("Report Currency" #f "Report's currency")
("Show Account Code?" #f "Show Account Code")
("Show Full Account Name?" #f "Show Full Account Name")
("Show Multi-currency Totals?" #f "Show Multi-currency Totals")
("Show zero balance items?" #f "Show zero balance items")
("Sign Reverses?" #f "Sign Reverses")
("To" #f "End Date")
("Charge Type" #f "Action") ;easy-invoice.scm, renamed June 2018
;; the following 4 options in income-gst-statement.scm renamed Dec 2018
("Individual income columns" #f "Individual sales columns")
("Individual expense columns" #f "Individual purchases columns")
("Remittance amount" #f "Gross Balance")
("Net Income" #f "Net Balance")
;; transaction.scm:
("Use Full Account Name?" #f "Use Full Account Name")
("Use Full Other Account Name?" #f "Use Full Other Account Name")
("Void Transactions?" "Filter" "Void Transactions")
("Void Transactions" "Filter" "Void Transactions")
("Account Substring" "Filter" "Account Name Filter")
("Enable links" #f "Enable Links")
;; trep-engine: moved currency options to own tab
("Common Currency" "Currency" "Common Currency")
("Show original currency amount" "Currency" "Show original currency amount")
("Report's currency" "Currency" "Report's currency")
;; new-owner-report.scm, renamed Oct 2020 to differentiate with
;; Document Links:
("Links" #f "Transaction Links")
2019-07-27 22:23:10 -05:00
;; invoice.scm, renamed November 2018
("Individual Taxes" #f "Use Detailed Tax Summary")
;; income-gst-statement.scm
("default format" #f "Default Format")
2019-07-27 22:23:10 -05:00
(define (lookup-option section name)
(let ((section-hash (hash-ref option-hash section)))
2019-07-27 22:23:10 -05:00
(and section-hash
(or (hash-ref section-hash name)
;; Option name was not found. Perhaps it was renamed?
;; Let's try to map to a known new name. The alist
;; new-names-alist will try match names - car is the old
;; name, cdr is the 2-element list describing
;; newsection newname. If newsection is #f then reuse
;; previous section name. Please note the rename list
;; currently supports renaming individual option names,
;; or individual option names moved to another
;; section. It does not currently support renaming
;; whole sections.
(let ((name-match (assoc-ref new-names-alist name)))
(and name-match
(let ((new-section (car name-match))
(new-name (cadr name-match)))
2019-07-27 22:23:10 -05:00
(format #f "option ~a/~a has been renamed to ~a/~a\n"
section name new-section new-name))
;; new-name only
((not new-section)
(lookup-option section new-name))
;; new-section different to current section
;; name, and possibly new-name
((not (string=? new-section section))
(lookup-option new-section new-name))
;; no match, return #f
(else #f)))))))))
(define (option-changed section name)
(set! options-changed #t)
(let ((section-changed-hash (hash-ref changed-hash section)))
(if (not section-changed-hash)
(set! section-changed-hash (make-hash-table 23))
(hash-set! changed-hash section section-changed-hash)))
(hash-set! section-changed-hash name #t)))
(define (clear-changes)
(set! options-changed #f)
(set! changed-hash (make-hash-table 23)))
(define (register-option new-option)
(let* ((name (gnc:option-name new-option))
(section (gnc:option-section new-option))
(section-hash (hash-ref option-hash section)))
(if (not section-hash)
(set! section-hash (make-hash-table 23))
(hash-set! option-hash section section-hash)))
(hash-set! section-hash name new-option)
(lambda () (option-changed section name)))))
(define (unregister-option section name)
(let* ((section-hash (hash-ref option-hash section)))
(if (and section-hash
(hash-ref section-hash name))
(hash-remove! section-hash name)
(if (zero? (hash-count (const #t) section-hash))
(hash-remove! option-hash section)))
(gnc:error "options:unregister-option: no such option\n"))))
; Call (thunk option) for each option in the database
(define (options-for-each thunk)
(define (section-for-each section-hash thunk)
(lambda (name option)
(thunk option))
(lambda (section hash)
(section-for-each hash thunk))
(define (options-for-each-general section-thunk option-thunk)
(define (section-for-each section-hash thunk)
(lambda (name option)
(thunk option))
(lambda (section hash)
(if section-thunk
(section-thunk section hash))
(if option-thunk
(section-for-each hash option-thunk)))
(define (generate-restore-forms options-string)
(define (generate-option-restore-form option restore-code)
(let* ((section (gnc:option-section option))
(name (gnc:option-name option)))
"(let ((option (gnc:lookup-option " options-string "\n"
" " (gnc:value->string section) "\n"
" " (gnc:value->string name) ")))\n"
" (" restore-code " option))\n\n")))
(define (generate-forms port)
(lambda (section hash)
(string-append "\n; Section: " section "\n\n")
(lambda (option)
(let ((value (gnc:option-value option))
(default-value (gnc:option-default-value option)))
(if (not (equal? value default-value))
(let* ((generator (gnc:option-generate-restore-form option))
(restore-code (false-if-exception (generator))))
(if restore-code
(generate-option-restore-form option restore-code)
(call-with-output-string generate-forms))
(define (scm->kvp book)
(lambda (option)
(let ((value (gnc:option-value option))
(default-value (gnc:option-default-value option))
(section (gnc:option-section option))
(name (gnc:option-name option)))
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
;; (gnc:debug "value: " value "; default: " default-value
;; "; section: " section "; name: " name)
(if (not (equal? value default-value))
(let ((save-fcn (gnc:option-scm->kvp option)))
Book-Currency Feature step 6 Modify File->Properties dialog to maintain a default gain/loss account in a book KVP. The changes made are: app-utils/app-utils.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/business-prefs.scm - define items related to book default gain/loss acct;re-arrange sequence of options to make default (neither) first app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c - refine gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/option-util.c & h - define items related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/options.scm - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct app-utils/test/test-gnc-ui-util.c - for gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy, add tests to check for hidden and/or placeholder status app-utils/test/test-option-util.cpp - add tests related to book default gain/loss acct engine/engine.i - define item related to book default gain/loss acct gnome-utils/dialog-options.c & h - add functionality related to book default gain/loss acct and rearrange dialog layout; make gain/loss acct widget refresh on account maintenance gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c - only allow one book-option dialog if called from file->properties gnome-utils/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget; add tooltip text for dialog buttons gnome/assistant-hierarchy.c - change sequence of pages: book options before currency selection; if book currency selected, currency also selected gnome/gtkbuilder/ - increase dialog height to accomodate book default gain/loss acct widget
2017-07-09 14:19:36 -05:00
;; (gnc:debug "save-fcn: " save-fcn)
(if save-fcn
(save-fcn book (list section name)))))))))
(define (kvp->scm book)
(lambda (option)
(let ((section (gnc:option-section option))
(name (gnc:option-name option))
(load-fcn (gnc:option-kvp->scm option)))
(if load-fcn
(load-fcn book (list section name)))))))
(define (register-callback section name callback)
(let ((id last-callback-id)
(data (list section name callback)))
(set! last-callback-id (+ last-callback-id 1))
(hashv-set! callback-hash id data)
(define (unregister-callback-id id)
(if (hashv-ref callback-hash id)
(hashv-remove! callback-hash id)
(gnc:error "options:unregister-callback-id: no such id\n")))
(define (run-callbacks)
(define (run-callback id cbdata)
(let ((section (car cbdata))
(name (cadr cbdata))
(callback (caddr cbdata)))
(if (not section)
(let ((section-changed-hash (hash-ref changed-hash section)))
(if section-changed-hash
(if (not name)
(if (hash-ref section-changed-hash name)
(if options-changed
2001-05-10 Bill Gribble <> * src/gnome/dialog-column-view.c: change handling of component reports. now we explicitly handle the case of the column view, which is the only report that needs to save/restore its children. * src/gnome/gnc-html-guppi.c: add printing support for graphs. Doesn't really work on my system ATM. I'll follow up on it. * src/gnome/window-main.c: move save/restore forms out of gnome MDI config string. rename some functions. * src/gnome/window-report.c: save the initial report in a window for special treatment. It's the one that gets saved and restored, and whose title appears in the tab. * src/scm/*: remove instances of report-add-child and friends. The concept is unnecessary. * src/scm/main-window.scm: save report and account data to a new file named after the book in the directory ~/.gnucash/books. * src/scm/options.scm: run option-changed callbacks in the order they were added. Add gnc:options-touch to dirty the options without changing anything. * src/scm/report.scm: add new optional fields for the define-report form: 'options-cleanup-cb and 'options-changed-cb. 'options-cleanup-cb is called before book save to allow you to clean up any mess that you don't want saved. 'options-changed-cb is called after any report option is changed. Both are optional. Also get rid of the concept of 'display-lists' for reports and let the displays update themselves with callbacks. Get rid of parents and children for the reports. * src/scm/report/view-column.scm: revamp to handle options processing, saving, and rendering better. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
2001-05-10 17:30:45 -05:00
(let ((cblist '()))
(lambda (k v) (set! cblist (cons (cons k v) cblist)))
(set! cblist (sort cblist
(lambda (a b)
(< (car a) (car b)))))
(lambda (elt) (run-callback (car elt) (cdr elt)))
2001-05-10 Bill Gribble <> * src/gnome/dialog-column-view.c: change handling of component reports. now we explicitly handle the case of the column view, which is the only report that needs to save/restore its children. * src/gnome/gnc-html-guppi.c: add printing support for graphs. Doesn't really work on my system ATM. I'll follow up on it. * src/gnome/window-main.c: move save/restore forms out of gnome MDI config string. rename some functions. * src/gnome/window-report.c: save the initial report in a window for special treatment. It's the one that gets saved and restored, and whose title appears in the tab. * src/scm/*: remove instances of report-add-child and friends. The concept is unnecessary. * src/scm/main-window.scm: save report and account data to a new file named after the book in the directory ~/.gnucash/books. * src/scm/options.scm: run option-changed callbacks in the order they were added. Add gnc:options-touch to dirty the options without changing anything. * src/scm/report.scm: add new optional fields for the define-report form: 'options-cleanup-cb and 'options-changed-cb. 'options-cleanup-cb is called before book save to allow you to clean up any mess that you don't want saved. 'options-changed-cb is called after any report option is changed. Both are optional. Also get rid of the concept of 'display-lists' for reports and let the displays update themselves with callbacks. Get rid of parents and children for the reports. * src/scm/report/view-column.scm: revamp to handle options processing, saving, and rendering better. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
2001-05-10 17:30:45 -05:00
(define default-section #f)
2001-05-10 Bill Gribble <> * src/gnome/dialog-column-view.c: change handling of component reports. now we explicitly handle the case of the column view, which is the only report that needs to save/restore its children. * src/gnome/gnc-html-guppi.c: add printing support for graphs. Doesn't really work on my system ATM. I'll follow up on it. * src/gnome/window-main.c: move save/restore forms out of gnome MDI config string. rename some functions. * src/gnome/window-report.c: save the initial report in a window for special treatment. It's the one that gets saved and restored, and whose title appears in the tab. * src/scm/*: remove instances of report-add-child and friends. The concept is unnecessary. * src/scm/main-window.scm: save report and account data to a new file named after the book in the directory ~/.gnucash/books. * src/scm/options.scm: run option-changed callbacks in the order they were added. Add gnc:options-touch to dirty the options without changing anything. * src/scm/report.scm: add new optional fields for the define-report form: 'options-cleanup-cb and 'options-changed-cb. 'options-cleanup-cb is called before book save to allow you to clean up any mess that you don't want saved. 'options-changed-cb is called after any report option is changed. Both are optional. Also get rid of the concept of 'display-lists' for reports and let the displays update themselves with callbacks. Get rid of parents and children for the reports. * src/scm/report/view-column.scm: revamp to handle options processing, saving, and rendering better. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
2001-05-10 17:30:45 -05:00
(define (touch)
(set! options-changed #t)
(define (set-default-section section-name)
(set! default-section section-name))
(define (get-default-section)
(define (dispatch key)
(case key
((lookup) lookup-option)
((register-option) register-option)
((unregister-option) unregister-option)
((register-callback) register-callback)
((unregister-callback-id) unregister-callback-id)
((for-each) options-for-each)
((for-each-general) options-for-each-general)
((generate-restore-forms) generate-restore-forms)
((scm->kvp) scm->kvp)
((kvp->scm) kvp->scm)
2001-05-10 Bill Gribble <> * src/gnome/dialog-column-view.c: change handling of component reports. now we explicitly handle the case of the column view, which is the only report that needs to save/restore its children. * src/gnome/gnc-html-guppi.c: add printing support for graphs. Doesn't really work on my system ATM. I'll follow up on it. * src/gnome/window-main.c: move save/restore forms out of gnome MDI config string. rename some functions. * src/gnome/window-report.c: save the initial report in a window for special treatment. It's the one that gets saved and restored, and whose title appears in the tab. * src/scm/*: remove instances of report-add-child and friends. The concept is unnecessary. * src/scm/main-window.scm: save report and account data to a new file named after the book in the directory ~/.gnucash/books. * src/scm/options.scm: run option-changed callbacks in the order they were added. Add gnc:options-touch to dirty the options without changing anything. * src/scm/report.scm: add new optional fields for the define-report form: 'options-cleanup-cb and 'options-changed-cb. 'options-cleanup-cb is called before book save to allow you to clean up any mess that you don't want saved. 'options-changed-cb is called after any report option is changed. Both are optional. Also get rid of the concept of 'display-lists' for reports and let the displays update themselves with callbacks. Get rid of parents and children for the reports. * src/scm/report/view-column.scm: revamp to handle options processing, saving, and rendering better. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
2001-05-10 17:30:45 -05:00
((touch) touch)
((clear-changes) clear-changes)
((run-callbacks) run-callbacks)
((set-default-section) set-default-section)
((get-default-section) get-default-section)
(else (gnc:warn "options: bad key: " key "\n"))))
(define (gnc:register-option options new-option)
((options 'register-option) new-option))
(define (gnc:options-register-callback section name callback options)
((options 'register-callback) section name callback))
(define (gnc:options-register-c-callback section name c-callback data options)
(let ((callback (lambda () (gncp-option-invoke-callback c-callback data))))
((options 'register-callback) section name callback)))
(define (gnc:options-unregister-callback-id id options)
((options 'unregister-callback-id) id))
(define (gnc:options-for-each thunk options)
((options 'for-each) thunk))
(define (gnc:options-for-each-general section-thunk option-thunk options)
((options 'for-each-general) section-thunk option-thunk))
(define (gnc:lookup-option options section name)
(if options
((options 'lookup) section name)
(define (gnc:unregister-option options section name)
((options 'unregister-option) section name))
(define (gnc:generate-restore-forms options options-string)
((options 'generate-restore-forms) options-string))
(define (gnc:options-scm->kvp options book clear-option?)
(if clear-option?
(qof-book-options-delete book '()))
((options 'scm->kvp) book))
(define (gnc:options-kvp->scm options book)
((options 'kvp->scm) book))
(define (gnc:options-clear-changes options)
((options 'clear-changes)))
2001-05-10 Bill Gribble <> * src/gnome/dialog-column-view.c: change handling of component reports. now we explicitly handle the case of the column view, which is the only report that needs to save/restore its children. * src/gnome/gnc-html-guppi.c: add printing support for graphs. Doesn't really work on my system ATM. I'll follow up on it. * src/gnome/window-main.c: move save/restore forms out of gnome MDI config string. rename some functions. * src/gnome/window-report.c: save the initial report in a window for special treatment. It's the one that gets saved and restored, and whose title appears in the tab. * src/scm/*: remove instances of report-add-child and friends. The concept is unnecessary. * src/scm/main-window.scm: save report and account data to a new file named after the book in the directory ~/.gnucash/books. * src/scm/options.scm: run option-changed callbacks in the order they were added. Add gnc:options-touch to dirty the options without changing anything. * src/scm/report.scm: add new optional fields for the define-report form: 'options-cleanup-cb and 'options-changed-cb. 'options-cleanup-cb is called before book save to allow you to clean up any mess that you don't want saved. 'options-changed-cb is called after any report option is changed. Both are optional. Also get rid of the concept of 'display-lists' for reports and let the displays update themselves with callbacks. Get rid of parents and children for the reports. * src/scm/report/view-column.scm: revamp to handle options processing, saving, and rendering better. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
2001-05-10 17:30:45 -05:00
(define (gnc:options-touch options)
((options 'touch)))
(define (gnc:options-run-callbacks options)
((options 'run-callbacks)))
(define (gnc:options-set-default-section options section-name)
((options 'set-default-section) section-name))
(define (gnc:options-get-default-section options)
((options 'get-default-section)))
;; Copies all values from src-options to dest-options, that is, it
;; copies the values of all options from src which exist in dest to
;; there.
(define (gnc:options-copy-values src-options dest-options)
(lambda (src-option)
(let ((dest-option (gnc:lookup-option dest-options
(gnc:option-section src-option)
(gnc:option-name src-option))))
(if dest-option
(gnc:option-set-value dest-option
(gnc:option-value src-option)))))
(define (gnc:send-options db_handle options)
(lambda (option)
(gnc-option-db-register-option db_handle option))
(define (gnc:options-make-end-date! options pagename optname sort-tag info)
pagename optname
sort-tag info
(lambda ()
(cons 'relative 'end-accounting-period))
#f 'both
(define (gnc:options-make-date-interval! options pagename name-from info-from
name-to info-to sort-tag)
pagename name-from
(string-append sort-tag "a") info-from
(lambda () (cons 'relative 'start-accounting-period))
#f 'both
(gnc:options-make-end-date! options pagename name-to
(string-append sort-tag "b") info-to))
(define (gnc:option-make-internal! options section name)
;; this function will hide the option specified
;; the option functionality is unchanged
(let ((opt (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
(if opt
(vector-set! opt 3 'internal)
(gnc:error "gnc:option-make-internal! cannot find " section " / " name))))