2018-06-05 08:47:01 +02:00

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Docker guide

You can quickly get a server running using Docker. You need to have docker and docker-compose installed.



PeerTube needs a PostgreSQL and a Redis instance to work correctly. If you want to quickly set up a full environment, either for trying the service or in production, you can use a docker-compose setup.

$ cd /your/peertube/directory
$ mkdir ./docker-volume && mkdir ./docker-volume/traefik
$ curl "" > ./docker-volume/traefik/traefik.toml
$ touch ./docker-volume/traefik/acme.json && chmod 600 ./docker-volume/traefik/acme.json
$ curl -s "" -o docker-compose.yml "" -o .env

Update the reverse proxy configuration:

$ vim ./docker-volume/traefik/traefik.toml

Tweak the docker-compose.yml file there according to your needs:

$ vim ./docker-compose.yaml

Then tweak the .env file to change the enviromnent variables:

$ vim ./.env

Other environment variables are used in support/docker/production/config/custom-environment-variables.yaml and can be intuited from usage.

You can use the regular up command to set it up:

$ docker-compose up

Important: note that you'll get the initial root user password from the program output, so check out your logs to find them.


Pull the latest images and rerun PeerTube:

$ cd /your/peertube/directory
$ docker-compose down
$ docker-compose pull
$ docker-compose up -d

Build your own Docker image

$ git clone /tmp/peertube
$ cd /tmp/peertube
$ docker build . -f ./support/docker/production/Dockerfile.stretch


We don't have a Docker image for development. See the CONTRIBUTING guide for more information on how you can hack PeerTube!